Microsoft, HP introduce touchscreen 'slate PC' at CES



  • Reply 81 of 243
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    They never announced the courier. A presentation of the concept was leaked. I don't think a product can be vaporware without an announcement. We know that Microsoft has thought about concepts like the courier, but they have never promised or even suggested that it will ever hit the market.

    My take: A Microsoft project leaked in its early stages of development to gauge consumer support for such a device, but not vaporware.

    Right. And then there was some kind of "leak", or possibly misunderstanding, or overanxious minion, or something, that got that mention in the NYT that MS intended to show a slate that maybe possibly might be a move against Apple.

    The rest of it was all overheated speculation. I think taking MS to task for some kind of failure or faux pas is like the teeth gnashing over Apple having "failed" when they don't announce some rumored product that they never said a word about, as if the hysteria of the tech press and commentariat were some kind of mandate.

    If you leave out speculation driven by an old concept video that clearly was nothing but a concept video, MS did a pretty typical presentation of where they're at and what they're selling, with completely to be expected boosterism. No, there weren't any paradigm changing or ground breaking wares to show, but as far as I know nobody at MS ever said anything about that.

    MS fans did the company no favors by chanting "Courier" over and over again, and MS may think twice in the future before they "leak" any conceptual material. They probably assumed that people would look at it and go "cool, MS is working on cool stuff" and move on, forgetting that the faithful are getting a little desperate for something innovative in the mobile space out of Redmond.
  • Reply 82 of 243
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I just wanted to call all of you people out for crapping on a product that is everything you want,

    Uh, it isn't. And the fact that it has Winblows on it (yuck!) is only part of the problem (instead of a slick, mobile-optimized version.)

    In any case, the one thing that MS didn't want has come to pass:

    The tech world is now waiting on Apple.
  • Reply 83 of 243
    I'll put that slate on the MS coffee table thingy (whatever happened to that?) and let it collect dust.
  • Reply 84 of 243
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You don't sound amused. We don't even know if Apple is even going to intro a Tablet this month. HP has been making a Tablet PC and the TouchSmart line for years now. This isn't some shocking news they decided to intro another Tablet.

    Funny if OSX is so great why is Apple currently working on "stability issues". So much for it just works righ the first time, something we all know is BS.

    At least MS doesn't have to give away their OS for 29.00.

    You have never seen this Tablet you have never used it because its not on the market yet, you don't have a clue about Windows 7 and you are always talking out your ass about products you don't use. Get a clue.

    People like you are the reason everyone thinks Apple users are assholes.

    are you really pissed the courier did not come out? it's people like you that make people think you are some bitter asshole. passive-aggressive much?

    we will see what happens on the 26th, when it does you will be eating crow again...oh wait that is what a humble person would do. You clearly are not.

    So you will come back and defend this bloated OS tablet when/if Apple produces theirs'? And once again proves they can redefine a market, or create one from the graveyard of pretenders?
  • Reply 85 of 243
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You don't sound amused. We don't even know if Apple is even going to intro a Tablet this month. HP has been making a Tablet PC and the TouchSmart line for years now. This isn't some shocking news they decided to intro another Tablet.

    Funny if OSX is so great why is Apple currently working on "stability issues". So much for it just works righ the first time, something we all know is BS.

    At least MS doesn't have to give away their OS for 29.00.

    You have never seen this Tablet you have never used it because its not on the market yet, you don't have a clue about Windows 7 and you are always talking out your ass about products you don't use. Get a clue.

    People like you are the reason everyone thinks Apple users are assholes.

    extreme - deep breath... now relax. Sheesh dude - this was techstudlyesque to the max. You can''t possibly be arguing that routine updates to the OS are examples of a categorical fail are you? No OS enjoys that perk sonny. And yes indeedy PC mfg have been making tablets for years - and it is a very niche market. Even Jobsie commented on it's niche-ness some time ago. But perhaps, just perhaps, like the iPod and the iPhone, they have come up with an approach to the tablet platform that will garner the same level of consumer interest that has driven their other products to the interest level they have.

    Your arguments smack of the very anger (and a certain lack of logic) that you've accused others of. If you are going to go there it makes more sense to make logical, rational and dispassionate points, not this arrant silliness about the OSX pricepoint, no clue about Windows 7 and ass-talking. Look t those comments for a minute - can you really not see how adolescent they appear?
  • Reply 86 of 243
    Originally Posted by Rhetoric.assassin View Post

    are you really pissed the courier did not come out? it's people like you that make people think you are some bitter asshole. passive-aggressive much?

    we will see what happens on the 26th, when it does you will be eating crow again...oh wait that is what a humble person would do. You clearly are not.

    So you will come back and defend this bloated OS tablet when/if Apple produces theirs'? And once again proves they can redefine a market, or create one from the graveyard of pretenders?

    I'm not pissed about anything. I plan to buy an Apple tablet if/when it comes out. Nothing has been defined or even created at this point.

    I never commented on this Tablet at all. I simply don't see a reason to bash every company that doesn't have an Apple symbol. Which is really the only value this forum has anymore.
  • Reply 87 of 243
    mobiusmobius Posts: 380member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I love Apple Products as much as next guy on this forum, but...

    Let's talk about the hypocracy about this forum's reaction to this HP device. Now, it may not be an apple product, but it's everything you've been dreaming of in the iSlate/MacPad; but, it is using a MS OS. I can assure you that you fanboys/girls out there would be singing a very differnet song if this was what Apple unveiled.

    Sadly, i don't see this new Apple iSlate being anything like this. I've been reading the forums regarding the Apple tablet for about 2 years now. Everyone has thier wish lists out there, and the general consensus is that most of the fanboys/girls want a MBP but in tablet form. Again, i don't see that happening with the new product, but we'll see.

    Granted, Windows has a bad UI and track record...i get that.

    I just wanted to call all of you people out for crapping on a product that is everything you want, except for the OS. I can't wait to hear the fanboy/girl reaction to the new Apple tablet when it doesn't have OSX on it...the wining and all that.

    for shame!

    The new Apple tablet most definitely won't have Mac OS X SL on it, just like the iPhone didn't. It borrowed technologies from it for sure, but it was designed and tailored to the specific functions and form factor of the device. It was not just stuck on like the Slate PC OS is. You're missing the point that the GUI is far more important than the hardware, since it is responsible for the interaction, ease of use, and therefore productivity/enjoyment that the device potentially can give. No hardware keyboard means that you need a whole new method of data input. The Slate PC appears to lack that. Or at least has not been redesigned with that in mind
  • Reply 88 of 243
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    But not by anyone with any power. I suspect Ballmer thought it was a good not-so-subtle dig at Apple. Instead, it just brought Apple to people's attention. If Apple doesn't announce a slate at the end of January, they will look bad. But if they do and it has some REAL innovation - like a deforming screen - then MS's thunder will be quite stolen.

    Who knows? Maybe Ballmer is not that bright. Whoever made the script said they needed to display a book popular with young, hip, people and Twilight was chosen with no thought to the fact that the cover prominently displays an APPLE!!! Ballmer's company's products have shown he has no sense of aesthetics. Maybe he missed the significance.

    I also wouldn't put it past Steve J. to put some sort of "retaliation" in whatever is announced on the 27th. I can easily picture him watching Ballmer's keynote, seeing the Apple, and jumping up shouting a stream of expletives. And immediately turning his attention on how to get back at Ballmer. Nerd CEO fight!

    - Jasen.

    I can see it now --

    Steve is demonstrating the new Apple touchPad by reading from the Twilight book and wonders out loud, what videos might be associated with the book, switches to surfing YouTube with a finger flick, finds and plays Ballmer's keynote on the new device, then downloads it directly into "iTunes Extras" for the Twilight book, plays it in a shared window within the book reading app, and then decides he's seen enough and deletes the video. Easy, integrated, and powerful functionality.
  • Reply 89 of 243
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    extreme - deep breath... now relax. Sheesh dude - this was techstudlyesque to the max. You can''t possibly be arguing that routine updates to the OS are examples of a categorical fail are you? No OS enjoys that perk sonny. And yes indeedy PC mfg have been making tablets for years - and it is a very niche market. Even Jobsie commented on it's niche-ness some time ago. But perhaps, just perhaps, like the iPod and the iPhone, they have come up with an approach to the tablet platform that will garner the same level of consumer interest that has driven their other products to the interest level they have.

    Your arguments smack of the very anger (and a certain lack of logic) that you've accused others of. If you are going to go there it makes more sense to make logical, rational and dispassionate points, not this arrant silliness about the OSX pricepoint, no clue about Windows 7 and ass-talking. Look t those comments for a minute - can you really not see how adolescent they appear?

    The iPod and iPhone are totally different situations. The iPod was an innovative product. The iPhone filled a need that has been there for a long time. This is not the case with a Tablet.

    Many companies have created a Tablet and to date they are still only 2-4% of the entire market.

    Can Apple change that, maybe but we have no clue what the product has to offer. So maybe we shouldn't bash something less before we see the Apple Tablet. I could be nothing more then a larger version of an iPod Touch with a modified UI.

    If it has a modified version of SL on it then it might be something great, if not in my opinion it will end up going the way of Apple TV. A failed project.
  • Reply 90 of 243
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    extreme - deep breath... now relax. Sheesh dude - this was techstudlyesque to the max. You can''t possibly be arguing that routine updates to the OS are examples of a categorical fail are you? No OS enjoys that perk sonny. And yes indeedy PC mfg have been making tablets for years - and it is a very niche market. Even Jobsie commented on it's niche-ness some time ago. But perhaps, just perhaps, like the iPod and the iPhone, they have come up with an approach to the tablet platform that will garner the same level of consumer interest that has driven their other products to the interest level they have.

    Well said. The tablet talk reminds me of the run-up to the iPhone. Apple bashers were pretty sure that there was nothing that Apple could bring to the table, because RIM and WinMo and Nokia already had that covered with their super awesome powerful devices.

    Even after the release of Apple's handset, they didn't get it. They compared spec lists and laughed. They talked about the phones that they had had for years that "could do all that, and more." We all remember, right? "Oh look, a phone with a browser, welcome to 2001."

    And then of course as every other manufacturer started to shift their smart phone design towards Apple's template, the same people promptly forgot all that and started acting as if such design was simply right and normal and had been going on for ages, and Apple was being eclipsed because of screen resolution or processor speed or, well, back to spec whoring.

    I don't know if Apple's take on the tablet will be hugely successful, but I can confidently predict that if it is, its UI and hardware conventions will be promptly adopted by the rest of the industry, at which point Apple bashers will once again forget that they ever championed the prior generation of Windows based failures, and become extremely preoccupied with specs. Apple's contributions to the state of the art will be dismissed as "marketing", with whatever new stuff that becomes industry standard held to be "obvious."

    Maybe we should have a contest: what "obvious" things will Apple do with their tablet to make it more useful that what Ballmer just showed from HP? Since whatever they do will clearly be simply repackaging stuff for the sheeple, it should be pretty easy to predict. Any one?
  • Reply 91 of 243
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    They never announced the courier. A presentation of the concept was leaked. I don't think a product can be vaporware without an announcement. We know that Microsoft has thought about concepts like the courier, but they have never promised or even suggested that it will ever hit the market.

    My take: A Microsoft project leaked in its early stages of development to gauge consumer support for such a device, but not vaporware.

    Well ... point taken, but I would argue that an intentional leak form MS is the same as an official announcement in terms of the effect it has on the market and the competition.
  • Reply 92 of 243
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    History will show this for what it is... a desperate move by a floundering company.

    It is almost as if they want to be accused of copying Apple.

    Even less than that...the so-called "Slate" is ABSOLUTELY irrelevant in face of Apple's upcoming device, and will be more than forgotten in no time.

  • Reply 93 of 243
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Mobius View Post

    The new Apple tablet most definitely won't have Mac OS X SL on it, just like the iPhone didn't. It borrowed technologies from it for sure, but it was designed and tailored to the specific functions and form factor of the device. It was not just stuck on like the Slate PC OS is. You're missing the point that the GUI is far more important than the hardware, since it is responsible for the interaction, ease of use, and therefore productivity/enjoyment that the device potentially can give. No hardware keyboard means that you need a whole new method of data input. The Slate PC appears to lack that. Or at least has not been redesigned with that in mind

    I'm not missing your point, that wasn't the point that i was making. Given all the reading on the AI forums ive done on this yet-to-be-seen tablet, there has been a predominant amount of people BASICALLY stating that they won't like this new Apple tablet unless it was a Tablet MBP. Go back and read all the posts from this summer. People wining and complaining that they won't buy it if it doesn't have OSX.

    Now HP has produced just that, and Archos before that, and so on...and people whine and moan about how crap it is. The point i'm trying to make, is that the fanboys/girls out there seem to just dog anything NOT Apple, even if it's a strong competitor, which is very hypocritical, and biased. Granted, i don't think this HP/MS slate will be a hit, but i NEVER thought an Apple Tablet with OSX would ever be a hit. In fact, it would be a huge mistake to do that, IMO.
  • Reply 94 of 243
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    History will show this for what it is... a desperate move by a floundering company.

    It is almost as if they want to be accused of copying Apple.

    An 88% + market share is hardly the sign of a floundering company.
  • Reply 95 of 243
    Yes, because we all need and want a tablet, right?

    years ago when Apple didn't have one, everyone thought it was a stupid idea. Or to quote Steve Jobs "What good is it, besides surfing the web in the bathroom?"

    But slap an apple logo on it and every hipster wanna-be in the world has to over-pay for one. News flash; my father (a non-tech) was using a tablet 5 years about with a built-in cellular connection. I guarantee that Apple's product will do far less than that ancient device could do. Then again, it didn't have a fart app.

    For me, I'll use my own tablet with the built in keyboard and screen-protective clamshell design. It's called a laptop!
  • Reply 96 of 243
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I'm not missing your point, that wasn't the point that i was making. Given all the reading on the AI forums ive done on this yet-to-be-seen tablet, there has been a predominant amount of people BASICALLY stating that they won't like this new Apple tablet unless it was a Tablet MBP. Go back and read all the posts from this summer. People wining and complaining that they won't buy it if it doesn't have OSX.

    Now HP has produced just that, and Archos before that, and so on...and people whine and moan about how crap it is. The point i'm trying to make, is that the fanboys/girls out there seem to just dog anything NOT Apple, even if it's a strong competitor, which is very hypocritical, and biased. Granted, i don't think this HP/MS slate will be a hit, but i NEVER thought an Apple Tablet with OSX would ever be a hit. In fact, it would be a huge mistake to do that, IMO.

    This only makes sense if you insist that "fanboys" and "people who think that an Apple slate must run OS X" are somehow identical. They are clearly not-- there are plenty of Apple enthusiasts (myself among them) that have insisted all along that Apple would (and should) make a device with a UI tailored for the hardware at hand. There are just as many others who point out that "OS X" is an ambiguous term which can support all kinds of iterations, as well as those who are mainly interested in being able to run existing OS X apps on a new device, even if only awkwardly.

    Just declaring that all the Apple fans have been clamoring for a keyboardless MacBook Pro and therefor "fanboys" are now exposed as hypocrites is a real stretch.
  • Reply 97 of 243
    Originally Posted by Mobius View Post

    Does anyone know how or where I can watch this impressive keynote?

    I have a PPC Mac and you need the latest cruddy Silverlight plugin to watch it on their site, but it won't install on a PPC.

    It doesn't seem to be available on Youtube either.

    don't bother. it's an hour+ of cringe-worthy awkward moments, lame dialogue, poorly rehearsed delivery and weak attempts at serendipitous discovery. it SUKT! i'll youtube it if you want.

    i loved when they're so proud at how they spent hours trying to show how they could make an anatomy presentation in minutes that they felt looked like they spent hours doing, and presented it at the biggest industry conference giving such a poor performance that it seemed like they spent minutes preparing for it!

    "and .... so .... then .... well .... <nervous laughter>" just gawdawful.
  • Reply 98 of 243
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    This only makes sense if you insist that "fanboys" and "people who think that an Apple slate must run OS X" are somehow identical. They are clearly not-- there are plenty of Apple enthusiasts (myself among them) that have insisted all along that Apple would (and should) make a device with a UI tailored for the hardware at hand. There are just as many others who point out that "OS X" is an ambiguous term which can support all kinds of iterations, as well as those who are mainly interested in being able to run existing OS X apps on a new device, even if only awkwardly.

    Just declaring that all the Apple fans have been clamoring for a keyboardless MacBook Pro and therefor "fanboys" are now exposed as hypocrites is a real stretch.

  • Reply 99 of 243
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not pissed about anything. I plan to buy an Apple tablet if/when it comes out. Nothing has been defined or even created at this point.

    Thank you for proving my point. To paraphrase you: "I don't know exactly what the product is, what it'll do, or how much it costs, but I'll buy it because it has an apple logo on it."
  • Reply 100 of 243
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Well said. The tablet talk reminds me of the run-up to the iPhone. Apple bashers were pretty sure that there was nothing that Apple could bring to the table, because RIM and WinMo and Nokia already had that covered with their super awesome powerful devices.

    Remember when they showed off the iPhone and everyone was saying how stupid keyboardless was and how finger prints render it useless? And now those same folks are drooling over keyboardless touch phones?

    Everything you said is exactly what I keep saying to people. But it is in one ear and out the other.
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