US Sen. Schumer writes letter to Apple CEO over iPhone 4 antenna



  • Reply 101 of 197
    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    This is a bunch of BS. WTF? Serisously? This is what this senator is worried about, when U.S. has far bigger concerns like unemployment, Iraq, Afghanistan and BP. Sheesh.

    Where was his concern when as Douglas Adams put it Microsoft was releasing second-rate technology.

    This antenna is from personal experience a non-issue and quite frankly overblown.

    Also where was this guys concerns when Toyotas were crashing. It's odd, but I rarely see U.S. politicians come down hard on foreign companies.

    Well back then you couldn't be watching porn on the toilet while you were supposed to be in session. Chuck is pissed because now his porn sites drop his signal and he has to start all over again and the government healthplan he's on doesn't cover viagra.

    It's just like Lewis Black said, they're the party of "No Ideas". I'm sure that the iPhone reception issue ranks right up there with the 3 million unemployed Americans who will loose their unemployment benefits this week.
  • Reply 102 of 197
    patranuspatranus Posts: 366member
    Originally Posted by Iphtashu Fitz View Post

    How is a letter from a US Senator sent as part of his official duties in support of his constituents a private letter? As the article clearly states, he issued an "open letter" to Apple, which means he specifically released it to the public. Chances are you can find it on his own official website if you bother to look.

    And that is the problem with government.

    This is NOT part of his "official duties".

    If there is a problem, it will be worked out in the LEGAL system not by the legislative branch.
  • Reply 103 of 197
    Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post

    Q: Who stands to gain most from bad iPhone press?

    A: Google Android

    Q: How do you get the media to write even more about a consumer product issue?

    A: Have a prominent government official complain in public about it.

    Q: Why would a NY Senator do Google's bidding?

    A: Follow the money

    Campaign Contributions by Google PAC to Schumer:

    2009-2010: $4900

    2007-2008: $1000

    And CEO Schmidt gave Schumer the max: $2400 in the general and $2400 in the primary this year.

    Who knows what other Google money has flowed into Schumer's pockets.

    So yes, Google can buy a few minutes of a Senator's time to pay for more bad press for a competitor at a crucial moment. The favor was called in.

    Please, don't ever procreate.
  • Reply 104 of 197
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Chuck Schumer. What an unimaginable childish idiot.

    Good grief.
  • Reply 105 of 197
    johncmgjohncmg Posts: 11member
    I completely agree. Let's this be Schumer's first and last letter on something that affect just a faction of the population in his state. There is a lot more wrong with New York State and the country than a faulty phone? How about something lite like incentives for SMBs or Regulation for Telecommunication Companies who used billions of tax payers money to built their fiber optic networks and are gouging us? Wanna go crazy and be a super senator "Cap the F*king oil already!"
  • Reply 106 of 197
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post

    So a senator agrees and backs up the majority of people's opinions and frustrations with the new iPhone, and decides to use his power and status to help the people who elected him, and you're all complaining. Good grief.

    The point here is that he is jumping into this a little too quickly. As has been pointed out already - at this stage of the proceedings there is nothing for him to concern himself with. (I wonder if he even has an iPhone 4?). What he should be doing is making the world a better place for the millions of people who can't even afford a 3gs, let alone the monthly charges.

    This is just blatant opportunism.
  • Reply 107 of 197
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    Please, don't ever procreate.

    Boogerman2000... too late. Besides, why can't you address the merits of my theory instead of trying to make lame attempts at being funny?
  • Reply 108 of 197
    bedouinbedouin Posts: 331member
  • Reply 109 of 197
    Have to agree with another comment that it isn't the reception issue that is troublesome, but Apple's unwillingness, so far, to address it. I have had zero problems with my iPhone 4, it is far and away the best technology I have ever used. I am not entirely sure there is a real problem here. There is a perceived problem, though, and I hope Apple will address this soon. As far as Schumer is concerned, the guy is an embarrassment. He has become a national hemorrhoid. I am tired of Congress sticking their busy noses into every aspect of our lives. Apple will address this eventually, they always do. Big Mouth Schumer isn't helping, in fact, he makes things worse, just like he has in the banking fiasco and everything else he does. Senator Schumer is nothing more than an ambulance chaser, and a pretty amateurish one at that.
  • Reply 110 of 197
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member
    Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post

    Boogerman2000... too late. Besides, why can't you address the merits of my theory instead of trying to make lame attempts at being funny?

    Your theory runs along the lines that for less that $10,000 in campaign contributions, this senator would bring his influence to bear 'for hire'. Forget the fact that campaigns cost millions upon millions of dollars to run... The money from Google's CEO is the important stuff.... The stuff that really moves the senator's hand.

    Now, you look at that and you make an honest appraisal: what are the merits of your theory?
  • Reply 111 of 197
    What a scumbag. He must have gotten tired of picking on Toyota.
  • Reply 112 of 197
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Dear Government: Get the fuck out of....EVERYTHING. This has nothing to do with you. Go away. Seriously...just leave us alone. By us, I mean everyone: Individuals, corporations, small animals, potential extra-terrestrials...everyone.

    This is precisely what is wrong with this country. No, not the government. People who think like you do.
  • Reply 113 of 197
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by bedouin View Post

    (comment removed)

    WTF? Racist much?
  • Reply 114 of 197
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post

    So yes, Google can buy a few minutes of a Senator's time to pay for more bad press for a competitor at a crucial moment. The favor was called in.

    do you HONESTLY believe that this letter was written because Google told him to write it?

    He is a media whore writing about what's big in the media right now, and has ALWAYS been big on consumer protection. This letter fits perfectly into his character, not into corporate puppeteering.

    if you're going to speculate about who asked him to write it, start with his three kids.
  • Reply 115 of 197
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    There are too many great post here o comment on individually. I'm glad to see the lunacy of this issue being realized with a fraking senator getting into the mix.
  • Reply 116 of 197
    I'm sorry, but this is total BS as it is a PR stunt for Schumer.

    Apple has already announced that they are doing a press conference on the iPhone 4 which presumably means they are going to address the issue. Then, Shumer decides to write a letter the day before the press conference? Apple is likely going to announce some sort of fix and Shumer is going to take credit as if his letter influenced the Apple announcement.

    I appreciate the government looking out for consumers, but come-on. Apple is already in process of addressing the issue. At least wait until the conference and then write the letter if the outcome is unsatisfactory.
  • Reply 117 of 197
    numba1numba1 Posts: 23member
    Thanks Chuck, Media trolls, and competing company biased bloggers for your great effort, but you really need to step up your game. I still have a two week wait for my iPhone. The stock price is still above what I could afford to pay for 100 shares. Finally, surveys of 25 Apple stores show only 11 phones returned. I can't even get a "refurbished" IPhone.

    Come on guys and gals, try harder.
  • Reply 118 of 197
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    This confirms my suspicions.

    A lot of the hue and cry is Google's (and probably MS's) increasing lobbying dollars at work. Apple needs to get into the lobbying business, otherwise they will never hear the end of the FCC, Congress, etc. (note how the App Store is being investigated for monopolistic practices when it is part of the iPhone which is the 2nd best selling smartphone, which is a very small part of the much much larger phone category. OTOH, Google's purchase of AdMob, the combination of 2 monopolies (web advertising, and mobile advertising) was greenlighted on the basis of competition from a non-existent competitor (iAds at the time)).

    This post shouldn't be misconstrued as saying there is no iPhone 4 antenna issue. What I am trying to say is that the issue is not so major (WORST CASE situation involves users spending another $29 and using a bumper) that the FCC and Congress get involved.

    Not that I think this is what motivated him, but if there was pressure from an outside source. I think VZ makes sense since they are headquarters in NY and VZ does far more lobbying than the other companies you mention. Part of the reason there are very few small service providers around these days is due to the fact VZ lobbied them out of business.
  • Reply 119 of 197
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by TomBombadil View Post

    I'm sorry, but this is total BS as it is a PR stunt for Schumer.

    Apple has already announced that they are doing a press conference on the iPhone 4 which presumably means they are going to address the issue. Then, Shumer decides to write a letter the day before the press conference? Apple is likely going to announce some sort of fix and Shumer is going to take credit as if his letter influenced the Apple announcement.

    I appreciate the government looking out for consumers, but come-on. Apple is already in process of addressing the issue. At least wait until the conference and then write the letter if the outcome is unsatisfactory.

    Seriously, do you really think he just woke up this morning and decided, "Hey, I'm going to write a letter to Apple about this iPhone antenna thing."

    More likely, his office is getting bombarded with phone calls, emails and letters saying, "Apple is screwing us with this iPhone 4 antenna," his staff have been looking into it for a couple of weeks, the CR no recommendation recommendation comes out, and it's just coincidence that his letter was released today.
  • Reply 120 of 197
    ded48ded48 Posts: 10member
    To all those that think the solution to the problem is using a bumper that costs $29, you are either fiscally irresponsible or just foolish. I paid $199 for a phone that should work as promised without having to purchase another product to make it work. I never had problems with my 3G or 3GS. I never had reception problems with either of them and used them all over the U.S.A. and for 16 days in Australia. With my IP4 I have had reception problems and I never hold my phone in the left hand or touching the lower left corner. Returning the phone is not an option. Apple's response to all of this has been very disappointing! While I generally don't support Sen. Schumer I'm glad he wrote the letter.
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