Chrome edges out Safari, iPhone OS continues growth in December - report



  • Reply 61 of 160
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    What's the point of trolling and lying at the same time?

    iPod has been on the market for 8 years.

    Around the launch of iPod for windows Apple had:

    ... 1.8% of the worldwide computer market.


    ... 3.6% of the worldwide computer market.

    So in the iPod timeframe the relevant Mac stats have either doubled... or tripled.

    That's not mythical. Just fact.

    Yes, those are the facts, not that the fanbois will accept them.

    And at this rate, Apple will have 7.2% of the worldwide computer market share in only 8 more years, in early 2018.

    And they will acheive double-digit worldwide computer market share somewhere around 2021. By 2030, Macs will dominate with almost a quarter of the worldwide computer market. And at this rate, they will hit critical mass sometime before we all die in the middle of the century.

    Windows is shaking in its boots (that is, if the BSOD will even LET you boot!) (LOLOL)
  • Reply 62 of 160
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Yes, those are the facts, not that the fanbois will accept them.

    And at this rate, Apple will have 7.2% of the worldwide computer market share in only 8 more years, in early 2018.

    And they will acheive double-digit worldwide computer market share somewhere around 2021. By 2030, Macs will dominate with almost a quarter of the worldwide computer market. And at this rate, they will hit critical mass sometime before we all die in the middle of the century.

    Windows is shaking in its boots (that is, if the BSOD will even LET you boot!) (LOLOL)

    I think those numbers are pretty impossible with their current Mac business model. By 2030 how many PCs will be sold a year? Aren't their like 350M PCs being sold each year right now?so in 20 years can we expect at least a tripling at current growth making Apple having to sell 25% of over 1B units? I fail to see any way Apple can sell 1 out of every 4 PCs in the world with their business model.

    Even if Apple can get HP's PC market share there would still 75% of the OS market not going to Apple. At this point Windows is the only real option, though Chrome OS has potential of quickly taking the abundant low end of te market.
  • Reply 63 of 160
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I think those numbers are pretty impossible with their current Mac business model.

    Even if Apple can get HP's PC market share there would still 75% of the OS market not going to Apple. At this point Windows is the only real option, though Chrome OS has potential of quickly taking the abundant low end of te market.

    Facts are facts. And mark my words, the Mac will be a viable platform by mid-century. Those are the facts. Read them and weep.
  • Reply 64 of 160
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Facts are facts. And mark my words, the Mac will be a viable platform by mid-century. Those are the facts. Read them and weep.

    One of your new year's resolutions should be looking up the word 'fact'.
  • Reply 65 of 160
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If we look at the real uptick in Mac sales it looks like it occured right when Apple made the shift to Intel and had the option of installing Windows which gave an out for those who didn't like or couldn't use Mac OS X, for whatever reason.

    That's because a Mac can run Windows better than any Windows machine.

    Lots and lots of people are buying Macs just to run Windows on them, because they don't like or can't use MacOS. That's why the Mac worldwide computer market share just keeps doubling and doubling.
  • Reply 66 of 160
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Yeah, declaring a future prediction a fact.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    One of your new year's resolutions should be looking up the word 'fact'.

  • Reply 67 of 160
    Originally Posted by lender30 View Post

    Chrome deserves their market share because they have been putting more effort in improving their browser. Safari just fizzled after their previous major release.

    yes but where did google get their "inspiration" for chrome???

    i wanted to like chrome but scrolling is not good, the addon that is supposed to help it, doesn't work's a little bit inefficient with memory usage...and the tab text looks aliased...

    i wished safari would add skin support, that's the only thing i like about chrome...the rest? no thanks...
  • Reply 68 of 160
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    You need to take a look at SurfinSafari . You will see the effort that goes into webkit/Safari, which is the basis of Chrome.


    Originally Posted by lender30

    Chrome deserves their market share because they have been putting more effort in improving their browser. Safari just fizzled after their previous major release.

  • Reply 69 of 160
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If we look at the real uptick in Mac sales it looks like it occured right when Apple made the shift to Intel and had the option of installing Windows which gave an out for those who didn't like or couldn't use Mac OS X, for whatever reason.

    That's not strictly true Sol. Apple managed to halt the decline in Mac sales back in 2004. (and they even gained back a tiny fraction of market share.)

    In 2005, Mac sales increased by over 35%. In 2006, when most of the Intel models were introduced, the growth dropped to 19%..... and then back up to 37% in 2007.

    I agree, the ability to run Windows on a Mac is a deal breaker... but only for a dwindling amount of people. Intel on the Mac gave Apple the ability to produce performance competitive laptops. I think that "faster and cooler" was more important then "Runs Windows too".


    There were also Get A Mac ads which would help get people into Apple Stores (though the location and setup was likely reason enough if you were walking by) where many people could get their hands on a Mac for a first time.

    Absolutely agree, however the halo effect would never have worked in isolation. Good products need great marketing coupled with strong distribution.

    Here's a thought! Every story I read about the Apple Stores always seems to say how busy they are. How busy would they be (and how many stores would have been built?) if all you could buy was, maybe one of a dozen computers... and associated software and peripherals?

    The iPod and it's large ecosystem built the traffic to the stores. Halo Effect!


    After that word of mouth would have picked up from increased users giving a positive review. I don't don't some people used an MP3 player and decided to get a Nac but Id wager a great many more were influenced by direct Mac, changes, advertising and interaction, not from a pocketable PMP.

    Sure. But the iPod wasn't just a PMP. It came with iTunes.... installed on your PC! And it all just worked... and provided people with the best 'digital music experience' yet. Every visit to iTunes was an advertisement for Apple. Every visit to an Apple Store was an ad for the Mac. Any PC using, iPod owning gadget guy/girl.... was now following Apple news on the web. Halo Effect!

    Essentially Sol, I agree with you. I just get a bit pissed after reading 5 years of tech stories negating the effect of the iPod on Apple's Mac business. Mostly based on market share (as you mentioned) and mostly written by people who predicted the iPod would be a flop.

    This time next year, there will probably be around 50 million Mac users. That effectively means more (relatively) recent switchers than long time Mac nuts. Whatever their reasons I bet a large number of newbies will have owned an iPod or iPhone, or have used iTunes.
  • Reply 70 of 160
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    This one.

    XP looks like it belongs in a pre-school someplace.

    Your not going to defend XP now are you?

    I'm not interested in a "my OS is better than your OS" pissing contest. You said Windows in your original post and not XP. You do know your a couple MS OS's behind, right?
  • Reply 71 of 160
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    You are totally wrong, in 10 years there won't be any PC's everyone will be using iPhone's instead, they will dock with a keyboard and screen if necessary and will be more powerful than today's PC's.

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Yes, those are the facts, not that the fanbois will accept them.

    And at this rate, Apple will have 7.2% of the worldwide computer market share in only 8 more years, in early 2018.

    And they will acheive double-digit worldwide computer market share somewhere around 2021. By 2030, Macs will dominate with almost a quarter of the worldwide computer market. And at this rate, they will hit critical mass sometime before we all die in the middle of the century.

    Windows is shaking in its boots (that is, if the BSOD will even LET you boot!) (LOLOL)

  • Reply 72 of 160
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    And at this rate, Apple will have 7.2% of the worldwide computer market share in only 8 more years, in early 2018.

    And they will acheive double-digit worldwide computer market share somewhere around 2021. By 2030,

    Ironic that you should pick those two figures.

    If the Mac was to reach 7+% market share then Apple would probably be making more money from computers than today's market leader (on 19%) HP.

    And if the Mac were to grab double digits (even low double digits.. 12... 13) Apple would potentially be making even more money than Microsoft.

    iGuess that's not what you meant though.


    And mark my words, the Mac will be a viable platform by mid-century.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, a 14 billion dollar Mac business IS a viable platform.


    Those are the facts. Read them and weep.

    Or just read them... and understand them.
  • Reply 73 of 160
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You need to take a look at SurfinSafari . You will see the effort that goes into webkit/Safari, which is the basis of Chrome.

    I agree with everything you said. WebKit was able to make it to the mobile platform well before other Mozilla could ready Gecko to be as efficient. It?s no shock that Google choose WebKit as their engine.

    However, I wonder if Lender30 was comparing the apps, not the engines in his comment. In that sense I can see where he is coming from, though I don?t necessarily agree. It?s taken Google a very long time to get an official Mac port that is still in beta, missing a lot of basic features and i don?t think it yet has the desired Extensions feature many people seem to like.

    I am an IE8 and Safari user since Extensions mean little to me and I like OS integration. I do have Chrome Frame always on in IE8 so i still get WebKit running in my IE8.

    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    That's not strictly true Sol. Apple managed to halt the decline in Mac sales back in 2004. (and they even gained back a tiny fraction of market share.)

    In 2005, Mac sales increased by over 35%. In 2006, when most of the Intel models were introduced, the growth dropped to 19%..... and then back up to 37% in 2007.


    Essentially Sol, I agree with you. I just get a bit pissed after reading 5 years of tech stories negating the effect of the iPod on Apple's Mac business. Mostly based on market share (as you mentioned) and mostly written by people who predicted the iPod would be a flop.

    This time next year, there will probably be around 50 million Mac users. That effectively means more (relatively) recent switchers than long time Mac nuts. Whatever their reasons I bet a large number of newbies will have owned an iPod or iPhone, or have used iTunes.

    My point was that the iPod didn?t increase Mac interest, but that other factors had a more direct influence on the Mac sales. I do wonder if the 19% for the Intel may have been while the transition was in place, before the most popular system types had been completed. Either way, you may a strong argument for the iPod?s halo effect and I no data to back up my ?feelings? so I concede to you.

    PS: I never thought the iPod would be a flop but I admit having absolutely no interest in it until the iPod Mini came out. That is when, for me, it became a ?must have? product.

    PPS: Here is the iPod introduction from 2001. I don?t think many, if any, in attendance understood what Jobs was so gaga about if you look at some of their facial expressions.
  • Reply 74 of 160
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I see what you saying but I don't think it's a big deal with double-clicking the tabs bar to create a new tab and the Add Tab tool bar option.

    I didn't know you could double-click the tab bar to make a tab. That's cool. Ok that solves my frustrations there.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Intrigued. Sort how?

    I'd like to sort my lists of bookmarks. I have them organized in folders but there's no contextual menu option to sort the contents of the folders or the folders themselves. I swear there wasn't a way to do that in IE 7.0 (maybe 6.0) and below but IE 8.0 will sort the favorites list. My father-in-law had the same request and I told him most browser wouldn't do it. To my surprise as I was telling him this I found that IE 8.0 does.
  • Reply 75 of 160
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    I didn't know you could double-click the tab bar to make a tab. That's cool. Ok that solves my frustrations there.

    Thinking about the + button so far to the right, I think that it should be placed to the immediate right of the last tab. I don?t think it breaks any convention and allowing for a single click over a double-click may not be a big deal but I do think it would better the browser ever so slightly.


    I'd like to sort my lists of bookmarks. I have them organized in folders but there's no contextual menu option to sort the contents of the folders or the folders themselves. I swear there wasn't a way to do that in IE 7.0 (maybe 6.0) and below but IE 8.0 will sort the favorites list. My father-in-law had the same request and I told him most browser wouldn't do it. To my surprise as I was telling him this I found that IE 8.0 does.

    I think that bookmark system is very flawed. I?d like to have a completely redesigned system with a single bookmarks being able to be in different folders. I?d like Smart Bookmark Folders the way there are Smart Folders in AddressBook and Smart Playlists in iTunes.

    Also, I?d like to be able to add a bookmark to a default location and also how it up in a folder for bookmarks added within the last 30 days (right now I use a Temp folder). I?d like one for SSL URLs, ones with certain words on the page (since the visual history already records this), and a way to see stats of when bookmarks were last used, and how often to help in keeping my bookmarks clean.

    Finally, I?d also like a way to have a centralized bookmark model where I can get same bookmark setup regardless of browser I use, but that seems unlikely for know as Apple and MS alike are trying to grow their default browser marketshare, not make it easier to pull away from it so we?ll have to settle for 3rd-party browsers merely being able to leach Safari and IE bookmarks.
  • Reply 76 of 160
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    You are once again missing the point of why Firefox is so successful. You have a base browser that you "have the choice" of making it look and give it any feature that you want.

    Chrome as a base browser gives you the same minimalist start. Customize it as you please.

    It's the Choice you are not pleased with or used to given your postings. Apple tells you it's this way or make another choice. You seem to be incapable of choosing for yourself.

    On a side note. FJRabon, very good postings. It's nice to come back from a great vacation and read someone with intelligence in this forum rather than the usual suspects.


    or banned ??

    why put any one down at all

    why be mean

    <<read someone with intelligence in this forum rather than the usual suspects>>>

    love baby

    is what it s all about

    as for the browers i always wondered why safari did so poorly

    and now i see why

    thank you

    and fire fox is fast

    peace and happy new year
  • Reply 77 of 160
    mobilememobileme Posts: 288member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    or banned ??

    why put any one down at all

    why be mean

    <<read someone with intelligence in this forum rather than the usual suspects>>>

    love baby

    is what it s all about

    as for the browers i always wondered why safari did so poorly

    and now i see why

    thank you

    and fire fox is fast

    peace and happy new year

    We never really see i to i, but I must agree Bruce Peace and love is needed more. I thought me and Quadra610 were the only ones with this type of advocacy.... Maybe I was wrong?!

    My name is bruce too BTW
  • Reply 78 of 160
    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    What's the point of trolling and lying at the same time?

    iPod has been on the market for 8 years. Not 9.

    Only 7.5 years... on the Windows side.

    250 million sold. Not 210

    The Mac's US market share is nearly 9%. Not 5%.

    Around the launch of iPod for windows Apple had:

    Around 20 million Mac users.

    Annual Mac sales of just over 3 million.

    Approx. 3% of the US computer market.

    And 1.8% of the worldwide computer market.


    Over 40 million Mac users.

    Annual Mac sales of just nearly 11 million.

    Nearly 9% of the US computer market.

    And 3.6% of the worldwide computer market.

    So in the iPod timeframe the relevant Mac stats have either doubled... or tripled.

    That's not mythical. Just fact.

    years? fine ok, may only be a few months but just to correct your other 'facts' before we get into the witless ramblings.

    According to the last reported figures (Sept 2009) Apple had sold 220million (yes I was out by 10m) iPods. Figures reported by BBC and Wiki. I'm sure it'll be x million more now but I was going (or trying) to go by last reported figures. ok?

    marketshare (as reported in this thread) was 5.11%.There is no specific context to it though so how when and why is debatable.

    Worldwide Apple will sell approx 12m machines out of a TOTAL market of 280m (approx)

    you do the math...

    the rest of the figures in your post mean nothing to the figures i quoted what they were/are when x was y or b = c is irrelevant.

    so, in conclusion we can deduce that whilst Apple like to throw around words and phrases like record growth and xxx percent increase.

    The truth is they have very little mindshare in computer hardware, even littler marketshare and their position of financial strength has come from profit per unit (or ripping off their loyal customers) and not from selling lots of high end machines.

    There is no Halo affect that translates from PMP's to Computers. Arguably a bigger factor for Mac growth was Vista. A fact Apple readily acknowledges.

    Apple has bet the farm on iPhone, might be a good bet, might not. Time will tell. Wonder if the discussion to stop selling computers has been started within Apple.?

    Whatever Apple's good and bad points, as a viable truly mainstream OS they are as Ballmer stated... a rounding error.
  • Reply 79 of 160
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Yeah that come down to a difference in style and intent. Since Apple has not made Safari with intent of third party extensions. I couldn't agree its something they fizzled on. Its not something they find all that important.

    I don't even think Apple's intent is to chase market share with Safari. I think Apple's primary goal for Safari is to push web standards for all browsers and that goal has been successful.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    However, I wonder if Lender30 was comparing the apps, not the engines in his comment. In that sense I can see where he is coming from, though I don?t necessarily agree. It?s taken Google a very long time to get an official Mac port that is still in beta, missing a lot of basic features and i don?t think it yet has the desired Extensions feature many people seem to like.

  • Reply 80 of 160
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    The truth is they have very little mindshare in computer hardware

    You need to look up what mindshare is. It has nothing to do with actual sales. Apple?s mindshare is very high in many countries but that doesn?t mean people need or can afford them.

    Any company that sells has a monopoly on market segment where all others combines account for under 10% of the market and where those <10% have to sell their comparable product at more money just to turn a little profit because they have no economics of scale you have mindshare.

    The same goes for the iPhone. It?s not the most commonly sold phone in the world and Apple certainly doesn?t sell the most phones of any vendor but they do sell the phone that all other phones are compared to regardless if you need or can afford it. That is mindshare.

    If you wish to infer that Apple?s low numbers compared to Dell and HP make it seem like it?s doing better than it really is you need to look at how it was doing in the mid 90s when it had an even lower marketshare and unit sales. You can also look at how much operating profit that the others are making from their PCs instead of implying that a $250 Acer netbook counts as much as a Mac sale because you ?witlessly? feel that unit sales are the only metric worth having.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Yeah that come down to a difference in style and intent. Since Apple has not made Safari with intent of third party extensions. I couldn't agree its something they fizzled on. Its not something they find all that important.

    I don't even think Apple's intent is to chase market share with Safari. I think Apple's primary goal for Safari is to push web standards for all browsers and that goal has been successful.

    I don?t think they ever intended to add that either. They did make the plug-in a separate process and make Safari 4 64-bit. Things I expect Chromium to do eventually.

    I hope that Apple makes each Safari tab its own process if it can help speed and stability.
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