Google compares Apple to 'Big Brother' from iconic 1984 ad



  • Reply 81 of 431
    psingh01psingh01 Posts: 5member
    I like Google, but people have more to fear of them then they ever will of Apple or even Microsoft. Their goal is to control or "manage" all the information in the world. Having one private company controlling my personal information is much scarier than not being able to play flash on a phone. Specially as how they were more than willing to go along with China's censorship requests in order to get a profit. They only pulled out once they were getting beat the the local search engine.
  • Reply 82 of 431
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,774member
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    It really is Mac vs PC from the 80s all over again. That's not to say PC is better than Mac, but far more people will use PCs than Mac. Apple simply can't monopolize the entire market with their couple iPhone models.

    That's just the reality of low-end products vs high-end products. The average consumer will take free/cheaper at the expense of quality no matter what.

    Best example, I was walking by a cellular kiosk and overheard a customer asking about phones. The salesperson mentioned why the iPhone was better than another phone, and discussion ended like this:

    Customer: Is it free?

    Salesperson: No

    Customer: Then I'm not interested
  • Reply 83 of 431
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    This guy, Vic Gundotra is just trying to make a name for himself.

    I find it funny how all these people are trying to bet Steve at his game, the only way these guys are going to win is to play their own game, if they think they will beat Apple in its own sand box they are mistaking.

    What people do not realize is Steve does not care what others think of him, you will burn a friend in a minute if it means he gets what he wants. The only way I see Apple losing here is if they make a major misstep or they just piss off consumers. Right people do not care if apple controls it all, because it works and they all feel good about what they have, it is not a bad experience, unlike what apple was trying to portray in their 1984 video.

    Apple's model is what is good for consumer is good for Apple not the other way around. In the case of Google is what is good for them is good for you.
  • Reply 84 of 431
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    The source code isn't open for Google search, but yes, you can set up your own Google Search service.

    Indeed, you can set up your own Google search for your own computer. It works incredibly well. Google Desktop. It is astounding, really.
  • Reply 85 of 431
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    Scared enough that they just unveiled a whole host of well thought out, new features for Android 2.2 and previewed for 2.3 that Apple has, for whatever reason, decided against doing at the current time. And from the demos, it looks like Google's implemintations aren't half-assed at all.

    I'll leave you to watch the keynote for yourself to see these features and the demos. A lot of them were so simple in implementation that I was surprised Apple hadn't done them already.

    And Asherian also said it well too.

    At the same time, a Google exec said publicly that there's a problem with battery run time on Android phones - it's very low. He blamed developers whose apps let processes run when the apps are in the background. In other words, a bad multitasking system. This is Android's "openness" - the openness to let developers make battery-sucking apps. And this is even before Android phones get Flash.
  • Reply 86 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,990member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    This guy, Vic Gundotra is just trying to make a name for himself.

    He was weaned from the teat of Bill Gates and Steve Balmer. Need we say more about him?
  • Reply 87 of 431
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,037member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    If I were to guess, I think that Android will surpass iPhone OS in every area - phones, tablets, netbooks, STBs, automobile/emergency OSs, misc. handheld/palmtop devices - but I have no reliable crystal balls.

    I fear you are right. Google is fast becoming the new Microsoft. But you can't fake what Apple does naturally. Google can copy and imitate much as Microsoft's Windows iterations have done over the years. But innovation, Apple style, cannot be cloned by multi-tentacled behemoths like Google or Microsoft. Google may sell more stuff in the end, but there will always be a strong market for the quality alternative Apple has consistently offered. When you have been using Apple products as long as I have (since 1984 as a matter of fact), you are not frightened by curves so much. They should be measured in decades, not quarters or years. The future decades will see many ups and downs for all companies involved currently.
  • Reply 88 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,990member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Indeed, you can set up your own Google search for your own computer. It works incredibly well. Google Desktop. It is astounding, really.

    Yes, but it's still Google's Google Search. They aren't giving anyone the source code so they can go set up Stevie's Search, which produces exactly the same results as Google's. They are a company based on proprietary software, and all this talk of openness from them is, as it is with Adobe, just a smokescreen intended to befuddle week minds.
  • Reply 89 of 431
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    You all probably remember this from a few months back, but I wanted to put it up there in light of Google's recent comments (or insinuations) about Apple. The Evil Empire
  • Reply 90 of 431
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    800% of 1 is 8.

    112% of 100 is 112.

    There you go.....

    1, 8, 64, 512

    100, 112, 125, 140.

    There YOU go...
  • Reply 91 of 431
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    No, you really can't, you can set up Google's Google Search service. Please, Google only tosses a few bones to open source now and then, says all the right things, but is as closed as closed gets when it really matters.

    Nice. "Where it really matters". He'll never be able to pin you down now.

    You can now claim that your original statement was correct, because it referred only to "where it really matters".

    I love this forum.
  • Reply 92 of 431
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    Android's marketshare is up over 800% year over year, iPhone up 112%. Extrapolate.

    Android sold very little the first year.

    iPhone (June 2007) has been out 15 months longer than Android (T-Mobile G1 - Sept 2008).

    1 company makes iPhone.

    At least 16 current manufacturers for Android phones plus another half dozen (phone manufacturers) coming online. Plus tablets, E-Readers and netbooks, etc.
  • Reply 93 of 431
    I would not go that far with comparison, but Google has some points as far as trend by Apple executives.

    I am not really big fun of corporate managment behaviors. I'd rather quit from company than wait for promotions to get all the way between those individuals (I am sticking to pure engineering job). Also Apple and Google are the only companies that have really innovative managment that gets the point of modern world, but Apple is really unfreindly. It just that you need engineers with their traits and promote the best ideas at right time rather than have "your own way" and "constraining everybody to your way".

    Maybe that's the reason Apple cannot really find its strong path to European market where nobody likes this behavior... that includes Microsoft ways as well.
  • Reply 94 of 431
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    "If Google did not act, we faced a Draconian future where one man, one company, one device, one carrier would be our only choice," Gundotra said

    This is about them to trying to own an ideological ideal that's easy to love. Google are trying to cast a commercial battle as something based on principle and some kind of open altruism that they contend that they champion. It's a fallacy of course. Don't let technical and other kinds of spokespeople kid you about the essence of this. It's business and they're on message.
  • Reply 95 of 431
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    I fear you are right. Google is fast becoming the new Microsoft. But you can't fake what Apple does naturally. Google can copy and imitate much as Microsoft's Windows iterations have done over the years. But innovation, Apple style, cannot be cloned by multi-tentacled behemoths like Google or Microsoft. Google may sell more stuff in the end, but there will always be a strong market for the quality alternative Apple has consistently offered. When you have been using Apple products as long as I have (since 1984 as a matter of fact), you are not frightened by curves so much. They should be measured in decades, not quarters or years. The future decades will see many ups and downs for all companies involved currently.

    Apple is past the era where any Tom, Vic, or Harry can come and screw it. I don't care what Google comes up with, along as Apple is innovative enough to give great products, it will do well. I don't think Apple ever wanted to dominate the world anyway.
  • Reply 96 of 431
    @homenow@homenow Posts: 998member
    Originally Posted by psingh01 View Post

    I like Google, but people have more to fear of them then they ever will of Apple or even Microsoft. Their goal is to control or "manage" all the information in the world. Having one private company controlling my personal information is much scarier than not being able to play flash on a phone. Specially as how they were more than willing to go along with China's censorship requests in order to get a profit. They only pulled out once they were getting beat the the local search engine.

    I like Google's search, but not much else that I have used from them. I like the user experience and overall quality of everything that Apple has put out and have tried. Of course I am an "Apple Fan-boy" so take that into account. I am also a bit weary of how much Google is becoming ingrained into our everyday life, and how much information that they have.

    The potential for abuse with all that information is immense and I have no doubt that the corporation will abuse that power to enrich themselves one day on a criminal level or at a level that creates the need for new regulation once the abuse is discovered.
  • Reply 97 of 431
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by kerryb View Post

    Seriously this is a lot of marketing to get some developers onboard and excited. Some people need an enemy to get motivated.

    This was an offhand remark by one guy at a long conference.

    How is this "a lot of marketing"?
  • Reply 97 of 431
    replicantreplicant Posts: 121member
    Wow when you think one cannot go lower. It's too pathetic.

    I mean using apple's "1984" marketing strategy?

    Really ? Can't the filthy rich minds at google who are suppose to be the smartest come up with an original idea ?? What's next? A google version of apple tv? Oh wait...
  • Reply 99 of 431
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Yeah this goes back a few years when MS was blasted for REQUIRING you to use Internet Explorer as your web browser because Windows just works better that way... Apple is doing the same thing with the iPod and iPhone......

    Now before you blast me I am a HUGE Apple fan and will continue to use and buy their products. But c'mon people fair is fair.......

    Originally Posted by KindredMac View Post

    Apple is indeed the Big Brother of this generation. I have no problems saying that.

    It all started with the iPod though, not as recently as the iPhone as Google is saying.

    If you want to use an iPhone or iPad you NEED to use iTunes... You NEED an iTunes account. That right there is restricting. And what is Apple's reasoning behind this? "It just works better that way" is the usual response. Well I'm sure IBM thought the same way when they were considered the top dog.

    But the funniest thing about this whole story is that this argument is coming from Google...

    They are actually more of a threat to being the next Evil Empire. Hell they have been collecting data on people for years and when they get caught only reply with "Oops, our bad. Sorry."

    What we have here is the basis of Capitalism. The reason for starting a business is to grow your business and make more money. Being the top dog SHOULD be your goal. So why is one business pointing fingers at another because they are successful??? A little bit of Marketing and a pinch of jealousy thrown in for good measure, that's why.

  • Reply 100 of 431
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,990member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Nice. "Where it really matters". He'll never be able to pin you down now.

    You can now claim that your original statement was correct, because it referred only to "where it really matters".

    I love this forum.

    I see you're a little slow, so I'll help you out. "Where it really matters" refers to the core technologies the company is built on -- e.g. Google Search. Duh! I love these trolls.
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