Another G4 Cube???



  • Reply 21 of 46
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by X704:

    <strong>Add 1 PCI slot, price it cheaper then the PM (with comparable specs) & I'd be sold ... Those old cubes are still look'n pretty attractive ... was almost tempted to bid on one in Ebay today (but I was strong & resisted).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    i think that adding one PCI slot is problem for the cooling of the cube that has no fan. I think that the cube doesn't need a lot of electrical energy at the contrary of a powermac with all his PCI slots. The more electrical power, the more cooling you need.
  • Reply 22 of 46
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    "I think the price could be higher"

    Why, basically it would be a low end iMac without a monitor. I think they will start a $1299? However, the questions still remains, How much does adding one PCI slot to the motherboard?
  • Reply 23 of 46
    I own and love my cube. Wish I could upgrade the processor. Still, it's the perfect machine for what I need for now, including some digital video and photoshop work.

    I think if Apple gave a price range of $1299 to $1499 for 800mhz to 1ghz with combo drive they could sell this machine. They could market it as limited edition macs which they could target to a smaller niche. Their mistake the first time around was cost and not properly targeting their market.
  • Reply 24 of 46
    [quote]Originally posted by MacsRGood4U:

    <strong>Apple announced that the Cube was indeed "suspended" when they ceased production. This is not new news. I suspect that when the G5 Towers finally come out, at MWNY?, they will be mini-Towers in off -white. No more large CPU's.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Man, a Mac mini-tower. I think that would be great. Apple products look fantastic, but my G4 tower is just to big to put on my desk, and I've got a big desk! A mini-tower would be perfect. One PCI slot, full size AGP, two 5.25 bays (gotta be able to add that second drive, you know), one 3.5 bay. Wickedly clean/stylish case. Mmmm. Oh, and put a firewire and USB port in front. Pleeease?

  • Reply 25 of 46
    fieldorfieldor Posts: 213member
    You know all this cube thing is going to cost alot of money. It's like a powerbook put in an cube and you still have to buy a screen.$$$$$ if you know what i mean.
  • Reply 26 of 46
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by rickag:


    "I think the price could be higher"

    Why, basically it would be a low end iMac without a monitor. I think they will start a $1299? However, the questions still remains, How much does adding one PCI slot to the motherboard?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'd assume adding a PCI slot wouldn't cost to much (could be wrong), as far as the price, like I said, I don't want them to skimp like they did on the iMac. I want a 7200 RPM drive, & comparable Mhz/processor the PM has, also I don't want it's Mobo to lag like the iMacs (100Mhz). I want it on par with the PM (hopefully DDR, etc). I also would like the video card to be on par with the PM. So where Apple saves on an LCD I'd like for them to put in better components.

    As far as extra heat due to the PCI slot ... that may be the case, perhaps a small quiet fan could be added. They have them on the market, apparently Apple just doesn't believe in putting them in the PM ... there are PC's with 3 fans that are quieter then the PM's ... it's really sad that Apple charges so much & isn't willing to spend an extra $1 to put in a quiet fan. Apple of all people should know that their users like quiet computers.
  • Reply 27 of 46
    Ok, let's say Apple releases a G5 pm. the real g5. the imac stays with a g4. what if the g4e/Apollo came out as a midrange chip. it could end up in a cube. say 2 PCI, ATI radeon, cd-rw, 900 mhz, 50 gb drive and 256 mb on the low end. mid could have 2 PCI, nvidia geforce2, combo drive, 1000mhz, 70 gb drive and 256 mb. high end could have 2 PCI, nvidia geforce3, superdrive, 1200mhz, 90 gb drive and 384 mb. mobo(on all models) could be 133mhz, DDR SRAM. 2 drive bays on all models. up to 2gb ram. 3 firewire, 3 usb on cube. powered

    usb keyboard. upgrade-able vid card, processor. pcmcia card slot. optical drive in front. 1 usb and firewire in front. optional sound card. include the apple studio 15in.

    Prices? 1250, 1500, 1750. you got one sweet computer. :cool:

    i started this thread

    [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: macrock ]</p>
  • Reply 28 of 46
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    [quote]Originally posted by X704:


    As far as extra heat due to the PCI slot ... that may be the case, perhaps a small quiet fan could be added. They have them on the market, apparently Apple just doesn't believe in putting them in the PM ... there are PC's with 3 fans that are quieter then the PM's ... it's really sad that Apple charges so much & isn't willing to spend an extra $1 to put in a quiet fan. Apple of all people should know that their users like quiet computers.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not totally true. The fan in the new iMac is supposed to be very quiet so they are willing to do it when they want to.

    And as far as everybody who disagreed with me about the media drive and power source I understand your feelings. I agree that the Cube was a great design, but I stand by what I said. To each their own I guess. Perhaps it's just that I'm so taken with the new iMac and see it as what the Cube could have been. If it allowed total user access to the RAM and video card it would be near perfect.

    [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: imacSE ]</p>
  • Reply 29 of 46
    [quote]Originally posted by macrock:

    Ok, let's say Apple releases a G5 pm. the real g5. the imac stays with a g4. what if the g4e/Apollo came out as a midrange chip. it could end up in a cube. say 2 PCI, ATI radeon, cd-rw, 900 mhz, 50 gb drive and 256 mb on the low end. mid could have 2 PCI, nvidia geforce2, combo drive, 1000mhz mhz, 70 gb drive and 256 mb. high end could have 2 PCI, nvidia geforce3, superdrive, 1200mhz mhz, 90 gb drive and 384 mb. mobo(on all models) could be 133mhz, DDR SRAM. include the apple studio 15in.

    Prices? 1250, 1500, 1750. Software? well, we'll see...


    When it comes back it will be in the same form factor. The R&D is done, the manufacturing bugs are worked out, and the suppliers know how to mold the case. Any changes to the form will be minimal. The internals, however can and must be upgraded. The only chance for a PCI slot is if the video is integrated on the motherboard. Put the first G5 in it and call it Steve's revenge for all the fools that didn't get it when it was released.

    Bring it out tomorrow and announce that due to the G5's limited availability they won't be available in the towers until "early" 2003. Cry over that one babies!
  • Reply 30 of 46
    billybilly Posts: 34member
    Not too sound stupid, but how big is a PCI card? Would one really fit inside the 8-inch cube?
  • Reply 31 of 46
    The new iMac is the cube. Think about it, it's got a G4, similar mobo to the cube, all it's missing is the AGP slot (but the cube didn't have a standard sized video card anyways).

    Now, take the price of a 15" LCD and subtract it from the iMac's price:

    $1300: CDRW

    $1500: Combo

    $1800: Superdrive

    15" LCD: $600

    So if the iMacs were headless,




    Just what people like me were saying the cube should have cost in the first place.

    Now, imagine the new iMac with a 17" display, and there is no need for a cube. You can buy an entry level Mac with either a 15" or 17" LCD for an excellent price, competitive with that of Wintels.

    Apple is really on target again, it's like they've taken care of the problem of Macs costing too much by adding more features while keeping the price static. Thus we have more value. Great job, Apple!

    Apple rocks!!!!1111
  • Reply 32 of 46
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>The new iMac is the cube. Think about it, it's got a G4, similar mobo to the cube, all it's missing is the AGP slot (but the cube didn't have a standard sized video card anyways).

    Now, take the price of a 15" LCD and subtract it from the iMac's price:

    $1300: CDRW

    $1500: Combo

    $1800: Superdrive

    15" LCD: $600

    So if the iMacs were headless,




    Just what people like me were saying the cube should have cost in the first place.

    Now, imagine the new iMac with a 17" display, and there is no need for a cube. You can buy an entry level Mac with either a 15" or 17" LCD for an excellent price, competitive with that of Wintels.

    Apple is really on target again, it's like they've taken care of the problem of Macs costing too much by adding more features while keeping the price static. Thus we have more value. Great job, Apple!

    Apple rocks!!!!1111</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Uhh $600???

    try $400 and that is pushing it...
  • Reply 33 of 46
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    you're using retail MSRP pricing.

    the LCD in the iMac can't cost more than 250 for Apple. maybe 300 but I doubt it
  • Reply 34 of 46
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    I also forgot that it is 1.5 years LATER... compnent prices go DOWN
  • Reply 35 of 46
    Oh yeah, sorry about that...retail price of the LCD wouldn't quite do, would it? Doeh! A little too much to drink, he.

    The point remains, that the new iMac is the cube reincarnated. And if Apple lopped off the display, then I think they could sell it headless for around $1000 or so, no?
  • Reply 36 of 46
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    G4 Cube 500 and Cinema Display puts everything on the desktop and still leaves desk for work. (Well, ok, there is the brick on the floor, but who looks at that?)

    I'm running 9.2 on the above config and am about to go to X. Anyone have trouble with Cubes and X? :cool:
  • Reply 37 of 46
    [quote]Originally posted by Cubit:

    G4 Cube 500 and Cinema Display puts everything on the desktop and still leaves desk for work. (Well, ok, there is the brick on the floor, but who looks at that?)

    I'm running 9.2 on the above config and am about to go to X. Anyone have trouble with Cubes and X? <hr></blockquote>

    I left Windows because of OSX. I bought my Cube to run OSX. It has run every version of OSX from the beta to 10.1.2 like it was made for it (as it was). Jump into the future of Apple Cubit, a cool system like yours deserves the very best, I'd also recommend a WD Caviar 100 or 120 SE, the 8MB buffer makes it really responsive.

    [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Aphelion ]</p>
  • Reply 38 of 46
    G4 Cube 450/384mb + OSX = harmony\t \t

    you got to have more than 128mb for osx or it SLOW

    my g4 cube rocks but if Apple made a new one like it says above it would rock. I am a midrange user who needs a mac like a g4 cube because it is perfect for digital photos, video, internet and web serving. with g4/384mb/100gb hd/OSX/DSL net it make a great server(saves space too!)

    [ 01-30-2002: Message edited by: macsrock ]</p>
  • Reply 39 of 46
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    [quote] <hr></blockquote>I left Windows because of OSX. I bought my Cube to run OSX. It has run every version of OSX from the beta to 10.1.2 like it was made for it (as it was). Jump into the future of Apple Cubit, a cool system like yours deserves the very best, I'd also recommend a WD Caviar 100 or 120 SE, the 8MB buffer makes it really responsive.

    [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Aphelion ]


    Thank you for the nudge. I have been sitting on the fence and you help me take the plunge. I have 1.5 GB in this one, so I am happy.

    Could you fill me in a little more on the bit about the WD Caviar? <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />
  • Reply 40 of 46
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    A new Cube for any more than $999 will be dead on arrival. Price is the main reason the Cube failed. Make the graphics upgradeable, put the ports on the back not on the bottom, price it at $899-$999 and you have a winner. Of course Apple could do a more sensible thing and price the current low end PowerMac G4 at $999 which is all its worth, but that would increase market share.

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