CES: Intel takes wraps off netbook app store, dubbed 'AppUp'



  • Reply 41 of 56
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    As chief visionary and the guy who says which way the company is going, Jobs is irreplaceable. If you want someone who can run the company intelligently after he's gone they have the people in place. The difference is that Jobs and Apple are one and the same. Apple's his baby, even though it took many people to birth the company and grow it.

    I agree with this. Its going to take a lot more then just some good showman to keep apple heading in the right direction. I don't want to think about this day. Apple without Steve will be very challenging for apple. And you can bet the media will be all over it.
  • Reply 42 of 56
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Intel this week unveiled a beta version of its application storefront for netbooks, designed to make downloading and purchasing applications similar to the experience on App Store for the iPhone and iPod touch.

    It wasn't mentioned on CNBCs Planet of the Apps last night. Doubt it would even make the followup episode.

    Interesting that nobody has mentioned the show.

    If you haven't seen it, it is being replayed on Sunday, January 10th 11p ET and

    Monday, January 18th 11a ET

    Really well worth watching.
  • Reply 43 of 56
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    After all the "i" and "me" stuff being occupied... "UpYours" would have felt more natural?
  • Reply 44 of 56
    gmcalpingmcalpin Posts: 266member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Not to pick, but shouldn't it be "...what Apple IS like."? I know this discussion comes up once in a while but this one jumped out at me. Apple is A company, no?

    You're right.

    But you see it both ways a lot, thanks in part to years of professional publications using it incorrectly ? I remember seeing Rolling Stone write "Radiohead are coming out with a new album?" ages ago.

    There are people who will try to argue that it's different in UK English or Canadian English or whatever (and try to insult you for being an ignorant American in the process, as happened to me at this board), and they're also wrong. It's the same in all versions of English: a singular collective noun uses the singular verb; a plural collective noun uses the plural verb.

    The lone exception to this that I'm aware of is sports teams, where ? for instance ? the Utah Jazz are blah blah blah.
  • Reply 45 of 56
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    This is the future - kind of. Intel is just trying to replicate an app system like the iPhone for netbooks. that's a nice idea ...

    but the big leap will hopefully come with OS X 10.7 - an "application store" for desktop macs that lets us buy, download, and then automatically update third party desktop applications just like we can now with iPhone apps. and shop/buy/manage them all with a easy interface like iTunes does with apps. (Software Update already provides (almost) auto updating of Mac software like iLife, etc., but you cannot purchase them via download.) nowadays, keeping applications up to date and fully deleting old ones and all their junk is a pain, and for many non-techie consumers a real difficulty.

    we should see 10.7 in 2011. Apple's big server farm in NC will be running by then ...

    and the other big leap for consumer satisfaction 10.7 should include is wireless connections for everything! god i hate all these damn cables ... you always wind up with a rats nest.
  • Reply 46 of 56
    Has anybody noticed how Apple has won the battle for naming programmes 'Apps'. We take it for granted now but it is only the amazing success of the iPhone that has got the whole industry behind the name Apps. In fact I'm sure I've heard Steve Balmer call them 'Apps', which is a total shift in mindset.

    How long before the start menu includes a shortcut to 'Apps'?
  • Reply 47 of 56
    Originally Posted by presearch View Post

    Poor Intel.

    Upper management wants to grow beyond microprocessors and they keep looking for new markets to make them money. The culture doesn't let them take any really big long term chances so the only things that get the ok for funding are projects that emulate the companies around them that are currently successful and getting good press. They want to be Apple or Google or Nintendo or Nvidia. The execs in charge are not that bright or inspired so these projects tend to be superficial consumer views of companies they want to emulate.

    Intel never goes full out because they don't want to piss off someone and lose cpu business. They end up with teams that are 90% marketing, 8% engineering managers, and 2% engineers to do the work, (half of which will be interns). It'll start out with slick PR but in around a year, the old line managers will take credit for a slick roll out and move on, leaving the project to be underfunded, wither, and die. Search for the guilty, punishment of the innocent, and praise for the non-participants. Those involved will regroup into something new and start the process over again.

    Thank goodness for Core architecture and the fabs to keep the money coming in.

    True, but it's different this time...

    If by full out you mean design and market their own iPhone, etc, that's not their business. If you mean build the infrastructure to enable full out design and mfg of iPhones, tablets, netbooks, smartbooks and what have you, then you are right on target. AFA having an app site, well, it has to be somewhere. You need one if you are looking to attract end users as that's what they now want. An app store is simply part of that infrastructure. And, if anyone can build a general platform, it's Intel. Combine that with the number of people just waiting to generate x86 apps, and you might have something there. As Buffet says, take a million here and a million there, and pretty soon it adds up to real money.

    You see, it IS different this time. This time, if they don't succeed, they are going to have their lunch handed to them in a picnic basket. And, not necessarily from Apple. This time, mobile computing is just starting to really take off. That's right, it ain't over. Think 4-8 core on chip optical interconnects with the compute power of something more than Nehalem. This massive transition from desktop to mobile is something they can't miss, or mess up.

  • Reply 48 of 56
    jdsonicejdsonice Posts: 156member
    Sounds like a hiccup to me. Oh poor poor Intel. I wish it would stick to making chips and leave the App store alone. What a waste of time and money on their part. I now must go dump my shares.

  • Reply 49 of 56
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by john_l_uk View Post

    Has anybody noticed how Apple has won the battle for naming programmes 'Apps'. We take it for granted now but it is only the amazing success of the iPhone that has got the whole industry behind the name Apps. In fact I'm sure I've heard Steve Balmer call them 'Apps', which is a total shift in mindset.

    How long before the start menu includes a shortcut to 'Apps'?

    You're right. Even though the term "killer app" was already in the marketplace of ideas, Apple made the name a product and a popular concept. Now an "app" is any program that is run on a mobile or similar device. I think people still call programs such as Photoshop "software"... or am I wrong?

    Apple wins the hearts and minds of consumers, everyone else follows. What a turnaround they've had since Jobs returned. It hasn't been that long really.
  • Reply 50 of 56
    Edit: Smooth2o beat me to it.

    If there was the slightest doubt the Apple tablet is using ARM A9s in an SoC instead of Atoms, it's been dispelled. When Apple didn't order any Atoms, Intel started AppUp.

    Intel is worried about protecting the x86 against the low-power SoC wave of the future.

    Android, OSX, WebOS, Maemo -- all OSs on ARM, all with growing app stores. Nvidia w/ the Tegra won't be SoCing decent GPUs with an Atom, & for every hardware vendor like Apple who wants their own SoC the PowerVR is fine, so Intel's on their own, with MoblinOS, trying to make their Pineview successor SoC competitive both GPU- and software-wise.
  • Reply 51 of 56
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Such original thinking.

    Why? Because they are creating something NTT Docomo developed years ago?
  • Reply 52 of 56
    Originally Posted by gmcalpin View Post

    You're right.

    But you see it both ways a lot, thanks in part to years of professional publications using it incorrectly ? I remember seeing Rolling Stone write "Radiohead are coming out with a new album?" ages ago.

    There are people who will try to argue that it's different in UK English or Canadian English or whatever (and try to insult you for being an ignorant American in the process, as happened to me at this board), and they're also wrong. It's the same in all versions of English: a singular collective noun uses the singular verb; a plural collective noun uses the plural verb.

    The lone exception to this that I'm aware of is sports teams, where ? for instance ? the Utah Jazz are blah blah blah.

    Just make sure you always refer to it as A company then. Don't say "Apple is awesome. They are coming out with a new MBP this week." You'd have to say "Apple is awesome. It is coming out with a new MBP this week."

    I have seen the arguments back and forth, and both sides make good points. I hate reading "...Apple are" though, I must say. It's annoying to see it, because I wouldn't say it aloud.
  • Reply 53 of 56
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Will these AppUp applications be cross platform and work with Windows XP & 7, various flavours of Linux and Chrome?
  • Reply 54 of 56
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by addabox

    ...Holy shit, Intel has gone fascist!

    It already started a while back when they systematically went out to crush other GPU makers with its Integrated Garbage. Then slipped a nice hot shaft up Nvidia and forcing everyone to take Intel chipsets only for Nehalem (Core i3, i5, i7, latest Xeon brands). With Arrandale and Clarkdale BundleGate of their rubbish GPUs with the CPU, the domination is almost entirely complete. Heil !
  • Reply 55 of 56
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Will these AppUp applications be cross platform and work with Windows XP & 7, various flavours of Linux and Chrome?

    No, it will be locked-in and proprietary like Apple.
  • Reply 56 of 56
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by dreyfus2 View Post

    After all the "i" and "me" stuff being occupied... "UpYours" would have felt more natural?

    They should have called it AmpUp to make it sound more hip and radical...
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