Apple Stores will close from 4-5 p.m. to prepare for iPad 3G launch



  • Reply 41 of 57
    andyappleandyapple Posts: 152member
    Outside the Apple Store on 14 St the ASCRs were informing everyone that they needed to pay with plastic and have ID. That must explain why the woman in line next to me who had been rifling through the cash in her bag while yakking on her iPhone had suddenly left the line in a huff-- guess she got the news before the rest of us. But no one else that I could see gave up their place.

    Anyway they moved us all through really fast! Only little hitch was that my sales rep, after plying me with Apple Care and Mobile Me, could not provide me with the USB camera connection kit, as they were already all sold out. Neither could anyone there tell me whether any other Apple Stores in NYC had the kit left in stock, told me I would just have to call around. Grrr, I'm leaving town early tomorrow on a bike tour through the Scenic Hudson Valley, I want my camera connector, dagnabit! Oh well, iTunes is finished Optimizing photos for the AndyPad, time to play!
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  • Reply 42 of 57
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    I've been using my iPad 64gb/WiFi with my Verizon mobile HotSpot (via a Palm Pre Plus) since the day the iPad came out, and today I finally received my iPad 64gb/3g, and I have to say...

    I'm thinking that I'll either send the iPad 3g back, gift it to someone, or sell it on eBay, because AT&T's 3g service is certainly not more reliable/faster than Verizon, and my initial attempts to steam video via AT&T amounts to an extra large bag of frustration, so why even bother.

    Are there any others out there who own both (iPad 3g and WiFi), and have come to a similar conclusion?
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  • Reply 43 of 57
    motimemotime Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I still don't understand why Apple keep calling it "3G+WiFi" and not just "3G". I know because it have 3G and WiFi but isn't that obvious when you say 3G?! It is just unnecessary.

    The reason is very simple acctualy. To eliminate more questions from customers such as if it is 3G can I still use it on WiFI?
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  • Reply 44 of 57
    So the customer had a 3:40 Genius bar appointment at the Park Meadows (Denver) store to replace his iPhone. Traffic was bad so he got there at 4PM. Sorry, the store is closed. The Genius Bar will not open until 7PM. But he is on vacation. He is going back to Oklahoma on an 8:00 flight. He had to wait until 5PM but they honored his appointment.

    Park Meadows had about a hundred people in line for the iPad +3G at 5PM.
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  • Reply 45 of 57
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by OnMyMiNd04 View Post

    After waiting in line for 3 hours, my purchase was almost denied.

    I picked out the 64GB 3G model with a case and told the Apple rep that I was paying in cash. He said that the Apple HQ demanded that ALL iPad purchases must be paid for with a credit/debit card, NOT EVEN an Apple Gift Card. I nearly freaked out... If this is the case, Apple should have that on their website as a SHOUT OUT to future buyers. After I almost left the store, I told an associate what happened and he said he would make an exception for me. I was SO happy.

    BE PREPARED TO BRING YOUR CREDIT CARDS if you are buying in the store.

    That's ridiculous. No cash? WTH?
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  • Reply 46 of 57
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Except my WiFi only iPad has more accurate GPS (without the GPS chip) than my iPhone 3GS (with the GPS chip)?


    Well that would be IP based location not GPS wouldn't it? It's the same with my iPod Touch. Sometimes I can get my location via IP and these days IP based location is quite accurate. If you're not a spy you don't need accuracy to the nearest cm. I'm not a techie but I would assume that SOMETIMES it would be possible to have IP based location that is more accurate than GPS location due to satellite interference or other blockages because an IP doesn't have geographic interference.

    Is this correct or way off?
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  • Reply 47 of 57
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    I've been using my iPad 64gb/WiFi with my Verizon mobile HotSpot (via a Palm Pre Plus) since the day the iPad came out, and today I finally received my iPad 64gb/3g, and I have to say...

    I'm thinking that I'll either send the iPad 3g back, gift it to someone, or sell it on eBay, because AT&T's 3g service is certainly not more reliable/faster than Verizon, and my initial attempts to steam video via AT&T amounts to an extra large bag of frustration, so why even bother.

    Are there any others out there who own both (iPad 3g and WiFi), and have come to a similar conclusion?

    I have both models. But my experience is somewhat different. My 3G speeds are at least twice as fast on my iPad than on my iPhone 3GS. I'll be testing this more in the next couple of days.

    Also, I have no wifi issues with this model, nor did I have issues with the wifi only model.
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  • Reply 48 of 57
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,017member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    ... Does this mean you could sign up, use it for 2 hours, then cancel, then only pay for a fraction of the plan... or do you pay for the full month regardless of the total time used?

    You pay the $15 or $30 and you get a full month up to 250MB or a full month unlimited, respectively. If you cancel, your cancelation is effective at the end of the plan month you signed up for. If you don't cancel, your plan is automatically renewed for another 30 days.

    Posted from my 3G iPad, over 3G.
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  • Reply 49 of 57
    dayrobotdayrobot Posts: 133member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That's ridiculous. No cash? WTH?

    That's for tracking people that buy in multiples to sell abroad...

    Sort of like with tracking Sudafed purchases to control meth labs....


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  • Reply 50 of 57
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    blah blah blah...

    Posted from my 3G iPad, over 3G.

    Rub it in our faces more, will ya!

    Nah, seriously, ENJOYZ THE iPADZ 3G!

    Be sure to report all bugs so that when I get mine, in a few months time ... the kinks will be worked out.
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  • Reply 51 of 57
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That's ridiculous. No cash? WTH?

    Ah, Apple. Always being different. Any other store will be like Nom Nom Nom More Cash Yay No Credit Card Feez....

    But Apple, thinks different.

    You can tell my brain has been rotting slowly from spending time on Facebook. The English language has devolved further and faster than you can ever imagine.
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  • Reply 52 of 57
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    I have both models. But my experience is somewhat different. My 3G speeds are at least twice as fast on my iPad than on my iPhone 3GS. I'll be testing this more in the next couple of days.

    Also, I have no wifi issues with this model, nor did I have issues with the wifi only model.

    I've been using mine (3G, 64 GB) quite a bit since I got it yesterday at 2 pm. All-in-all, I can say that I'm even happier with this device than I thought I'd be. As a content delivery device, nothing else comes close to the usability of this system.

    I'll be loading a bunch of movies on it for when I travel with my daughter, but want to give Netflix a try. If that works well, it will make it an even better device.

    Way to go, Apple!
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  • Reply 53 of 57
    onmymind04onmymind04 Posts: 21member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That's ridiculous. No cash? WTH?

    If I was not going to be able to buy the iPad yesterday, I was going to throw a fit in the store. If they are going to have a policy like this... they should state it before customers line up for their products.
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  • Reply 54 of 57
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I've been using mine (3G, 64 GB) quite a bit since I got it yesterday at 2 pm. All-in-all, I can say that I'm even happier with this device than I thought I'd be. As a content delivery device, nothing else comes close to the usability of this system.

    I'll be loading a bunch of movies on it for when I travel with my daughter, but want to give Netflix a try. If that works well, it will make it an even better device.

    Way to go, Apple!

    Netflix is awesome. Also, rather than loading your device with movies, you could install Air Video. With Air Video you can stream all of your video content directly from a PC or Mac to your iPad. Works over 3G, too. With this app, you have access to your entire library while on the go.

    And you're right, Apple really did it this time.
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  • Reply 55 of 57
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I've been using mine (3G, 64 GB) quite a bit since I got it yesterday at 2 pm. All-in-all, I can say that I'm even happier with this device than I thought I'd be. As a content delivery device, nothing else comes close to the usability of this system.

    I'll be loading a bunch of movies on it for when I travel with my daughter, but want to give Netflix a try. If that works well, it will make it an even better device.

    Way to go, Apple!

    My experience with the 64GB Wifi+3G has been wonderful too. Great apps, superb screen, blazingly fast, and I was surprised by how quickly I got used to switching between the external keyboard and screen-based touch for navigation. Don't miss a mouse/touchpad in the least.

    I was having so wonderful a time with it that the family basically pried it from my hands, and I barely got to see it starting yesterday evening! (The 14-year old monopolized it yesterday, and the 11-year old this morning).

    So, I went over to the local store that sells Apple products, and the rest of the family now has a 64GB Wifi (the 32GB was sold out \). But I have mine back!

    Couple of small peeves: (i) Need to have airtunes with it; (ii) ATT should figure out some way to allow VoIP on 3G (c'mon guys, charge a couple of cents per minute if you want to?! Rethink Possible?)
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  • Reply 56 of 57
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Ah, Apple. Always being different. Any other store will be like Nom Nom Nom More Cash Yay No Credit Card Feez....

    But Apple, thinks different.

    You can tell my brain has been rotting slowly from spending time on Facebook. The English language has devolved further and faster than you can ever imagine.

    I recommend going cold turkey on Facebook immediately, followed by a fifth of Wild Turkey.
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  • Reply 57 of 57
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    My experience with the 64GB Wifi+3G has been wonderful too. Great apps, superb screen, blazingly fast, and I was surprised by how quickly I got used to switching between the external keyboard and screen-based touch for navigation. Don't miss a mouse/touchpad in the least.

    I was having so wonderful a time with it that the family basically pried it from my hands, and I barely got to see it starting yesterday evening! (The 14-year old monopolized it yesterday, and the 11-year old this morning).

    So, I went over to the local store that sells Apple products, and the rest of the family now has a 64GB Wifi (the 32GB was sold out \). But I have mine back!

    Couple of small peeves: (i) Need to have airtunes with it; (ii) ATT should figure out some way to allow VoIP on 3G (c'mon guys, charge a couple of cents per minute if you want to?! Rethink Possible?)

    Everyone who has one so far absolutely loves it.
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