iPad vs HP Slate vs Tablet PC



  • Reply 21 of 23
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    Have either of you ever even used an Atom powered machine? Everything you're saying is patently wrong and reeks of ignorance and prejudice.

    I run a lot of apps on mine simultaneously, and I know others who do too. How slow do you think the Atom is, exactly? It's more powerful than the fastest PowerPC G4 processors, and we all know how "powerful" we thought those were just a few years ago. Using your logic, all that the PowerMac G4s were good for was surfing the web.

    Maybe you've missed the shit storm of iPad belittling from people who have never even seen one, much less used one, much less even know for certain what it can and cannot do and how it will go about it. Oh, that's right, you've been participating in same! And now you're indignant that these dreadful ignorant and prejudiced people would cast judgement! Awesome.
  • Reply 22 of 23
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    The iPad isn't meant to replace Apple's line of laptops, so I imagine Apple's A4 will be more than enough to run a version of iWork, and iPhoto. Seemed pretty quick in the presentation this afternoon.

    You're 100% correct... however it not a hard stretch to imagine if Apple had the desire to do so they certainly could given the rollout of the iPad.

    People were often asking if the (rumored at the time) Apple table would run a touch ready version of OS X or (what we now know to be true) the iPhone/iPod Touch OS.

    Not me.. I knew deep in my heart the way Apple wanted to go if the tablet ever got to become a reality... I wasn't entirely happy about it... but none the less, I knew it right from the very start of renewed iPad rumors that began 12-16 months ago.

    Now mark my words... cause I'm likely the first person to make this statement (I've made it in other threads so who knows the idea might be going around by now). Try not to die laughing but I firmly believe Apple WILL (or could) become the market leader in the 'Home Desktop PC Market' but in a totally unexpected way.

    Not by bring full OS X to the iPhone and iPod Touch (and now iPad) but instead bring the iPhone OS (once fully mature) to replace desktop OS we now know as 'OS X'.

    Shake your heads if you like but let it sink in just a little before dismissing it as nutball idea. If my prediction does come to fruition I have a feeling the number of zombies blindly defending App Store actions (no matter how unjust) will fall off quite rapidly.
  • Reply 23 of 23
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Maybe you've missed the shit storm of iPad belittling from people who have never even seen one, much less used one, much less even know for certain what it can and cannot do and how it will go about it. Oh, that's right, you've been participating in same! And now you're indignant that these dreadful ignorant and prejudiced people would cast judgement! Awesome.

    And the best part is the guy won't have the slighest idea WHAT you're talking about and simply move on to his next poke.
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