Apple's Steve Jobs named world's most valuable CEO

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A new list of the 30 "most respected" chief executives across the world has named Apple co-founder Steve Jobs the most valuable of all, noting that "America could use 1,000 more like him."

This week Barron's released its annual list of the best CEOs in the world. Jobs returned to the list from last year, joining Jeffrey Bezos of, Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway and Mark Hurd of Hewlett-Packard.

"Probably the world's most valuable CEO is Steve Jobs of Apple, as shown by stock dips on news of his medical problems," the report said. "Apple recently hit a record, with a market value topping $200 billion, a reflection of the Street's confidence that a healthy Jobs (at least from what we can tell) continues to keep Apple ahead of the game. Jobs likely accounts for $25 billion or more of Apple's market value."

It said any list of the most respected CEOs must start with Jobs, whose "cinematic" return to the company from which he founded saw him "triumphantly rescue" it from the brink of death.

"The Mac was and remains brilliant, but it was just the beginning," the report said. "With the iPod, iPhone, iTunes and the App Store, Apple has forced dramatic changes in the music, movie and wireless businesses. With the iPad and the iBookstore, he's taking on the rest of the content industry, including textbooks, bestsellers and newspapers."

In January 2009, Jobs took a leave of absence from Apple due to health-related issues, leaving Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook at the helm. Jobs eventually returned to work in June after receiving a liver transplant.

While at the helm, Cook oversaw the launch of several key products, most notably the iPhone 3GS. Earlier this month, he was awarded $22 million for his performance.

Jobs is frequently lauded for his performance as the CEO of Apple. In December, the Harvard Business Review named him the world's best-performing CEO for increasing his company's market cap a whopping $150 billion in the last 12 years.

In November, Jobs was given the title "CEO of the Decade" by Fortune. The magazine lauded him for making Apple a groundbreaking technology leader and the most valuable company in Silicon Valley. He was also a finalist for Time magazine's 2009 "Person of the Year."


  • Reply 1 of 88
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member

    "America could use 1,000 more like him."

    Yea, in government, making the country money.

    IF Steve Jobs was running the country, we would have cash surplus of 40 trillion!!



    note: substantially edited to avoid politics.
  • Reply 2 of 88
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Yea, in government, making the country money, instead of the socialists we got now who dragged Freddie and Fannie into the sub-prime mortgage mess in the pursuit of socialized housing, costing us taxpayers trillions and hocking us to our eyeballs to the Chinese.

    Now these morons have enacted a step towards socialized health care, with huge tax increases and a nice 3.5% penalty when you file your taxes if you can't afford health coverage, driving even more people to work under the table, all with the cry "the Federal Budget is going to be balanced in X years!!"

    Talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul!

    IF Steve Jobs was running the country, we would have cash surplus of 40 trillion!!



    If you actually did some research I suspect you would find SJ supported Barack. But this is an Apple Blog not the Tea Party Forum so enough of your political opinions please.
  • Reply 3 of 88
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post



    Ever thought about running for office, I'd like the opportunity to vote against you. Your post has nothing to do with the topic--'Nuff already.
  • Reply 4 of 88
    this news never gets old..
  • Reply 5 of 88
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    If you actually did some research I suspect you would find SJ supported Barack. But this is an Apple Blog not the Tea Party Forum so enough of your political opinions please.

    Nobody knows for sure what party line Steve supports in the voting booth, but I tell you this though, there are a lot of company leaders that play in public whatever party is popular as to avoid losing leadership, but in private they vote what affects their bottom line.

    Steve is obviously a opportunist capitalist and not a socialist, or else that $40 billion wouldn't have been created in the first place.

    If the government decided that taking over Apple was in the best interests of the country, I'm sure he raise bloody hell.

    By the way, you don't need to quote my whole post in your response you know.
  • Reply 6 of 88
    mrkoolaidmrkoolaid Posts: 106member
    Originally Posted by BMWintoxication View Post

    this news never gets old..

    .....and neither can Steve.
  • Reply 7 of 88
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    If Steve Jobs was running the country, we would have cash surplus of 40 trillion!!

    As digitalclips states, this isn't the place for political commentary. This forums does have the AppleOutsider section, which I'm going to start a (hopefully comical) thread about what would the US be like if Steve Jobs were president.
  • Reply 8 of 88
    mrkoolaidmrkoolaid Posts: 106member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    As digitalclips states, this isn't the place for political commentary. This forums does have the AppleOutsider section, which I'm going to start a (hopefully comical) thread about what would the US be like if Steve Jobs were president.

    We all look forword to it.

    But for really comical he should be much bigger than President of US. President is not comical as he could obtain that position anytime- seriously.
  • Reply 9 of 88
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
  • Reply 10 of 88
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Nobody knows for sure what party line Steve supports in the voting booth, but I tell you this though, there are a lot of company leaders that play in public whatever party is popular as to avoid losing leadership, but in private they vote what affects their bottom line.

    Steve is obviously a opportunist capitalist and not a socialist, or else that $40 billion wouldn't have been created in the first place.

    If the government decided that taking over Apple was in the best interests of the country, I'm sure he raise bloody hell.

    By the way, you don't need to quote my whole post in your response you know.

    Not to quote your entire post would wrong when criticizing you. I think you are confusing not quoting the entire article which some newbies do.
  • Reply 11 of 88
    htoellehtoelle Posts: 89member
    Well done Mr Jobs you have managed to accomplish something few are accorded, namely the respect and admiration of your piers. Plus many more. You have proved in an overwhelming way that it is not the accumulation of wealth which brings this type of recognition and respect. It is Hard Honest Work on the ideas and ideals which come from within. Well done Sir.

    Respectfully submitted HT
  • Reply 12 of 88
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    SpotOn, seriously cut back on the sugar, the caffeine and post political responses where they belong - not in these threads please. There. See? Polite, civil discourse, not diatribe and name-calling. So honor the effort made with one of your own and let it drop. Or edit, make it a def tongue-in-cheek msg to disarm the obvious political slant. Be creative!
  • Reply 13 of 88
    If you have any extra liquidity, invest in Apple.
  • Reply 14 of 88
    Originally Posted by mrkoolaid View Post

    .....and neither can Steve.

    Originally Posted by mrkoolaid View Post

    We all look forword to it.

    But for really comical he should be much bigger than President of US. President is not comical as he could obtain that position anytime- seriously.

    Hmmmmm...... I wonder who this mrkoolaid is: disappears on January 27, 2010, and magically reappears yesterday.

    Just watch this fellow, folks!
  • Reply 15 of 88
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    As digitalclips states, this isn't the place for political commentary. This forums does have the AppleOutsider section, which I'm going to start a (hopefully comical) thread about what would the US be like if Steve Jobs were president.

    Not president, dictator.

    Our country is ruled by three branches, not just one leader.

    (edited out)

    America would need 1000 Steve Jobs to fill all the positions in the House and Senate, as well as the Presidency, Pentagon etc. Likely they would all agree with each other for a most part, a welcome change from the usual bickering going on.

    Steve has a eye for perfection and profit, creating and advancing things at the risk of letting established methods and ideals die, even at the risk of alienating others, but he gets results.

    Alas, we will never see his type running the country.
  • Reply 16 of 88
    Back on topic, I am getting a little concerned about all this adulation. Not that SJ asks for it. Indeed, I am fairly certain he squirms when he sees this type of thing.

    This sort of euphoria is typical of the press and the public before they start to find reasons to tear the person down.

    There was a finance professor of mine, who used to say (of course, with tongue firmly in cheek): When a CEO is featured on the cover of Fortune, sell. (Not that I am recommending or taking his advice, but just sayin'.......)
  • Reply 17 of 88
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Hmmmmm...... I wonder who this mrkoolaid is: disappears on January 27, 2010, and magically reappears yesterday.

    Just watch this fellow, folks!

    Yeah, it's TechTurd alright. (I think that is the correct name but with so many aliases deleted it's hard to keep track).

    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Not president...

    Alas, we will never see his type running the country.

    Cool your political commentary. You've been informed where you can push your agenda on this forum. There aren't many rules here, but that is one of them.
  • Reply 18 of 88
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Back on topic, I am getting a little concerned about all this adulation. Not that SJ asks for it. Indeed, I am fairly certain he squirms when he sees this type of thing.

    This sort of euphoria is typical of the press and the public before they start to find reasons to tear the person down.

    There was a finance professor of mine, who used to say (of course, with tongue firmly in cheek): When a CEO is featured on the cover of Fortune, sell. (Not that I am recommending or taking his advice, but just sayin'.......)

    I wouldn't sell but he does have a general point (note: not a general rule). This doesn't affect the future of Apple's stock or their products so I couldn't care less what awards he gets.

    I suppose it's possible he might use this to better himself and the company, which could trickle down to the customers and subsequently the valuation of the company, but I doubt it.
  • Reply 19 of 88
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Hmmmmm...... I wonder who this mrkoolaid is: disappears on January 27, 2010, and magically reappears yesterday.

    Just watch this fellow, folks!

    Was on vacation, look at the tan lines

    Maybe had plastic surgery and the scars have healed
  • Reply 20 of 88
    SJ has done wonders with Apple; brought it back from the brink. That requires a special combination of vision, charisma, leadership, and ruthlessness. Palm is now approaching the brink. I wonder what he would do to rescue Palm. I think Apple had more going for it when SJ returned and there was no Apple equivalent as a competitor. Is Palm too far gone?
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