App Store wildly successful, but not hugely profitable for Apple



  • Reply 41 of 41
    Originally Posted by blurpbleepbloop View Post

    It's coming...along with the slew of non-computer computers they are bringing to the market. The iPad will herald the future of where Apple wants to go with their platform. As computing power of smaller devices increases, Apple will continue to drive traditional computers into niche groups (for professionals). Within 5-10 years, home users will not be offered a Mac computer but will have a variety of Apple smart products to choose from (extending out the iPhone, iTouch and iPad ecosystem). One will not be able to buy content for these consumer products via any other means than via the Apple App Store. This expansion of the ecosystem to more substantial applications will drive a tremendous amount of revenue for Apple.


    That sounds like a terrible future where freedom and choice are heavily curtailed. I don't know how anyone could want or support that.


    I'm not surprised by this at all. App store apps are poor so people don't expect to pay a lot of money for them and this has created a culture of very low pricing as well as a trend for developers to create throw-away apps vs substantial apps (think MGS Touch vs MGS on the PSP or Star Wars the Force Unleashed). Many users gravitate towards free equivalents, especially for the apps that do very basic functions (most of them).

    Some developers are making the effort like Gameloft and EA and now Rockstar porting their full GTA ChinaTown wars and pricing it at 1/3 the cost of the other consoles but the others need to wake up and stop treating the iphone like a mobile phone and more like a PDA and console. The first two are only half the speed of the PSP and the 3GS is faster.

    The App Store has so much potential but content providers keep holding it down and they are only doing themselves harm. If I could rent every movie from itunes and have it stream down instantly, I'd be spending tons of money that I'm currently not spending. I'd pick up a reasonable subscription plan in no time. But the content providers don't allow it.

    I'd be happy to spend £15 on the full Star Wars the Force Unleashed like the PSP version but I'm not buying the cut down one even at £3.50. Maybe over time it will develop into something better but I just wish there was a way to sift out the 90,000 or so junk apps that inevitably exist due to lazy developers trying to make a quick buck so that the real gems get seen.

    I just can't find anything outside of Apple's top lists any more, which is pointless because they just keep pushing Doodle Jump down my throat. Is it the ball-in-a-cup fanclub playing this game or what?

    If I can't find good content, I don't buy content, app store makes no profit. Simple.

    I agree with this. The Apple app store is now so big that, for me, it's imploded on itself. There are now so many apps, the vast majority of which are the same duplicated rubbish, that I rarely bother to browse the app store, and when I do, the list after list after list of apps just puts me off, and I close it down again. I think the app store has become a victim of its own success; 20billion apps located in one place is not a good thing as you can't easily find something decent. I find that most games aren't anywhere near engaging enough for anything more than 5 minutes play, and most are severley hampered by the touchscreen only controls. Long live PC gaming where we get decent RTS, simulation and turn based games!
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