Apple's online, phone order systems struggle with iPhone 4 demand



  • Reply 61 of 210
    This is worse than the original iPhone launch...
  • Reply 62 of 210
    redshirtredshirt Posts: 11member
    Try using the iPhone app. A friend of mine got his reservation in that way for a local store. Can't do a home delivery with that though.
  • Reply 63 of 210
    tulliustullius Posts: 34member
    Well, I got through on at about 8 am central. I have a reservation for a black 32GB iPhone, with Apple Store pickup on the 24th, and I've gotten email confirmation from Apple.

    I have to do a reservation/pickup because I'm flying to London that night. Didn't want to take a chance on delivery getting screwed up before I left.

    Unfortunately it's listed at the $699 price - without contract. I'm upgrading from an original iPhone, so I'm way eligible for the upgrade, but the AT&T eligibility portion of the signup process seemed to crash, and I made the reservation anyway. I presume that the Apple Store will be able to adjust the price accordingly when I pick the phone up, although it's anyone's guess whether AT&T's servers will be able to handle all the verification checks for launch day purchases after today's debacle.
  • Reply 64 of 210
    ibuzzibuzz Posts: 135member
    I'm pretty sure the problem is with ATT. I have gotten through all the screens on to "check eligibility" and it hangs here every time. Also checking on ATT site and it "cannot process request" to verify my eligibility.
  • Reply 65 of 210
    mymoonmymoon Posts: 10member
    I just got through the preorder process using the new Apple Retail Store App.

    I never had a chance using at the Apple website. I literally entered my information to verify my eligibility, went to take a shower, and returned to find the browser still hung up. Then, when I used the iPhone app, I was able to get through very quickly.
  • Reply 66 of 210
    sshssh Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by Blasting Concept View Post

    Tried this morning via both the app and the online store. Neither worked. Tried the store just a few minutes ago with no luck, but the app worked straight away. Things seem to be unclogging...

    Because I think the app got smart and just didn't keep trying when it couldn't connect to AT&T and instead just sent us to get a reservation.

    I just made mine, too.

    All AT&T.
  • Reply 67 of 210
    I went to my local AT&T store when it opened at 9 this morning. I was the fourth or fifth in line and was able to work with a customer service rep immediately. After entering all of my information, their computer system froze up when it tried to verify address. Some reps were able to get past this but got hung up during the payment application or some other aspect of the order. Of course, the store manager wasn't in. She didn't drag in till about an hour after they opened. The reps were complaining that she decided to be late on this day of all days. They finally had to write the order the "old timey" way, with a pen on a preprinted paper order. I left at 10:30, an hour and one half after getting there. All of the other customers who had started working with their rep before me at 9:00 were still there filling out the same paperwork.

    The service rep is supposed to call me after they successfully enter the order. I have a feeling that the order will not get entered correctly and I have blown my chance of to get he phone by June 25. This is my 4th iPhone; I purchased one of each generation at the time they were announced. Each one has presented its own problems and frustrations with activation. I guess I should be surprised that a company whose business is "communications" was so ill-prepared for the onslaught of orders. However, Apple is partially to blame for giving AT&T a monopoly on the iPhone in the States.
  • Reply 68 of 210
    ibuzzibuzz Posts: 135member
    nope.... It's both of them. I got all the way through confirming the order and it "timed out". Clearly apple's problem as well.
  • Reply 69 of 210
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by skipthedog69 View Post

    This is worse than the original iPhone launch...

    Vastly more demand now than 3 years ago. Unlike back then, the iPhone is a proven quantity and availability is "world-wide".

    Has there ever been as big of a sales event as this before?
  • Reply 70 of 210
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    A couple of times, I got as far as the actual monthly plan prices being displayed, before getting frozen out.

    However, I have slight concern: The pricing shows $299 for the handset, $99.99/mo for 'voice', $30/mo for data (unlimited, but with option to change), and $5/mo for text (200 msgs, with option to change). First, I find it a bit odd that I am not given the option to choose the basic 450min voice plan ($39.99 or something to that effect); second, the basic voice is my current plan, yet I am being bumped up to some other level that is $60 higher.

    Anyone else face this issue? Or have a possible explanation? (I do have a family plan with two other phones, but this pricing was just on my one mobile number that I am switching to the new iPhone, not the whole family plan).

    I hope my question makes sense....
  • Reply 71 of 210
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by ibuzz View Post

    nope.... It's both of them. I got all the way through confirming the order and it "timed out". Clearly apple's problem as well.

    I don't believe that clinches it as an Apple problem--the final confirmation may rely on confirming the sale with AT&T.

    If rumors that AT&T has shut down its on-line ordering are true, then this suggests AT&T is politely taking the hit/loss on its direct on-line sales and allowing third parties to sell instead.
  • Reply 72 of 210
    jeffhrsnjeffhrsn Posts: 60member
    Originally Posted by mkeath View Post

    Doesn't matter. The HTC Aria launch is going to dwarf the iPhone 4.

    "Hey dear? I remember hiring a juggler, but not a comedian."
  • Reply 73 of 210
    nondualnondual Posts: 78member

    No, they do not 'struggle', as 'struggle' implies some sort of resistance to utter failure - which the Apple Store has not mustered.

    It has not struggled - it has shat itself and now bathes in the funk of it's own poo.

    Apple is becoming the new Microsoft - sad to say, as only they could rise to a fuck-up-i-tood of this stature.
  • Reply 74 of 210
    BuffyzDeadBuffyzDead Posts: 358member
    AT&T is a COMPLETE ClusterF!@#$%.

    Servers can stream ..and are streaming!!, Live World Cup VIDEO to hundreds of millions of viewers.


    AT&T can't do a simple Mother!@#$%ing database look-up.

  • Reply 75 of 210
    Using the NEW App. got the pre order in for pick up on the 24th![/QUOTE]

    AT&T Website has been down since least 7:45 this morning on the east cost. Went into AT&T's brick and mortar store only to be told at 11:08 did I attempt thier Website. I had to inform them you're joking right cause it down. The store employees soon found out when they had to process the order manually and so that took me 40 minutes before getting the phone. Got back to the Puzzle palace and was informed from a colleague that the Apple store said to use the Apple app that was released today.

    Folks at the Puzzle palace been making their orders today without any incident and they are still ordering them. \

    1 Gremlin (pun intended naturally for this day and it my login name)
  • Reply 76 of 210
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by mkeath View Post

    Doesn't matter. The HTC Aria launch is going to dwarf the iPhone 4.

    The HTC what?
  • Reply 77 of 210
    Originally Posted by nondual View Post


    No, they do not 'struggle', as 'struggle' implies some sort of resistance to utter failure - which the Apple Store has not mustered.

    It has not struggled - it has shat itself and now bathes in the funk of it's own poo.

    Apple is becoming the new Microsoft - sad to say, as only they could rise to a fuck-up-i-tood of this stature.

    AT&T is the most incompetent company in the US. I'm stuck with them because of my love for apple products.

    The reason you cant place orders via apples website is because apple has to check to see if your eligible for a discount via AT&T servers.

    As usual att servers are crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wake up Steve and go to Verizon a real phone company.
  • Reply 78 of 210
    nondualnondual Posts: 78member
    Originally Posted by super8sean View Post

    AT&T is the most incompetent company in the US. I'm stuck with them because of my love for apple products.

    The reason you cant place orders via apples website is because apple has to check to see if your eligible for a discount via AT&T servers.

    As usual att servers are crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wake up Steve and go to Verizon a real phone company.

    Don't care. This still falls on Steve and Apple. They've had 4 years to get this shit right.

    I'm THIS close to just saying 'fuck it' and going with an Android phone. Really. And I have been a Mac diehard since 2001.

    This is unforgivably gawd-awfully bad service.
  • Reply 79 of 210
    beast42beast42 Posts: 6member
    The guy at the AT&T store said that the iPhone 4 I ordered was guaranteed to arrive on launch day (6/24). But then I get a confirmation email from them saying the following:

    Your iPhone has been reserved and is expected to ship on or after June 24, 2010.

    What gives?
  • Reply 80 of 210
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    AT&T is a COMPLETE ClusterF!@#$%.

    Servers can stream ..and are streaming!!, Live World Cup VIDEO to hundreds of millions of viewers.


    AT&T can't do a simple Mother!@#$%ing database look-up.


    I'm not going to apologize for AT&T, but streaming video to millions of viewers is an art that has been practiced and honed continuously for years now. It's a very different problem from database transaction processing and the handling of loads that spike like this about once a year.
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