Apple releases iBooks 1.1 with PDF support for iPhone, iPad



  • Reply 61 of 70
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by whatisgoingon View Post

    Yes, it does create the 'Books' library automatically when you add the first book to iTunes. But you have no idea that you have to add ebooks to iTunes this way for iBooks to be able to access them, without googling it.

    A small but significant oversight, I agree. Still, I think we have to realize that Apple effectively only created this possibility with iBooks 1.1, just this week. Before that, you could only have experienced the omission by downloading ePub books outside of the Apple Store, and then only if the outside download was your first book.
  • Reply 62 of 70
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    The iBooks app and store are horribly slow on the iPhone 3G. Looks like this is really designed for the newer phones and iPads only.
  • Reply 63 of 70
    Trivial observation: if you drag the book shelves downwards, so as to expose the space above the top row of books, there's an Apple logo embossed in the wooden back! It's normally hidden, and is visible only when you're dragging on the screen in this way. (This is on an iPad; I assume it'll be the same on the iPhone.)

    Cute! I don't remember noticing this in iBooks 1.0 and wonder if they've added it to this update as a little Easter Egg.
  • Reply 64 of 70
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by Richard Hallas View Post

    Trivial observation: if you drag the book shelves downwards, so as to expose the space above the top row of books, there's an Apple logo embossed in the wooden back! It's normally hidden, and is visible only when you're dragging on the screen in this way. (This is on an iPad; I assume it'll be the same on the iPhone.)

    Cute! I don't remember noticing this in iBooks 1.0 and wonder if they've added it to this update as a little Easter Egg.

    Yes, it's also on the iPhone version, only in bookshelf (not list) view, above the search field/view selectors
  • Reply 65 of 70
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Oops, never mind. Already answered.
  • Reply 66 of 70
    tinabeetinabee Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by Mike Saint Louis View Post

    I have been trying all day to access the iBook store. I updated to IOS4 and downloaded version 1.1 of iBook for my iPhone 3GS.

    Whenever I try to click the Featured tab on the iBook store I get the message "cannot connect to the iTunes store". I've tried on wifi as well as wifi off. Still nothing.

    I've been able to get the free books but doing searches hasn't given me anything current. It's like in Canada all we can get are the public domain books.

    I can connect to the iTunes store fine in the app store.

    Any Canucks having success or is this a US only thing??

    im having the same problem! i have 8 free books now, but i still get that cannot connect problem, if you figure it out send me an email? ([email protected]) its pissing me off! and here i was all excited about ios4 for my iphone 3gs and all im finding is glitches. hopefully its not just a canada thing!
  • Reply 67 of 70
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by Mike Saint Louis View Post

    I have been trying all day to access the iBook store. I updated to IOS4 and downloaded version 1.1 of iBook for my iPhone 3GS.

    Whenever I try to click the Featured tab on the iBook store I get the message "cannot connect to the iTunes store". I've tried on wifi as well as wifi off. Still nothing.

    I've been able to get the free books but doing searches hasn't given me anything current. It's like in Canada all we can get are the public domain books.

    I can connect to the iTunes store fine in the app store.

    Any Canucks having success or is this a US only thing??

    I believe purchases from the iBookstore are currently only allowed from the US. So, outside the US it's public domain books only. Obviously there are legal/copyright/publisher issues that they have to work out in each individual country before they can sell books, so I suppose it's going to take a while for that to happen.
  • Reply 68 of 70
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    ... I think the Stanza iPhone app may be headed for the dust bin on my iPhone. Being able to automatically sync my place and bookmarks between my iPhone (to and from work) and iPad (at home) is a definite plus for iBooks. I'll see how the iPhone reading experience is tomorrow. I do like that you can get rid of the margins in Stanza and push the text all the way out to the edges of the screen, much less page turning. On the plus side for iBooks also is that the Sepia background is very close to what I was using in Stanza

    The Stanza app is marginally (pun intended) better in the sense that I can display more text on a screen at once, so fewer page turns. But iBooks isn't terribly bad in this regard, with a relatively small font. I just wish they'd give a bit more control to the user over line spacing and margins.

    The place and bookmark syncing is a big advantage though, when you are reading the same book on multiple devices.
  • Reply 69 of 70
    I wonder when Apple decides that applications like GoodReader is on path of their business vision and pulls them out of iTunes store..... and then adds some new obscure parts to developers contract.

    I am happy user of GoodReader for large PDF files and some others.
  • Reply 70 of 70
    It's a special topic for me , I get much useful information from it .thanks very much !
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