AT&T data changes seen as benefit for BlackBerry over iPhone



  • Reply 81 of 95
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    I'm curious as to where is Apple in regards to this tethering charge. For years I've heard how the iPhone changed the mobile industry but I see AT&T charging $20/month just so Apple can flip a switch. This is Apple's OS. It still seems to me that the carriers still have an incredible amount of control over the phone.

    Where are the Verizon haters in this forum who said they like to cripple features?
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  • Reply 82 of 95
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by pats View Post

    Thought the rumor on the Video decoder was the VXD375 based on the driver software.

    That isn't what I had read, but the 375 certainly makes more sense and doing a Google search of it certainly makes it seem more likely. If that is the case and its based on the 370 then 720p is the max they can decode, which would be adequate for the next TV, which has to have 1080p, IMO.
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  • Reply 83 of 95
    3m ta33m ta3 Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    what are people doing with their phones that 2G wouldn't be enough data? I use my iPhone all of the time and my history shows I've never gone over 400 megs, and typically am under 200 megs.

    The 2G will apply for tethering as well. Laptops use much more data than iPhones. Good point though. If your not tethering, it should not be a big deal.
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  • Reply 84 of 95
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by Hudson1 View Post

    Come back when you figure out what O2's limit is. Perhaps it's less than 2GB/month???

    A quick internet search has revealed that O2 do indeed have a cap on their 'unlimited' data, and it's 8gb per month. Weak stuff but I guess it could be worse.
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  • Reply 85 of 95
    dhkostadhkosta Posts: 150member
    I'm not sure this is such a big deal. I've created a poll at for people to post their highest monthly usage. Please vote so we can better understand how significant of a limitation this is.
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  • Reply 86 of 95
    dhkostadhkosta Posts: 150member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    Where are the Verizon haters in this forum who said they like to cripple features?


    Also, when Jobs was interviewed at D8 on Tuesday, he said that AT&T is handling way more data traffic than all other U.S. carriers combined. My guess is this won't affect the vast majority of users beyond $5 either way on each monthly bill, and may well open up a lot of spectrum currently being hogged by people who use much more data than the rest of us. Oh - and to think Verizon could support the level of traffic AT&T currently supports is laughable IMO.
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  • Reply 87 of 95
    dhkostadhkosta Posts: 150member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    I'm curious as to where is Apple in regards to this tethering charge. For years I've heard how the iPhone changed the mobile industry but I see AT&T charging $20/month just so Apple can flip a switch. This is Apple's OS. It still seems to me that the carriers still have an incredible amount of control over the phone.

    I wonder if it'll go back to the point where you can tether using a modified carrier file. (.plist)
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  • Reply 88 of 95
    sky kingsky king Posts: 189member
    You are so close to the truth. Good for you!

    This analyst is doing what all "analysts" do. They get paid for writing inflammatory or frightening statements for the masses of people who have neither the knowledge or time to investigate a given subject or analyze it. The key here is analysts get PAID. Their writing must be similar to all media presentation. It must invoke controversy or fear in someone so that they will get PAID.

    Note that "analysts" don't actually do anything, design anything, manufacture anything. They simply sit behind their masses of data and sell their opinion. Another word for "analyst" would be CRITIC. And no one has ever erected a monument to a critic.

    Apple will either rise or fall on the power of how its product is received by most of us consumers. The critics/analysts would love to take a company down...but, so far, it seems that most of us kind of like Apple products.

    Originally Posted by Smiles77 View Post

    This is bull. No customer I know of would pick a BlackBerry over an iPhone because they can "do more" under the caps. BBs can't do half of what the iPhone can, and this analyst is just trying to push Apple stock down.

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  • Reply 89 of 95
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'd rather have iAds than Flash ads.

    Having ads does not mean the ads will be downloaded each time. Having it as a OS level service has its benefit - the data can be cached across all apps. The artwork is downloaded only once. The server only needs to tell iAd which artwork to display.
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  • Reply 90 of 95
    shobizshobiz Posts: 207member
    Originally Posted by bartfat View Post

    Who's to say they're wrong though? You're not in a position to spout statistics that are actually valid.

    Exactly... to say AT&T is BS'ing their numbers and then you just pull your (his) own BS numbers out of the air....
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  • Reply 91 of 95
    shobizshobiz Posts: 207member
    Originally Posted by DHKOsta View Post

    I wonder if it'll go back to the point where you can tether using a modified carrier file. (.plist)

    Cariier files are not plists files as I remember it. They are ipcc files I believe.
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  • Reply 92 of 95
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    Originally Posted by CrazyMugatu View Post

    I was going to buy an iPad 3G but now I don't see the point.

    If I download a single movie on iTunes in HD I will be over my limit.

    If your planning on downloading HD movies over 3G you deserve to go over your limit

    You know that it does come with WiFi and even better you can sync to iTunes over USB.
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  • Reply 93 of 95
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    This is not just about right now but tomorrow as well. Today's "bandwidth hog" is tomorrow's average user. What AT&T just did was kill mobile TV on not only the iPhone but the iPad as well. Other carriers will probably follow suit and hurt the forward movement of technology.

    "Mobile TV"?!?! Good gawd, talk about a red herring - Verizon and other carriers have been pushing free mobile TV for years and it's not exactly a barn burner because there are far fewer opportunities for watching video on a mobile device vs. listening to audio. I stopped syncing video podcasts to my iPhone a long time ago.

    A vocal few will be outraged, the overwhelming majority couldn't care less and will be more interested in the lower overall plan costs. Two people I know who would have liked an iPhone but couldn't afford the plans are now excited about the upcoming iPhone release.

    I think this is really going to encourage sales of lots of people who where standing on the sidelines and see it as a very positive move for Apple and AT&T.
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  • Reply 94 of 95
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    I'm curious as to where is Apple in regards to this tethering charge. For years I've heard how the iPhone changed the mobile industry but I see AT&T charging $20/month just so Apple can flip a switch.

    It's part of the carrier file - it's AT&T's switch to flip.


    This is Apple's OS.

    It's AT&T's network.


    It still seems to me that the carriers still have an incredible amount of control over the phone.

    No, they have control over how the device interacts with their service, which is perfectly reasonable since it's a symbiotic relationship.

    Unless you partner with Google - where they just up and shaft you out of the blue in a desperate grab to maintain momentum and market share. Long term let's see how many carriers are pimping Android - esp. if the rumors of Apple producing a CDMA iPhone are true.


    Where are the Verizon haters in this forum who said they like to cripple features?

    I'm not a Verizon hater, I'm a Verizon realist. Enjoy your BlackBerries with WiFi and Android phones - if not for the iPhone they wouldn't exist on Verizon. If you think stating those simple facts makes me a hater then you might just be a fanboi
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  • Reply 95 of 95
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 865member
    Back to the topic. Everyone's a loser as all the wireless carriers will soon follow in one way or another. While AT&T asserts that its high-end 2 GB cap will only impact the heaviest users, the fact is that today's heavy user is tomorrow's average user. With NETFLIX, VIDEO CHAT and other features coming on board Everone will be using 2GB monthly with few exceptions.

    Perhaps AT&Ts bold move is a sign its exclusivity is ending, or maybe their trying to prevent a mass exit to other carriers, or maybe greed has set in. Whats the difference we're all going to pay more.
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