Apple adding Facebook features to iPhone OS 4 - rumor



  • Reply 21 of 55
    kellya74ukellya74u Posts: 171member


  • Reply 22 of 55
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by Knowimagination View Post

    It better be an optional feature for those who do not want it

    I must be only one of the few in this planet who does not feel so enthused with Facebook. I admit that most of my family are into Facebook and they have been encouraging me to join them there. But, after trying Facebook, I find it so intrusive. You basicaly do not have much privacy. All your moves within the system are tracked. Why should it broadcast that I visited such page or site?

    I made a mistake of using an email address that another person happen to have gotten hold of. Now, I have been requested several times by Facebook to buddy with that person. I do not even know if the other person actually requested such a buddy requested. She would have told me if she did.

    I read that Facebook has some more diabolical ways to invade people's privacy.

    Not sure if it is as bad as Google's attempt on social networking.

    I have not read of reports about Apple being too intrusive on people's privacy. I am sure Apple collects data but Apple so far has only sent me emails using the address I signed up in. No other types of mailings so far.

    Thus, I hope Apple would not inadvertently expose its customers by making the "apps" of companies like Facebook as default features of any Apple product.

  • Reply 23 of 55
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    I don't use Facebook myself, but if it helps sell oodles of iPhones, I'm okay with it.

    That's my perspective as an AAPL shareholder.

    Ugh, it won't be helping anyone. Facebook will be on all platforms and no one cares about this crap.

    I'd wish that others would understand how much privacy they're losing with it and it would be nice if Apple came up with an alternative that allowed for more privacy. If not I'd suggest others and/or invest in Kickstart.
  • Reply 24 of 55
    woodewoode Posts: 67member
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    I don't see Apple selling their soul to Facebook. If they thought it was the greatest thing out there, they would create their own and make it not suck.

    True, true. Which would piss off Zuckerberg, which would be a good thing. Because Zuckerberg's being a giant douche with user privacy.
  • Reply 25 of 55
    Originally Posted by Knowimagination View Post

    It better be an optional feature for those who do not want it

    Agreed. Some of us don't need Facebook getting even more into our lives!

    Besides, fb is hot now but it could en up like MySpace, who knows? There's always the 'next big thing'... Are they incorporating those too down the road?
  • Reply 26 of 55
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    Originally Posted by kellya74u View Post

    Ok, last count, Russians & other east european investors bought $200 million in Facebook stock...:

    Someone I know who lives on FaceBook had her e-mail compromised, and everyone in her address book was sent an e-mail with a link re-directing to a Russian pharmacy/meds/viagra site. Coincidence???
  • Reply 27 of 55
    tubbyteetubbytee Posts: 68member
    facebook sucks.
  • Reply 28 of 55
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Is there a middle school assignment "post your opinion on facebook?"

    What is with the level of discourse here? OF COURSE any such integration would be optional. I know people overuse the word inconceivable, but some sort of mandatory fb connection is just that.

    Sheesh. I'm all for a rational discussion of the privacy issues of social media sites, but the posts tonight have been cringe-worthy at best...
  • Reply 29 of 55
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Is there a middle school assignment "post your opinion on facebook?"

    What is with the level of discourse here? OF COURSE any such integration would be optional. I know people overuse the word inconceivable, but some sort of mandatory fb connection is just that.

    Sheesh. I'm all for a rational discussion of the privacy issues of social media sites, but the posts tonight have been cringe-worthy at best...

    Of course it will be optional. But it's also possible that every single app will have facebook elements to it, and you see them all the time, even if you don't use them. Like Facebook links, and menu items, and of course iAds. Creepy.
  • Reply 30 of 55
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Is there a middle school assignment "post your opinion on facebook?"

    What is with the level of discourse here? OF COURSE any such integration would be optional. I know people overuse the word inconceivable, but some sort of mandatory fb connection is just that.

    Sheesh. I'm all for a rational discussion of the privacy issues of social media sites, but the posts tonight have been cringe-worthy at best...

    Perhaps this is because Facebook's stance on privacy is "cringe worthy". You don't have to read the tea leaves here to get the sense that there's backlash going on right now.

    I've been on FB for a couple years now and frankly it's reached a point of saturation wrt how important it is and what it offers. Many of us don't want to see Apple spending too much effort to integrate FB functionality into the OS when it's not even clear if FB is going to keep a lot of their current customers.

    FB isn't the end all be all of social networking. In fact it's becoming pretty annoying to me, and judging from the posts in this thread I'm not alone.
  • Reply 31 of 55
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by CU10 View Post

    I'm first

  • Reply 32 of 55
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    What's with this "it better be optional" talk? Of course it would be optional. Is it going to read your mind and get your login info or create an account for you if you don't have one?
  • Reply 33 of 55
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Perhaps this is because Facebook's stance on privacy is "cringe worthy". You don't have to read the tea leaves here to get the sense that there's backlash going on right now.

    Sure. And like I said, I am all for a rational discussion of privacy issues and facebook backlash. It just seemed that we were stuck at "facebook sucks" and "if this isn't optional I'm throwing my iPhone in the trash!" for too long...


    I've been on FB for a couple years now and frankly it's reached a point of saturation wrt how. important it is and what it offers. Many of us don't want to see Apple spending too much effort to integrate FB functionality into the OS when it's not even clear if FB is going to keep a lot of their current customers.

    FB isn't the end all be all of social networking. In fact it's becoming pretty annoying to me, and judging from the posts in this thread I'm not alone.

    Well it may not be the end all be all, but outside of twitter, who else is there, realistically?

    I agree, fb's capricious behavior with respect to privacy is troubleing and may well bring them down. But, for what it does, I don't see any replacement, yet.

    I am currently out of work recovering from surgery. Thanks to facebook, I am still linked in to social stuff that is happening at work; I had people bring food to me that was organized through fb; I have recieved get well wishes that were appreciated; and, finally, I was able to keep up with both facts and rumors about my boss going out on medical leave. None of this would be impossible without fb, but for a one week absence from work it is damn convienent...

    So, I may turn against fb. I do share everybody's privacy concerns, but for now I find it usefull and I welcome Apple's possible efforts to make it work better for me.
  • Reply 34 of 55
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    What's with this "it better be optional" talk? Of course it would be optional. Is it going to read your mind and get your login info or create an account for you if you don't have one?

    I could have saved a lot of digital ink if I just waited for your post! Brevity is the soul of wit...
  • Reply 35 of 55
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Sheesh. I'm all for a rational discussion of the privacy issues of social media sites, but the posts tonight have been cringe-worthy at best...

    Yeah, you know the bar is set really high when the first post is "I'm first."

    This place is going to the dogs.

  • Reply 36 of 55
    sashimisashimi Posts: 4member
    of course! it's optional. but that won't stop your friend from syncing his/her addressbook to facebook! and that includes your contact info if you happen to be in his/her addressbook.
  • Reply 37 of 55
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    ...It just seemed that we were stuck at "facebook sucks" and "if this isn't optional I'm throwing my iPhone in the trash!" for too long...

    Well it may not be the end all be all, but outside of twitter, who else is there, realistically?

    "We" aren't stuck anywhere. There is no "we". I utterly despise Facebook and I will not upgrade to iPhone OS 4.0 if it includes built-in Facebook integration at the API level. It will mean apps can fish for information and transmit it to Facebook servers. Any bugs suddenly become much more problematic, since FB tends to default to "share everything with anybody" mode.

    I am not going there, it's that simple.

    As to who else is there, the alternatives to Facebook are simple too, like not having it and not needing it.

    But if you MUST have it, then just get the Facebook app. It's not like you need to walk over hot coals to download it.
  • Reply 38 of 55
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by Alonso Perez View Post

    "We" aren't stuck anywhere. There is no "we". I utterly despise Facebook and I will not upgrade to iPhone OS 4.0 if it includes built-in Facebook integration at the API level. It will mean apps can fish for information and transmit it to Facebook servers. Any bugs suddenly become much more problematic, since FB tends to default to "share everything with anybody" mode.

    I'm sure there will be the option of turning it off (just like Location Services), especially because not everyone has a Facebook account.

    As I mentioned before, you don't even need to configure e-mail on your iPhone/iPod touch, you can block cookies on Safari, etc.

    It's the same thing with today's apps with Facebook/Twitter/foursquare/etc. integration. You're not forced to use this stuff.
  • Reply 39 of 55
    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    I must be only one of the few in this planet who does not feel so enthused with Facebook. I admit that most of my family are into Facebook and they have been encouraging me to join them there. But, after trying Facebook, I find it so intrusive. You basicaly do not have much privacy. All your moves within the system are tracked. Why should it broadcast that I visited such page or site?

    I made a mistake of using an email address that another person happen to have gotten hold of. Now, I have been requested several times by Facebook to buddy with that person. I do not even know if the other person actually requested such a buddy requested. She would have told me if she did.

    I read that Facebook has some more diabolical ways to invade people's privacy.

    Not sure if it is as bad as Google's attempt on social networking.

    I have not read of reports about Apple being too intrusive on people's privacy. I am sure Apple collects data but Apple so far has only sent me emails using the address I signed up in. No other types of mailings so far.

    Thus, I hope Apple would not inadvertently expose its customers by making the "apps" of companies like Facebook as default features of any Apple product.


    I honestly don't see what everyone is complaining about regarding Facebook. If you don't have any interest in what Facebook has to offer or are concerned with its privacy issues, then fine, you don't have to use it... but lets not demonize it.. especially coming from someone who for all we know may have only tried using it briefly (after your family kept urging you to) and gave up.

    I operate on Facebook using one simple rule: DONT POST ANYTHING THAT YOU WOUDN'T CARE FOR ANYONE/EVERYONE TO SEE!. simple. its not like i've got a bunch of secrets i'm dying to post online but don't want anyone else to see them. I get to go to one place where a ton of people i know are all there, and interact with them. What i don't want them to know, they don't know because I don't write it/join it/install it/comment on it. Privacy maintained.

    All your moves within the site are NOT tracked. Thats insane. And it doesn't broadcast when you visit a page or a site. Sure, if you "join" something or "post" on something it does.. but then again... see the above rule. You seem to be mixing your confusion over how Facebook actually works with ideas you've conjured up and pose as fact, but are untrue. So you're getting a friend request from someone you don't think you know.. maybe its that other person thinking they know you? That's hardly an invasion of privacy, just a simple mistake. Maybe you DID know them and you forgot you'd met them. That's plausible. But you can always ignore someone or block someone. So it's really not this big evil monster you make it out to be.

    When you first join, all your settings are NOT set to show everyone everything... some are.. some aren't. And yes its up to you to manage those, but lets face it... Most people don't dig deep into their settings and manage them (like everyone should) and so Facebook errs on the more open side of the privacy settings for new accounts so people can actually make connections with you without having to know all your info. If you don't want this, change your settings or don't join.

    And what are these "more diabolical ways" Facebook has that invade your privacy that you've read about? If they're so diabolical, then why not mention them instead of the examples you gave which weren't really invasions of privacy at all?

    All i'm seeing on this thread is complaining about FB and how useless it is because YOU don't find use for it/have issues with it, when clearly thats not the case for the majority of people... particularly iPhone buyers. Besides, this feature that they list of syncing your contacts with your facebook friends in fact ALREADY EXISTS! the latest facebook app does this and of course you can turn that function on or off. Its been there for months. No large scale privacy snafus. Nothing.

    Everyone's got their panties in a wad over what will ultimately be a non issue / an opt in thing for those who want it. Simma down people. Simma down.
  • Reply 40 of 55
    bowserbowser Posts: 89member
    go to southpark's website;




    and check out the episode "You have 0 Friends". It's hilarious.

    -blissfully free of facebook, twitter, myspace, etc.
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