Apple's iPad Case ships, gets unboxed in high-quality photos



  • Reply 61 of 84
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    How silly are you: my imagination? Simple experiment. I put the iPad in the case -- no wifi. I take it out of the case - wifi. This is not rocket science. If it works for you all well and good. But please don't demean me by saying that I am imagining this. It has already been established that Apple compromised the iPad wifi strength for the sake of the battery. So in the end you look like the one with the deluded imagination.

    Unfortunately, experiments do not supersede physics. There must be another explanation since plastics like in the iPad case do not absorb WiFi radiation.

    It's only a guess, but my hypothesis would be that there's something loose inside the iPad and when you install it into the case, the pressure of the case pushes on the iPad in some way - or perhaps you jiggled it when putting it into the case. Either way, take it to your Apple store or contact Apple about returning it for repair or replacement.

    Originally Posted by now4real954 View Post

    well I am the Apple Expert at Best Buy Miami Beach...and when I went to work today I was greatly disappointed in the ONE case they sent my location...

    first of all the box looked like it had been attacked where the hanging tab was broke and then when I opened the box there was no plastic protecting the case and the case looked as if it had been trampled on in the mad rush at the Lincoln Road South Beach locations opening day...

    it looked so bad that I refused to sell it as a new item and placed an open item tag on it...and showed it to a couple people that didn?t even want it at a reduced price...

    I'm sorry but I was not pleased with the case...notwithstanding condition of the one I just felt cheap...nothing like the other iPad and Apple branded accessories that I own or sell at the store

    I also wasn't particularly pleased with the case. I'm sure it will work (I don't have my iPad yet since I ordered a 3G - why do they send the case out 3 weeks before the iPad?), but it doesn't look to me like it's worth $39. I expected something a little more substantial.

    I'll give it a try to see if it works better in practice than it looks, but I may end up looking for a third party case once this one wears out.
  • Reply 62 of 84
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    How silly are you: my imagination? Simple experiment. I put the iPad in the case -- no wifi. I take it out of the case - wifi. This is not rocket science. If it works for you all well and good. But please don't demean me by saying that I am imagining this. It has already been established that Apple compromised the iPad wifi strength for the sake of the battery. So in the end you look like the one with the deluded imagination.

    Yep, not rocket science at all. The case is made of the material that is designed not to block the electromagnetic energy used by wifi, so I suggest looking for another culprit. Continually mentioning the wifi signal is 'compromised' and your utter belief therein is affecting your reasoning. Given my particulate iPad has a far better reception than a MacBook in tests I did using 802.11n over great distances it certainly seems no compromise was made that made it worse than the MacBook, which is more than twice as good than my PC laptop. Heaven knows how strong the iPad's reception would be if there were compromises made. I repeat,as others have said, you may have a faulty iPad. What router are you using and is it .11n. Do you have other equipment sharing the router? Often I find clients have old .11b devices running (sometimes without them knowing) which drag down signal speeds, although that in of itself should not alter signal strength.
  • Reply 63 of 84
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by now4real954 View Post

    well I am the Apple Expert at Best Buy Miami Beach...and when I went to work today I was greatly disappointed in the ONE case they sent my location...

    first of all the box looked like it had been attacked where the hanging tab was broke and then when I opened the box there was no plastic protecting the case and the case looked as if it had been trampled on in the mad rush at the Lincoln Road South Beach locations opening day...

    it looked so bad that I refused to sell it as a new item and placed an open item tag on it...and showed it to a couple people that didn’t even want it at a reduced price...

    I'm sorry but I was not pleased with the case...notwithstanding condition of the one I just felt cheap...nothing like the other iPad and Apple branded accessories that I own or sell at the store

    this was a total let down for me...hopefully I will get more of them but this one really let me down...

    also the fact that I have not received any 3rd party accessories except for the Netbook InCase Sleeves that have hoarded to my Apple Accessories Cart and ZAGG - InvisibleSHIELD Screen Protectors...which seem very nice...the great thing about Zagg screen protectors is there is a lifetime guarantee on they are a sound purchase...and our Best Buy Mobile department is a whiz at installing them and making it look like it's nothing...

    ok I'm done moaning and groaning...but I expected something more from an Apple Branded's pretty sad that the Chinese knockoffs on ebay look so much better than this...and much cheaper

    They were plenty of them at my Best Buy. I got my iPad direct from Apple but waited to see the case locally. The packaging was very nice and the case is made of a strong rubberized substance that fits tightly to the iPad like a second skin leaving access to all buttons and the charging area. I gather it doesn't allow the use of the dock but I didn't get a dock finding the included charging cable sufficient. The case is excellent for using on your lap top on a table with the more prone stance. I'd agree the near vertical position is a little wobbly so I don't use that.

    If your above statement is the official report of the Apple Genius at the Best Buy in your area I hope you have had a discussion with the apple representative regarding the damaged packaging. Apple are very good at handling these sorts of issues in my past experience as an Apple dealer. However, I would say it seems unprofessional to write such a report on an open forum as an official of Apple it seems too 'personalized' and based on a small incident of one damaged box.
  • Reply 64 of 84
    hexorhexor Posts: 57member
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    The case is very disappointing and is certainly not worth $39. The worst part is that when the iPad is in the case the wifi antennae are so shielded that you lose you wi-fi connection. So you can really only use the iPad out of the case. I have already read somewhere how Apple reduced the strength of the wifi to improve the battery, and how the aluminum case (as opposed to plastic for the iPhone) blocks the wifi even more. It only stands to reason that if you put it in a case the wifi will be further reduced in strength, in fact to nil. Tomorrow the case is going to the Apple store for a refund.

    I have no problem with wi-fi and this case either.
  • Reply 66 of 84
    hexorhexor Posts: 57member
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    How silly are you: my imagination? Simple experiment. I put the iPad in the case -- no wifi. I take it out of the case - wifi. This is not rocket science. If it works for you all well and good. But please don't demean me by saying that I am imagining this. It has already been established that Apple compromised the iPad wifi strength for the sake of the battery. So in the end you look like the one with the deluded imagination.

    If putting it in the case causes wi-fi issues then maybe it has more to do with the case putting some pressure on a certain part of the iPad, like the apple logo on the back where the wi-fi antennae is. Try applying some pressure around the logo and see what happens without it being in the case.
  • Reply 67 of 84
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    AlanM: the best thing would be to contact Apple and see what they suggest. It may be a question of your iPad having poor reception, meaning that it takes only a small amount of material to block the signal.

    On a separate subject: Putting on my tree-hugger hat, I wonder whether they could have used less material for the packaging, since it does seem slightly excessive for what is inside. I am thinking maybe only having a printed version of the interior plastic could have been enough?
  • Reply 68 of 84
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    I do not have a faulty iPad. Everything works fine on it and I am very pleased with it, apart from putting it in the case. And let me add that there are 3 iPads in my house and none of them is exempt from the problem. This is a known issue. If you do not have the problem, all well and good. There s not reason to be neanderthal abut this.

    I am baffled why you insult everyone here that is trying to help you. Try to understand your continually changing story keeps referring to a case blocking wifi and as many have tried to explain the material it is made of doesn't. Therefor logic points to another issue. Now you have three all with the same problem. So it is a pretty good guess the problem is not the iPads rather the router. The solution to solving this is simple take all three to a place with a really good 802.11n router such as the Apple Store and test them in and out of their cases.

    Of course we are all assuming you are using the Apple case, your report may indicate you were sold a metal case by mistake.
  • Reply 69 of 84
    alanmalanm Posts: 11member
    This is from Apples recently posted FAQ's on iPad wifi issues. Please note the last item:

    After joining a Wi-Fi network, if you notice the signal strength is low or intermittent

    Move closer to the Wi-Fi router or hotspot.

    Check for any sources of potential interference.

    Remove any cases or attachments on your device that could interfere with a Wi-Fi signal.
  • Reply 70 of 84
    alanmalanm Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I am baffled why you insult everyone here that is trying to help you. Try to understand your continually changing story keeps referring to a case blocking wifi and as many have tried to explain the material it is made of doesn't. Therefor logic points to another issue. Now you have three all with the same problem. So it is a pretty good guess the problem is not the iPads rather the router. The solution to solving this is simple take all three to a place with a really good 802.11n router such as the Apple Store and test them in and out of their cases.

    Of course we are all assuming you are using the Apple case, your report may indicate you were sold a metal case by mistake.

    I am not trying to insult, but am being insulted. I have an Airport Extreme and a genuine Apple case. Here is an item from Apple's FAQ's on ipad wifi issues. Please note the last item:

    After joining a Wi-Fi network, if you notice the signal strength is low or intermittent

    Move closer to the Wi-Fi router or hotspot.

    Check for any sources of potential interference.

    Remove any cases or attachments on your device that could interfere with a Wi-Fi signal.
  • Reply 71 of 84
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by nitro View Post

    looks cheap.

    this is lot cooler

    Cooler, but do you really want to spend $209 for a case for a $499 item?

    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    I am not trying to insult, but am being insulted. I have an Airport Extreme and a genuine Apple case. Here is an item from Apple's FAQ's on ipad wifi issues. Please note the last item:

    After joining a Wi-Fi network, if you notice the signal strength is low or intermittent

    Move closer to the Wi-Fi router or hotspot.

    Check for any sources of potential interference.

    Remove any cases or attachments on your device that could interfere with a Wi-Fi signal.

    Since the Apple case won't interfere with the signal, that's not what they're talking about. They're talking about the possibility of it being a third party case that has metal in it.

    Do you really think Apple is stupid enough to sell a case which blocks wifi signals? Seriously?

    You've been given good advice. Whether you take it or not is your choice. Every report so far says that the Wifi problem is fairly rare and may be related to the router. Since you have THREE iPads and they all have the same problem, it's almost certainly your router that's the problem. Go to an Apple Store, Starbucks, etc where you can be fairly confident that the Wifi is good and see if the iPads work there. Or simply reboot your router. Or follow the suggestions on Apple's support pages about configuring your router.
  • Reply 72 of 84
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Suggestions on how to fix the Wi-Fi problem.
  • Reply 73 of 84
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    I am not trying to insult, but am being insulted. I have an Airport Extreme and a genuine Apple case. Here is an item from Apple's FAQ's on ipad wifi issues. Please note the last item:

    After joining a Wi-Fi network, if you notice the signal strength is low or intermittent

    Move closer to the Wi-Fi router or hotspot.

    Check for any sources of potential interference.

    Remove any cases or attachments on your device that could interfere with a Wi-Fi signal.

    In addition to jragosta's excellent reply above I would suggest checking the AE's settings using the Airport utility and check the utility is updated, there was one two days ago. I once tried changing the settings and really had some weird experiences. Try resetting to factory defaults and also make sure its firmware is up to date. Also make sure it is no where near a monitor, speakers or other electrical equipment.
  • Reply 74 of 84
    Originally Posted by twoslick View Post

    Shielded by what? The case is not made out of metal at all, and I've had absolutely no wifi problems connecting. I've been to several places where my iPhone had minimal connection (still useful), and my iPad has had the same or better connection, INSIDE the case. Maybe you should try using one before talking out of your ass.

    I had no problem with the Apple case. The ipad works just fine.
  • Reply 75 of 84
    Originally Posted by nitro View Post

    looks cheap.

    This is lot cooler

    sure if you have $209 bucks to spend on a case. Ridic !!

  • Reply 76 of 84
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by gooddog View Post very expensive. Very beautiful --- try blue.

    Wow, they look gorgeous. Do you have one? Can you give a review?
  • Reply 77 of 84
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I am baffled why you insult everyone here that is trying to help you. Try to understand your continually changing story keeps referring to a case blocking wifi and as many have tried to explain the material it is made of doesn't. Therefor logic points to another issue. Now you have three all with the same problem. So it is a pretty good guess the problem is not the iPads rather the router. The solution to solving this is simple take all three to a place with a really good 802.11n router such as the Apple Store and test them in and out of their cases.

    Of course we are all assuming you are using the Apple case, your report may indicate you were sold a metal case by mistake.

    He was not insulting anyone, if you read majority of posts, he actually stated his issue and majority of people called him stupid, hater or other nasty words implying, he was putting down the iPad, which was quite the opposite.

    I think you all need to sit back and take a deep breath when reading people's mail and if you trying to help, just help and not call people names because, that person may not understand what is the issue. We all do not know everything and thats why he posted in forum to get help, not to damage Apple's reputation.

    He probably got frustrated, which is natural, If you read all previous posts that were not very helpful except 1 or 2 and only wanted to point out, how unknowledgeable AlanM was to knowing WiFi issues.

    I suggest AlanM, simple test, take the iPad with case to store and repeat your experiment in front of the Apple customer care, I can assure you that it is not the case, but at least their will fix the issue and show you that it will work fine with case. Of course after you have tried some of the constructive suggestions from this forum.
  • Reply 78 of 84
    alanmalanm Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    He was not insulting anyone, if you read majority of posts, he actually stated his issue and majority of people called him stupid, hater or other nasty words implying, he was putting down the iPad, which was quite the opposite.

    I think you all need to sit back and take a deep breath when reading people's mail and if you trying to help, just help and not call people names because, that person may not understand what is the issue. We all do not know everything and thats why he posted in forum to get help, not to damage Apple's reputation.

    He probably got frustrated, which is natural, If you read all previous posts that were not very helpful except 1 or 2 and only wanted to point out, how unknowledgeable AlanM was to knowing WiFi issues.

    I suggest AlanM, simple test, take the iPad with case to store and repeat your experiment in front of the Apple customer care, I can assure you that it is not the case, but at least their will fix the issue and show you that it will work fine with case. Of course after you have tried some of the constructive suggestions from this forum.

    Thank you for being so kind and supportive. You understood perfectly what I was trying to say and why I had a hard time understanding why some posters wrote the unhelpful things that they wrote. I have solved the problem by using an Airport Express to extend the wireless network in my house.
  • Reply 79 of 84
    Originally Posted by AlanM View Post

    The case is very disappointing and is certainly not worth $39. The worst part is that when the iPad is in the case the wifi antennae are so shielded that you lose you wi-fi connection. So you can really only use the iPad out of the case. I have already read somewhere how Apple reduced the strength of the wifi to improve the battery, and how the aluminum case (as opposed to plastic for the iPhone) blocks the wifi even more. It only stands to reason that if you put it in a case the wifi will be further reduced in strength, in fact to nil. Tomorrow the case is going to the Apple store for a refund.

    I have not noticed this to be the case with the case. Fabric will not shield anywhere close to the hunk of aluminum that it is made from. Apple has been making Aluminum enclosures for a long time and it is well known that the Aluminum bodied Macbook has weaker reception than the "Plastic" bodied one, so this is hardly something new. And you should have known about that already. In case you had not noticed, Apple has almost eliminated plastic from their production line because it is easier than dealing with Greenpeace!

    The benefits of this case in terms of the angled support system far outweigh any problems. If your wifi signal is so weak that it can be rendered inoperable by a thin case, you have bigger problems. What if you were between the antenna and the iPad, that would be an even thicker block than the case.
  • Reply 80 of 84
    OMG, those leather cases are so ugly, and heavy, and bulky!
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