Apple files countersuit against Nokia



  • Reply 61 of 278
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Provide proof for that assertion.

    And Apple still provides at their own cost software, tech support, advertising, storage, electricity, and network bandwidth. For FREE to you.

    Do you really want to keep this going? Is nothing sinking in?

    Does the D in Dlux stand for Desperation?

    You're grasping at straws now, you've sunk to an even lower level than I could ever imagine! I feel so bad you've come to this!

    I really do. Take a deep breath - it will pass
  • Reply 62 of 278
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dude- I never said that wasn't the FIRST item free from Apple- can't you read????? I said it was the only free item from Apple.

    How many times do you need to be corrected? Jeeesh!! And I'm an idiot- HA!

    Go troll somewhere else, we are getting quite bored of your stupid posts.
  • Reply 63 of 278
    ... just consider the possible outcome of this.

    Multi-touch vs GSM? Both seem like bargaining tools from either side to be honest. Apple's issues with Nokia/GSM get resolved quite nicely, and Nokia gets to use multi-touch on its phones (arguably, the "rotate to zoom" on the N900 is already in violation of the patent). I wonder how long these proceedings will drag out for?

    Now, more witty slurs towards our least favourite companies?
  • Reply 64 of 278
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Does the D in Dlux stand for Desperation?

    You're grasping at straws now, you've sunk to an even lower level than I could ever imagine! I feel so bad you've come to this!

    I really do. Take a deep breath - it will pass

    Take a deep breath and step away from the keyoard. You will do yourself a big favour, because you look like a complete ass with your brainless posts.
  • Reply 65 of 278
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Does the D in Dlux stand for Desperation?

    You're grasping at straws now, you've sunk to an even lower level than I could ever imagine! I feel so bad you've come to this!

    I really do. Take a deep breath - it will pass

    Reported as trolling.
  • Reply 66 of 278
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Does the D in Dlux stand for Desperation?

    You're grasping at straws now, you've sunk to an even lower level than I could ever imagine! I feel so bad you've come to this!

    I really do. Take a deep breath - it will pass

    you really are a glutton for punishment...
  • Reply 67 of 278
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Garamond View Post

    Go troll somewhere else, we are getting quite bored of your stupid posts.

    Trolling? Don't read them. Apple hasn't denied they stole from Noklia -they just countered with their own claim. And stating that is trolling?
  • Reply 68 of 278
    Apple's implementation of multi-touch . . . is Apple's implementation of multi-touch. Apple didn't patent multi-touch, but only an implementation of it. It is Apple's right bring a claim against anyone who uses that same implementation.

    As for who invented multi-touch . . . who gives a sweet damn?? All I care about is that I have an impementation of it that works beautifully. Apple pioneered multi-touch on a smartphone. Their specific implementation of it, which happens to be what everyone else wants to emulate (or steal.) If it's patented by Apple then that's all that really matters.
  • Reply 69 of 278
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Rhetoric.assassin View Post

    you really are a glutton for punishment...

    I was point blank called "an idiot" and I should be banned? Not cool and bad logic.
  • Reply 70 of 278
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by Garamond View Post

    Go troll somewhere else, we are getting quite bored of your stupid posts.

    Teckstud simply wants attention, hence his high post count. It's an unfortunately common behavior:


    (Internet) A person who posts to a newsgroup, bulletin board, etc., in a way intended to anger other posters and to cause drama, or otherwise disrupt the group's intended purpose.

    Attention whore

    (Internet) Someone who craves attention and is not above soliciting it via deliberately meaningless or provocative tactics.

    Since he makes it extremely difficult to ignore his posts, our only recourse is to report him to AppleInsider. It is in their interests to keep these forums informative, pleasant, and useful, and teckstud's behavior works against that.

    To report his posts simply click the red exclamation mark under his name and then enter 'Trolling' as the reason. Do that as often as required. He's dragging everyone else down with his selfish antics.
  • Reply 71 of 278
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    But that has nothing to do with Nokia's lawsuit. This is just an Apple diversion- an entirely separate issue/case.

    This is the patent version of Mutually Assured Destruction. It's why companies like Apple file for so many patents. Just like the US/USSR built far more nuclear weapons than they ever really needed. Just view this like the Cuban missile crisis. Both sides likely have far more to lose if someone pulls the trigger. In the end, they will likely find a compromise that avoids an all-out courtroom battle. The Soviet Union removes their missiles from Cuba, and the US removes their missles from Italy and Turkey (a fact most Americans aren't aware of because we like to think that Khrushchev blinked and went running home with his tale between his legs).

    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Mulit Touch is Multi Touch. Answer the question without pulling the norm on this forum and bashing Microsoft.

    If these articles are true and I have no reason to believe they are not then Apple Did Not invent Multi Touch.

    They copied Microsoft. What's Quadra's favorite saying. Start the copiers.

    It depends if you are saying "multi-touch" in the generic sense or in reference to a specific implementation of it. You can't patent the idea of using multiple points of contact to manipulate items on the screen (or should shouldn't be able to). You CAN patent the implementation of HOW you do that. There are multiple ways of accomplishing it, and each could be an independently patentable technology.
  • Reply 72 of 278
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Trolling? Don't read them. Apple hasn't denied they stole from Noklia -they just countered with their own claim. And stating that is trolling?


    Through the present suit, Nokia has asserted unfounded claims of infringement and breached licensing commitments it made to license on F/RAND [Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory] terms all patents that it claimed were necessary for a party to practice standards. Nokia has also violated those licensing commitments by demanding unjustifiable royalties and reciprocal licenses to Apple's patents covering Apple's pioneering technology -- patents unrelated to any industry standard. This attempt by Nokia to leverage patents previously pledged to industry standards is an effort to free ride on the commercial success of Apple's innovative iPhone while avoiding liability for copying the iPhone and infringing Apple's patents.

    Apple denies that any of Nokia's patents cited in its own lawsuit are "essential" to standards, but even if a court should rule any of the contested claims valid, Apple should be granted F/RAND licensing terms, which Nokia has refused to offer.

    In support of its claims that Nokia has already copied iPhone intellectual property, Apple points to comments made by a Nokia executive soon after the launch of the original iPhone highlighting Nokia's interest in copying Apple's inventions.

    The above is the most crucial bit about this report. Basically, if a company invents and patents technology which is essential to establishing a standard (such as GSM), then that company is obliged to offer it on F/RAND [Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory] terms.

    Apple is saying that Nokia is going beyond the commitment it gave and wants to charge Apple more than it charges others who make use of the same technology. In addition, Nokia is also asking for "unjustifiable royalties and reciprocal licenses to Apple's patents covering Apple's pioneering technology".

    So Apple is quite right to not only defend itself but also go on a counter-attack because Nokia has violated Apple's IP.
  • Reply 73 of 278
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by Rhetoric.assassin View Post

    yea expensive and pointless piece of tech that would have been better suited to vaporware. once again what's it good for...

    a showpiece in the middle of large corporate office to show they support over-priced unpractical technology practices, instead of investing their money and effort to wiser endeavors?

    it was already used to provide security for the last superbowl
  • Reply 74 of 278
    Originally Posted by Rhetoric.assassin View Post

    exactly how did apple copy a XGA DLP projector underneath the surface which projects an image onto its underside, while four cameras in the machine's housing record reflections of infrared light from objects and human fingertips on the surface...?

    and put it into a tiny little thing like the Iphone...its not even close to the same...Microsoft's Surface is equivalent to those DIY touch surfaces you can find on youtube....LOL which you can really build yourself.. i would like to see someone DIY a multi-touch iphone that is not the size of a shoebox...don't get me wrong...its not impossible...but not as nearly as plausible as building a DIY 25 years and its 4x the size of modern TV...

    hmmm, wanna try another comparison?

    I don't care the means in which it is accomplished. The posters were claiming that Apple invented mult touch gesture related input to a computer devise.

    They did not.

    Android has multi touch without Pinch and Zoom

    Palm Pre has multi thouch with Pinch and Zoom. Whey haven't they been sued?
  • Reply 75 of 278
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    This post is the source of the problem. Jerseymac, please provide a citation where Apple 'claimed to have invented' multi-touch.

    All rebuttals are irrelevant until that claim can be verified.

    I was referring to the keynote speech where Jobs introduced the iPhone. I think the quote went something like this:

    "We've invented a new technology called multi touch that works like magic. And boy, have we patented it."
  • Reply 76 of 278

    Then what is it? A screen with sensors is what then?

    PC's use them all the time now since Windows Vista - are you saying PCs/Windows stole that screen technology from Apple too?

    No he's saying ATM screens aren't multi-touch.
  • Reply 77 of 278
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    The posters were claiming that Apple invented mult touch gesture related input to a computer devise.

    And then haven't (yet) supplied a source or citation.

    EDIT: (Jerseymac's post slipped in while I was composing that)


    I was referring to the keynote speech where Jobs introduced the iPhone. I think the quote went something like this:

    "We've invented a new technology called multi touch that works like magic. And boy, have we patented it."

    I haven't reviewed the video itself, but did Jobs explicitly state that Apple 'invented multitouch'? As I recall, he showed off the overall capabilities of the device, and then quipped, "And boy, have we patented it." That statement could refer to any number of underlying technologies, not necessarily 'multi-touch' itself (however it might be defined).
  • Reply 78 of 278
    Can you pinch/zoom on an ATM screen, anywhere on the screen?

    I admit, I haven't tried that yet.
  • Reply 79 of 278
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    It seems to me many of these infringements apply to every iPhone wannabe out there from Pre to Blackberry.
  • Reply 80 of 278
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Teckstud simply wants attention, hence his high post count. It's an unfortunately common behavior:


    (Internet) A person who posts to a newsgroup, bulletin board, etc., in a way intended to anger other posters and to cause drama, or otherwise disrupt the group's intended purpose.

    Attention whore

    (Internet) Someone who craves attention and is not above soliciting it via deliberately meaningless or provocative tactics.

    Since he makes it extremely difficult to ignore his posts, our only recourse is to report him to AppleInsider. It is in their interests to keep these forums informative, pleasant, and useful, and teckstud's behavior works against that.

    To report his posts simply click the red exclamation mark under his name and then enter 'Trolling' as the reason. Do that as often as required. He's dragging everyone else down with his selfish antics.

    Reported as both harrassment and name calling. This doesn't just work one way - I have been assured.
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