Apple's Game Center aims to be like Xbox Live for iPhone OS

in iPhone edited January 2014
Apple on Thursday announced Game Center, its new social gaming network that will allow gamers on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad to see what their friends are playing, challenge them to an online match, or compare scores in specific titles.

Accompanying Game Center will be the new GameKit application programming interfaces that will allow developers to integrate their App Store titles into the social network. Apple hopes that developers will make their titles compatible with Game Center to provide a centralized location with an integrated friend system, leaderboards, and unlockable achievements.

Users will be able to see what their friends are up to and even invite them to play games through the Game Center application.

Apple did not go into great detail on the service, which is scheduled to launch later this year, though it does sound similar to Microsoft's Xbox Live online community for the Redmond, Wash., company's home game console. Microsoft even has intentions to integrate Xbox Live features into its forthcoming Windows Phone 7 set to launch later this year. Sony also has a similar online system called PlayStation Network, though there is no mobile phone integration from the company.

During the follow-up question-and-answer session, it was even admitted that Apple is looking into potentially adding achievement points, much like the gamerscore or trophy collections held by Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 users, respectively.

But game developers will not be forced to make their software a part of the Game Center social network. The service will be opt-in for developers, but Apple executives believe it is a good opportunity for game makers, because the service will allow users to talk with one another about what they are playing, compete or cooperate online, and compare high scores.

Apple revealed Thursday that there are currently more than 50,000 games and entertainment titles available for download on the App Store. Games make up the lion's share of more than 185,000 applications now in the digital download destination.

The App Store has turned Apple into a major player in the portable gaming market, with one recent survey finding that the iPhone and iPod touch represent 19 percent of the handheld U.S. video game software market. Games also play a huge role in the just-released iPad, where most titles fall into that category as well.


  • Reply 1 of 39
    molochmoloch Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple did not go into great detail on the service

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.
  • Reply 2 of 39
    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.

    If I was a kid and I could get my hands on an IPhone or IPad, play tons of games, watch movies, TV, read comics, email, etc... I think that would be pretty cool. I think I've also read that gamers spend a lot of money on there hardware and games. 30% return on every game Apple sells is also a pretty good incentive.

    And what is wrong with keeping porn out of the system? It would be a good idea to make porn sites end in .prn so you can filter them out for your children.
  • Reply 3 of 39
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.

    Not sure if your playing the fool or are the real thing....

    What good is a "gaming platform" when you're not at home? On the bus? Having lunch? visiting grandma? or any number of other reasons you can be sitting home reeking of B.O. and stale cheese puffs glued to "YOUR RIG"?

    And if you don't know Apples current position in the portable gaming market you need to do some learning before trying to talk trash...
  • Reply 4 of 39
    foadfoad Posts: 717member
    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.

    Ummm. I think you are missing the actual point. First off, the iPhone OS is a lot of things, including a gaming platform. Maybe not for serious games but casual games are extremely popular on the app store. Secondly, there are already systems like this available for developers of iPhone OS games. OpenFeint and Plus+ to name a couple. Apple is just providing a unified framework that could potentially make it so you don't have multiple systems. It would just like XBOX Live in the sense that it is integrated with the entire ecosystem and you have a single account for everything, including your games.
  • Reply 5 of 39
    rybryb Posts: 56member
    I think Apple is aiming at kids like mine who are tech savvy and have funds to spend. I can easily imagine them moving some of their spending from xbox to Apple's interactive games.
  • Reply 6 of 39
    I would have to say this is easily one of the biggest announcements of the day. Having public achievements and matchmaking is a big part of what goes into a modern gaming platform. Great, unexpected idea.
  • Reply 7 of 39
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    More importantly, we need a gaming API that will allow HW vendors and app developers to work independently of each other and D-pads and other controllers that plug into the 30-pin connector for seamless play either on the touchscreen or with the controller regardless of manufacturer or game dev.
  • Reply 8 of 39
    orlandoorlando Posts: 601member
    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.

    The average age of a console gamer is mid to late twenties. Start looking at online PC gaming (from Facebook games through World of Warcraft) and the average age is higher still.

    Gamers also tend to be wealthier on average.

    The whole "most gamers are just kids" is total BS.
  • Reply 9 of 39
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.

    lol you'd be surprised at the things I hear from kids while playing a multiplayer game like css. I'm talking about vicious and vile things that you wouldn't even read on the stall wall of a truck stop bathroom, coming from children! Kids DO game because mommy and daddy foot the bill.
  • Reply 10 of 39
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    lol you'd be surprised at the things I hear from kids while playing a multiplayer game like css. I'm talking about vicious and vile things that you wouldn't even read on the stall wall of a truck stop bathroom, coming from children! Kids DO game because mommy and daddy foot the bill.

    And to think... All I had for a babysitter was "Gilligan's Island", "I Love Lucy" and "F-Troop" reruns. Talk about being born in the wrong decade.... hmmm century?

    On the plus side ... We had, "PLANT OF THE APES WEEK" __and__ "GODZILLA WEEK" a good 3 or 4 times a year!
  • Reply 11 of 39
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? \\

    And boy is it ever working out so far.
  • Reply 12 of 39
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    The average age of a console gamer is mid to late twenties. Start looking at online PC gaming (from Facebook games through World of Warcraft) and the average age is higher still.

    Gamers also tend to be wealthier on average.

    The whole "most gamers are just kids" is total BS.

    Even if it were true, it is a reasonable strategy to get kids using Apple products, so that when they get older and have money of their own to spend, they will spend it on Apple.
  • Reply 13 of 39
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Does this mean that when you and your buds are riding the metro after work, you can spark up a quick competitive game tournament?

    Or kids riding in on the bus can play their best friends before they get to school and then talk trash about it throughout the day?

    Or that the next Gen AppleTV will feature an ad where the person is playing a friend through the @TV, but upon having to go somewhere, switches the game to their iphone or ipad?

    There is definitely a lot of positives here.

    With multitasking you can pwn someone in the game and trash talk them through twitter or SMS thoughout the beating.
  • Reply 14 of 39
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    The average age of a console gamer is mid to late twenties. Start looking at online PC gaming (from Facebook games through World of Warcraft) and the average age is higher still.

    Gamers also tend to be wealthier on average.

    The whole "most gamers are just kids" is total BS.

    I can almost qualify for Social Security and regularly get my fix on Gears of War 2, Modern Warfare 2, etc. Helps to keep me sane in my Day Job.

    It sure as help ain't Pong or nothin' anymore!
  • Reply 15 of 39
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by chwilliam View Post

    I would have to say this is easily one of the biggest announcements of the day. Having public achievements and matchmaking is a big part of what goes into a modern gaming platform. Great, unexpected idea.

    And they say that Microsoft doesn't innovate. This is XBox Live for iPhone. FIRE UP THE COPIERS!

    For what it's worth it's a great idea from my point of view. I feel sorry for the real pioneers of this in the iPhone space though. Outfits like OpenFeint, et al, were just rubbed out today. Seems to be the Apple way, though: Observe, Perfect, Obliterate.
  • Reply 16 of 39
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    And they say that Microsoft doesn't innovate. This is XBox Live for iPhone. FIRE UP THE COPIERS!

    For what it's worth it's a great idea from my point of view. I feel sorry for the real pioneers of this in the iPhone space though. Outfits like OpenFeint, et al, were just rubbed out today. Seems to be the Apple way, though: Observe, Perfect, Obliterate.

    Often one of those innovators/pioneers makes a killing when this happens, since Apple often buys their model/company/rights for a sweet sum when they do this.
  • Reply 17 of 39
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,151member
    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.

    Actually the largest gaming population is 18 to 35 year olds who do have money.

    What interests me though is how does this affect games using things like OpenFeint? There's lots of these games coming out now with OpenFeint connections..

    I love the idea though.
  • Reply 18 of 39
    nintendo and Sony have sold massive amounts of portable gaming hardware. I don't expect either of them or apple care who or what qualifies as a "serious" gamer. While I certainly agree that porn pushed development of many factors concerning computers and the internet, for that matter sex was probably behind every development since the wheel, if apple produces a winning mass appeal platform while actively avoiding porn it will certainly be interesting.

    The key for the ipad is to have a broad enough appeal to pull in magazines, t.v./video/movie content,music obviously, games and whatever else one can dream up.

    It looks like they're succeding.

    Originally Posted by Moloch View Post

    This is all very strange. Apple is like the BMW of computers yet they're pushing a gaming platform? Don't they know that most gamers are just kids, and kids have very limited funds? Anyway, any serious gamer will have invested in a real gaming system and will not consider playing games on a phone any more than they'd watch a movie on a phone. Apple is disconnected from reality. Oh, and Steve Jobs warning about porn on Android is again proof of Apple's psychosis. The majority of Internet traffic is porn.

  • Reply 19 of 39
    GameSprokets Lives!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 20 of 39
    Now only if Nintendo would make ports of Pokémon for the iPod =P

    Nostalgia + Dreaming = Awesome
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