AT&T will sell unlimited plans without iPad 3G hardware before June 7 [u]



  • Reply 61 of 76
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider;

    For iPhone-to-iPad tethering to become possible, Apple would have to update the software on one of the devices.

    Did i just read this right? i thought i was dreaming! IF this ever happens, and AT&T adds additional data with tethering, then i'm in. But for now, the extra $20 for tethering w/o added data is a bit high for my taste. I'll save the $240/year for the next ver of iPad.
  • Reply 62 of 76
    Originally Posted by ranum View Post

    If AT&T wants to grandfather in iPads, then they damn well ought to grandfather in anyone who purchased an iPad prior to June 7, regardless of whether those users activated 3G or not.

    i do belive that is AT&T's intension here. BUT, you must also auto renew in order to get the unlimited data. A bummer indead. Understandable that you are p***d, so is a lot of others.
  • Reply 63 of 76
    ranumranum Posts: 43member
    I just realized that, in all of the stories I've read about this, no one - writers or commenters - have noted that there is no way the iPad 3G has been out and in use long enough for this 98% vs. 2% statistic to be remotely accurate. When AT&T claims 98% of users won't be affected by the data pricing changes (a stat that I still think is bogus), they can only be making that claim based on iPhone data usage. To then change the data plan for 3G iPads based on data usage stats for the iPhone is completely bogus. The iPad is intended to be a data consumption device. It's not a big iPhone, contrary to the opinions of some.

    That AT&T is making data plans the same for iPhone and iPad users is an attempt to treat the two devices the same, but AT&T understands that iPad users will most likely use more data than iPhone users because the iPad is primarily a data-driven device.

    I've also read a lot of comments at other sites from iPhone users who claim the change is no big deal, and is even beneficial, because - for themselves - they pay $5 less per month and thus save money. Several of these same commenters have said (paraphrasing) "What's the big deal? If 2 GB at $25 isn't enough, iPad users can pay another $10, for a total of $35, to get 3 GB, which is only $5 more than the $30 they would have paid for unlimited." My response is, well, if an extra $5 a month is okay for iPad users to pay for 3 GB (not unlimited, as we were promised, mind you), then why is the new deal such a good deal for you to save the extra $5 month? If $5 extra each month is okay for us, then iPhone users shouldn't have cared when they were paying $30 each month vs. $25. (My only reason for bringing this up here is that I didn't want to have to register at those other sites to make the comment.)
  • Reply 64 of 76
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by rorybalmer View Post

    I know how people love unlimited, but for all the people who are upset about the 2GB cap do they Honestly feel they are in the miniscule fraction of people who use anywhere even near 1GB a month. Like what difference will this actually make?

    I mean, on my iPhone I would deffinatley consider myself an above average data user, but I honestly never go over even 200mb a month.

    Now in retrospect I don't own an iPad so there may be a big difference.. Can someone who has an iPad answer that for me?? Does it suck up alot more data then iphone.. like in the 5 to 10 times more range??

    Dude, nobody cares about your iPhone usage. That's great that you pay all this money and don't even use the damn device. Good for you.

    Everyone on my plan is using 2-4 gb a month easily. It's called, "streaming" That fantastic new technology that just came out that makes these devices worth using.
  • Reply 65 of 76
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Dude, nobody cares about your iPhone usage. That's great that you pay all this money and don't even use the damn device. Good for you.

    Everyone on my plan is using 2-4 gb a month easily. It's called, "streaming" That fantastic new technology that just came out that makes these devices worth using.

    Yeah, another way to look at this is that AT&T, through their insatiable greed, is actually stifling new technologies and new sectors of the economy. Something that "free market" economics fails to account for, and another example of how unfettered capitalism fails to achieve the "best" result in the economy taken as a whole. What's "good" for the wireless industry, just as what's good for the petroleum industry, may not be good for anyone else.
  • Reply 66 of 76

    File an FTC complaint against Apple and AT&T for changing the deal on the iPad data plans barely a month after the device shipped to consumers.

    It only takes a few minutes....
  • Reply 67 of 76
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by IPPlanMan View Post


    File an FTC complaint against Apple and AT&T for changing the deal on the iPad data plans barely a month after the device shipped to consumers.

    It only takes a few minutes....

    File an FTC complaint against AT&T. I don't think Apple had anything to do with this.
  • Reply 68 of 76
    macdevilmacdevil Posts: 52member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    File an FTC complaint against AT&T. I don't think Apple had anything to do with this.

    Oh please! Apple HAD to have known that AT&T was planning to change the data plans. I'm willing to give Apple the benefit of the doubt and say they may not have known about the rate changes when they announced the iPad in January, but I'd be willing to bet just about anything they knew about it by the time the iPad 3G was launched at the end of April. Apple should have told us about the plan change then, because people like me bought the iPad 3G thinking we would be able to add unlimited 3G service when it was needed . Now, to get the unlimited plan, I have to sign up by tomorrow and never stop renewing my service, which seems almost like my iPad is being held hostage.
  • Reply 69 of 76
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by MacDevil View Post

    Oh please! Apple HAD to have known that AT&T was planning to change the data plans. ...

    I don't see any reason why Apple HAD to know about this. If they did, and an investigation were conducted, that would be revealed, but, since the advertised plans and switch were AT&T's, and there's no actual evidence that Apple new of AT&T's intent, the complaints should be filed against them.

    I think it is clear that AT&T planned this in advance -- i.e., they didn't just wake up on the morning of June 2 and decide to do it -- the interesting question is how far in advance. They continued for a month after the iPad 3G became available, and for longer after it was available to order, to continue to advertise the original plan when at some point they already knew they were changing it. At what point? and shouldn't they have clearly informed consumers that such a switch was imminent? Shouldn't they have informed consumers that "no contract" for this plan was not really the case? After all, is it really "no contract" if discontinuation of service for some period makes the plan unavailable? There's a reasonable expectation by consumers, based on the originally advertised plans that they will be in effect for some not insignificant period of time, and one month following release does not qualify as a significant period of time.
  • Reply 70 of 76
    floribusfloribus Posts: 24member
    If everyone had an unlimited iphone data plan (29.99) with the cheapest voice plan (39.99), and everyone used VOIP you could have unlimited talk & data. ATT probably fears one day having data only iphones (not unlike ipad plans) bypassing the voice portion of the bill, thus having an extreme severe impact on revenue. On a different note, why does Apple even advertise the fact that you can download movies on iphone??? Say I rented one movie per week while on trains or business trips, it would cost an extra:

    2GB plan:

    1.5 GB/movie x 4 = 6 GB) - 2 GB(pro plan) = 4 GB overage x $10.00= 40.00/4= 10 per movie

    So it would cost me (besides the $25 plan) an extra $10.00 per movie plus 4.99 to rent for a grand total of just $14.99 per movie rental. W/O even using it for anything else!

    200MB plan:

    Let's not even go there....

  • Reply 71 of 76
    floribusfloribus Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    i don't see any reason why apple had to know about this. If they did, and an investigation were conducted, that would be revealed, but, since the advertised plans and switch were at&t's, and there's no actual evidence that apple new of at&t's intent, the complaints should be filed against them.

    I think it is clear that at&t planned this in advance -- i.e., they didn't just wake up on the morning of june 2 and decide to do it -- the interesting question is how far in advance. They continued for a month after the ipad 3g became available, and for longer after it was available to order, to continue to advertise the original plan when at some point they already knew they were changing it. At what point? And shouldn't they have clearly informed consumers that such a switch was imminent? Shouldn't they have informed consumers that "no contract" for this plan was not really the case? After all, is it really "no contract" if discontinuation of service for some period makes the plan unavailable? There's a reasonable expectation by consumers, based on the originally advertised plans that they will be in effect for some not insignificant period of time, and one month following release does not qualify as a significant period of time.

    maybe they are sticking it to appl for finally letting verizon in the mix. Showing appl how important they are to its growth & how much they are helping ipad growth w/ unlmtd plans. Perhaps all these steps were always part of a contigency plan 'if' aapl were to no longer want a single us carrier...
  • Reply 72 of 76
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by floribus View Post

    On a different note, why does Apple even advertise the fact that you can download movies on iphone??? Say I rented one movie per week while on trains or business trips, it would cost an extra:

    2GB plan:

    1.5 GB/movie x 4 = 6 GB)

    1) Why would you rent the HD version to watch on a 3.5" display? Note that currently that isn't even an option because, a) the current iPhone won't play HD files with is the only way you'll get 1.5GB form an H.264 encoded video, and b) the iTS store won't let you DL such a large video over cellular network.

    2) If that is your case and you think the next iPhone will load and play HD videos (which I'm sure it will) and you think they will allow you to DL any files from iTS over cellular networks (which I'm not sure they will) then stick with the Unlimited plan currently in place.
  • Reply 73 of 76
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    Originally Posted by MacDevil View Post

    Oh please! Apple HAD to have known that AT&T was planning to change the data plans. I'm willing to give Apple the benefit of the doubt and say they may not have known about the rate changes when they announced the iPad in January, but I'd be willing to bet just about anything they knew about it by the time the iPad 3G was launched at the end of April. Apple should have told us about the plan change then, because people like me bought the iPad 3G thinking we would be able to add unlimited 3G service when it was needed . Now, to get the unlimited plan, I have to sign up by tomorrow and never stop renewing my service, which seems almost like my iPad is being held hostage.

    iPad is unlocked. Use a different carrier if you are not happy with AT&T.
  • Reply 74 of 76
    ranumranum Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    iPad is unlocked. Use a different carrier if you are not happy with AT&T.

    As soon as Apple announces other carriers offering $30 unlimited data plans, contract-free, on a come-and-go-as-you-like basis for the iPad, I would certainly take my "unlocked" iPad to another carrier.

    And another observation about the original advertised unlimited data plans: A customer would have had to have a MINIMUM of three months access for the originally advertised plan to actually have been honored - one month of unlimited service, followed by one month of cancelled service, followed by a third month of unlimited service. Seeing as AT&T changed the terms of the plan only 33 days after it was available to iPad 3G users, NO ONE was able to use the unlimited data plans as promoted and advertised by Apple and AT&T.

    I am waiting and hoping to hear this issue addressed in Steve's keynote tomorrow. IF Apple and AT&T ignore this issue as it currently stands and expect to just move forward with AT&T's new plans, I am going to be returning my 64GB iPad 3G and I'll expect a FULL refund - no restocking fee or anything - and will purchase the 64 GB Wi-Fi version. I'll get the $130 + tax back and it will be a loss for both Apple and AT&T, especially AT&T.
  • Reply 75 of 76
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    That doesn't seem right. From what I understand, those who currently have the unlimited plan or who get it by Mon., can continue with the unlimited plan for $30.

    Can someone point me to sources stating either Apple or AT&T said the unlimited plans would be available forever?
  • Reply 76 of 76
    In addition to the FTC, you can also file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau....

    You can also file a complaint with the Attorney General of your state..
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