China's largest e-commerce site sells 5 iPhones in 2 weeks



  • Reply 61 of 76
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jz1492 View Post

    So you know better because you were there... on tour?!

    The Abster2core Tour, don?t you know.


    Then why do they work as slaves, earn as slaves, talk like slaves (no criticism, no traces of self-interest, fearful of saying or doing the wrong thing, etc)?

    This hyperbole needs to end there is a huge difference between getting paid crap and being a slave. China is a lot like the US and Europe was during the industrial revolution. They may be a communist country but the entire underbelly of China is capitalist.


    Fry: You know the worst thing about being a slave? They make you work, but they don't pay you or let you go.

    Leela: That's the ONLY thing about being a slave.


    LOL. It was pure communism under Mao that caused the most deadly famine in human history. Communist North Korea doesn't need any natural disasters to constantly require food aid. In Cuba it is famous how they have had times when peas was all they had to eat... Oh, but they drink tons of KoolAid. Propaganda is an integral part of the left, from socialism to nazism. It shows you drank some of it.

    You can hate on another culture and country all you want but keep your political polemics out of this forum. This thread isn?t long enough yet for you to invoke Godwin's law.

    If you don?t want to buy anything made in China go for it. Start a movement, though it?ll be quite difficult, I assure you, because the growing capitalist part of China is seeing to it that Chinese made products are part of your everyday life. The irony is that fatter China grows on Western money the more Western products they will ultimately want and the people will want change. Their middle is growing very fast. Just look at McDonald?s entering the country. The rich don?t eat McDonald?s, the poor can?t afford it. It?s the busy middle class that McDonald?s go for when they enter a new market.
  • Reply 62 of 76
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    All cultures like fart jokes. True story.

    The oldest recorded joke is about a woman farting in a man's lap. LOL

    Here it is... sumerian humor at it's best...

    "Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."
  • Reply 63 of 76
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Again, Apple's iPhone sells very well in China, through the primary Chinese market for imported goods -- the black market.

    China's government does not want to participate in modern, legitimate business because they prefer unreasonable "red tape" that pushes imports into the black market where it is easier for local officials to make money for their families. Perhaps you see them traveling the world, or encounter their children at elite Western schools, or at shopping centers nearby.

    In any event, the iPhone is doing fine in China, as is Mercedes-Benz, although I doubt very many Mercedes are legally sold in China either. Instead they would be grey market imports, etc etc.
  • Reply 64 of 76
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ... You can hate on another culture and country all you want but keep your political polemics out of this forum...

    If you don’t want to buy anything made in China go for it. Start a movement, though it’ll be quite difficult, I assure you, because the growing capitalist part of China is seeing to it that Chinese made products are part of your everyday life. The irony is that fatter China grows on Western money the more Western products they will ultimately want and the people will want change. Their middle is growing very fast. Just look at McDonald’s entering the country. The rich don’t eat McDonald’s, the poor can’t afford it. It’s the busy middle class that McDonald’s go for when they enter a new market.

    Common, where did I say I hate anybody?? I have plenty of Chinese and Cuban friends, and they are great people. I don't even hate anybody in the Chinese government, not even Mao -he loved his people and his country, but from the misguided communist perspective.

    It's just the communist system that has to be abolished, to stop the wrecking of human lives "in the name of the common good".
  • Reply 65 of 76
    Originally Posted by jz1492 View Post

    It's just the communist system that has to be abolished, to stop the wrecking of human lives "in the name of the common good".

    As opposed to wrecking human lives in the name of profits?

    Capitalism has been such a raging success and all, with 10% of the population owning 90% of the wealth.
  • Reply 66 of 76
    xingxing Posts: 8member
    Hard to sell turnips to a turnip farmer.

    The iPhones are made thier much easier just to buy it off the grey market. Also telephones & tech ahead of what's available in the US. Lots of choices Ophones etc...

    Sorry US folks when you don't make anything you get consumer tech later ,welcome to the hand me down times.
  • Reply 67 of 76
    29922992 Posts: 202member

    [...] the same handset can be purchased on the gray market in Hong Kong for about $800.

    - that's wrong.

    In HK the iPhone is officially not locked on any carrier. There is basically no gray/black market for iPhones: all of them are legit ones.
  • Reply 68 of 76
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by 2992 View Post

    - that's wrong.

    In HK the iPhone is officially not locked on any carrier. There is basically no gray/black market for iPhones: all of them are legit ones.

    That is wrong, but it used to be right. It?s been over a year now since Hong Kong has gotten the iPhone 3G, unlocked so there really is no need for the grey market there. I recall reading that mainland China sells the unlocked 16GB iPhone 3GS for $800. I?d wager the writer just got their data crossed.
  • Reply 69 of 76
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    Yeah... Thanx to the outrageous price and the lack of wifi

    Plus. 5-7 years ago america was number 3 worldwide in speed. We are now number 29. Some of these countries watch TV on their phones. Something we can't do with any phone really. We are so slow by comparison.
  • Reply 70 of 76
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Plus. 5-7 years ago america was number 3 worldwide in speed. We are now number 29. Some of these countries watch RV on their phones. Something we can't do with any phone really. We are so slow by comparison.

    Do you have link to this list?
  • Reply 71 of 76
    Originally Posted by LongDukDong View Post

    As opposed to wrecking human lives in the name of profits?

    Capitalism has been such a raging success and all, with 10% of the population owning 90% of the wealth.

    As opposed to what? .0001% of the population owning 99% of the wealth in a communist country?!

    Owning the wealth doesn't mean you consume that wealth. For the low earner, income approximates consumption (+savers / -credit spenders). For the high earners, consumption is a minimal part of their income -the rest is investment capital, or "playing tokens" in the capitalist economy.

    Capital needs to be concentrated to be of any effectiveness. The investments necessary to satisfy the needs of a nation are huge and need to be managed by small groups of people in order to be sensibly made.

    Under communism, that group would be the Party, integrated mainly by politicians with little or no business abilities. Under capitalism, the people compete in an open market that selects the best.

    It is well known that few people have what is needed to start and grow a competitive, efficient business, which is one reason why CEOs earn star salaries; they really make a difference.

    In true capitalism, the barriers to entry are low and accessible to anyone, yet competition prevents the mediocre from accumulating investment capital, which is a good thing, as the least thing we want is for the nation's wealth to be invested poorly.

    Steve Jobs and other great capitalist leaders were from relatively poor families, and would not have had a chance under communism. They live the true American dream.

    Profits are actually a good thing. Marx got it wrong when he equated value with labor, which has been proven to be incorrect. Value is created when you produce objects and services that others need or want.

    The greater the need, the higher the value, so when I sell you a candy bar, that cost me 90c, for $1, it is only because for you, at that moment, the candy bar was more valuable than the dollar, or you wouldn't have exchanged it. That's the profit -the difference between cost and actual human value.

    And it works beautifully. Capitalists are focused on creating the greatest amount of value (which includes the quality of the service you get) at the minimum cost, creating wealth.

    Under capitalism, businesses that wreck human lives in the name of profits are an oxymoron (wrecking human lives = destroyed value), and don't last long.

    The relatively few horror stories in the media are more the exception than the rule, unlike in communist countries where they don't care about the individual's needs, and you get whatever the far-away supreme leader dictates -no complaining allowed.
  • Reply 72 of 76
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Yay! Give'em two wifis.
  • Reply 73 of 76
    They sold 5???

    Wow, that's 6 more than I expected.
  • Reply 74 of 76
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Should it have been:

    "Welcome back to AI, I look forward to your banning again in the near future."

    Whatever fits best.
  • Reply 75 of 76
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That is wrong, but it used to be right. It?s been over a year now since Hong Kong has gotten the iPhone 3G, unlocked so there really is no need for the grey market there. I recall reading that mainland China sells the unlocked 16GB iPhone 3GS for $800. I?d wager the writer just got their data crossed.

    I agree with your point of view
  • Reply 76 of 76

    China is just good in manufacturing, nobody is more interested to sell their products in china. 

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