iPod touch use outpaces iPhone, could foster Apple loyalty - report



  • Reply 21 of 36
    Originally Posted by Inkling View Post

    What the iPhone/touch market needs are more choices for consumers. Sales of both products are high enough to support more rugged 'sport' models and for the iPod touch a model with GPS and VoIP designed especially for travelers.

    No objections to that; I think it is a shame that Apple doesn't have built-in SIP support!


    ...cell companies need to offer reasonably priced pay-per-byte plans. On the go, I don't need a data plan, much less a pricey unlimited one. I can wait until I get to a WiFi connection for heavy data uses. Instead, I need to be able to access small blocks of data on the go, typically to know whether buses are running on time.

    I disagree on this one. What needs to be available are pre-paid SIM cards that you can easily top up. If you paid by the byte, it would look a lot like international roaming costs, at $20/MB. It is amazing how much data is used with a good smartphone; it is in the nature of the beast. Paying by the byte (or minute) just complicates matters. When I travel to countries that it is easy to get a SIM card, life is grand: Pay $10 for a SIM, plus a $10 top-up or so, and I have effectively unlimited access for a couple weeks. In contrast, pay T-Mo for WiFi and you are looking at $10 for an hour at the airport. That is the real disconnect!
  • Reply 22 of 36
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    I had a Touch for a year before I graduated to the iPhone. It was like iPhone training wheels.

    I never considered the Touch a gaming device. The games for the most part are cute but too small to submerse myself into. It was the internet, mail and all the iPod features which I really liked. I now use the Touch primarily as my Apple TV remote.
  • Reply 23 of 36
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    EDIT: Sorry for more noise folx - I let the spammer get under my skin this AM.

    Edit your post and get rid of the spammer's links.
  • Reply 24 of 36
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    The iPod Touch is a great device. I, however, think Apple has made a mistake by not keeping it's hardware identical to the iPhone, with the exception of phone components. For instance, the Touch should have the same camera as the phone. I, along with at least one other person I know, are not buying one for that reason.
  • Reply 25 of 36
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I may have used a word of art incorrectly, but I think that I am conceptualizing correctly. By "marketshare", I meant "Share of the market using a particular device for the stated purpose" rather than "overall".

    So, among gamers, the proportion using an iPhone seems to be shrinking. And for social networking, the proportion of iPhone users seems to be shrinking. For All Uses, the proportion using an iPhone seems to be shrinking.

    I would think that this would be BIG BIG BIG news.

    In every case that's because Touch use for the stated cases are growing faster than the iPhone, which is also growing. So there's been something of a shift in the mix of iPhone/Touch use patterns.

    That's not BIG BIG BIG news the way I think you mean (iPhone market shrinking!), since the iPhone/Touch platform continues to grow rapidly.
  • Reply 26 of 36
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    I'm a business professional in my 30's and I'm not buying an iPhone for the obvious reasons.

    1. I don't really need an iPhone.

    2. 3 year contract is insane (here in Canada)

    3. Way too expensive (data plans and carrier charges and taxes)

    4. I don't need to shoot insanely poor photo's or video. I bought a $600 tiny pocket camera that takes awesome photo's and video.

    I got an iPod Touch 64gig 2 months ago. It's great, twice the capacity, and does almost everything the iPhone does. wi-fi is easy to find almost everywhere. My cheap pay-by-the-second phone lets me make calls for $15 a month.

    This survey starts on the premiss that everybody NEEDS an iPhone, and if you don't have one, your

    either a child or teenager, or irrelevant.

    It's a luxury device, not everybody needs a luxury device. Not owning a luxury device does not make one a teenager.
  • Reply 27 of 36
    Originally Posted by kiwee View Post


    Went from iPod Nano to iPhone to MBP to iMac.

    I went from an Apple llc to a Performa 545 to a Blondi Blue to an intel iMac.
  • Reply 28 of 36
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Maybe I'm not reading things right, but all of the graphs seem to show the iPhone market share shrinking since June. In the All Categories graph, for example, the iPhone starts at 57%, and drops to 50%, which is what, a 15% drop?

    Meanwhile, Android goes from 10% to 14%, which is a 40% increase.

    That is a metric for Android-focused sites to pump but on this site the increase in Touch over the iPhone is what is significant.

    On top of that, percentages themselves mean nothing. If you put them into perspective you see the iPhone doubling its user sessions by 75 points while the Android only ending up with under 50 points by the end of the graph.

    I fully expect to see Android outpace every device running iPhone OS. That means a lot faster growth they are getting now with their low user-base numbers. It?s free, it?s open to any and every piece of HW out there, including netbooks, so there is no reason not to expect Apple to hold this position forever with a very limited selection of premium hardware.

    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    Edit your post and get rid of the spammer's links.

    I really don?t understand why people replay to spammers knowingly. Just report them with the button under their name =>
  • Reply 29 of 36
    Why do these charts look incorrect to me? They make it look like Android is already larger than iPhone and iPod touch... is it just a badly designed chart, or are these numbers for Android correct?
  • Reply 30 of 36
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Why do these charts look incorrect to me? They make it look like Android is already larger than iPhone and iPod touch... is it just a badly designed chart, or are these numbers for Android correct?

    They really are poorly done by putting the smaller values on top.
  • Reply 31 of 36
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    All next iPhone has to do is to integrate Social Networking and new notification system and it can be just as good as Android.
  • Reply 32 of 36
    Originally Posted by akhomerun View Post

    get the nokia n900

    yes, get a Nokia and join an insignificant part of the 15% using non-Apple mobile products. When a company offers a couple of products that compete within an ocean of products, virtually all brought to us by manufacturers which predate Apple's entry into mobile, one cannot assume everyone blindly made the choice to go with Apple.

    I think people know what they're doing. AT&T may not be great but it appears it's worth the compromise to avoid all the crap hardware out there. In this case, the hardware rules and that's what the survey shows.
  • Reply 33 of 36
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    The iPod Touch is a great device. I, however, think Apple has made a mistake by not keeping it's hardware identical to the iPhone, with the exception of phone components. For instance, the Touch should have the same camera as the phone. I, along with at least one other person I know, are not buying one for that reason.

    A crappy camera is that important to you?

    I bet your phone has a camera. Mine (not an iPhone) does.
  • Reply 34 of 36
    ronsterronster Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    A crappy camera is that important to you?

    I bet your phone has a camera. Mine (not an iPhone) does.

    A camera?? meh...don't really care, but it's a nice to have.

    I wanted a GPS in the new Touch. That would of been killer.
  • Reply 35 of 36
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    I look at it this way, every touch sold is pretty much a half sale for Apple. It could and should have been a an iPhone sale.
  • Reply 36 of 36
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    I look at it this way, every touch sold is pretty much a half sale for Apple. It could and should have been a an iPhone sale.

    I don't see that. The Touch works for a lot of people who have no interest in ongoing cell plan costs, at least of the data variety. If Apple didn't offer the Touch, it would mean no sale at all.
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