Police investigating Gizmodo's iPhone prototype story



  • Reply 101 of 402
    istudistud Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    It IS? Can you see what finger I'm raising to the screen right now too?

    This is a family oriented site, so I'll restrain from answering that as it deserves. Just put it back where it was before you rose it to the screen.
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  • Reply 102 of 402
    dr.nodr.no Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by iStud View Post

    Why would it not qualify as stolen in NY? I bet you can't explain in less than 10 words why. Your laser beam focus mind may melt

    Because you're citing CA law - as it applies to a narrow definition of "theft". Does it constitute theft in NY! Seems that they're not even certain at this point if it's theft in CA because the police in Santa Clara are still investigating it, but that's been glossed over by everyone here. AI's comments are all screaming "they stole it"! Did they? That hasn't even been determined - let alone how that applies in states that might not recognize it as stolen in the first place.

    The legal experts here have already melted my brain - who needs lasers.

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  • Reply 103 of 402
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    probably not and in Cali it doesn't matter. the laws consider anything you find and don't return to be 'stolen goods'.

    and no matter what this guy claims he really did not try to return it. if he was sincere he would have left it at the bar or he would have driven to the nearest Apple store (perhaps 30 minutes alway tops) and handed it over to the manager or taken it straight to Apple (again perhaps 30 minutes tops). or even just fed ex'd it to Apple.

    Also pretty amusing that he gave the information of the engineer to Giz to expose, yet he didn't put 2 and 2 together, realizing he should probably call said engineer instead of Apple. The story is so full of holes.
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  • Reply 104 of 402
    istudistud Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    Because you're citing CA law - as it applies to a narrow definition of "theft". Does it constitute theft in NY! Seems that they're not even certain at this point if it's theft in CA because the police in Santa Clara are still investigating it, but that's been glossed over by everyone here. AI's comments are all screaming "they stole it"! Did they? That hasn't even been determined - let alone how that applies in states that might not recognize it as stolen in the first place.

    The legal experts here have already melted my brain - who needs lasers.

    More than 10 words! Try again
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  • Reply 105 of 402
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    They (perhaps) broke a California law. Gawker (owners of Gizmodo) is based in NYC. So what.

    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    Wrong. That only works if it's illegal in both states. It's not. Represent yourself in court, it'll be hilarious.

    Is it your understanding that a company based in New York is immune to an alleged potential criminal act committed in California?

    [Note that you qualified your second statement, quoted above, with the operative word: IF...]

    Please bolster with your assertions with reliable links please. Specifically, what is the definition of theft and purchase of goods obtained by such means in NY.

    Repetiition does not make an assertion a fact.


    N.B. I agree that the facts have to be established, that is what the District Attorney's Office was trying to do. It is also true that a legal office may not prosecute all legal wrongdoings, for one reason or another.
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  • Reply 106 of 402
    dr.nodr.no Posts: 75member
    re:"Gawker Media has LA based interns for all their sites. One of them might have done the actual exchange which means receipt of stolen goods in California and then possibly transportation of said good across state lines (which is a federal offense) and if they mailed it via the US postal service that's another federal law broken. "

    Bingo! So GAWKER - might not have broken any laws - some freelancer in California might have. Got it - so GAWKER / Gizmodo isn't relevant. And as far as transportation - um - the device never left CA (Apple picked it up from the writer's place in Northern CA). What transportation happened across what stateline?

    The digital pictures?

    GAH - amateur lawyers HURT! They HURT!

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  • Reply 107 of 402
    istudistud Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    Bingo! So GAWKER - might not have broken any laws - some freelancer in California might have. Got it - so GAWKER / Gizmodo isn't relevant. And as far as transportation - um - the device never left CA (Apple picked it up from the writer's place). What transportation happened across what stateline?

    The digital pictures?

    Teckstud= Dr.No -> Answer one question at a time...

    Who paid $5000 for the prototype?
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  • Reply 108 of 402
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    You can't be gay and married in CA - you can in other states - but that doesn't matter either right?

    Right! Now you're getting it. It's called non-recognition. Just because you got gay-married in Vermont, let's say, doesn't mean your marriage has merit in the eyes of California law.
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  • Reply 109 of 402
    bigdaddypbigdaddyp Posts: 811member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I've never seen such an angry thread that was ACTUALLY still on topic. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

    Must be a thread from one of them "parallel" universes I saw on Fringe.

    Or it's all the pot smoke from Nurse no..
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  • Reply 110 of 402
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Mister Sweaters View Post

    Also pretty amusing that he gave the information of the engineer to Giz to expose, yet he didn't put 2 and 2 together, realizing he should probably call said engineer instead of Apple. The story is so full of holes.

    You know the funny thing was he didn't want to return it to Apple Store because he was so noble:

    "Walk into an Apple store and give the shiny, new device to a 20-year-old who might just end up selling it on eBay?"

    So I guess selling it to the highest bidder is the right thing to do. Basically his logic was "if someone going to make money out of it then it should be me".
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  • Reply 111 of 402
    Too bad the app vBulletin doesn't send a PM to a member whenever someone adds that member to their "ignore" list. Some people would find out PDQ that they're tilting at windmills when 50 or 60 PMs arrive...

    Another feature that would be nice is for vBulletin to "ignore" on a per-post basis replies that include a quote from an ignored poster.

    And finally: Thank you "cmf2" for your sig line: The key to enjoying these forums: User CP -> Edit Ignore List, which has helped others filter the current judicial expert troll.
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  • Reply 112 of 402
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by jdavy View Post

    I care a great deal.

    They should be sued for liable.

    I hope Apple puts them out of business.

    I love this forum.
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  • Reply 113 of 402
    2stepbay2stepbay Posts: 116member
    Never realized there were so many astute lawyers posting on Apple Insider.

    I think Judge Judy ought to be assigned as the judge for Gizmodo's case. Nothin like a good "come to Jesus" talk to straighten out this mess.
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  • Reply 114 of 402
    dr.nodr.no Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by iStud View Post

    Teckstud= Dr.No -> Answer one question at a time...

    Who paid $5000 for the prototype?

    Who cares? You can give me a bunch of money for any reason you want. In fact, I'd appreciate it. Gawker / Gizmodo only paid for the PICTURES (which is how a lot of news orgs pay for interviews - if the person has a crappy photo or anything they can loophole pay-for it happens all the time. Even in Time and CNN. But that's not relevant anyway.

    And why do you have the hots for him? I mean the sexual tension is palatable, you must really want him badly to keep calling everyone "Tekstud". Is he Tekstudly? Do you want to be Tekstudded?

    Let it go dude. People get bored at 4-5pm on a Friday (if they have a job that is).

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  • Reply 115 of 402
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    You know the funny thing was he didn't want to return it to Apple Store because he was so noble:

    "Walk into an Apple store and give the shiny, new device to a 20-year-old who might just end up selling it on eBay?"

    So I guess selling it to the highest bidder is the right thing to do. Basically his logic was "if someone going to make money out of it then it should be me".

    seriously, their story stinks worse than Dr. No's incest conception.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 116 of 402
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    And why do you have the hots for him? I mean the sexual tension is palatable, you must really want him badly to keep calling everyone "Tekstud". Is he Tekstudly? Do you want to be Tekstudded?

    Let it go dude. People get bored at 4-5pm on a Friday (if they have a job that is).

    Now I'm CONVINCED you've got plenty of relevant arguments and rebuttals for the subject at hand.
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  • Reply 117 of 402
    istudistud Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    And why do you have the hots for him? I mean the sexual tension is palatable, you must really want him badly to keep calling everyone "Tekstud". Is he Tekstudly? Do you want to be Tekstudded?

    Let it go dude. People get bored at 4-5pm on a Friday (if they have a job that is).

    I always thought Tekstud was a girl though.
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  • Reply 118 of 402
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    A narrow definition of "stolen" in one state may not apply in another in this instance.

    Thanks - I like doing really well. Do I get a gold star sticker now?

    Yes you do very well --- at being overlooked and ignored . Mr id ten t
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  • Reply 119 of 402
    istudistud Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by Mister Sweaters View Post

    Now I'm CONVINCED you've got plenty of relevant arguments and rebuttals for the subject at hand.

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  • Reply 120 of 402
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Dr.No View Post

    Bingo! So GAWKER - might not have broken any laws - some freelancer in California might have. Got it - so GAWKER / Gizmodo isn't relevant. And as far as transportation - um - the device never left CA (Apple picked it up from the writer's place in Northern CA). What transportation happened across what stateline?

    GAH - amateur lawyers HURT! They HURT!

    Which is it Mr. Pro Lawyer? "GAWKER might not have broken any laws" or the "freelancer in CA might have!" and if GAWKER might not have, then maybe they might have which then how are they not "relevant"? "Might not have" sounds as if you were their lawyer, they have a rock solid case! NOT.

    Real legal brilliance on your part, but you have given yourself too much rope and we know what fools do with too much rope.

    Too bad this was not on Judge Judy, it would have been interesting to see on tv, her giving you your lunch!
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