Extent of Animal emotions



  • Reply 41 of 43
    If you like to think of yourself as an animal, go right ahead.

    Eh? Are you saying that were not animals? Scientifically, yes we are.

    I'd like to restate my above post and reassert that humans are animals too. So in light of this, who has the audacity to suggest we, as animals, do not have emotions, but some instincts that merely due to their context appear to be emotions?

    Oh ya, just play the word game

    I meant "lower animals" (for lack of better terminology).

    Man, if I get a bird its gonna be Cockatoo!

    Id love to have a pet that I could converse with, even if its intelligence level is only about that of a 4 year old
  • Reply 42 of 43
    stimulistimuli Posts: 564member
    Kaboom, has it ever struck you as odd that all mammals, say a mouse and you, have two eyes, ears, nostrils, lungs, kidneys, upper appendages, lower appendages, etc? Both of you have five digits on those four appendages? One nose, head, brain, heart, liver, etc?

    How about the fact that you both have hair on your pink skins? Male or female genitalia? Breasts? Rib cage, skull, femur, bone marrow, collagen joints?

    How about the fact you both breath air, eat food, have hearts that pump red, warm, oxygen rich blood? Have a long protein called DNA that has the 'eat, ****, die' program called life in every cell?

    Have you ever wondered why scientists do 'animal testing?' (Could it pehaps be because the effects of a chemical, say hairspray, on a rabbit's eyes has the same effect as on human eyes, so they can foresee bad biological reactions before they occur on humans?)

    What about that mouse you dissected in grade 9 biology class? What can you learn from a mouse's biology? Does that biology differ in any way from another mammals? How many hearts does a chimp have? a whale? A dog? A Zebra? What does a chimp's heart do? A dogs? A humans?

  • Reply 43 of 43
    What about that mouse you dissected in grade 9 biology class?

    Unfortunatly all I ever got to disect in highscool was a sheep eyeball, a fish that had been sitting in fermaldahide so long that it was literally solid (nothing like when Id gutted fish a the dock), and a rock hard cows heart (BIG mother fcuker)
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