Shoplifter Sues Albertsons for causing childs death.



  • Reply 81 of 86
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    So they had the right to stop her and say, "Stop, j00 thieving bastige!". She was directly outside the store so I'm sure they had legal grounds to even grab her or the bag.

    A mile away in a car she was not. The two situations are no analogous.
  • Reply 82 of 86
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    Vigilante justice is illegal, mmmkay?

    You can make a citizen's arrest, sure, but that is for a felony offense. Trying to steal $200 worth of food is not a felony. What you do as a citizen at that point is call the police (which they didn't do until she hit the tree) and maybe follow her (not chase and attack, follow). You are NOT allowed to break the law to catch a petty thief. You are NOT allowed to chase him/her at 90mph through busy streets. You are NOT allowed to physically confront the petty thief.

    The level of hypocrisy is amazing. You people have finally admitted that the Albertson's employees were wrong in their actions but now you think they should be let off with a slap on the wrist while bemoaning her lack of personal responsibility. It's absolutely insane.


    It wasn't vigilante justice. It was plain old justice. They were not trying to hurt her, they were trying to detain her because she broke the law.

    Regarding the $200 worth of food, its probably the first time she was "caught." She could have been stealing for years which means the total value could be in the thousands. And most likely, she would have continued to steal. She probably has stolen at other places as well. This means that she could have stolen well into the 10's of thousands of dollars depending on how long she was stealing.

    The Albertson's employess were NOT wrong because they caught a criminal. And this criminal was so thoughtless that she would endanger her daughter's life and other drivers on the road at the time in a selfish act to escape responsibliltty for her wrongdoing. These "clerks" weren't going to rough her up. Have you ever seen these guys? Most of them look like nerds.

    It is unfortunate the her daughter died because of her selfish actions. All she had to do was stop and take responsibility for her mistake.
  • Reply 83 of 86
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Groverat, you keep mentioning assault as if it were police witnessed or more than an allegation. She needs an eyewitness, or some polygraph tests need to be administered.

    The story doesn't mention any witness accounts of "assault." Nobody saw this incident at the stoplight? Nobody reported it?
  • Reply 84 of 86
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>Groverat, you keep mentioning assault as if it were police witnessed or more than an allegation. She needs an eyewitness, or some polygraph tests need to be administered.

    The story doesn't mention any witness accounts of "assault." Nobody saw this incident at the stoplight? Nobody reported it?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    why would she lie...???
  • Reply 85 of 86
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]The Albertson's employess were NOT wrong because they caught a criminal.<hr></blockquote>

    Right... well, I see you've learned nothing.


    If we're going to start questioning what's included in the article then I say the entire story is a fabrication.

    You're acting like this is a trial for Christ sake. I'll bring in my eye witnesses tomorrow.
  • Reply 86 of 86
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    [quote]I think it tends to show just how LITTLE the avg American understand how our legal system works. <hr></blockquote>

    (was in reference to my post)

    THANKS DAD! Jeez, I thought that the courts would do whatever I wanted them too......thanks for clearing that up!
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