New MacBook Pros off to strong start, 13-inch model selling out



  • Reply 81 of 85
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by EauVive View Post

    Besides, I wonder how the 15 and 17" will handle 4 GB, since I read that the new memory controllers embedded with the iX CPU are 3-grouped (hence 3 or 6 GB).

    The mobile chips are dual-channel memory.
  • Reply 82 of 85
    WTF! This is what the wait is for ? To still be stuck with a crappy C2D? Major annoyance turned into a massive slap in the face by the fact that here in Britain, we're expected to pay for this great service by paying another £100 on the base line alone!

    Sorry for the rant, but this update is f**king ridiculous!
  • Reply 83 of 85
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mschipperheyn View Post

    Many people "in the know" are extremely disappointed with the lack of Core i5 in the 13 inch MBP. But the fact remains that Apple is a lifestyle choice as well as being the only option for Mac OS users. The 13 inches were extremely hard to get for the last weeks so this "selling out" stuff is just the filling of backorders and is just a tactic to suggest brisk sales at launch date. This little but relevant detail should be pointed out if you don't want to place this story horribly out of context.

    Next stop: an underpowered Core i3 MBP 13 inch in June.

    It's a trade-off. I doubt any i3/i5 computer is even claiming to get 10 hour battery life.
  • Reply 84 of 85
    bosmanbosman Posts: 23member
    Originally Posted by sip View Post

    Nearly purchased a 13" Macbook Pro 2.5xGHz model last week, held back on the rumours that updated machines were being introduced and decided to go with the 2.66GHz model. None of the several Apple Stores I spoke to had received this model, and don't expect any before the weekend.

    Does this mean that the 2.66 is popular and being offered to US customers first (as with the iPad)?


    Maybe Apple itself just hasn't taken delivery of these yet?

    It is possible that Apple is sending the new 13" models out to those who ordered last week?

    Apple will let us know when it has been shipped man. I ordered a printer and a 13 and the printer said 1 week for shipment and the 13 said 1-3 days to ship yet after 2 days the printer has shipped and no news of the 2.66 13" shipping yet.

    I went with the 13 because

    A. it is small and can fit almost anywhere discretely

    B. I have an 8 core mac pro what do i need a super powerful laptop for? Many people have two computers these days and like me want the portability for doing work as well as the powerhouse. Of course i mean people who use computers to help them make money anyway.

    C. Its a grand less than the other models pretty much for nominal power differences.

    D. 10 hrs battery life, come on that is freaking awesome!

    I've waited since my Dell lappys screen died back in Sept 09. I new the refresh would be around jan/feb, or so i thought anyway! Ok, so i cant say i have a new i core, honestly the benchmarks show me very little improvement. Hyperthreading is cool and flashy but i have settled with the fact that if i want a new computer in the next year i'll get an SSD and ram. Until a Laptop can come close to my 8 core mac i will do things this way but eventutally i would love to have a laptop be my main computer and the 8 core my server.
  • Reply 85 of 85
    hexorhexor Posts: 57member
    Originally Posted by mschipperheyn View Post

    Many people "in the know" are extremely disappointed with the lack of Core i5 in the 13 inch MBP. But the fact remains that Apple is a lifestyle choice as well as being the only option for Mac OS users. The 13 inches were extremely hard to get for the last weeks so this "selling out" stuff is just the filling of backorders and is just a tactic to suggest brisk sales at launch date. This little but relevant detail should be pointed out if you don't want to place this story horribly out of context.

    Join us at: No crap2duo on the 13 inch Macbook Pro!

    Next stop: an underpowered Core i3 MBP 13 inch in June.

    The reason why almost nobody has stock of them is because orders placed with Apple had just started shipping! That is all.

    Next we know you'll be griping that the 13" MBP doesn't have a quadcore i7 in it.
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