Google CEO Schmidt downplays perceived rivalry with Apple



  • Reply 41 of 49
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by delreyjones View Post

    "Steve" says this kind of stuff? What Eric?

    "We've got great stuff in the works"

    Not sure how you've never heard that kind of wishy washy answer when Steve is asked about stuff he doesn't wanna go into details about...
  • Reply 42 of 49
    4phun4phun Posts: 51member
    Originally Posted by LongwoodBob View Post

    If Apple chooses to replace Google for search the effect would be devastating for Google. Aside from losing the Mac faithful on computers.... think of the huge percentage of internet users on iPhone and iPods, not to mention the new iPad/iSlate coming next week.

    We all know the the algorithms depend on search results/location/title/etc, and that the vast majority of searches conducted by Apple devices. It could cost Google 50% of its present stock price just for openers.

    Could this be why according to US law the founders of Google just announced to the SEC they intend to give up their voting control over Google by selling up to 20% of their Google stock during the next five years? That is interesting that the two key players in Google are bailing and leaving others holding the bag. At least we have a law in place to warn us.

    The logical route for them would be to invest in Apple to continue to build wealth. Google has dropped 10% already since that SEC filing.
  • Reply 43 of 49
    You say you love your competitors product and then you steal their idea and you create your own. When asked about it, you continue to praise your competitor while you stick a knife into them while they not looking.
  • Reply 44 of 49
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Well, I guess I'd say that if Google thought they were going to compete with MS in the mobile space, they picked the wrong competitor. And if irritating Apple turns out to be just collateral damage in the game Google thought they were playing, all the worse for them.

    The game has just started. We're not even close to halftime yet. Call it the beginning of the second quarter, at the most.

    Apple has never ever been dominant in any market (except music playing hardware). Right now, in the mobile OS space, they are in third place, behind RIM and Nokia.

    Maybe we're entering the stretch? Apple seems to be gaining on the decrepit RIM, but Google is quickly gaining speed. And what's that? Nokia starting a smartphone push, Mameo OS, and other interesting initiatives? Will they extend their already huge lead?

    No matter which horse you like, it is way too early to declare any sort of victory.
  • Reply 45 of 49
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by LongwoodBob View Post

    If Apple chooses to replace Google for search the effect would be devastating for Google. Aside from losing the Mac faithful on computers.... think of the huge percentage of internet users on iPhone and iPods, not to mention the new iPad/iSlate coming next week.

    Macs comprise an insignificant percentage of desktop and laptop computers. And not all of them will use Bing, making the percentage even less significant. Apple currently has a bigger slice of the mobile OS market, but that is predicted to dwindle by every estimate I've seen which takes into account the expected growth of Android.

    Originally Posted by LongwoodBob View Post

    We all know the the algorithms depend on search results/location/title/etc, and that the vast majority of searches conducted by Apple devices. It could cost Google 50% of its present stock price just for openers.

    You are delusional. And not an investor, I surmise.
  • Reply 46 of 49
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    The game has just started. We're not even close to halftime yet. Call it the beginning of the second quarter, at the most.

    Apple has never ever been dominant in any market (except music playing hardware). Right now, in the mobile OS space, they are in third place, behind RIM and Nokia.

    Maybe we're entering the stretch? Apple seems to be gaining on the decrepit RIM, but Google is quickly gaining speed. And what's that? Nokia starting a smartphone push, Mameo OS, and other interesting initiatives? Will they extend their already huge lead?

    No matter which horse you like, it is way too early to declare any sort of victory.

    Boy are you going to be surprised on Monday.
  • Reply 47 of 49
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Boy are you going to be surprised on Monday.

    Why? What happens Monday?

    And besides, no matter what happens Tomorrow, it is still too early to declare a winner. We're at the toddler stage of mobile devices, with PalmOS/WinCE on PDAs being the infancy. If Apple allows iPhone users to access the file system on the device with 4.0, then to stretch my analogy, their smartphone will finally be wearing big boy pants.

    Until the category is mature any declaration of victory is premature.
  • Reply 48 of 49
    You know what I see in my mind when I hear about Google CEO's and Apple... Not to mention Both Founders of Google are selling all their stock in Google over the next 5 years (SEC filed last week) for 5.5BILLION.

    Pirates of Silicon Valley. When the Apple engineers get back from Japan.... Steve is on stage with the "Big Blue - 1984" ad running and Balmer and Gates are watching from the side... And he points to the ad, then to Bill and Steve... Fast Forward to today. Point to the ad then point to Google.

    You know the enemy was never the competition because there is no competition. There's Apple and everyone else with the same junk. However today with the web being 90% of everyone's computing needs...

    Maybe NC server farm is Apple's Online presence waiting in the wings. Maybe TOMORROW is about that. going to a complete online presence with search, apps, advertising, music (lola), video, tv, everything. And it's all Apple.


    2:16 - right there...
  • Reply 49 of 49
    Originally Posted by xwiredtva View Post

    Maybe NC server farm is Apple's Online presence waiting in the wings. Maybe TOMORROW is about that. going to a complete online presence with search, apps, advertising, music (lola), video, tv, everything. And it's all Apple.

    I think there'll be an announcement in the not too distant future, which is Apple's answer to Google. And it'll involve the NC server farm (when will that actually be up and running anyway?). I don't think this will happen tomorrow.

    What will Apple's reply to Google be?

    I believe they'll market it as the best of the cloud, combined with the best of local computing. That means everything is in the cloud but there are local cached copies in your other devices - iPhones, laptops, iPods, slates etc. And those local devices will get content from each other if they can, not get everything via the cloud. There'll also be a "full local backup" somewhere - like a time-capsule in your house synced to the cloud, that your devices can sync with too. (Or a time-machine like external drive, running from your laptop/desktop/slate/whatever, but the time capsule sounds cooler).

    edit: Or as a better example - a time-capsule like home server synced to MobileMe - giving you 2 master copies of your data (so if something goes wrong with either you are okay, and probably have time-machine-like history of data too). All your devices sync to your master data, whichever one is easier to get to, including your laptop. No other device has a full copy (probably) - iPhoto on your devices is a subset of the master set (you can make new albums, fix photos etc and it'll sync back up), same with your music. When your device can see your home server (or MobileMe) you'll see your complete library (just like AppleTV does now) but when not available you only get what is synced. MobileMe will offer web access to all your data too.
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