iPhone 4 FaceTime doesn't need a mobile signal to work



  • Reply 21 of 71
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    Gustav was't complaining about having it on a 3GS. And FaceTime works perfectly with the outward facing HD camera as well as the mirror facing VGA one as is well demonstrated in the Louis Armstrong Apple TV Ad.
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Well then you are using it wrong.

    Its a video. calling. protocol.

    If you want to show your kids to your relatives making a movie and sending it or a link to it would be far more effective.

    My point was mainly that you are complaining (and I didn't even get into the other four or five complaints from your post), about a video calling protocol not supporting your device when your device is incapable of doing video conferencing. That makes it more of a "bitch" than a reasonable complaint.

    I get that you want this, and that you may have good reasons for wanting it, but my answer was more along the lines of "why would Apple (or anyone) support that?" i.e. - from the point of view of the provider, it makes no sense at all to support the iPhone 3Gs when it doesn't have the necessary camera.

    You might as well ask why a point and shoot video camera doesn't support the same protocol, or a Canon Powershot, or a Flip HD. The existence of a simple camera (especially when it's facing the wrong way), does not equate to "videoconferencing capable device."

    This is the same kind of complaint as those that ask why Snow Leopard is not supported on G4's. The answer is pretty obvious.

  • Reply 22 of 71
    Sounds great. Just need some of my mates to get the iP4 and we're away.

    This sort of reminds me when you could share iTunes libraries over T'internet.

    After much complaint from the music moguls Apple posted an update and it was gone rendering music sharing over local networks only.

    Can anybody remember that and is this one of those situations where the Phone industry gets on Apple's case and 'pooof' it's gone with the next update?
  • Reply 23 of 71
    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    Who are those two toolbags in the picture?

    Tut Tut!!
  • Reply 24 of 71
    -cj--cj- Posts: 58member
    Originally Posted by gavers View Post

    Since when does Airplane Mode allow WiFi? Another bang-up reporting job by Daniel Eran Dilger!

    Ummm... Now that planes offer WiFi people use their iPhones in airplane mode pretty regularly. I think that's been going on for over a year now. At least.

    No need to harp on the reporting here.
  • Reply 25 of 71
    Originally Posted by jbellanca View Post

    You've never needed messaging for FT.

    According to the Apple senior support specialists (who I've been transferred to through 1-888-FACETIME), yes, FaceTime does use SMS to enable a chat. I'm not sure if that's just the first time, or every time—perhaps only the first time. I don't know why it is necessary and nor did the handful of people I've spoken with.

    Unfortunately, due to problems associated with the database of numbers mentioned in this article, I know far more about FaceTime than I ever wanted to know. It is a pain in the ass to get FaceTime running if the wrong number is in that database.
  • Reply 26 of 71
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by jbellanca View Post

    You've never needed messaging for FT.

    I know that seems illogical, but it does.

    I got no FaceTime buttons on my phone until I enabled messaging. At that point the FaceTime button appeared. I've now removed messaging and I'm still FT enabled. It apparently uses messaging for the initial activation with the home servers. The question is if it's a one time deal or if it needs messaging from every new network you call from.
  • Reply 27 of 71
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by Multimedia View Post

    Gustav was't complaining about having it on a 3GS. And FaceTime works perfectly with the outward facing HD camera as well as the mirror facing VGA one as is well demonstrated in the Louis Armstrong Apple TV Ad.

    I think you are the one that is confused my friend. Your sentence doesn't even make sense.

    First, he actually *was* complaining about the 3Gs. Secondly, FaceTime is a video calling protocol and actually *doesn't* work well on a device that's not set up (cameras) to support it. Third, I don't know what you mean by "mirror facing," and finally, my point (again), was really only that it's completely unreasonable to expect Apple to support FaceTime on devices that don't have the right hardware.

    I think this is unreasonable in a very practical sense regardless of whether it's Apple or another company, but knowing the history of Apple and how they like things to "just work" it's like a thousand percent *more* unreasonable.
  • Reply 28 of 71
    r00fusr00fus Posts: 245member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    This is just stupid. The 3Gs doesn't have the camera to support face-time. Why would anyone waste the amount of time and effort required when the handset doesn't even have the camera and therefore only a few desperate losers would ever even need or use it?

    You know, my wife has an iPhone4, but I still have a 3GS.

    I'd like to receive a call with her showing me some product she's buying or some weird thing my daughter did.

    It'd be awesome if FaceTIme worked with non-front-camera-enabled devices like the 3GS to at least allow reception of video calls.
  • Reply 29 of 71
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by r00fus View Post

    You know, my wife has an iPhone4, but I still have a 3GS.

    I'd like to receive a call with her showing me some product she's buying or some weird thing my daughter did.

    It'd be awesome if FaceTIme worked with non-front-camera-enabled devices like the 3GS to at least allow reception of video calls.

    Exactly, but the Professor here is a stickler, only front facing or 'you're doing it wrong'! Sound familar, sound like anyone we know of. Hey Steve, is that you?
  • Reply 30 of 71
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by r00fus View Post

    You know, my wife has an iPhone4, but I still have a 3GS.

    I'd like to receive a call with her showing me some product she's buying or some weird thing my daughter did.

    It'd be awesome if FaceTIme worked with non-front-camera-enabled devices like the 3GS to at least allow reception of video calls.

    Totally agree that it would be "awesome."

    What all the folks insulting me are missing is that I never said it wouldn't be, just that it was a very unreasonable expectation, and that it will likely never happen.
  • Reply 31 of 71
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Totally agree that it would be "awesome."

    What all the folks insulting me are missing is that I never said it wouldn't be, just that it was a very unreasonable expectation, and that it will likely never happen.

    Actually it is supposed to be an open standard, capable of supporting many devices. How is this not possible or unreasonable?

    Saying someone's request is "stupid" is an insulting thing to do, by the by.
  • Reply 32 of 71
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    According to the Apple senior support specialists (who I've been transferred to through 1-888-FACETIME), yes, FaceTime does use SMS to enable a chat. I'm not sure if that's just the first time, or every time—perhaps only the first time. I don't know why it is necessary and nor did the handful of people I've spoken with.

    Most likely he was referring to text chat not video chat. I know visual voicemail uses SMS protocol because when I switch to regular phone one time a started getting coded SMS messages starting with voicemail.


    Unfortunately, due to problems associated with the database of numbers mentioned in this article, I know far more about FaceTime than I ever wanted to know. It is a pain in the ass to get FaceTime running if the wrong number is in that database.

    This is how they think it works. It could be that Apple associate FaceTime with IMSI and UDID and once you change your number or switch SIM cards the link will go away. This is probably why FaceTime needs to be started with a voice call.
  • Reply 33 of 71
    isanityisanity Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Totally agree that it would be "awesome."

    What all the folks insulting me are missing is that I never said it wouldn't be, just that it was a very unreasonable expectation, and that it will likely never happen.

    Hey Prof, you are probably right. It is very unlikely that Apple will support FaceTime on the iPhone 3GS or for that matter the iPad in any way, shape or form. Although, it would be wicked cool if some hack... ummm "enterprising developer" figured out a way to make that happen.

    Imagine, millions of existing 3GS and iPad devices already in the marketplace would be able to participate in a FaceTime call consuming but maybe not producing video. And it would be a huge bonus if two 3GS phones could use the FaceTime protocol to make a regular VOIP phone calls. I love Skype, but so few of my friends have Skype accounts, its another account to manage, my friends never have the damn skype app running so you have email or text them first before you call. Yes, I am whining about tiny details, but making VOIP calls just a natural part of the cell phone experience is the direction we are headed in. Like Line2 just without the $15/month charge.

    I know, I know, file this under things that will never happen, but it would be wicked cool.

  • Reply 34 of 71
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    Not sure why apple didn't just name that iChat. It's pretty much same thing.

    Facetime sounds like a spa treatment for your face. =)

    They didn't call it iChat because FaceTime is being sold as an open standard. Wouldn't make sense to use an existing, successful Apple trademark on a standard to be used in products created by everyone, including competitors.
  • Reply 35 of 71
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    Nope, Fring has video features, so no excuses.

    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    You?re joking right?

  • Reply 36 of 71
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    Apple makes this big announcement, and the details are nowhere to be found, poor execution, IMHO. FaceTime is worthless if it is just iPhone 4.

    Originally Posted by dr_lha View Post

    So impatient and demanding!

  • Reply 37 of 71
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    It sure does, just like the iPhone 4 does, it just has one instead of two -- no different. I have a lot of reasons to want to show video through an app like FaceTime live via the back camera.

    Your intelligence level is that of a high school punk based on your ad hominem attack.

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    This is just stupid. The 3Gs doesn't have the camera to support face-time. Why would anyone waste the amount of time and effort required when the handset doesn't even have the camera and therefore only a few desperate losers would ever even need or use it?

  • Reply 38 of 71
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    What we need is municipal wifi. That would allow easy, free, FaceTime/Skype calls without using minutes and let us bypass the carriers.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The new FaceTime video calling feature of iPhone 4 does not require mobile service after first use, enabling users to establish video chat from any WiFi hotspot, even while in Airplane Mode.

  • Reply 39 of 71
    yuusharoyuusharo Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Apple makes this big announcement, and the details are nowhere to be found, poor execution, IMHO. FaceTime is worthless if it is just iPhone 4.

    Apple plans to open up FaceTime in the future in an attempt to make it an open standard that anyone can implement, including non-iPhone 4s.

    The reason they didn't reveal the details of how FaceTime works is because they don't want their customers worrying about it. All they know is they can press a button and see their friends and family - and that's all they care about. Frankly, that's all any user should care about.
  • Reply 40 of 71
    nitronitro Posts: 91member
    well duh
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