iPad, multiple accounts



  • Reply 61 of 68
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Except that it's not true.

    This is exactly what is being reported by actual users. It is as valid as your position to me. More so because it is consitant with what I see on my iPhone.


    This is another one of those shabby "who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?" arguments. I have been using an iPad heavily for nearly three weeks now and have never experienced any performance issues browsing the web or doing anything else, including intensive activities, such as streaming movies.

    I can stream movies on my iPhone if I really want to. You need to focus on what I'm talkng about not the things iPad obviously does well. It is important to understand that I don't dismiss the things it does well, I'm just concerned about what it doesn't do well. Especially if I'm going to be using one with 3G.


    I know the geeks are having a hard time wrapping their heads around the entire concept of the iPad, but to insist that it must have performance issues because they say it must, despite all of the evidence to the contrary supplied by actual users,

    The only person having a problem here is you. You take as evidence your usage which frankly means nothing in this context because you are on WiFI. There is likely to be a major difference in performance over 3G simply because the time to reload a page becomes very significant. It is really pretty damn simple to understand, 3G page reloads = slow!


    suggests that something else is going on here. In a word, denial. The simple truth is, you don't know what's going on inside the iPad and how Apple made it as responsive as it is, but that no good reason to insist that it can't possibly be happening.

    Have you totally lost what I've been trying to say here? I'm not talking about responsiveness. I'm talking about performance issues related to the lack of memory. Especially in the context of a person using the tablet over 3G. To a lesser extent the more involved apps like iWorks are also showing signs of being constrained by the lack of memory.

    The more you sit here and present non arguements the more people will shut you out. Everybody already knows what the iPad does well, it is the limitations that are being swept under the rug because everybody is bug eyed over the responsiveness of the unit.

  • Reply 62 of 68
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    I know exactly what you are saying. The iPad doesn't have enough gigglehurts, so it can't possibly work well. The fact that it does is mystifying and therefore cannot be happening.
  • Reply 63 of 68
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    I know exactly what you are saying. The iPad doesn't have enough gigglehurts, so it can't possibly work well. The fact that it does is mystifying and therefore cannot be happening.

    Agreed! I haven't had any performance issues, and I don't anticipate any when my 3G arrives either. 256 MBs of ram? I wouldn't care if it had 2 MBs, as long as it performs - and it does, very well I might add.
  • Reply 64 of 68
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Warning: works only on jailbroken iPads.
  • Reply 65 of 68
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I doubt it. I suspect there will be many limitations with the device and as soon as you come across a deal-breaker, you're not supposed to complain but simply say 'it's not for me' and move along.

    No encryption, no media content control, no multiple accounts, I believe 3rd party multitasking is being worked on. We'll see when it comes out but if you think of it like an ipod touch, just bigger, you'll see what market it's aiming at (yeah it's quite a small market).

    People don't share ipod touches, you get one each so it's really a device for your own personal content. The fact it's a slave device requires that because when you sync, it would have to let you choose which account to sync to and the audience it's aiming at apparently get confused easily by options so they'd probably have multiple accounts on one device and wonder why they can't find any music they've synced.

    IMO the iPad is one of those close and yet so far products where you constantly think 'if only it could just... then I'd have a use for it' but it doesn't and Apple doesn't mind because they don't sell products at a loss so it will make a profit regardless.

    My thoughts exactly. I think Apple is just setting the stage for a more powerful iPad in the future.
  • Reply 66 of 68
    fmstratfmstrat Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by dacloo View Post


    I was wondering if it's known if the iPad will support multiple accounts?

    I'd like to buy one for "light computing" at home, but I would like to share the device

    with my girlfriend. Accounts will be handy to seperate mail accounts, agenda's, etc.


    Wow, this thread has gotten off topic If you're willing to Jailbreak, there is an app coming out very soon to do exactly what you want.

    It supports multiple users/accounts on iPad, with all features (mail/web/applications/settings/etc): http://nowsci.com/userprofiles


  • Reply 67 of 68
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by Fmstrat View Post

    Wow, this thread has gotten off topic If you're willing to Jailbreak, there is an app coming out very soon to do exactly what you want.

    It supports multiple users/accounts on iPad, with all features (mail/web/applications/settings/etc): http://nowsci.com/userprofiles



    I know you're resurrecting a year old thread to push your app but it does look pretty good. What app store rules does it violate that it can't be done for the app store?
  • Reply 68 of 68
    fmstratfmstrat Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    I know you're resurrecting a year old thread to push your app but it does look pretty good. What app store rules does it violate that it can't be done for the app store?

    Not "quite" a year yet I figured people who subscribed to the thread might be interested now that a solution is coming.

    As for app store rules, to the letter, I don't believe it violates any. However, Apple is very strict on anything that "changes the way the OS operates". That being said, I've yet to figure out a way to duplicate the required system elements without root access, too. A Jailbreak gives that ability to apps.


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