Apple set to reveal multitasking, iAd with iPhone OS 4.0 - report



  • Reply 121 of 145
    oomuoomu Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post


    2) competitors and salespeople can't ride on the name. If it had been iSlate, then my Uncle might have entered a store and been told "sure, we have the latest slates right here, let me show you"... to be sold a HP or Dell slate

    I agree people use filesystems really badly. Just try upgrading ANY computer user, and you find their files are all over the place. (To be honest, I judge this largely on XP upgrade experiences).

    But putting every word file in one folder, every excel file in one folder, every pdf file in one folder ...etc... is not a better system.

    Bring on something BETTER.

    let the computer manage that stuff, like in iphoto or itunes

    I don't want to "manage file", I have a computer for that !
  • Reply 122 of 145
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I would guess most users have it on and with automatic updates. I have it disabled most of the time as well except for the occasional times when I need it. For example uses Java to display the official US government time. I use this to check our our internal systems. (no lecture on time servers please). But this is an isolated instance for sure. I believe Java used as an applet is mostly obsolete.

    Is it that much of a security threat?
  • Reply 123 of 145
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by oomu View Post

    let the computer manage that stuff, like in iphoto or itunes

    I don't want to "manage file", I have a computer for that !

    So basically you'd like to pre-plan the files you need access to from your computer, sync, then have access on the go?

    I find that limiting.
  • Reply 124 of 145
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I personally hope third party multitasking can be turned off. I don't have any need for it on my iPhone and don't want to suffer from the RAM and CPU usage of background apps if I forget to close them after every use.

    ...would be great to have as configurable within General Settings, in the likely instance that device performance and battery life may take too much of a hit with a "full-on, always on" multi-tasking capability.

    That way, it could be enabled when needed, usually when stationary, and disabled when not, usually when on the move.

  • Reply 125 of 145
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I didn't mean to come across as angry or mean, I was genuinely incredulous and wondering why anyone needs this. So I apologise if that's the way I seemed.

    To further argue the substance of the thing though, if you only need GPS "once in a while" and only turn WiFi off when you go to the beach, then the current ability to do it in the settings would arguably suffice. I still don't see any need to have this stuff right up front in the OS when one is only needing to access it once in a blue moon.

    I guess the OS won't work for everyone, but it stands to reason they have to design it for the majority and the major use cases, rather than for what each individual may want.

    I'm not saying that when I go to the beach that it's the ONLY time that I turn off WiFi. I was just giving an example. I use the feature quite often when I don't have a power outlet handy. If I need internet and there are no WiFi access points around, I turn off the WiFi and use 3G only. If what I'm doing doesn't really require a speedy connection, I bump 3G down to EDGE.

    All of this is done quickly by doing a quick swipe across the top and hitting ONE button. That's versus going through a mess of pages in Settings.

    In addition, with regards to GPS, I only enable it when an application calls for it (and if I deem it necessary). Then instead of having to acknowledge the "Enable Location Services" bubble that pops up, which then takes me out of the application losing my place, I just swipe and tap. DONE!

    Again, it's easy to live in a "bubble" of your own and not see how other people use their devices -- especially those that aren't tethered to a power outlet all the time.

    And another thing, you seem to be downplaying the battery drain that WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3G, etc. can have on an iPhone. However, even Apple has tips showing that disabling these options when you don't need them boost battery life:

    And for those of us who like having longer battery life, having quick access to these power robbing features is very handy.
  • Reply 126 of 145
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    I'm not saying that when I go to the beach that it's the ONLY time that I turn off WiFi. I was just giving an example. I use the feature quite often when I don't have a power outlet handy. If I need internet and there are no WiFi access points around, I turn off the WiFi and use 3G only. If what I'm doing doesn't really require a speedy connection, I bump 3G down to EDGE.

    All of this is done quickly by doing a quick swipe across the top and hitting ONE button. That's versus going through a mess of pages in Settings.

    I agree they need to make the various radio settings more accessible. I use a bluetooth headset every day at the gym, and it's a bit of a pain to get to the setting to enable and then disable it on such a regular schedule. WiFi I typically don't mess with at all. I just leave it on all the time, so I can't comment on that. Same with the 3G radio. I just don't bother with it.
  • Reply 127 of 145
    quadquad Posts: 13member
    I beg for the option to turn OFF the screen shifting from the accelerometer.
  • Reply 128 of 145
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Originally Posted by Quad View Post

    I beg for the option to turn OFF the screen shifting from the accelerometer.

    Are you talking about the auto-rotate? I think if you hold your finger on the screen, it will lock it if I recall. I know it works in the photo app at least.

    Edit: Found the instructions for it...

    "Rotation can be switched off when viewing photos on the iPhone Camera Roll or Photo Library. When viewing a photo, hold down with one finger on the photo as if you're trying to copy the image.

    The Copy indicator box will appear over the photo. Now rotate the iPhone in any direction and the photo will retain its current orientation. A few seconds after letting go of the screen the Copy indicator box will disappear.

    Accelerometer rotation will be restored as soon as you touch the image again or swipe to the next photo in the set."
  • Reply 129 of 145
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Please Call it AdKit instead of iAds........
  • Reply 130 of 145
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by airmanchairman View Post

    ...would be great to have as configurable within General Settings, in the likely instance that device performance and battery life may take too much of a hit with a "full-on, always on" multi-tasking capability.

    That way, it could be enabled when needed, usually when stationary, and disabled when not, usually when on the move.


    For you or me, maybe. I'm still concerned about the effect on beginners. If it's on by default, a lot of newbies are going to find their iPhone slowing to a crawl as they open apps and forget to close them. Then they'll start complaining about how slow the phone is.

    As I've said before, multitasking really doesn't add much to iPhone OS. You're just not doing many things with the iPhone or iPad that require multitasking beyond what is already provided (yes, I know some of you will whine that you want to use your own music app instead of iTunes, but I don't see why Apple should spend time and resources creating a function just so you can do something in a different way).

    Originally Posted by Quad View Post

    I beg for the option to turn OFF the screen shifting from the accelerometer.

    On the iPad, there's a switch to turn screen rotation off.
  • Reply 131 of 145
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by oomu View Post

    everyone need to protect his/her culture and to add upon it. The French law was all about to force company to sell product with french translation (for example, rules for a game)

    never french "insists" everything are "french words". (it would be difficult, we use a gazillion english, italien, arabian and so on words, even some japanese one)


    Quebec is a lot of more creative and insisting about french words for everything new and they are great.

    No need to defend the position. I wasn't trying to be critical, I was just curious what the French words were for iPad and iPhone etc. If they were indeed changed.
  • Reply 132 of 145
    nofear1aznofear1az Posts: 209member
    Originally Posted by ksec View Post

    Please Call it AdKit instead of iAds........

    I like the name AdKit so much better than IAds.... A small misspell of iAds and you might end up with aids....

    I'm frankly getting tired of every Apple product being called iName. It's way overused IMHO.

    Slate is way better of a name than iPad....but too late now.

    (posted with my iPad)
  • Reply 133 of 145
    Originally Posted by freddych View Post

    All this means is that Jobs knows what Fanbois want. MS market share is much higher than Apple's so it would seem that MS knows more about what the average consumer wants.

    Although Apple seems to have the market cornered when it comes to MP3 players, so yes, Apple knows what consumers want when it comes to an MP3 player. Computers and phones? not so much.

    Are you for real? I feel like I am reading the same old argument by trolls from the last 20 years.
  • Reply 134 of 145
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    My projections for iPhone multitasking:

    I believe the multitasking will be limited. Like an app is allowed to "park" its full state somewhere for quicker reloading, then launch its background mode where it's only allowed a fixed level of resources.

    Maybe to "park" an app into background mode you have to press and hold the home button rather than just press it once.

    To view the parked apps you just go to the current spotlight screen.

    Any app will probably be free to demand no background processes, such as demanding games. While starting up such an app it could tell the user "This app needs the full capacity of your device. Quit background apps? Yes/ Cancel.
  • Reply 135 of 145
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by nofear1az View Post

    I like the name AdKit so much better than IAds.... A small misspell of iAds and you might end up with aids....

    I'm frankly getting tired of every Apple product being called iName. It's way overused IMHO.

    Slate is way better of a name than iPad....but too late now.

    (posted with my iPad)

    I think "iPad" sounds a lot better than "iSlate". Much more relaxed and matches the family: iPhone, iPod, iPad.

    Actually I think Apple fooled the world with the iSlate name, misleading the industry that iSlate was the name to go. This way the rest of the tablet world started using the Slate PC term, and then Apple introduced iPad, and Slate PC's suddenly sounds obsolete.
  • Reply 136 of 145
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    Originally Posted by MH01 View Post

    Really looking forward to see what they have up thier sleeve. Really hoping they introduce multitasking (And do it it the Apple way so its easy and a good User experience)

    I just hope 4.0 is not geared towards ads, that would be a huge disapointment. Ads ruin the mobile experience in my opinion, and Apple introduction a framework for it kinda really sucks.


    I use an Android device with "Ad" driven applications that really suck big time. Heaven forbid you tap on the ad by mistake; your app goes to the background / closes, a freaking browser pops up and ....
  • Reply 137 of 145
    Originally Posted by nofear1az View Post

    I like the name AdKit so much better than IAds.... A small misspell of iAds and you might end up with aids....

    I'm frankly getting tired of every Apple product being called iName. It's way overused IMHO.

    Slate is way better of a name than iPad....but too late now.

    (posted with my iPad)

    If it is something for developers to deliver ads inside their apps, as it has been announced since the acquisition (and NOT some "Spam up your nose" feature as some fear), AdKit makes a LOT of sense (cf. GameKit for Online Games, StoreKit for in-app purchases), whereas users will be almost oblivious to it being an Apple framework instead of Google's.
  • Reply 138 of 145
    Originally Posted by macslut View Post

    Apple has a higher market share than Microsoft in several areas, the biggest of which would be MP3 players and phones. However, there are software areas where Apple leads despite have a lower market share for the platform (Final Cut).

    However there's a difference between knowing what the average consumer wants and having market share as a goal.

    A great example that people seem to forget is that it was Apple with a GUI OS versus Microsoft with a command-line OS, where Microsoft had much higher market share, but consumers *wanted* a GUI OS. Thus, Microsoft adopted a GUI approach.

    PCs with Windows may sell more in volume than the Mac today, but is volume really the right measurement? Do consumers not want a BMW or other premium automobile? Take a look at Apple and its profit as a computer maker and compare that to others. Compare the satisfaction ratings. Read the surveys on why people have PCs instead of Macs...IT policy, price, software lock-in, are all higher on the list than personal preference of OS.

    Also, it's funny you used the word "consumer". Microsoft does much better in enterprise markets than consumer markets. They've traditionally lost money in areas that are consumer only. Their record here is quite poor indeed. It's not a coincidence that they've been focusing so much on consumer products and services during this past decade while their market cap has fallen from $590 billion to a little over $250 billion.

    Meanwhile, Apple, who has been focused on consumer products and services, has had their market cap go from $16 billion to over $215 billion during the same time period.

    In the past decade, what has Microsoft produced that's been a hit or at least desirable by consumers (as opposed to enterprise) other than the Xbox? (and even the Xbox still has a net loss overall).

    Totally agree.
  • Reply 139 of 145
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    As I've said before, multitasking really doesn't add much to iPhone OS. You're just not doing many things with the iPhone or iPad that require multitasking beyond what is already provided

    When my kid uses his netbook, he often uses multiple programs at once: video chat, Web browser for Facebook, an IM client, and background stuff like downloading data.

    Why wouldn't he want the same flexibility with an iPad? I realize that the iPad doesn't have the horsepower to do that stuff all at once, but why wouldn't the kid want it?

    A phone is one thing, but a couch-computer is another thing altogether.
  • Reply 140 of 145
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post


    I use an Android device with "Ad" driven applications that really suck big time. Heaven forbid you tap on the ad by mistake; your app goes to the background / closes, a freaking browser pops up and ....

    That's precisely how the iPhone does it too.
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