HTC Incredible. Whoa. The iPhone killer for real?

in iPhone edited January 2014
I have Verizon. Getting an Incredible would be the $30/month data plus my current 10$/month voice as I'm on a family plan. That's much nicer than 70$/month from AT&T. So I started to look at the HTC Incredible. Wow! Looks like Google will be the Windows of mobiles and Apple will end up being well, the Apple, due to Apple's draconian control and closed model but more importantly an odd lack of Apple innovation lately. This HTC thing looks awesome. Just to run down the features, kind of to make sure I got them right:

-tethering is FREE. (PDAnet, if used wisely).

-Has GPS and compass

-8 megapixel camera that is good, does good video.

-Flash and autofocus.

-best in class speakers and sound

-screen apparently dim outside (otherwise is good), nearly double resolution.

-the strange shaped case is apparently nice

-Real multitasking

-fast processor

-Flash. I use Flash websites a lot.

-Android 2.2 coming. UI is very nice, maybe superior.

-takes SD cards

It looks like what I imagine iPhone 5.0 will have next year! Someone talk me out of it? I'm going to get a smartphone but I will wait to see what the next iPhone 4G coming out in June or July will have before choosing between the HTC Incredible and iPhone. If Apple release a Verizon iPhone and had a few tricks up their sleeve I'd have to consider it. But even still, I think I'm going HTC Incredible. Anyone have one of these fancy things, or has anyone played with one? The Verizon store here won't have one for a few weeks. Android+HTC will probably be the iPhone killer...

Incredible writeup -


  • Reply 1 of 42
    tontontonton Posts: 14,067
    If specs are your thing, go for it. If you need Flash go for it. For me, it's for the overall user experience. I have no doubt that Android provides a far better user experience than WinMo, but I still suspect that Apple is superior in this regard. I like the polished apect, and Android still seems like it has a "Windows" style cluttered-ness.

    The multitasking on Android has been shown to be the source of serious battery drain.

    Android 2.2 is not out yet. "Coming" is not good enough to make a decision, as there's no guarantee your phone will get the upgrade. Meanwhile we know exactly when iPhone OS 4.0 is coming, and that it will have multitasking, and that the iPhone 4G will have a far faster processor and likely fantastic battery life.

    And how about syncing with your Mac? Do Android apps sybc back to iTunes? How does it work? How about your media? And how about when you get a new phone? We know for sure we can just plug in our new iPhones and it'll work. But will all your Android-bought apps and media "just work" when you get a new phone?

    I'd at least wait until iPhone OS 4.0, the iPhone 4G and Android 2.2 are out before making your decision.

    Of course, while I do love the iPhone OS and iTunes integration, I think the iPhone just doesn't make the best phone for calls and texting. So I have an iPod Touch and an Elm.
  • Reply 2 of 42
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Vic Gundotra that you?
  • Reply 3 of 42
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    Just a few thoughts...

    -tethering is FREE. (PDAnet, if used wisely).

    -- This will be dependent on the carrier allowing tethering. iPhone OS 3 supports tethering its just AT&T that doesn't. Wait and see on this one

    -Has GPS and compass

    -- Since the iPhone has this too its not a killer feature

    -8 megapixel camera that is good, does good video.

    -- Megapixels are only half the battle. The highest megapixel camera isn't necessarily the best camera. iPhone 4G will support HD video

    -Flash and autofocus.

    -- Nice touch

    -best in class speakers and sound

    -- I wouldn't consider listening to my music through any phone speaker as a "killer" feature. In the end, its still a really tiny phone speaker. This is marketing at its best. I keep hearing that the latest greatest laptops have "killer" speakers but I would ALWAYS listen to my headphones versus my laptop speakers. Small speakers just suck, period.

    -screen apparently dim outside (otherwise is good), nearly double resolution.

    -- iPhone 4G will have this

    -the strange shaped case is apparently nice

    -- "apparently?"

    -Real multitasking

    -- Multitasking is needed to some extent but it's seriously overrated, IMHO. See Larry Page's recent comments

    -fast processor

    -- 1Ghz A4 in iPhone 4G

    -Flash. I use Flash websites a lot.

    -- No argument here

    -Android 2.2 coming. UI is very nice, maybe superior.

    -- So is iPhone OS 4 so we'll wait and see. Check out this site to see how Google plans to handle upgrades.

    -takes SD cards

    -- Cloud services like streaming this, wireless sync that, makes SD cards less important. HTC site clearly states it only supports "up to 16 gig" SD card. Weak, iPhone will support 32 Gig guaranteed and possibly 64 Gig

    I admit that the Incredible is the closest competitor to iPhone but why shouldn't it be? It was released a couple weeks ago.

    At the very least wait til WWDC when the official iPhone 4G is released. Then you can do an Apples to ... HTC comparison. Of course, you'd have to switch to ATT which may in of itself be a reason to buy the HTC. Google is a great marketing machine that clearly doesn't believe in privacy. The Apple "experience" is where your top dollars go as I've outlined above. Of course, this is all just my opinion
  • Reply 4 of 42
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    It looks like what I imagine iPhone 5.0 will have next year! Someone talk me out of it? I'm going to get a smartphone but I will wait to see what the next iPhone 4G coming out in June or July will have before choosing between the HTC Incredible and iPhone. If Apple release a Verizon iPhone and had a few tricks up their sleeve I'd have to consider it. But even still, I think I'm going HTC Incredible. Anyone have one of these fancy things, or has anyone played with one? The Verizon store here won't have one for a few weeks. Android+HTC will probably be the iPhone killer...

    Incredible writeup -

    Well as you note, it is hard to talk you out of it. In fact I'm in the same boat. I'm waiting for the next iPhone to drop but if anything about the upgrade is suspect, then I'm gone and I bet this will be true for many people.

    The HTC Incredible is the only phone that I've gone back into the store to screw around with multiple times in forever. It is as light as can be. I tried something I used to do on my Storm, cannot do on my iPhone and that the HTC handled no problem. I opened up Pandora, opened up RunKeeper as if to track a run and they both ran together just fine. Then as if to top it off, I could quickly also open the camera app and snap pictures while leaving the other two running.

    I don't play games. I use my phone for browsing, texting, music, movies and running and biking. Incredible matches or exceeds on these points so far. Another point you forgot is 8 gigs of application ram since Android still distinguishes between the two. 8 gigs will be more than enough space to hold any app I'm going to buy during the life of the phone.

    I like the shape of the case as well. While I love the appearance of the iPhone 4HD from what we know, I also remember my 2G iPhone, being so slick and flat on all sides often just fell out of my pocket at times. The bump on the 3G seems to help with this. The back bumps on the Incredible might stop the sliding as well. The 4HD, well it's going straight into a case to help I guess.

    I have no doubt the next iPhone upgrade in both OS and in hardware is going to be better, but it is nice to know that if Apple doesn't stay on the ball, there is a pretty worthy competitor to reach over and take and in my case it is even on a better network. Verizon has done some stupid things lately so I'm still fully leaning toward iPhone and AT&T. However AT&T just raised their ETF and who knows what else might happen before launch date. Maybe they will suddenly have mandatory data on crap feature phones as well and if that is the case, family will say hello to Tmobile where I am right now.
  • Reply 5 of 42
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    thanks trumpt good hands-on report as I haven't been able to play with Incredible yet. bbwi-tethering is FREE with PDAnet. If you overuse it VZ may catch on but I only plan to use it every now and then. Like on trips. Of course as you all point out we have to wait to see what the next iPhone 4 brings to the table. Competition is good! I hope this will make Apple double up on their iPhone development.
  • Reply 6 of 42
    kovichkovich Posts: 43member
    There is a good chance that Android will become the Windows of the mobile computing world and the long term battle will be between Apple and the iPhone OS and Android with its multiple hardware suppliers.

    Given that Apple has chosen to push out one iPhone a year and keep only two models on sale at any time we will find that there are always more powerful higher speced Android phones when compared to the iPhones available. This will eat into iPhone's market as tech heads and casual buyers who ask themselves the question: so what's the best phone out there? may be more tempted by Android over iPhone.

    The real question for Apple is whether it can keep the incredible iPhone brand motoring the way it has over the past two years.

    As for me I can't get over the HTC brand. Having an HTC phone is like driving a Vauxhall/Opel. It may be a great car but why would you want to be seen in one, because it may also be an appallingly bad car? But then I am a shallow westerner riddled with status anxiety.
  • Reply 7 of 42
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    You make this point as though Apple did not announce mulit-tasking. The way Apple implements multi-tasking will avoid the battery drain problems that have happened with Android phones from poorly written apps.

    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    The HTC Incredible is the only phone that I've gone back into the store to screw around with multiple times in forever. It is as light as can be. I tried something I used to do on my Storm, cannot do on my iPhone and that the HTC handled no problem. I opened up Pandora, opened up RunKeeper as if to track a run and they both ran together just fine. Then as if to top it off, I could quickly also open the camera app and snap pictures while leaving the other two running.

  • Reply 8 of 42
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    To tell you truthfully no one will be talking about the HTC Incredible six months from now.

    Some of the things you list the iPhone already does or it will soon do. Other things you list aren't really all that important, or are marketing falllacy.

    Some of you are quick to champion Flash on the phone when it's been shown numerous times to crash or quickly drain the battery.

    Processor speed is only important to a degree. The iPhone 3GS has been shown to outperform the Nexus ONE with a slower processor. Qualitu software design and optimization is just as important as the processor itself.

    You really feel it's better to spend additinal money on an SD card instead of your phone including ample storage within the cost of the phone?

    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    It looks like what I imagine iPhone 5.0 will have next year! Someone talk me out of it? I'm going to get a smartphone but I will wait to see what the next iPhone 4G coming out in June.

  • Reply 9 of 42
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You make this point as though Apple did not announce mulit-tasking. The way Apple implements multi-tasking will avoid the battery drain problems that have happened with Android phones from poorly written apps.

    Actually I don't do that at all. I gave a very specific instance of multitasking and noted that the Incredible did it. The instance I mentioned used several major features of the phone simultaneously. It would be using the cell radio, the GPS chip and activating the camera all at the same time. Apple has announced limited multitasking where certain background processes can be done. If it will do all three of these items at the same time, then I will be more than happy to go with them.

    Note the following from what I said...

    I have no doubt the next iPhone upgrade in both OS and in hardware is going to be better, but it is nice to know that if Apple doesn't stay on the ball, there is a pretty worthy competitor to reach over and take and in my case it is even on a better network.

    The point is we are already to the point of having to compare what Apple is GOING TO RELEASE against something available today. We already see AT&T raising ETF's and have no guarantee that with some new feature or ability, they won't use it to justify raising data rates again. Sprint already did this with the 4G HTC, so who's to say, justified or not, it might not happen with the new iPhone?

    If the iPhone will do what I want, as I specifically noted above, I will buy it. I will tolerate it on the AT&T network and the cost will be comparable to Verizon for me even though the network won't be as good in my part of the country. I'll tolerate that to have the iPhone though.

    However if the Apple approved forms of slightly expanded multitasking don't include access to GPS and cell radio at the same time, or won't allow me to take pictures while using the other two, I've already confirmed it can be done on the Android phone and I'm personally tired of waiting. Again my old Storm used to have this ability and I really miss it. I love quickly shooting photos while out on the bike or a run but still want my music, be it via onboard memory or Pandora to be available while tracking my run/rides and taking pics of the many interesting things I see.

    As to some of your other points....


    Some of you are quick to champion Flash on the phone when it's been shown numerous times to crash or quickly drain the battery.

    I don't personally care about Flash on the web however it is already clear that many web apps are Flash and likewise Blackberry, Android and Palm are going to allow Flash on their platforms. Adobe had a flash to native app compiler. It is correct it likely wouldn't have taken advantage of advanced features but you can see how with the web and three other phone platforms able to run these apps natively, Apple might be the odd man out here on future games and apps.


    Processor speed is only important to a degree. The iPhone 3GS has been shown to outperform the Nexus ONE with a slower processor. Qualitu software design and optimization is just as important as the processor itself.

    You are correct and I'm sure this is why Google is advertising Froyo aka Android 2.2 as having a 2-500% performance improvement due to optimizations in the Dalvik JIT.


    You really feel it's better to spend additinal money on an SD card instead of your phone including ample storage within the cost of the phone?

    You make a good point and the unified storage of the iPhone is a great advantage over Android here.
  • Reply 10 of 42
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Just when they actually think they're catching up to the iPhone, the next version will blow 'em out of the water.
  • Reply 11 of 42
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    Actually I don't do that at all. I gave a very specific instance of multitasking and noted that the Incredible did it. The instance I mentioned used several major features of the phone simultaneously. It would be using the cell radio, the GPS chip and activating the camera all at the same time. Apple has announced limited multitasking where certain background processes can be done. If it will do all three of these items at the same time, then I will be more than happy to go with them.

    Exactly what reasonable activity are you performing that you need to use all of those things at the same time? The iPhone already uses GPS and cell radio at the same time. That is the way AGPS works.


    We already see AT&T raising ETF's and have no guarantee that with some new feature or ability, they won't use it to justify raising data rates again. Sprint already did this with the 4G HTC, so who's to say, justified or not, it might not happen with the new iPhone?

    AT&T raised the ETF to match what Verizon is already doing. How does that have anything to do with data rates? Sprint os charging more for a faster more expensive network that hardly anyone is using. That has nothing to do with AT&T.


    If the iPhone will do what I want, as I specifically noted above, I will buy it. I will tolerate it on the AT&T network and the cost will be comparable to Verizon for me even though the network won't be as good in my part of the country. I'll tolerate that to have the iPhone though.

    If the Incredible already does what you want and you prefer Verizon. Why don't you just go with that? Why sit here and whine about the iPhone and AT&T?


    However if the Apple approved forms of slightly expanded multitasking don't include access to GPS and cell radio at the same time, or won't allow me to take pictures while using the other two, I've already confirmed it can be done on the Android phone and I'm personally tired of waiting.

    What we do know is that Apple will not allow muliti-tasking to significantly degrade the usefulness and performance of the phone. Whether you call that an unreasonable expectation or not is up to you. You don't have to wait go ahead and get an Android phone.

    Most people hated the Storm so that's not the best example of good functionality.


    I don't personally care about Flash on the web however it is already clear that many web apps are Flash and likewise Blackberry, Android and Palm are going to allow Flash on their platforms. Apple might be the odd man out here on future games and apps.

    Just because three other platforms choose to accept a poorly functioning technology means Apple should accept it too?
  • Reply 12 of 42
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Exactly what reasonable activity are you performing that you need to use all of those things at the same time? The iPhone already uses GPS and cell radio at the same time. That is the way AGPS works.

    When I run or ride, I track my progress using programs like RunKeeper. I'm fast enough to do well and enjoy events like century bike rides, but they aren't racing events. They are see if you can do it type events. I love grabbing some photos and video during them.


    AT&T raised the ETF to match what Verizon is already doing. How does that have anything to do with data rates? Sprint os charging more for a faster more expensive network that hardly anyone is using. That has nothing to do with AT&T.

    Where's the disconnect here? You note that AT&T is a follower. Verizon raises ETF's and AT&T follows. Sprint raises data rates and.... AT&T follows isn't an unreasonable thought. It hasn't happened but there is history. AT&T did raise rates when going from 2G to 3G iPhones so if something about the new iPhone can be considered additionally data intensive (say video chat for example) in their minds they can justify the additional costs.


    If the Incredible already does what you want and you prefer Verizon. Why don't you just go with that? Why sit here and whine about the iPhone and AT&T?

    I'm not impatient. I can wait until the next iPhone drops. Since the decision is a two year decision no matter the direction I go, I can certainly wait a few more weeks to make it. My 3G iPhone will survive just fine no matter which direction I go in the meantime.


    What we do know is that Apple will not allow muliti-tasking to significantly degrade the usefulness and performance of the phone. Whether you call that an unreasonable expectation or not is up to you. You don't have to wait go ahead and get an Android phone.

    Don't be an ass. It is reasonable to wait a couple weeks for the final piece in a two year decision to drop and make a true valid comparison as opposed to a buying decision based off mock ups, videos from Vietnam and betas.


    Most people hated the Storm so that's not the best example of good functionality.

    Most people hated the version of Blackberry OS that shipped with it. It has improved quite a bit since then. If you had to go back and use the original iPhone with the original OS, you'd hate it right now too.


    Just because three other platforms choose to accept a poorly functioning technology means Apple should accept it too?

    412 mhz seemed great at one time. So did 480x320 resolution and a 2 MP camera. Technology moves on. You are right that flash might be poorly functioning at 500 mhz or even at 1 ghz. However at this rate of progress, the same reasoning might not be valid in a year. I want Apple to succeed but I also don't want them to replicate the past. It is clear that smartphones are the new computers and Apple had a large lead in computers until the competition caught up and their own reasoning did them in as well. I don't want to see that duplicated and if it will be, I won't wait around a second time. I stuck with them through thick and thin on my home computers, but for round two, I won't deal with that. Go back two years and you have the app store and iPhone 3G just being introduced. The amount of ground covered since then on multiple platforms in terms of hardware and software is huge. Project two years out from now and it is doubtful anyone will be worried about Flash causing performance problems when compiling native apps from flash programs for various platforms. Does that guarantee any sort of success? Not at all. Does it guarantee harm to Apple? Of course not.

    Apple isn't just saying to hold off on something though until the technology catches up. That is what they did with items like copy/paste or multitasking. They are clearly burning bridges here and saying never instead of merely wait.
  • Reply 13 of 42
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    If you were hoping for unlimited data plans with Verizon (NYSE: VZ) Wireless’ 4G network based on Long-Term Evolution, it looks like you’re out of luck because the company will likely use tiered pricing, according to comments from CEO Lowell McAdam.

    Verizon going tiered pricing for LTE 4G


    It has been stated that AT&T and Verizon will eventually change their data plan pricing structure at some point. Most people don't use over 5GB a month and do not really need unlimited data plans. The switch to 4G is a logical point make those changes.

  • Reply 14 of 42
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    They all follow each other in one way or another, its not just AT&T. AT&T had already been charging $30 for unlimited data before the iPhone 3G. They charged less for the original iPhone because it was not 3G speed. Your speculation that they will increase the price again for some made up reason is just you making crap up.

    Of course speculation is making crap up. That is the definition of speculation. However I'm not acting on speculation nor advising others to act on it. Is it some sort of crime to come to an Apple rumor forum and....heaven forbid.... do a little speculating? That's sort of the purpose of being here you know.


    It has been stated that AT&T and Verizon will eventually change their data plan pricing structure at some point. Most people don't use over 5GB a month and do not really need unlimited data plans. The switch to 4G is a logical point make those changes.

    Thanks for the speculation aka making crap up. Try not to punch yourself in the face due to the hypocrisy being so astoundingly bad.


    Then why are you making these comparisons before the new iPhone is available?

    Call me crazy, but someone posted a thread about the HTC Incredible and OMG, I participated in the rampant speculation and discussion. It's a crazy thing to come to an Apple rumors board and participate in discussion on... Apple rumors but gosh darn it, I'm going to run with it!


    The original iPhone received higher consumer satisfaction ratings three years ago, than the Blackberry does right now.

    You're right and what does that have to do with anything? You claimed the phone could in absolutely no fashion ever demonstrate good functionality. No one ever claimed it was better, just that it had some abilities that I miss and want the new iPhone to have three years later.


    Processor speed isn't the central problem. The problem is within Flash itself. It wasn't designed for phones.

    Neither was the subset of OS X that is the iPhone OS at first.


    I agree two years from now no one will be worried about Flash causing performance problems because cross platform development for phones will be dominated by HTML5.

    Perhaps but Adobe could have a valid point of dealing with this if people can do a small bit of work and turn their Flash programs into native apps that run faster.


    I don't think Apple is so much waiting for technology to catch up. Apple has a finite number of software developers, finite resources, and finite time. With this reality you have to list everything in order of importance and then get to it when you can.

    The first most important part was the iPhone OS itself. Then next was third party development and the App Store. Copy/Paste and multi-tasking were just further down the "to do" list.

    All of that can still be true and not address the fact that they are burning bridges with the Adobe decision, not waiting for tech to catch up. It doesn't have to be an 'or' decision and for everyone else, it isn't.

    Now back to the thread topic.

    iPhone snob reviews Incredible

    It does pretty well.
  • Reply 15 of 42
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    Of course speculation is making crap up. That is the definition of speculation. However I'm not acting on speculation nor advising others to act on it. Is it some sort of crime to come to an Apple rumor forum and....heaven forbid.... do a little speculating? That's sort of the purpose of being here you know.

    The speculation you attempted was based on nothing in reality. And made absolutely no sense.


    Thanks for the speculation aka making crap up. Try not to punch yourself in the face due to the hypocrisy being so astoundingly bad.

    Its not my speculation for one. For two its logical speculation. AT&T and Verizon will be investing billions to roll out a brand new network. They will want to make more money from this new network. So that gives them the opportunity to completely change the data pricing structure.


    You're right and what does that have to do with anything? You claimed the phone could in absolutely no fashion ever demonstrate good functionality. No one ever claimed it was better, just that it had some abilities that I miss and want the new iPhone to have three years later.

    Most people hate the Storm despite the fact that it can multi-task. The vast majority of people loved the original iPhone despite the fact it could not multi-task. My point is that the Storm is not a good example of your point. It puts real importance of multi-tasking in perspective.


    Neither was the subset of OS X that is the iPhone OS at first.

    Completely different situations. Apple completely built iPhone OS from the ground up. It shares elements of Mac OS X, but it is not Mac OS X. Adobe is attempting to literally shoe horn desktop Flash onto the phone.


    All of that can still be true and not address the fact that they are burning bridges with the Adobe decision, not waiting for tech to catch up. It doesn't have to be an 'or' decision and for everyone else, it isn't.

    Trying to force Flash onto the phone is actually holding back progress. In the long run HTML5 will do the same things that Flash does - better than Flash does.
  • Reply 16 of 42
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    anyone can outspec anybody.

    if Apple wanted, they could put a 6-core i7 inside the iPhone or the iPad. that's not the point!

    Android phones are good. BUT they will always be behind the iPhone.
  • Reply 17 of 42
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    It all comes down to how you implement the features. Apple does it best, per feature, which is why their one phone is insanely popular. No other reason. Its no secret that phones with the same features or more have come and gone before and after the iPhone. Meaningless. Implementation is all that matters. It's what translates to user experience.
  • Reply 18 of 42
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Apple needs the Android, Apple needs competition. In the long run this is good for us all.

    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    Android phones are good. BUT they will always be behind the iPhone.

  • Reply 19 of 42
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The speculation you attempted was based on nothing in reality. And made absolutely no sense.

    Actually I believe I noted new data intensive features like... video chat. AT&T has also announced that even though they have already upgraded their network to [email protected] mpbs, they will also go ahead and upgrade it to [email protected] before moving to LTE. That upgrade is largely software and they are terming it advanced 3G. So again, while we are all speculating, it isn't hard to imagine AT&T saying that if you want video chatting with 3G+, they you might have to fork over some more cash. Larger ETF's don't make sense nor does your subsidizing phone plan staying the same cost even when off contract, so why does this have to make any more sense. The companies charge what the market will tolerate.


    Its not my speculation for one. For two its logical speculation. AT&T and Verizon will be investing billions to roll out a brand new network. They will want to make more money from this new network. So that gives them the opportunity to completely change the data pricing structure.

    Except for wired companies have been doing the exact same sort of upgrades and haven't been able to pass on additional costs for the additional capacity. Wireless companies are facing plenty of pressure from prepaid companies to keep costs lower. Data is the closest thing they have to some price control right now. I'm not saying they will, but speculation is speculation regardless of your rationales for dismissing some folks.


    Most people hate the Storm despite the fact that it can multi-task. The vast majority of people loved the original iPhone despite the fact it could not multi-task. My point is that the Storm is not a good example of your point. It puts real importance of multi-tasking in perspective.

    Actually it doesn't because Apple felt the need to add the feature and again, Blackberry with multitasking still outsells Apple without multitasking. Focusing on one models that had some growing pains doesn't negate the fact that Blackberry still outsells Apple to this day and you can bet the quarter in which they finally pass RIM will be the quarter in which they have added multitasking.


    Completely different situations. Apple completely built iPhone OS from the ground up. It shares elements of Mac OS X, but it is not Mac OS X. Adobe is attempting to literally shoe horn desktop Flash onto the phone.

    Except the fact that just like how iPhone OS is a subset of Mac OS X, the phone version of flash will be a subset of Flash optimized for phones. Same thing.


    Trying to force Flash onto the phone is actually holding back progress. In the long run HTML5 will do the same things that Flash does - better than Flash does.

    People have claimed the same thing about Objective C and now Apple demanding only their own tools be used for development.

    Now back to the thread topic....

    Moto Droid is being offered BOGO. For some reason people knock any other manufacturers (RIM and Motorola Droid) for offering BOGO on $199 phones which equals roughly $99 a phone while applauding Apple for offering a $99 model. How are the two not the same?

    One of the best reasons for waiting until the new iPhone drops, seeing what may get tossed into to entice purchase of the Droid Incredible when the new iPhone has dropped. I'm speculating that MicroSD will be upped to 16 gigs included or get another available Android phone of lesser value for free.

    Also Froyo 2.2 has been confirmed as being offered from Droid Incredible soon by HTC. That means that 3-5x speed increase, Flash 10.1, Wifi hotspot support will all be coming soon.
  • Reply 20 of 42
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    To tell you truthfully no one will be talking about the HTC Incredible six months from now.

    Some of the things you list the iPhone already does or it will soon do. Other things you list aren't really all that important, or are marketing falllacy.

    Some of you are quick to champion Flash on the phone when it's been shown numerous times to crash or quickly drain the battery.

    Processor speed is only important to a degree. The iPhone 3GS has been shown to outperform the Nexus ONE with a slower processor. Qualitu software design and optimization is just as important as the processor itself.

    You really feel it's better to spend additinal money on an SD card instead of your phone including ample storage within the cost of the phone?

    no, likely he'll be talking about the new 5 phones with even bigger specs. Calling the incredible an 'iphone killer' is simply dumb. What is happening is the others are beginning to catch up, the iphone pretty much had nothing to challenge it save for RIM.

    But that doesn't make the iphone current or upcoming any less great, or threaten it's existence at all. Certainly not in the near term by any means.
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