Apple captures 7.4% of US PC market on 31% Mac sales growth



  • Reply 41 of 46
    juiljuil Posts: 75member
    Units sales mean next to NOTHING!

    What informed and educated person looks at those statistics seriously?

    They are only good in specific industries (cars, beverages, etc.). In the computer industry they are only trivial. Fun... but trivial.
  • Reply 42 of 46

    Here I don't agree with you. If you're talking bugs, then every OS has them. If you're talking that the OS upgrade itself is mediocre, well, then you don't understand what the upgrade is all about, though you must have read many articles about it from multiple sources, and haven't read any reviews.

    I have to agree with Mel' here. 'Snow' was a significant architectural overhaul of key OS X tech'. It's slimmer, leaner, faster and well suited to the modular approach for consumer computing. ie the direction mainstream computer use seems to be headed. And Apple gets this and I'd argue that Apple has prepped OS X to adapt to a phone, a slate...and what ever comes after that.

    Was I the only person on the planet to find 'Snow' an exciting release? It's amazing how people are always taken in with the superficial features 'whooooo'...'ahhhhh'....'whiiiizzzz.' As opposed to the meat and potato stuff of things that work and get the job done better. (I find 'Snow' a more exciting release in some ways, than Leopard I have to say...) No doubt Apple will be able to really turn up the heat against competitors like M$ and the phone OS crowd with 'Snow' now that it has a strong base to build on for the future. Competitors in the phone market are stilling scrambling to get an OS together. Apple has the chance to really stretch their legs now that the desktop OS is more compact. Apple knows 'OSes' and I don't see how their competitors can catch up...certainly not the number crunchers are Google. While M$ are doing their best to copy Leopard with '7'. I can see Apple doing a fulcrum shift yet again with 10.7 ie new interface to make '7' look like the also ran 'me too' that it is.

    I'm running 'Snow' on my iMac and it's graceful and rock solid.

    As an aside, great to have open gl 3.0+ in there. But is it true it's not the re-write that Kronos group promised? Still, to have gl above 1.4 or 2.blob which is seemed to languish on forever...sounds exciting. It's an open standard and no doubt Apple is spurred on by the success of the iPhone in games.

    What is why iPhone apps aren't compatible/able to run on the Mac? They both run on 'X' don't they? *Looks blankly* If they build in multi-res' support for the slate...why can't they be used on the Mac? Isn't that an additionable market for the games/apps etc?
  • Reply 43 of 46
    Originally Posted by hardcashe View Post

    Apple sells 90% of all $1000+ PCs sold in the US market. Apple's profit margin is 37%. No other PC manufacturer makes half that margin in the home PC market. No Netbook makes 1/5 of that profit margin.

    Netbook sales are a larger market because they are cheap. Netbook is a commodity item. ......


    Totally BINGO.....

    "Apple's modest volume shipments compared to its larger rivals have continually placed the company outside the rankings of the top five global PC makers. Market research firms like IDC therefore fail to report how the Mac maker stacks up against its peers on a global scale."

    YEP, sell netbooks at a loss and make it up in volume. LOL Its a race to the bottom and the market share leaders are in a race to see who will go broke first. Apple has 30 billion and no debt. It does not make systems that cost it money. That is a dumb market to be in.

    I just read that Apple is making more profit than any other cell phone maker in the world. It does not make more cheap phones, just more actual CASH profit. What a novel way to run a business.

    Just a thought,

  • Reply 44 of 46
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by Juil View Post

    Units sales mean next to NOTHING!

    What informed and educated person looks at those statistics seriously?

    They are only good in specific industries (cars, beverages, etc.). In the computer industry they are only trivial. Fun... but trivial.

    Of course it matters.

    When Apple's marketshare, and actual numbers plunged, so did software developers. Hardware manufacturers as well. We lost plenty during those years.
  • Reply 45 of 46
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Hope all the cheap netbook (read: junkbook) pushers enjoy their brief moment in the sun. Their inflated market share numbers will come back to bite them in the a$$ in due course. Recession-bait netbooks are ruining the industry.

    Not sure why Netbooks are even counted. $300 crippled and cramped "just good enough" notebooks are not mainstream PCs.

    these sub 200 dollar crap books are killing dell
  • Reply 46 of 46
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    these sub 200 dollar crap books are killing dell

    No, I think the lack of quality control and the associated bad reputation that follows is what originally started Dell's collapse.
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