Apple's legendary secrecy veil intact prior to iPad launch



  • Reply 21 of 31
    Geniuses certainly do not make over $30 an hour.

    Information from the Glass Door prove on average an hourly Genius makes $18/hr and the most profitable "Lead Mac Genius" makes on average $23, maybe getting close to $30 with countless years of experience.
  • Reply 22 of 31
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Employees are also given a 25 percent discount on iPods and Macs, but none for the iPhone. Employees said they do not know whether they will receive a discount for the iPad.

    yes, but they can only use the discount to purchase one item from any family of products per year (i.e., one mac pro, one macbook, one cinema display, one ipod, etc.).

    i don't recall how sub-families are treated; that is, whether they can apply the discount to, say, an ipod touch, an ipod nano, and an ipod shuffle, etc., but there are definitely strict limitations in place to prevent abuse of the discounts.
  • Reply 23 of 31
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by wilsonaire View Post

    Geniuses certainly do not make over $30 an hour.

    Information from the Glass Door prove on average an hourly Genius makes $18/hr and the most profitable "Lead Mac Genius" makes on average $23, maybe getting close to $30 with countless years of experience.

    To me, the $30 was THE story! I about crapped my pants thinking what I am doing and why am I not working at the Apple store. You have calmed me back down. Still, $23 an hour for a Genius position is nothing to sneeze at considering.
  • Reply 24 of 31
    iadlibiadlib Posts: 109member
    When Apple hired its first round of Genius employees these people were being paid in excess of 60K a year. To sit around and do just about nothing even after the iPod came out. They figured out they didn't need to be paying corporate salaries to someone who wasn't doing anything, so they started weeding out the originals or putting them in management. After all, a trained monkey can follow a diagram and turn screws.

    I'm actually shocked that they aren't using monkeys behind the scenes. So they started dwindling down the wages. More Genii + lower pay = crappy service and unhappy Genii. Some Genii start at $10 an hour or $12.50, rarely to they get to $20. This is even in states where there is state income tax. Which means if you live in a state income tax free zone, you usually make out like a bandit!

    In reality the wage all comes down to how greedy the hiring manager is. Because I know Genii in an out of the way store, who do a whole lot less than those who work in a major metro, and make more than the people being worked to the bone!

    If you're wondering how greedy someone can be thats making close to 6 figures or more per year, let me explain it to you. If the store manager keeps his budget and shrink and all the things Apple demands be in check. They can make up to 133% of their yearly salary as a bonus. If that doesn't make you greedy, I don't know what does, after all why would your employees need to have a decent life?

    They need to unionize the employees at that company. They get treated like crap and then if they complain or try and make any kind of progressive motion forward. They get the axe!
  • Reply 25 of 31
    stevehsteveh Posts: 480member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: Are they weightless there? I'd have to say no since Kubrik is known for his attention to detail and free food wouldn't be a viable option.

    The Discovery had a spun section that provided pseudo gravity,t "down" being toward the outer rim of the spinning section.
  • Reply 26 of 31
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by iadlib View Post

    When Apple hired its first round of Genius employees these people were being paid in excess of 60K a year. To sit around and do just about nothing even after the iPod came out. They figured out they didn't need to be paying corporate salaries to someone who wasn't doing anything, so they started weeding out the originals or putting them in management. After all, a trained monkey can follow a diagram and turn screws.

    I'm actually shocked that they aren't using monkeys behind the scenes. So they started dwindling down the wages. More Genii + lower pay = crappy service and unhappy Genii. Some Genii start at $10 an hour or $12.50, rarely to they get to $20. This is even in states where there is state income tax. Which means if you live in a state income tax free zone, you usually make out like a bandit!

    In reality the wage all comes down to how greedy the hiring manager is. Because I know Genii in an out of the way store, who do a whole lot less than those who work in a major metro, and make more than the people being worked to the bone!

    If you're wondering how greedy someone can be thats making close to 6 figures or more per year, let me explain it to you. If the store manager keeps his budget and shrink and all the things Apple demands be in check. They can make up to 133% of their yearly salary as a bonus. If that doesn't make you greedy, I don't know what does, after all why would your employees need to have a decent life?

    They need to unionize the employees at that company. They get treated like crap and then if they complain or try and make any kind of progressive motion forward. They get the axe!

    Excelent first post.

    Straight to the ignore list.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    The description of draconian Apple security puts me in mind of the story that circulated a while back claiming an independent repair shop in the Midwest had already gotten iPad parts, specifically the frame, showing a cut-out for a forward facing camera.

    So the same company that makes its employees work on unreleased products under a black cloak sends parts for those products out months before release, which promptly get photographed and passed around the web.

    And people were believing this.
  • Reply 28 of 31
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by iadlib View Post

    When Apple hired its first round of Genius employees these people were being paid in excess of 60K a year. To sit around and do just about nothing even after the iPod came out. They figured out they didn't need to be paying corporate salaries to someone who wasn't doing anything, so they started weeding out the originals or putting them in management. After all, a trained monkey can follow a diagram and turn screws.

    I'm actually shocked that they aren't using monkeys behind the scenes. So they started dwindling down the wages. More Genii + lower pay = crappy service and unhappy Genii. Some Genii start at $10 an hour or $12.50, rarely to they get to $20. This is even in states where there is state income tax. Which means if you live in a state income tax free zone, you usually make out like a bandit!

    In reality the wage all comes down to how greedy the hiring manager is. Because I know Genii in an out of the way store, who do a whole lot less than those who work in a major metro, and make more than the people being worked to the bone!

    If you're wondering how greedy someone can be thats making close to 6 figures or more per year, let me explain it to you. If the store manager keeps his budget and shrink and all the things Apple demands be in check. They can make up to 133% of their yearly salary as a bonus. If that doesn't make you greedy, I don't know what does, after all why would your employees need to have a decent life?

    They need to unionize the employees at that company. They get treated like crap and then if they complain or try and make any kind of progressive motion forward. They get the axe!

    Got fired, eh?
  • Reply 29 of 31
    Err what veil of secrecy? The veil of secrecy used to refer to the fact that nobody knew for sure what Apple were going to launch and then they would have a big event with the product going on sale that day. The iPad was announced months ago, it's not a secret, we all know about it, we've all seen the videos of it. How's it any different to Sony sticking a phone there going to make on there website months before the launch.
  • Reply 30 of 31
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    I love that scene. Watch it on Blu ray/1080p. It's lovely.

    I think Kubrick stands alone as a film maker, not just because of his (Jobsian) obsession with detail, but that his films are so multi-layered - meanings within meanings within meanings. There are some truly fascinating deep analyses of his films out there, some of them quite mind-blowing. These guys have some good ideas, particularly about the scene on the shuttle from the space station to the moon - if you are a fan of the movie it is worth a look:

    Unfortunately you will not be able to watch it on your iPhone or iPad as it is in Fl*sh (spurious attempt to get vaguely on-topic! )
  • Reply 31 of 31

    Developers [will] have to wait like most everyone else for the official launch this Saturday.

    Actually, it's worse than that. It should read American developers will have to wait until Saturday to test on a real device. Those in Canada, Europe and elsewhere will have to either figure out how to get a US model or wait another month (or more) to get their hands on one.
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