Microsoft store to face off against Apple iPhone 4 launch



  • Reply 121 of 234
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    I'm sure they had fun dancing. They had so much fun and so distracted they didn't even realize they're being robbed on broad day light. Right around 2:16 or so on the video. I think the chick in there just stole something..

    I SWEAR DUDE THE CHICK IN WHITE JUST GRABBED SOMETHING AND PUT IT IN HER BAG! THIS VIDEO IS EVIDENCE TO A CRIME. You gotta check it out and stop it right around 2:15. I had to back and forth coz I thought I was seeing things. This is hilarious..

    Yeah I see it. It's pretty clear. She might have just put it in her bag in order to keep her hands free to clap while dancing, though.

  • Reply 122 of 234
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by NotTylerDurden View Post

    My design instructor used to say "After fire and the wheel, there are no original ideas."

    There are 3 types of companies, Inventors, innovators and imitators.

    Apple isn't an inventor, they are an innovator. With few exceptions they are usually late to the party. But man does the party perk up when they arrive. They will watch a market develop and determine what they feel are the shortcomings of that market and how to eliminate those short comings.

    I agree with that partially. They don't "invent" per se. But, they do sometimes bring products to market first (take the mouse, for example). All in all though, your statement is correct. They generally figure out how to "do" a product and market right.


    Where Microsoft is more of an innovator is in the enterprise field. Sadly most consumers are unexposed to this area. In the consumer market Microsoft seems content to be imitators. The company has some very good products, most people have never seen them because there created to be invisible to the general user.

    I think you could draw some similarities between Apple's enterprise efforts and Microsoft's consumer efforts. Both seem to be operating in areas that they don't seem to fully grasp.

    I think the reason people think MS is decent in the enterprise area is because there really aren't many good alternatives. The one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind.
  • Reply 123 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Askew View Post

    So what does the Microsoft store sell exactly?

    I have often wondered exactly that. M$ sells boxed software primarily, which does not lend itself to a compelling retail floor display.

    They also sell mice and keyboards. Zune. A couple of teeny bopper phones. Xbox.

    I don't quite understand how they can fill a whole retail store. Do they feature computers for sale by other companies, like HP and Dell? Is a large part of the store dedicated to a huge 5.1 channel big-screen xbox area with multi-player gaming? rooms with M$-based HTC wide-screen setups?

    I don't understand the concept of a minimalist M$ store.
  • Reply 124 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    Pain and misery.

    Good one.
  • Reply 125 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Marktrek View Post

    As the Apple retail stores still sell a large portion of computers to switchers, having the Microsoft store in the same mall should help Apple.

    Probably true. Often specialty retailers try to locate near each other to create a critical mass. You see it with commonly with high-end fashion boutiques, art galleries, fancy restaurants, etc.
  • Reply 126 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by zoetmb View Post

    If Microsoft pulls a "well you have to take off all the third party software" line on people, there will be riots. And if they tell people they can fix it by wiping the hard disk and re-installing the OS, that's not going to go over too well either.

    What does Apple do differently?

    Do they restore all the data and third party software for customers who have hopelessly messed up the OS? I'd like that as a service!

    Do they do that?
  • Reply 127 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by NotTylerDurden View Post

    I think you could draw some similarities between Apple's enterprise efforts and Microsoft's consumer efforts. Both seem to be operating in areas that they don't seem to fully grasp.

    That may be true, but the differences are stark.

    Apple has about 0% of the enterprise market while Microsoft has about 100% of the consumer market.
  • Reply 128 of 234
    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    OK. Show us Apple version of the Xbox 360 console.

    Most of us don't care about gaming . Mac users just want things to work and be productive so if they wanted to use a machine for gaming they could always buy or build a cheap Windows machine, or buy one of many game consoles available.
  • Reply 129 of 234

    [deep breath]


    [deep breath]

    Oh my. I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this. I hate when liquids go through my nose...!
  • Reply 130 of 234
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    OK. Show us Apple version of the Xbox 360 console.

    LOL it's a gaming console. Video games. Big deal.
  • Reply 131 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Doug Halfen View Post

    Actually, we're all standing on the rubble of both giants AND dwarves! (As well as many normal-sized people. )

    I like that.

    Damn, man. You improved upon Isaac Newton!
  • Reply 132 of 234
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    Originally Posted by Mac Voyer View Post

    I am looking forward to the videos of the MS store opening, shot, edited, and uploaded from a FaceTime enabled iPhone 4.

    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Folks who get their iPhone 4's at the Apple store on June 24th should walk in and take HD videos of all the empty space in the Microsoft store. And say "Gee, I wish there were this much empty space in the Apple store. It's so freakin' CROWDED over there!"

    Also, "Hey, let's do the Electric Glide!"

    Great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing 720p videos of the new MS store with captions, voiceover and slick edits uploaded onto youtube hours after the 4 is released.
  • Reply 133 of 234
    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    Sell Xbox consoles, accesories and games

    Sell Windows phones, Zune and Kin

    Sell Games for Windows

    Sell PC and Microsoft accessories

    Sell the fastest selling OS of the world aka Windows 7

    Sell Microsoft Office for Mac and Windows

    Fastest OS in the world???Look at my machine specs and what I have installed there. SL is definitely faster on this hardware than Windows 7. I am an IT pro but when I am home I don't want to touch Windows except when I need to run Testout or Actual Test. Linux Mint fluxbox also kicks Win7 ass on my machine and it was built by me with the highest quality components.
  • Reply 134 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    No, but I know what time it is.

    I can't imagine why (oh no no!)

    we've all got time enough to cry...
  • Reply 135 of 234
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    The one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind.

    Actually in the Land of the Blind the One-eyed man is a freak.
  • Reply 136 of 234
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    #1 - Wearing a lanyard ID at any old company is not the same as wearing one in retail, where they are less common. And the design is unique--not an off-the-shelf plastic sleeve provided by Staples or some business supply wholesaler.

    #2 - It's not just the lanyard, but the entire look of an Apple Store employee. It IS very specific, unique, and identifiable with Apple. One might even fairly say, iconic.

    #3 - Thanks for being an honest troll, advertising all your non-Apple hardware on your signature line. That's refreshing.

    #4 - . . . and yes, yours is NOT cool and iconic enough.

    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    ...that you don't own a Mac of any flavor and you are on AI because you just like to rub pixels with the iconic and laconic denizens of the threads.

    And some of us wear lanyards as style statements!

    I've been coming to this site for years, and have had my current sig for a year now- but thank you for noticing. And just because I choose to state my hand-built rig in my signature, what makes either of you think I don't own Apple products? Silly fanboys, grow up. But its nice to see you vehemently defend Apple lanyards. Lanyards. Now I've heard it all.
  • Reply 137 of 234
    bartfatbartfat Posts: 434member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    I'm sure they had fun dancing. They had so much fun and so distracted they didn't even realize they're being robbed on broad day light. Right around 2:16 or so on the video. I think the chick in there just stole something..

    I SWEAR DUDE THE CHICK IN WHITE JUST GRABBED SOMETHING AND PUT IT IN HER BAG! THIS VIDEO IS EVIDENCE TO A CRIME. You gotta check it out and stop it right around 2:15. I had to back and forth coz I thought I was seeing things. This is hilarious..

    Actually, that must've been an inside job, because one the employees gave her a high-five shortly afterward

    EDIT: for those who don't know that video, here's the link:
  • Reply 138 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    Sell Xbox consoles, accesories and games

    Sell Windows phones, Zune and Kin

    Sell Games for Windows

    Sell PC and Microsoft accessories

    Sell the fastest selling OS of the world aka Windows 7

    Sell Microsoft Office for Mac and Windows

    Do they have high-end big-screen gaming machines set up? That would be great.

    A few years ago, at Micro Center in Cambridge there was a M$ display of their newest FPS game, all set up with 5 channel sound and a hot computer. It was fun to play for my kids with the advanced graphics and fast game play.

    But that kind of begs the question of why they need their own retail stores when third parties can and do sell lots of their products so well.
  • Reply 139 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by MizuInOz View Post

    Riding on the coat tails of the competition is very poor judgement but they are #2 now, so what do you expect? It's like positioning your second (or third) rate hamburger joint across from a White Castle!


    How do you square this explanation with the fact that Apple is number 3 in the smartphone biz?

    What should we expect from number 3?
  • Reply 140 of 234
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'd be curious to see how Apple manages their contracts fro these stores. While it's not a Bloomingdales of Neiman Marcus they are, for all intents and purposes, an anchor store because they do bring people to the mall.

    While it is true that they are a destination store, it would be incorrect to call them an anchor store.

    Unless the term is used in an idiosyncratic and poetic manner, that is.
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