Buzz surrounds Apple's recent streaming media moves



  • Reply 21 of 34
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    Apple may also venture into the VoIP realm to provide an innovative and better experience for Apple users. Skype and Google still haven't got it quite right yet, so apple could easily be a player in the VoIP space too.

    There is a rumour that Apple is now in talks with iCall to buy their VoIp service.
  • Reply 22 of 34
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    what is she looking at ????????????

    Who cares. Not that big of a deal
  • Reply 23 of 34
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There is a rumour that Apple is now in talks with iCall to buy their VoIp service.

    True! I did read about that rumor also. I remember awhile back at the Allthings D5 conference. When Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were discussing the future of the what we use today. Jobs was really focused on a 3 system setup for the future of computing and software.

    I personally think iTunes will become just like moblieme (A separate web App) along with iWork and then a fully bundled set of Pro Apps integrated into the Web. All these Apps could be accessed from a device like the iPhone or on a Laptop (Like a MBA but in a 15" or 13" variety).

    ** OFF TOPIC: The MBA is where the notebook lineup is heading. I think they'll remove all optical drives and have that standard usb driven superdrive for all their laptops. More innovation will come with remote disk (to install software). Once Lightpeak is ready this will drastically save the need for multiple ports with a notebook.

    I must say that it's sad to see other companies not have the drive and innovation to spearhead the next standard. Apple's left to do it all, and then receive backlash from a minority of whiners and complainers when things don't go as they want it to.
  • Reply 24 of 34
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by FredAppleHead View Post

    You are absolutely right. Apple has seen the huge growth in streaming audio apps (have you noticed how many there are lately from every broadcaster and webcaster) that people are using. Pandora is one of them that consumers are using on their iPhone/Touch. LaLa allows AAPL to offer customized/pesonalized streams and "redirect" users back to AAPL. Apple can monetize Genius. Right now, Apple gets "zero" for iTunes and less and less consumers are purchasing music on iTunes. Wouldn't iTunes users pay a small fee to be able to stream music on handheld devices from a cloud that is based on the users personal iTunes library as well as new recommendations? Rhapsody had something similar called MyRhapsody where I could customize the artists I wanted to listen to as well suggested music tracks that were compared to my Rhapsody library. Apple doesn't invent new things. They take the best of what's out there and make it better than anyone else.


    for added info .
  • Reply 25 of 34
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    True! I did read about that rumor also. I remember awhile back at the Allthings D5 conference. When Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were discussing the future of the what we use today. Jobs was really focused on a 3 system setup for the future of computing and software.

    I personally think iTunes will become just like moblieme (A separate web App) along with iWork and then a fully bundled set of Pro Apps integrated into the Web. All these Apps could be accessed from a device like the iPhone or on a Laptop (Like a MBA but in a 15" or 13" variety).

    ** OFF TOPIC: The MBA is where the notebook lineup is heading. I think they'll remove all optical drives and have that standard usb driven superdrive for all their laptops. More innovation will come with remote disk (to install software). Once Lightpeak is ready this will drastically save the need for multiple ports with a notebook.

    I must say that it's sad to see other companies not have the drive and innovation to spearhead the next standard. Apple's left to do it all, and then receive backlash from a minority of whiners and complainers when things don't go as they want it to.

    Take a look at the new 13” and 15” HP Envys at the link below. 1.08”magnesium case, which may be a unibody and no optical drive. They also come with Core-i7 but that isn’t such a great thing if you want battery since it’s the 45nm quad-core mobile version using up to 45W. Not exactly something Apple would go for.
    So that is HP making some plays for the higher-end market. Perhaps they think that with Win7 people will be more open to these expensive Win PCs that often make Macs look inexpensive.

    Dell is also making some plays in this area. Their latest Adamo XPS is complete shite in my opinion being a prime example of form over function (literally, not the just the hyperbolic usage). Their first Adamo was great. I loved that the ports were in back. What I do give Dell credit for with the current Adamo is their R&D attempts from prototypes I’ve seen. One thing I hope Apple is working on—and expect they are when they moved to a large, button-less glass trackpad—is visual feedback from the trackpad instead of just using it for input.
    I love my Dashboard Widgets but they haven’t been updated since Leopard and there are a few bugs with them. Then I have a Menu Bar that keeps shrinking as I keep adding items.
    I’d love to have my trackpad be an auxiliary display for certain things, like a scroll stock ticker or iStat data. On top of that, and perhaps most importantly, the calculator and such apps are a pain to use. I grab my iPhone and use the touch screen even while in front of my computer. I’d like to have my calculator in my trackpad so I can tap the numbers quickly and efficiently. You can even have a stylus for writing characters with feedback of what you just drew while looking at the stylus tip, not the display ahead of you. This is important stuff from what I can see.

    Dell can’t do this well because they don’t have the experience for HW/SW synergy, but Apple can. I bet Dell’s prototype was an LCD trackpad interface that was completely separate from the Windows OS, like the failed pre-boot OS. Apple has an opportunity to make it work with the main OS display.

    Besides those, I hope we get a GPS chip in all Mac notebooks. This will allow HTML5’s geolocation to know where we are when we do a search and Apple can create an API so that movies and weather can know what area we are closest too. I current use my iPhone for all these over my notebook simply because it’s a step already taken care of. On top of that, Find My IPhone can be met with Find My Mac so that your Mac will also be trackable, if you choose, but more specifically than backtracking an IP address, which some have used successfully to find stolen equipment.
  • Reply 26 of 34
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Take a look at the new 13? and 15? HP Envys at the link below. 1.08?magnesium case, which may be a unibody and no optical drive. They also come with Core-i7 but that isn?t such a great thing if you want battery since it?s the 45nm quad-core mobile version using up to 45W. Not exactly something Apple would go for.
    So that is HP making some plays for the higher-end market. Perhaps they think that with Win7 people will be more open to these expensive Win PCs that often make Macs look inexpensive.

    Dell is also making some plays in this area. Their latest Adamo XPS is complete shite in my opinion being a prime example of form over function (literally, not the just the hyperbolic usage). Their first Adamo was great. I loved that the ports were in back. What I do give Dell credit for with the current Adamo is their R&D attempts from prototypes I?ve seen. One thing I hope Apple is working on?and expect they are when they moved to a large, button-less glass trackpad?is visual feedback from the trackpad instead of just using it for input.
    I love my Dashboard Widgets but they haven?t been updated since Leopard and there are a few bugs with them. Then I have a Menu Bar that keeps shrinking as I keep adding items.
    I?d love to have my trackpad be an auxiliary display for certain things, like a scroll stock ticker or iStat data. On top of that, and perhaps most importantly, the calculator and such apps are a pain to use. I grab my iPhone and use the touch screen even while in front of my computer. I?d like to have my calculator in my trackpad so I can tap the numbers quickly and efficiently.

    Besides those, I hope we get a GPS chip in all Mac notebooks. This will allow HTML5?s geolocation to know where we are when we do a search and Apple can create an API so that movies and weather can know what area we are closest too. I current use my iPhone for all these over my notebook simply because it?s a step already taken care of. On top of that, Find My IPhone can be met with Find My Mac so that your Mac will also be trackable, if you choose, but more specifically than backtracking an IP address, which some have used successfully to find stolen equipment.

    WOW! Interesting ideas. I was hoping Apple would have had it's Macbook done in anodized aluminum in black or other colors instead of the white plastic, to better appeal to the education market (meaning 6th-12th grade) kids like colors and the colorful nano lineup is a huge seller.

    Those HP's are extremely thin, and look like overkill (thats why you mentioned the battery life suffers along with performance). Apple has done a great job with the current thinness of the air, what needs to be done in my POV is to really work on under the hood improvements. Apple has been rumored to be making huge advances into bringing the current battery technology into the iPhone & the next notebook refresh

    As much as I hate the fact the GPS is being pushed as the "needs to be integrated into every aspect of life" chip. Your idea of that GPS integration would be a real asset and an important feature of the Mac Notebook line-up. The first thing that came to mind was the remote wipe feature, in-case of a lost notebook. Since most of your data (by this time) would be stored in the Apple Server Farms.

    Again people wonder why Apple try's to do there own in-house productions & that's because competitors just don't get it right. Apple understands the Creative & Consumer market. The enterprise market is currently a bag of hurt with stuck in the windows era IT departments pleading to their bosses how Apple isn't right for the enterprise.

    *** Another off topic: Speaking of enterprise Microsoft should leave the personal PC business and focus on Gaming. I'm no gamer but my friends play alot of XBox and the momentum behind that business model seems to be much better then what Sony and Nintendo can drive. Plus they'll do us ALL A BIG FAVOR BY LEAVING AN INDUSTRY WHICH THEIR CONTRIBUTION HAS BEEN ZERO!
  • Reply 27 of 34
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    WOW! Interesting ideas. I was hoping Apple would have had it's Macbook done in anodized aluminum in black or other colors instead of the white plastic, to better appeal to the education market (meaning 6th-12th grade) kids like colors and the colorful nano lineup is a huge seller.

    Moving to varying colours is a cheap and easy way to expand your market of your cheaper lines once you?ve hit a certain saturation point. The iPods up to the Nano and the iPod Classics were either one or two colours. Silver aluminium like in the Ipod Mini, white plastic like in most of the original iPods, or white or black plastic like with the iPod Classic.

    I think it would sell well and help draw even more people into Apple Store and want Macs but how much more does the aluminium cost Apple. And how much does the anodizing cost Apple for such a large device? I?d ask how durable it is to scratches and colour wearing but they are using a new process in the new Nanos so that may be overcome.

    If this new plastic unibody MacBook is a success (according to the last report I read the 13? MBP was selling better) then they could differentiate with a white and black model, or even other coloured plastics. I?d like anodized MBPs even if they made them with just a few ?executive? colours like black, metal grey, and original silver. The only problem is that these are much larger than an iPod Nano box and will require more storage and inventory so I don?t see it happening until Apple reaches a saturation point which warrants it. Now that we?re coming out of a recession and Apple lowered the prices of Macs I don?t see that happening for awhile.


    Those HP's are extremely thin, and look like overkill (thats why you mentioned the battery life suffers along with performance). Apple has done a great job with the current thinness of the air, what needs to be done in my POV is to really work on under the hood improvements.

    For me the MBA is pushing the envelope of form over function for my needs. It?s not nearly as bad as the Adamo XPS which belongs in a movie based on a Phillip K. Dick novel, not in reality, but the battery life of the MBA is pretty bad, especially when compared to the other portable Macs. Plus, I am not a fan of the 1.8? drive capacity. Making it less tapered would not affect the footprint but would add plenty of room for a thicker battery. Sure, it would add weight, but for considerable battery longevity I?d deal with it. As it stands now the MBP is the best option for me.


    Apple has been rumored to be making huge advances into bringing the current battery technology into the iPhone & the next notebook refresh

    The battery tech in the new MB and MBPs isn?t new. It?s the same Lithum-Polymer Ion that they?ve been using in the MBA and all their iDevices. They just used multiple Li-Polys with a smart battery management system. I expect this will be the norm for all decent notebooks before too long.


    As much as I hate the fact the GPS is being pushed as the "needs to be integrated into every aspect of life" chip. Your idea of that GPS integration would be a real asset and an important feature of the Mac Notebook line-up. The first thing that came to mind was the remote wipe feature, in-case of a lost notebook.

    I seem to be the only one wanting this and having been pushing it for a couple years now?along with the removal of the optical drive?so I?m not holding my breath. I?m sure these and more farfetched ideas will happen eventually, just not necessarily with the next update.
  • Reply 28 of 34
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Did you see the initial demo of that technology at WWDC? It worked like crap. It might get through more firewalls, but well!

    HTTP Live Streaming actually works extremely well. There are several video streaming services that use the technology and the list is growing. What have you seen that gave you the impression that it was crap?

    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Only over WiFi and that's about VHS or TV over an antenna, but you're not a sports fan so you wouldn't know.

    It's also not even remotely usable for 3G or Edge.

    The iPhone's screen resolution is 480x320, there's no need to bother with resolution higher than that, you would never see it.

    I don't think you understand how HTTP Streaming works. The system is designed to send out three streams at various resolutions and bit rates. The quality of the video stream is based on the speed of your network connection. This adaptive ability allows a continuous uninterrupted video stream regardless of your network speed. So of course the WiFi stream will look a lot better than the EDGE stream because WiFi is several times faster.
  • Reply 29 of 34
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Some would buy MM to get the iTunes streaming but I think that it would fail all around and would open up the possibility for competing services to take hold, potentially usurping iTunes and/or iTunes Store.

    I don't quite understand, why would iTunes in MM fail? To me the primary point of the LaLa acquisition is for streaming to the iPhone.


    The pricing seems up in the air. We know that Lala wasn?t able to make a profit on their method of unlimited streaming at 10¢ per son. Perhaps the streaming of audio may be free if you purchased your music from iTunes Store, otherwise a charge may be incurred. This may help encourage further iTS purchases in other to get this additional song option.

    So far from Apple's history of acquisitions. They often fold the acquired IP into a service they already sell for no additional charge. Apple doesn't need LaLa to make any profit, they only need it to sell more iPod's and iPhone's
  • Reply 30 of 34
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I don't quite understand, why would iTunes in MM fail? To me the primary point of the LaLa acquisition is for streaming to the iPhone.

    Expecting everyone who wants to use the web-based iTunes to access their content to purchase a MM account seems to limit the use of the service and allow competing services to offer a yearly subscription free service to do the same. If you have to buy the content from iTunes Store and maintain a MM account to play these streams I see that as a major problem.

    Another way of looking at it from a business perspective is that Apple has over 100M iTS accounts on file with CCs, a Mac installed base that I think is around 30M and a number of MM accounts that I assume is well below that.

    Sure it can tap into Windows now, sure it has a lot of uses without the need for a Mac, and sure this will surely increase the MM subscription uptake, but I think the $69+/year is not something people will readily go for and it will hurt it being well-recieved and dominate among cloud-based users.

    On top of that, I see a web-based iTunes being a requirement if Chrome OS gets any marketshare. These will likely be cheap machines whose users simply aren?t going to pay that kind of money for MM for a Chrome OS netbook just to get iTunes. They?ll find an alternate solution that may be using something like an Amazon or Google web-based player with HTML5 that can store and play your media from the device or from the web.

    (I?ve got H1N1 so forgive me if my mind is scattered a bit)


    So far from Apple's history of acquisitions. They often fold the acquired IP into a service they already sell for no additional charge. Apple doesn't need LaLa to make any profit, they only need it to sell more iPod's and iPhone's

    True, which is why I think it will be a value added service for audio purchased at the iTunes Store. We can assume that their operating costs from the store have gone down and that they are easily making a pretty decent profit per song where they may not have when the store opened.

    What I don?t think they will do is allow me to have my entire library in their cloud and be able to stream all those songs for free. That would severely hamper their iTS business model for music. They need to encourage more iTS music sales, hence a value added service for iTS music purchases only.
  • Reply 31 of 34
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    Who cares. Not that big of a deal




  • Reply 32 of 34
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Expecting everyone who wants to use the web-based iTunes to access their content to purchase a MM account seems to limit the use of the service and allow competing services to offer a yearly subscription free service to do the same. If you have to buy the content from iTunes Store and maintain a MM account to play these streams I see that as a major problem.

    Oh I see what you are saying. Only limiting iTunes streaming to mobile me. Yeah I doubt Apple would do that. I was more thinking that Apple could allow MM users to upload their personal music collections that they can then stream. That would be a value added service to help sell MM.


    (I?ve got H1N1 so forgive me if my mind is scattered a bit)

    Oooh, that sounds terrible. Hope you get better soon.


    What I don?t think they will do is allow me to have my entire library in their cloud and be able to stream all those songs for free. That would severely hamper their iTS business model for music. They need to encourage more iTS music sales, hence a value added service for iTS music purchases only.

    I agree its likely just to be a value added service to buying an iTunes song. Apple already has the music on its servers, there really is no need for them to store people's personal music collections. All Apple really needs is proof that you've legally purchased the song and allow you to freely stream it from the server. My guess is the system will work more like that.
  • Reply 33 of 34
    I'm not really that smart, but doesn't all this talk about streaming seem to point toward the ability to integrate that front facing camera for video chat that was rumored a while back? PLEASE!!!!
  • Reply 34 of 34
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