Pulse iPad app praised by Steve Jobs, later pulled from App Store



  • Reply 21 of 31
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    FYI, the 1950's ended a LONG time ago. The NYT has been nothing but trash for many years, and their honesty, integrety, accuracy and impartiality are all beyond lacking.

    As for their stupidity, if you put out an RSS feed, people are going to need to use some sort of application to read it. Did they complain to MS about IE being able to read their RSS feeds or display their web page? If you want people to pay for your content, don't give it away for free...DUH!

    Reading text versus displaying the site article's content in rich layers are completely different beasts. These guys are idiots if they think they can scrape all the content and put the financial burden of creating all the content on the shoulders of the NY Times.
  • Reply 22 of 31
    echosonicechosonic Posts: 462member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    NYTimes is still the 'paper of record' for those still in the fact based universe.

    only to left-wing trolls whose "fact-based universe" is a drug-addled perception of reality...man.
  • Reply 23 of 31
    Apple's Mail program is part of the Mac OS, which is surely not free, yet one can use Mail to read RSS feeds. Is the NY Times saying that is a violation of their license? This has got to be total bull.
  • Reply 24 of 31
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I bought Pulse for iPad and found it quite non-intuitive to use. Don't really understand the hype honestly.

    Newsy is the best news app for iPad. Even though they shamelessly republish other people's videos, and will probably get done for it, they must have some powerful servers because the streaming is fast and instant.
  • Reply 25 of 31
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    That's just ludicrous. It is so easy to bash the media (just read half the posts here) by picking up one mistake any given outlet made and magnifying to make it look like the frigging Titanic, but I have yet to hear from any of the reflexive press bashers how they propose to replace traditional media. And no, the aggregators don't count, because they just aggregate the media sources you already hate. And the bloggers don't count because they are utterly lacking in accountability to anyone. So what's left? Pretty much nothing -- which based on all I've ever heard is plenty enough for the media bashers.

    Well we need a balance of both really. If the newspapers over here in the UK are to believed then you'd not step a foot outside your door.

    Being unaccountable has it's advantages in that sometimes you can just say it how it is. I tend to find stepping out into the real world and experiencing things for myself gives me a far greater knowledge of what's going on around me.
  • Reply 26 of 31
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by ilogic View Post

    Wow NYT bullying app developers! That's wrong, we are paying for the application not the information, the information is free.

    That's not the way the NYT looks at it. They have copyright control over their text, in all forms and they said no commercial use. And then to make it worse, the company was using the presence of the NYT feed as a way to lure folks to buy the app. Without permission from the newspaper.

    It's a rather jerk move yes, but one that is perfectly legal for the paper to pull. So Pulse pulls the preloaded feed and changes the photos and the app goes back up. If you or I adds the NYT feed it's on us, not them.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    drowdrow Posts: 126member
    if the legal profession sucks fetid moose nethers, its only because someone else pays them to.
  • Reply 28 of 31
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    Well we need a balance of both really. If the newspapers over here in the UK are to believed then you'd not step a foot outside your door.

    Being unaccountable has it's advantages in that sometimes you can just say it how it is. I tend to find stepping out into the real world and experiencing things for myself gives me a far greater knowledge of what's going on around me.

    Over here we are suffering from decades now of full-scale attacks on the very concept of a free press. To hear people on the political right say it, the media is inherently biased against them, and that's all there is to it, no counterarguments allowed because none are required. This quickly becomes an attack on the idea of an informed public, which since it works for some politically, is seen to be a legitimate goal. So when you see Americans dancing on the grave of the press, at root this is what it's all about. If that's not enough to send chills down your spine, then consider what the cheerleaders for the death of the press are proposing as its replacement. In a word, nothing. Since we can now all easily find sources of "information" that do little more than congratulate us for what we already believe, then we really need nothing else. The press is dead, long live the press.
  • Reply 29 of 31
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Over here we are suffering from decades now of full-scale attacks on the very concept of a free press. To hear people on the political right say it, the media is inherently biased against them, and that's all there is to it, no counterarguments allowed because none are required. This quickly becomes an attack on the idea of an informed public, which since it works for some politically, is seen to be a legitimate goal. So when you see Americans dancing on the grave of the press, at root this is what it's all about. If that's not enough to send chills down your spine, then consider what the cheerleaders for the death of the press are proposing as its replacement. In a word, nothing. Since we can now all easily find sources of "information" that do little more than congratulate us for what we already believe, then we really need nothing else. The press is dead, long live the press.

    I agree whole heartedly.
  • Reply 30 of 31
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Over here we are suffering from decades now of full-scale attacks on the very concept of a free press. To hear people on the political right say it, the media is inherently biased against them, and that's all there is to it, no counterarguments allowed because none are required. This quickly becomes an attack on the idea of an informed public, which since it works for some politically, is seen to be a legitimate goal. So when you see Americans dancing on the grave of the press, at root this is what it's all about. If that's not enough to send chills down your spine, then consider what the cheerleaders for the death of the press are proposing as its replacement. In a word, nothing. Since we can now all easily find sources of "information" that do little more than congratulate us for what we already believe, then we really need nothing else. The press is dead, long live the press.

    Very well said indeed.

    We have seen the enemy, and it is the loud, unwashed and uneducated masses.
  • Reply 31 of 31
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Very well said indeed.

    We have seen the enemy, and it is the loud, unwashed and uneducated masses.

    They have always been present. The new ingredient is the systematic effort to destroy the method of education for those who still care about knowing. When knowledge itself becomes the enemy then we are truly in trouble.
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