Apple investigates 3D head-tracking, battery life improvements



  • Reply 21 of 22
    This has no purpose I imagine in increasing productivity, but it could definitely add something to gaming, multi-person interactive apps (whiteboards?) and videoconferencing.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    This has no purpose I imagine in increasing productivity, but it could definitely add something to gaming, multi-person interactive apps (whiteboards?) and videoconferencing.

    What about a structural engineer analyzing a new bridge design. Or a geologist studying the readings from an earthquake.

    Or add in a few more sensors and have ability to "touch" and "move" the objects without using a keyboard or mouse?

    At this point I believe it is an interesting idea that deserves further development - and while initial applications will very likely be games - I could easily see it becoming the standard interface for some applications - and with sufficient advances in hardware, software, sensors, etc - could one day be mainstream - hard to imagine a time when there will be no need to hard input devices at least in some applications - since no matter how good things like speech recognition become there may always be conditions under which those technologies cannot be used.
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