Condé Nast plans for iPad, but is caught in Apple-Adobe Flash fight



  • Reply 81 of 84
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    Porn chose HD-DVD.

    No, porn chose both but got a late start on blu-ray because they had a hard time getting access to blu-ray pressing facilities at first. Most pressing facilities were prohibited from being contracted for porn. Without a doubt, porn is a a good indicator of where media technologies are headed.
  • Reply 82 of 84
    monikamonika Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    That was long read to get to the lame overused "80% of websites" bull. 8 years of Flash and you barely understand how worthless Flash actually is, and WHY it should never have been used in the first place. So what if you spent 8 years working in Flash? You didn't do a damn thing to improve it! Yet you could have had you been working in an open standard instead of some companies buggy plugin. Adobe may have seemed like God a few years ago but only to people who didn't the understand the world around them.

    And yet more and more technologies going toward Flash, so I guess, we are just bunch of delusional Adobe fanboys

    Thank for the reply, it's really quite entertaining.
  • Reply 83 of 84
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    HTML5 does everything people care about, like video and simple animations.

    Flash is getting replaced, accept it.

    I'm going to frame this and put it on my wall. It makes me laugh.

    You might as well throw down your pants and expose what you don't have...and don't know.

    Come back to us with an interactive piece done in HTML5 that appears on a national web site--like I've done. Or, better.... I'll lighten your load---find ONE truly elite example that compares to MILLIONS of flash examples on CNN, ESPN, Smithsonian, NY Times.

    Jane you (completely) ignorant slut.

  • Reply 84 of 84
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    The iPhone is now three years old and has never supported Flash. If it's absolutely essential for companies to support the iPhone, why haven't companies left and right dropped their Flash websites in favor of HTML over the last three years?

    It's simple. Because you don't expect Jack shit from a cel phone when it comes to browsing. But that's going to change.

    And if you haven't already heard about the mass of customers returning their ipads--you soon will. Half the web won't cut it with a tablet. I've bought over 10 apple computers...but I am questioning my ongoing loyalty.

    I say it's time to "Think Different."
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