Apple market cap tops Microsoft, is now world's largest tech company



  • Reply 141 of 236
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by mercury99 View Post

    Still I'd hope Apple acquires Adobe, otherwise Google will. Adobe worth only 16.6 bil now.

    You think Google might? I hadn't thought of that.

    My evil twin admits he'd love to see Apple do a hostile take over if only so Apple could; 1. close Flash department and 2. make all Adobe apps Mac only. After they clean the bloody mess those Adobe apps are these days, that is.
  • Reply 142 of 236
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I think I'll steal those quotes for future use!

    Awe, not even a small credit below the fold?
  • Reply 143 of 236
    mercury99mercury99 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You think Google might? I hadn't thought of that.

    My evil twin admits he'd love to see Apple do a hostile take over if only so Apple could; 1. close Flash department and 2. make all Adobe apps Mac only. After they clean the bloody mess those Adobe apps are these days, that is.

    I'd say:

    1. Redesign Flash to build HTML5 visually.

    2. Make Adobe Creative Studio Pro for Mac only, while Creative Studio Light for both Mac and PC.
  • Reply 144 of 236
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mobycat View Post

    It's all semantics.

    I think it would have been more appropriate to say that Apple has become the most *valuable* tech company.

    it's not semantics. You can't interchange terms when largest is being applied to the market cap. Apple's market cap is larger therefore it must be, by definition, the most valuable. There is no ambiguity in the article about what "largest" refers to .
  • Reply 145 of 236
    smurfmansmurfman Posts: 119member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    2) iPad - this product is seling like hot cakes!

    I STILL can't find an iPad 3G anywhere! Anyone know where I could get one online for the regular price?? It's selling on Amazon for $200-300 more than retail!
  • Reply 146 of 236
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    You have set the terms of the wager entirely in your favor, 1 free OS with several phone models and manufacturers versus 1 manufacturer's OS and models, and yet you still could possibly lose.

    Come on! If you ever initiate a wager, be sure to define the terms to increase your odds. Unless, you aim to lose because you gain more when that happens. You may not have encountered the latter, but there are situations when it serve my purpose.

    A decent wager though will consider the art of negotiation. I tried to do that with TechStud, to define the terms of what constituted a failed iPad, but he did not have the balls to stand behind all his blusters. He claimed that a onemillion iPad is not fair (my low ball estimate) for year 2010; but then considered the Kindle a success -- even if Amazon never released sales figures. I assume the latter was the case because the actual quarterly or annual sales of Kindle, might not have been really that spectacular.

    Obviously, I low balled the estimate for the iPad wager to increase my chances. I simply considered the applications where the iPad may be applicable for the activites, vocation and businesses that interest me, and I could see the promise of the iPads beyond the usual that many techie-naysayers or even Apple have even begun to explore, or share, at the time. When I searched You Tube, a number of people have even found very creative productive uses for a device that some supposedly computer tech experts(?) considered simply a consuming device.

    As it turned out, my early estimates around February was very conservative. Apple iPad sales was around a million in the first month alone, even if sales was delayed, and more so, worldwide. Based from the initial sales, I increased my prediction around 2-3 million iPads for the quarter. It could have been higher I think had there been no production constraints. For the year, my estimate would be around 8-10 million, provided the issue of production ramping has been addressed, and Apple has introduced ithe iPad to the major markets before the holidays.

    I expect however that the actual introduction of the iPad to other markets where the iPhone has already been introduced may drag into early next year, especially if other companies do not have a credible counter to the iPad by the holiday season.

    It would be crazy however to assume that the IPad was a sure winner. Even Apple was surprised by the reception of the iPad.

    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    BTW You obviously still don't get it, this is all about profitability not market share.

    Actually, in the beginning, that is one thing where solipsism and I agreed. Profitability is the focus of Apple. Read the response of others about what I termed the "20-80" strategy. Others called it "80-20". I quote a response from:

    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Very well said cg...I've heard it described in other ways, too. Profit Margin over Market Share. And I've certainly heard of the '80-20' rule, i.e., 20% of the population drink 80% of the beer! (Question: Who does Budweiser advertise too? Answer: Horses, specifically, Clydesdales!)

    And I know although, ~70% of the US economy is driven by the 'consumer,' the top 10% of the US consumers drive 50% of the US economy. But I never thought to think of it as a "20-80" strategy" on the part of Apple. Spot on!


    I am not sure what the correct term is used by Harvard Business School. I read an article somewhere that it is the centra; mantra of the business plans.

    There is also a potential danger of the high end model. This was proven in the latest worldwide downturn. For example, high end restaurants which obviously cater to the more elite of the population can be very vulnerable. Eating out is not a necessity, and could be one of those that people, even the very rich can do without, if finances become tight. There were a number of "institutions" -- four star restaurants, hotels, and such, in urban areas during the latest downturn. I remember the "Tavern at the Green" n Central Park because my German friend introduced me to it when I visited him in New York. This was true also with the sales of high end consumer products retailers.

    In contrast, the resilience, almost recession-proof ability of Apple not only to weather the latest dowturn, but actually even reported record sales and profits was remarkable.

    However, what is true for Apple, or the high end business markets need not all apply to all industries.

    For example, the reverse strategy is used by companies, like Walmart. The stiff competition among retailers, especially involving day-to-day needs rely on very low profit margin but high product flow (turnover) to generate enough profit. Many chain supermarkets use the same strategy. The same is true with discounters. Some even sell their products at a loss because of buyers tendencies, especially families that bring their kids when they shop. Have you seen all those items near the cashiers section? Kids and others do impulse buying.

    Walmart had been the most successful using this strategy because of it clout -- it is the largest retailer in the world. In fact, if there is to be anyone investigated for unfair monopolistic practices, Walmart would be a good candidate. It could simply get preferential prices, simply because of the volume purchases. It could therefore undercut any nearby competirors and still make better profit.

    Walmart however goes further, it will force manufacturers to abide by its terms. Otherwise, it will not display the product. One other practice that Walmart supposedly had done was to support new products, but if it becomes very successful with consumers, it then create equivanlent house product.

    To view Walmart as all villain is not always a complete picture. For example, Walmart has been a proponent of fighting global warming, conservation and energy conservation. For this reason, it has collaborated with manufacturers to develop concentrated detergent for example. Why? This reduces packaging and disposed plastics that wreak havoc in both land and specially marine life. With concentrates, more products can be transported. Saves both on traspontation costs (labor, repairs, replacements) and energy.

    In the case of businesses, like Walmart, greater marketshare is not only desirable but imperative for survival.

  • Reply 147 of 236
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Agreed! But doesn't the word 'harvesting' hurt your kidneys? Liver?

    Yeah. It's what they do in China. The person getting the organ actually can see the person who will be executed that they are getting it from.
  • Reply 148 of 236
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Oh didgit, You have hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, 'we are losing losing money on every item we sell...only to hear, that's OK, we'll make it up on volume!' It's such a short sighted business model, as you say, a la GM!

    It's the game so many misguided MBA educated CEO's play b/c they don't have any skin in the game! F the original owners of the company, F the shareholders and Pension funds that, have in good faith, invested in the enterprise and F America as long as the CEO gets their MacMansion, golf membership and a blonde xmas tree to hang ornaments on! Ok sorry a little carried away there. At least I didn't wish they would get colon cancer from all the filet mignon they are eating!

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with this post of yours as well. All too often the books are "cooked" to allow bigger benefits for those in charge. With interlocking boards, no one wants to call it out, because it may then happen to them as well.

    But this doesn't just happen here. It happens everywhere. Just last week, the richest man in China was put in prison for doing pretty much the same thing. He's lucky he wasn't executed as others have been.
  • Reply 149 of 236
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You think Google might? I hadn't thought of that.

    My evil twin admits he'd love to see Apple do a hostile take over if only so Apple could; 1. close Flash department and 2. make all Adobe apps Mac only. After they clean the bloody mess those Adobe apps are these days, that is.

    Google wouldn't, unlike Apple, care that Adobe produces software for several platforms. That's the biggest problem for Apple with this deal. Apple would have been better off buying Macromedia when they put themselves on the block. Then they would own Flash.
  • Reply 150 of 236
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    it's not semantics. You can't interchange terms when largest is being applied to the market cap. Apple's market cap is larger therefore it must be, by definition, the most valuable. There is no ambiguity in the article about what "largest" refers to .

    Sheez! Do you have to be so concise?
  • Reply 151 of 236
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Yeah. It's what they do in China. The person getting the organ actually can see the person who will be executed that they are getting it from.

    thanks but too imagistic for me!
  • Reply 152 of 236
    If the market share is the same then I guess apple could be as three times bigger than apple Inc . It is just like you are comparing the market share of LV bag and Nike bag . The market they target is different !!!
  • Reply 153 of 236
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Awe, not even a small credit below the fold?

    Below the fold? Are you in the 'dead tree' newspaper industry?
  • Reply 154 of 236
    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post

    I STILL can't find an iPad 3G anywhere! Anyone know where I could get one online for the regular price?? It's selling on Amazon for $200-300 more than retail!

    Dude, chillax and wait a month! It's all good!
  • Reply 155 of 236
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with this post of yours as well. All too often the books are "cooked" to allow bigger benefits for those in charge. With interlocking boards, no one wants to call it out, because it may then happen to them as well.

    But this doesn't just happen here. It happens everywhere. Just last week, the richest man in China was put in prison for doing pretty much the same thing. He's lucky he wasn't executed as others have been.

    Thanks, these next two sentences won't do justice to your main theme but here goes... I read a book about the tech bubble. And basically its main thesis was those on the inside, Directors, venture capitalists, banks, investment houses that effected the IPO's and attorneys made the lion's share of the money... funny that's how the housing bubble has played out too.

    I guess what they say is true...all the money invested by the little guy is truly 'dumb money' there for the taking!

  • Reply 156 of 236
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Dude, chillax and wait a month! It's all good!

    Heh! The first time I ever waited in line to get an Apple (or any other) product. Happy I did too!

    Even in its first incarnation, it's an amazing device.

    When I first told my daughter, the photo major, that Apple was coming out with a tablet, she asked if it would replace her Wacom. Well, I told her that it wasn't that kind of tablet.

    But you know, it is! A small company just came out with software (Air Display), an app on the tablet, and software for the computer, that allows the iPad to be used as a second monitor. You can mirror, or extend. What is so amazing about this is that it responds to touch!!! Yes, not everything responds, as would be expected, but much does. I found that with Photoshop (CS5) and the pogo stylus, you can work on the image from the tablet, just as you can from your main screen. If you keep a full image on the main screen, and a smaller window of a magnified section on the iPad, you can work on that. Yes, it's a bit slow, and jerky right now. The software is ver 1.0, and so is the iPad. But that's the speed we had a few years ago on our higher end machines, so I'm not concerned.

    The point is; it WORKS!

    The iPad is very well worth waiting for. I'm finding more amazing stuff all the time for this. The cynics who say it's only good for consuming content are so very wrong.
  • Reply 157 of 236
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Thanks, these next two sentences won't do justice to your main theme but here goes... I read a book about the tech bubble. And basically its main thesis was those on the inside, Directors, venture capitalists, banks, investment houses that effected the IPO's and attorneys made the lion's share of the money... funny that's how the housing bubble has played out too.

    I guess what they say is true...all the money invested by the little guy is truly 'dumb money' there for the taking!


    Of course. even those who are supposed to be "sophisticated investors", and for those who don't know, that's an official term, legally, get caught in this. Look at the banks and investment firms who got caught buying those products from Goldman Sachs, that were being sold, without telling the investors in them, on the bet that they would go down in value.
  • Reply 158 of 236
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Heh! The first time I ever waited in line to get an Apple (or any other) product. Happy I did too!

    Even in its first incarnation, it's an amazing device.

    When I first told my daughter, the photo major, that Apple was coming out with a tablet, she asked if it would replace her Wacom. Well, I told her that it wasn't that kind of tablet.

    But you know, it is! A small company just came out with software (Air Display), an app on the tablet, and software for the computer, that allows the iPad to be used as a second monitor. You can mirror, or extend. What is so amazing about this is that it responds to touch!!! Yes, not everything responds, as would be expected, but much does. I found that with Photoshop (CS5) and the pogo stylus, you can work on the image from the tablet, just as you can from your main screen. If you keep a full image on the main screen, and a smaller window of a magnified section on the iPad, you can work on that. Yes, it's a bit slow, and jerky right now. The software is ver 1.0, and so is the iPad. But that's the speed we had a few years ago on our higher end machines, so I'm not concerned.

    The point is; it WORKS!

    The iPad is very well worth waiting for. I'm finding more amazing stuff all the time for this. The cynics who say it's only good for consuming content are so very wrong.

    Fascinating! I can sense your exuberance...I made a special trip to a local Best Buy to 'hold and feel' the iPad...and you are so right. It is truly amazing and fantastic. i have a 25 year old daughter and I've turned her on to everything Apple...MacBookPro, iPhone, ApplTV, Apple software, MobileMe, and eventually the iPad when funds allow!

    Every time Apple comes out with an new product, she thinks I'm a GENIUS! I tell her I didn't design it, but it doesn't matter. She still thinks I'm great. Thanks Apple and thanks to her mom...finally there's a woman that won't fall out of love with me! It's great!
  • Reply 159 of 236
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Fascinating! I can sense your exuberance...I made a special trip to a local Best Buy to 'hold and feel' the iPad...and you are so right. It is truly amazing and fantastic. i have a 25 year old daughter and I've turned her on to everything Apple...MacBookPro, iPhone, ApplTV, Apple software, MobileMe, and eventually the iPad when funds allow!

    Every time Apple comes out with an new product, she thinks I'm a GENIUS! I tell her I didn't design it, but it doesn't matter. She still thinks I'm great. Thanks Apple and thanks to her mom...I finally there's a woman that won't fall out of love with me! It's great!

    I know it's so corny to say that Jobs was right, and that it is magical. But it is!

    Some people want to focus on what it doesn't (yet) do, or on what it doesn't do as well as we would like. But that really doesn't matter. What it does do, is pretty amazing. Really, sitting down and going on the internet with this as a much more absorbing experience that would be expected. Using a finger here is liberating. It really is.

    The screen size, as Goldilocks would say; "It's just right." smaller, and there's not enough reason to use it the way you can. Bigger would be too clumsy and too heavy.

    There was a time we were discussing what Apple might come out with in a tablet, and many of us were saying that we wanted a 7" screen, not much bigger than the one from the Newton, so we could keep it on our belt. But, I must admit, this is much more usable.

    Hear that Ireland? This is much better!
  • Reply 160 of 236
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Of course. even those who are supposed to be "sophisticated investors", and for those who don't know, that's an official term, legally, get caught in this. Look at the banks and investment firms who got caught buying those products from Goldman Sachs, that were being sold, without telling the investors in them, on the bet that they would go down in value.

    Yep, and don't forget the rating agencies, Moodies and Standard and Poors both complicit in this mess.

    But as you say, probably due more to ignorance than calculated shenanigans! But either way it all boils down to greed.

    When did Wall Street stop being a means to invest in companies and solely try to make money on money?

    When did banks stop doing what banks do and become hedge funds? And when did AIG want to be a hedge fund or Porsche for that matter.

    Sounds like our hedge funds need hedge funds!
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