iPod touch users spend more time using apps than those with iPhones



  • Reply 61 of 64
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    To find the best most useful apps without reading the accompanying schpiel is a tough call.

    Right! On Version Tracker there is a name of the program and a short blurp on one line, so it only takes seconds to find out about the program. So one can review 50 programs on one page at a time and quickly load another 50 fast, there is even a star rated review etc. on the same page.


    The App Store on the other hand, has a icon for each app, only loads 20 apps per page, takes 15 seconds to do so and no short description of the app what so ever, so your forced to load another 15 second page to review to evaluate any apps you want to know more information about.

    It's terrible a flawed system and perhaps explains why the reviews are incomplete.

    I'll take a look at appfinder thanks.
  • Reply 62 of 64
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    So the opinions of Android and Palm WebOS users are worthless?

    I see 0_o

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    ...deemed worthless because of the self-selected nature of the respondents.

  • Reply 63 of 64
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    So how many of the 25 million people who bought iPhone's last year will this affect 1%, 10%?

    Do you have any figures on how many have been affected and maybe a link?

    3D Sun is good if you like solar flares and sunspots.

    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    It is if you have to jailbreak them to run apps Apple doesn't approve or want, then get locked out of the App Store or future OS updates.

  • Reply 64 of 64
    joe hsjoe hs Posts: 488member
    I'm 13 and I got an iPhone because I couldn't live without 3G :P in the UK iPhones are available on Pay-as-you-go though, so my parents an me don't have to worry about $90 a month data plans or whatever they are in the US

    I think more iPod Touch users would become iPhone users in the US if the data plans wernt so much, or they become available without a contract like in the UK
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