iTunes price increases mean slower sales for music labels



  • Reply 81 of 139
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Warner CEO Edgar Bronfman Jr. reportedly said the pricing change has been a "net positive" for Warner, but conceded that a 30 percent price increase during a recession was not the best move.

    Yes, he's a music exec. Also, he's a moron. But I repeat myself.
  • Reply 82 of 139
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Stealing????? Heavens no.

    Free promotion for the artist... yes.

    I don't charge them for my time or technology to distribute their music. That's what has the RIAA scrambling.

    You have to be a complete brain dead retard to buy into RIAA propaganda.


    You're a thief.

    Promotion/Giving away an artists music is stealing from the artist. Do the people you "distribute" the music to go out and buy it? If they do, they're honest. You're still a thief.
  • Reply 83 of 139
    stompystompy Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Love it, people actually believe it was Apple that wanted to remove DRM.

    See JeffDM's reply.

    You apparently regard Steve Jobs open letter, Feb. 6 2007, as a ruse.

    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Irrespective of the fact other MP3 stores were selling DRM free MP3s before Apple

    Are you talking about Amazon or another store? Amazon didn't begin selling MP3 downloads until Sept. 2007.

    iTunes Plus was available May 30, 2007.

    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Irrespective of the fact other MP3 stores were selling DRM free MP3s before Apple, and EMI said at the time it was them that requested Apple get rid of the DRM.

    This is from a Q/A with EMI head Eric Nicoli, after the EMI / Apple / iTunes Plus announcement.

    “Wall Street Journal. What was the moment you decided to [sell non-DRM'd music]? Steve’s letter?...”

    Eric: “We knew Steve’s views before the letter.”

    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Is it also really the music labels setting the prices for each track and not Apple. Kinda weird don't you think? Most shops set their own prices to ya know complete! And if its the music labels choosing that higher price, why is Amazon 20p cheaper on every track? They have an even more varied pricing but are always cheaper.

    Read this NYTimes article from a few years ago, particularly the music industry insider quotes. That should give you a better idea of the reasons.
  • Reply 84 of 139
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by stompy View Post

    See JeffDM's reply.

    You apparently regard Steve Jobs open letter, Feb. 6 2007 as a ruse.

    Don't forget that this ruse got the Warner CEO to call Jobs proposal illogical.


    We advocate the continued use of DRM," said Bronfman. "The notion that music does not deserve the same protection as software, film, video games or other intellectual property, simply because there is an unprotected legacy product in the physical world, is completely without logic or merit.

  • Reply 85 of 139
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by ltcompuser View Post

    You're a thief.

    Promotion/Giving away an artists music is stealing from the artist. Do the people you "distribute" the music to go out and buy it? If they do, they're honest. You're still a thief.

    How exactly am I a thief? Please explain?

    I don't give away any artists music, just RIAA's music. The artists don't own the music they make. What don't you understand about that?

    I spend over $3000 a year on independent artists music. I don't support organized crime like you.

    If I'm a thief... then your a criminal.

    Geez... you just made me sound like Robin Hood.

    Let me guess, in movies where the evil king sends out his ravaging army to rape, murder, pillage and burn the village... your cheering for them Why? Cuz the king said so?

    When the laws of the land become unbearable, it's the people that change the laws. Thats what democracy is, that is what is happening in the music industry.

    I suggest you move to Iran or North Korea. Your views tend to be in sync with the government there.
  • Reply 86 of 139
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Other stores sold drm free music before Apple because the labels were trying to break down the dominance of the iTunes store and only allowed Apple to sell DRM free music if they could control the price of the music through variable pricing. This letter proceeded all of that though.

    You mean the letter Jobs penned when Apple was looking at being investigated by the EU for iTunes DRM? You're going to use that as proof of anything other than Jobs/Apple wanting to deflect blame to the music industry? Yes, you have been drinking the kool-aid...
  • Reply 87 of 139
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Hey... look at the bottom of your browser window. See the advertising... FREE MUSIC.

    Looks like they are stealing from artists.
  • Reply 88 of 139
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Stealing????? Heavens no.

    You're a thief and an idiot. Take your bullshit some place else.
  • Reply 89 of 139
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Hey... look at the bottom of your browser window. See the advertising... FREE MUSIC.

    Looks like they are stealing from artists.

    There's a big difference between someone choosing to give away music as part of promotion plans vs. some thief deciding to do it for them.

    Selling things at a loss makes sense for a lot of businesses if they understand the long term value of a customer. I don't think those same businesses would like someone deciding to give away the same product.

    Rationalize all you want, you're still stealing.
  • Reply 90 of 139
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Stealing????? Heavens no.

    Free promotion for the artist... yes.

    I don't charge them for my time or technology to distribute their music.

    That's not your choice to make. If an artist decides they want to distribute free copies of their music to promote themselves that's their decision to make, not yours.

    Likewise, if you don't like the deal the music publishers and RIAA give content creators, that's not your problem, that's a private matter between the artist and their record label. Nowadays indy artists do have a lot more ways to market at their disposal and are less dependent on the big labels, which is obviously a good thing.

    Don't try to justify what you're doing by claiming you only do it out of consideration for the artist though. If you steal music it's because you're selfish, lazy, and a mean cheapskate. You're certainly not helping the artists.
  • Reply 91 of 139
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Solipsism, still splitting hairs I see ...

    No he's not. You are talking about a different product: an album, and not individual songs.

    You could as easily claim that you buy cheap popsicles because you buy a case of them at a time.
  • Reply 92 of 139
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    How exactly am I a thief? Please explain?

    I don't give away any artists music, just RIAA's music. The artists don't own the music they make. What don't you understand about that?

    I spend over $3000 a year on independent artists music. I don't support organized crime like you.

    If I'm a thief... then your a criminal.

    Geez... you just made me sound like Robin Hood.

    Let me guess, in movies where the evil king sends out his ravaging army to rape, murder, pillage and burn the village... your cheering for them Why? Cuz the king said so?

    When the laws of the land become unbearable, it's the people that change the laws. Thats what democracy is, that is what is happening in the music industry.

    I suggest you move to Iran or North Korea. Your views tend to be in sync with the government there.

    I see, if an artist isn't independent, then it's okay to steal from them. Even if "its the RIAA's music" the artist still gets money each time a copy is sold.

    From the way you talk, artists must be happy for your "promotion" efforts.

    It would be interesting to see how you'd react if people stole from your business or employer and you were out of a job.

    You'd be better of than most, stealing isn't a stretch for you.
  • Reply 93 of 139
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    You're a thief and an idiot. Take your bullshit some place else.

    Nah, i'm pretty sure it's your tired old sack of shit, Stalin worshiping, crap that nobody wants to hear.

    This forum is for people who subscribe to a culture of 'Thinking Different'.

    Your 'Obedience at all cost', don't think for yourself, how's my stock doing, i'm gunna flame you cuz you made a spelling error, bullshit belongs on a different forum.

    I know the future must be terrifying to you... however, some of us wish to embrace it in an open forum.
  • Reply 94 of 139
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by rhowarth View Post

    That's not your choice to make. If an artist decides they want to distribute free copies of their music to promote themselves that's their decision to make, not yours.

    Likewise, if you don't like the deal the music publishers and RIAA give content creators, that's not your problem, that's a private matter between the artist and their record label. Nowadays indy artists do have a lot more ways to market at their disposal and are less dependent on the big labels, which is obviously a good thing.

    Don't try to justify what you're doing by claiming you only do it out of consideration for the artist though. If you steal music it's because you're selfish, lazy, and a mean cheapskate. You're certainly not helping the artists.

    It becomes my problem when a family is destroyed, homeless and owes the RIAA $2,000,000,000 for having 16 music tracks on their computer that was in the wrong folder.

    Or are you cool with that?
  • Reply 95 of 139
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    It becomes my problem when a family is destroyed, homeless and owes the RIAA $2,000,000,000 for having 16 music tracks on their computer that was in the wrong folder.

    Or are you cool with that?

    I agree the RIAA is out to lunch with what they charge for copyright infringement. I also think it was outrageous that someone I knew had to pay $8000 in damages because they used 1 image on their website that they downloaded from a "public domain" image website.

    That still doesn't give you the right to distribute music without authorization.

    And, those that don't think it's OK to illegally distribute music aren't automatically Stalinists or socialists.
  • Reply 96 of 139
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by ltcompuser View Post

    I see, if an artist isn't independent, then it's okay to steal from them.

    Yes. Because the alternative where people's lives are destroyed with $2,000,000,000 lawsuits is just too scary to comprehend.

    If you haven't noticed, there is a revolt going on. Some of the biggest named artists in the world leading the way.

    However, there will always be those who put greed above human rights, and you, my friend, will one day have to live with the guilt and consequences of your actions. Or will you turn a blind eye as long as your stock keeps going up?
  • Reply 97 of 139
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Yes. Because the alternative where people's lives are destroyed with $2,000,000,000 lawsuits is just too scary to comprehend.

    If you haven't noticed, there is a revolt going on. Some of the biggest named artists in the world leading the way.

    I'm more concerned about the trends of: Sense of entitlement. That it's okay to steal if I think the other party is wrong. That the end justifies the means.

    Don't try to say that because the RIAA seeks outrageous damages that it's okay to steal from artists. Those are two separate issues.

    Whatever you say, you are a thief.
  • Reply 98 of 139
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    You mean the letter Jobs penned when Apple was looking at being investigated by the EU for iTunes DRM? You're going to use that as proof of anything other than Jobs/Apple wanting to deflect blame to the music industry? Yes, you have been drinking the kool-aid...

    I honestly didn't even remember anything about that, but after looking into it, it looks like those accusations came after Steve Job released the letter. The record labels could have made him eat his words if they wanted to and required their music to be DRM free but they didn't want that.

    Other people in this thread have discussed the situation in a lot more detail than I have with a lot of relevant links. Either Apple pulled wool over everyones eyes, or you've done it to yourself.
  • Reply 99 of 139
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The music industry is far more price-rigid than publishing and the movie industry. It's easy to find $6 new DVDs of decent back catalog movies, but almost impossible time finding a music CD in that range at retail, unless it's one of those low-rent compilation CDs, and not original albums.

    If you mean retail as in a store, then no, you can find places that discount older CDs quite a bit.

    An of course via the internet there is a tonne of places that discount CDs
  • Reply 100 of 139
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    How exactly am I a thief? Please explain?

    I don't give away any artists music, just RIAA's music. The artists don't own the music they make. What don't you understand about that?

    I spend over $3000 a year on independent artists music. I don't support organized crime like you.

    If I'm a thief... then your a criminal.

    Geez... you just made me sound like Robin Hood.

    Let me guess, in movies where the evil king sends out his ravaging army to rape, murder, pillage and burn the village... your cheering for them Why? Cuz the king said so?

    When the laws of the land become unbearable, it's the people that change the laws. Thats what democracy is, that is what is happening in the music industry.

    I suggest you move to Iran or North Korea. Your views tend to be in sync with the government there.

    The underlined portion is correct you should be working to change the laws, not breaking them. I'm not anti-piracy, and I do feel there is some good that can come out of it, but I can't stand people who feel justified and proud of going against existing laws.

    If you don't want to support the RIAA, then don't, but don't take that as a license to distribute their media. The people that come up with self-righteous reasons for file sharing are usually the ones that just want to get around paying for media.
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