Apple shows continued interest in an ad-supported operating system

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple could be creating an operating system supported by advertisements, allowing users to obtain the software at a reduced price, or for free, in exchange for being required to view ads.

The patent application for the invention "Advertisement in Operating System" was republished as a continuation this week. It was first revealed last October, and was originally filed for on April 18, 2008. The invention is credited to Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs, as well as Freddy A. Anzures, Mike Matas, Gregory N. Christie and Patrick Coffman.

The application describes an operating system that would present the user with an advertisement, preventing them from doing basic functions on the system for a set period of time. At the conclusion of the advertisement, the user would be able to resume their activities on the machine.

"The operating system can disable one or more functions while the advertisement is being presented," the application reads. "At the end of the advertisement, the operating system can again enable the function(s). The advertisement can be visual or audible. The presentation of the advertisement(s) can be made as part of an approach where the user obtains a good or service, such as the operating system, for free or at reduced cost."

Advertisements could be shown at pre-set intervals, based on an internal timer in the system. Users could also pre-buy additional time to use the computer, allowing them a greater span where they will not be interrupted by an advertisement.

Such a system could be used on computers placed in public places, allowing free access to the Internet on a terminal without paying a fee. Users could also choose to pay the fee and avoid the advertisements if they wish.

The concept is similar to pre-roll advertisements found on streaming media sites like YouTube and Hulu. Occasionally, when watching a video on Hulu, users are presented with the option of watching one long advertisement before the content begins, or having a number of shorter ads appear at intervals throughout the video.

According to the patent application, users could also choose to access the advertisements when they choose, delaying an ad by 10 minutes, or choosing to watch one immediately. This would help to ensure that the ad is not overly intrusive, appearing while the user was in the middle of an important task.

A drop-down selection from the Mac OS X menu bar would also give users the ability to watch the previous or recent ads, and also to visit the website of an advertiser.

While the application specifically shows the system on a Mac OS X-like desktop operating system, the document specifically notes that it could be implemented with any device that has a visual user interface, including smartphones, set top boxes, embedded devices and televisions.

The republishing of the patent, due to continuation, is noteworthy because Apple has since entered the advertising business with its interactive iAds platform. Apple hopes to redefine the market for mobile advertisements by creating unique content that acts like an application, allowing users to play games, watch video clips and find local stores. All of this can be done within an application in iOS 4, without the need to launch a separate Web browser.

The iAds network launched on July 1, and Apple has high hopes for its fledgling business. The company revealed in June that it believes it will take a nearly 50 percent share of mobile ads in the second half of 2010.


  • Reply 1 of 78
    banalltvbanalltv Posts: 238member
    Please, no ads.

    The amount of advertisements that are shoved in my face on a daily basis makes me sick as it is.

    Please, please, no ads.

    But I'm all in favour of letting a user click on something they're curious about, say in a photo or movie or video game and finding product ads from there, but having them shoved in your face whether you want them or not is unpleasant.
  • Reply 2 of 78
    itattooitattoo Posts: 5member
    Sounds like a great idea for public computers - personally I'd rather see the price of my OS increase, rather than be subject to watching ads on my machine.
  • Reply 3 of 78
    banalltvbanalltv Posts: 238member
    Originally Posted by iTattoo View Post

    Sounds like a great idea for public computer

    Second that.
  • Reply 4 of 78
    sofabuttsofabutt Posts: 99member
    I'll pay full price thank you.
  • Reply 5 of 78
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by iTattoo View Post

    Sounds like a great idea for public computers - personally I'd rather see the price of my OS increase, rather than be subject to watching ads on my machine.

    Yes the public computer idea is very feasible. In your Airplane seat, in the Airport waiting area ... in a Library .. even in a coffee shop ... Free to use but paid for or subsidized by advertising. No different to a large TV hanging over your head but with the advantage the individual controls it.
  • Reply 6 of 78
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Hell no will I be tolerating ads in an OS for a cheaper price.
  • Reply 7 of 78
    Not interested.
  • Reply 8 of 78
    mariomario Posts: 348member
    It's exactly the shit like this that prevents me from making further investment into Apple platform and come time for upgrades, I will most likely go with Linux and one Windows machine for gaming and photos/video processing (since Windows took the lead in multimedia production long time ago anyway).

    I just can't believe the greed and stupidity of corporations these days.
  • Reply 9 of 78
    Originally Posted by Mario View Post

    It's exactly the shit like this that prevents me from making further investment into Apple platform and come time for upgrades, I will most likely go with Linux and one Windows machine for gaming and photos/video processing (since Windows took the lead in multimedia production long time ago anyway).

    I just can't believe the greed and stupidity of corporations these days.

    One more reason I'm enjoying spending more time with a free operating system these days.
  • Reply 10 of 78
    This is definitely not what your average Apple customer wants because they are prepared to pay a premium for good quality products - not advertising
  • Reply 11 of 78
    yodieyodie Posts: 31member
    Originally Posted by Mario View Post

    It's exactly the shit like this that prevents me from making further investment into Apple platform and come time for upgrades, I will most likely go with Linux and one Windows machine for gaming and photos/video processing (since Windows took the lead in multimedia production long time ago anyway).

    I just can't believe the greed and stupidity of corporations these days.

    Apple submits many, many more patent applications that it will ever need. It's just the way of the business now. Forced ads in the operating system are very not Applesque (how "unclean" would that make Macs?). As others have mentioned, even if this does ever get used, the most likely use would be by public Internet providers, not by Apple, just as iAd is used by individual software providers who want to make their apps free, and not by Apple itself.
  • Reply 12 of 78
    Y'all going on like Apple is about to unleash a horror by force.

    Perhaps rather it's a handy thing to "invent" and patent to block others from doing it.

    Cause you know there are companies who only make bank on ads, said companies might be looking at releasing an OS that would serve as another channel for their spam engines.

    Might be difficult to gain traction when Apple, who makes their money by actually making things not just selling ads for Porn and fake drugs puts up a tasty patent block.

    I for one think this a great patent, more like it are needed to stop such companies from completely choking the whole global network with legalized spam.
  • Reply 13 of 78
    mytdavemytdave Posts: 447member
    No, and yes.

    No, I will never use an ad-supported OS on my computers. I would switch to Linux first.

    Yes, this sounds like a good idea for public access computers, or to block a patent grab by other companies.
  • Reply 14 of 78
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    I could see this idea being floated by netbook makers whose margins on the hardware are 1%.

    But by Apple whose margins are epic? Really?

    I'd switch to Linux before I tolerated ads on my Mac's desktop.

    (And this is not one of those empty threats you see all the time on discussion groups--I really would switch to Ubuntu to keep an ad-free desktop.)
  • Reply 15 of 78
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by iTattoo View Post

    Sounds like a great idea for public computers - personally I'd rather see the price of my OS increase, rather than be subject to watching ads on my machine.

    I agree - great solution for things like computers in libraries.
  • Reply 16 of 78
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Unfortunately, the novelty of iAd and hype around it develop huge moment in boosting the number of real clicks.
  • Reply 17 of 78
    If Apple releases a version of OS X that's 'ad supported' I'll be a switcher alright....away from Apple!
  • Reply 18 of 78
    Good cock block for the patent trolls. if not, glad I will be using tiger for the forseeable future....
  • Reply 19 of 78
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    I will be curious to see if iAds make their way into XCODE so that Mac developers could have Mac OS X apps that are ad supported and this is what this patent is all about....
  • Reply 20 of 78
    ruel24ruel24 Posts: 432member
    Glad I'm a big Linux user! Having an occasional ad on my iPod Touch doesn't bother me, but not on my desktop! I'm bombarded by advertisements enough, via Google, the television, radio, my iPod Touch... I don't need any more!!!
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