Users report Bluetooth connectivity, quality issues with iOS 4



  • Reply 61 of 71
    Don't worry, Apple will hastily arrange a press conference and announce all other vendors products also drop Bluetooth connectivity. So it's all good.
  • Reply 62 of 71
    macinthe408macinthe408 Posts: 1,050member
    That's it, Apple is hiding something. Proof of this is I heard about one guy in southeastern Wyoming who had to wait an extra 0.8 seconds for his home screen to be displayed after unlocking (using the unlock slider on the unlock screen) his phone.

    To make matters worse, when he launched an app the swoosh animation from the springboard lagged by 0.32 seconds; he has video proving this defect.

    Apple is hiding something. They need to fess up, either through another press conference or provide users with a new iPhone or software patch, although a new iPhone would be better PR-wise.

    This must be done immediately, or Apple sucks and is the anti-christ. Failing this, I am waiting for the Windows Phone 7.
  • Reply 63 of 71
    chibirchibir Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    That's it, Apple is hiding something. Proof of this is I heard about one guy in southeastern Wyoming who had to wait an extra 0.8 seconds for his home screen to be displayed after unlocking (using the unlock slider on the unlock screen) his phone.

    To make matters worse, when he launched an app the swoosh animation from the springboard lagged by 0.32 seconds; he has video proving this defect.

    Apple is hiding something. They need to fess up, either through another press conference or provide users with a new iPhone or software patch, although a new iPhone would be better PR-wise.

    This must be done immediately, or Apple sucks and is the anti-christ. Failing this, I am waiting for the Windows Phone 7.

    Well, I hope you'll be happy with your Windows Phone 7 phone, you Apple Hater.

    I bet you don't even have an iPhone; you're just whining about something you heard in the media that is trying to bring down Apple.

    The iPhone 4 does Bluetooth - and everything else - better than any other phone on the planet, and I couldn't replicate this issue at all, so it can't be true. If people claim to lose their Bluetooth signal while driving out of their garage, then jeez, don't park in there! It's so friggin obvious! And if your phone lags after unlocking it, don't lock it! Do I have to think of everything to please the anti-Apple crowd?

    (What, all the other parody was already taken with the "The tech is flawed", "Nokia also has this" posts plus yours =P)
  • Reply 64 of 71
    I have an iPhone 3G and 4. The 3G worked flawlessly under iOS3 with my Toyota Nav system Bluetooth.

    I upgraded to iOS 4 with my 3G and the iphone was unusable. Slow, apps quit and froze and bluetooth did not work. Since I had a shiny new iPOhone days away I sucked it up.

    New iPhone, set up new, connects with HORRIBLE and UNUSABLE quality. It connectes fine, but the people at the other end can not hear me. It fades in and out, it is garbled and generally piss poor. I keep my phone in a cradle 5 inches from the stereo unit in the same place as the 3G.

    In addition, I restored my 3G rto iOS 3 and it worked flawlessly with the same system.

    So, I can say for sure iOS 4 has major Bluetooth issues with connection, sound and quality. Whether the iPhone 4 also has trouble is hard to say. i hope that iOS4.1 solves all of these issues.

    Also look at all the iPhone comptabible devices, car adaptors and chargers that 'broke' with iOS4. My Griffin 12v charger worked fine Monday on the way to work, then I update to iOS 4 and it stops working the next day. That is all software and a serious flaw in the iOS design.

    I will give Apple the benefit of the doubt and hope 4.1 fixes most of these annoyances. I love my iPhone and Macs for that matter, but they have to be very cautious about destroying usability.

    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    My father has a Lexus, his iPhone 3G with iOS4 seems to work fine. My mother's iPhone 3GS with iOS4 doesn't always hangup when ending a bluetooth call. (It might NEVER hangup, haven't tested).

    When calling another mobile phone, the person she's calling hangs up and the call ends. Same when calling a landline - within 2 minutes the calling party is disconnected. So this works okay for her.

    When calling work (a VoIP system) it doesn't seem to disconnect at all. We got a bill for a 2.5 hr phone call at $150 (the office closed 5 minutes after she started the call, and she never spends time on the phone). This has only happened once - perhaps it depends on whether the office VoIP was answered, hung up while still ringing, or went to voicemail.

  • Reply 65 of 71
    Since receiving the IP4, I get an echo of my voice on my bluetooth connection in my Toyota Prius when speaking to my wife who has a IP3G. I do not have this problem when using my old IP3G in my Toyota Prius. My wife wants to upgrade to IP4 but is cautious with all the antenna and software issues. What gives?
  • Reply 66 of 71
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Originally Posted by AppleJim View Post

    Since receiving the IP4, I get an echo of my voice on my bluetooth connection in my Toyota Prius when speaking to my wife who has a IP3G. I do not have this problem when using my old IP3G in my Toyota Prius. My wife wants to upgrade to IP4 but is cautious with all the antenna and software issues. What gives?

    I can't imagine that you need to do anything but "Forget" this connection and pair it again. That's not a reported issue, just an upgrade hitch. As for the "antenna problem," are YOU having a reception problem? If not, why should your wife?
  • Reply 67 of 71
    Originally Posted by Linkshot View Post

    I actually was able to confirm with an Apple rep that this is due to wifi. Most people say this happens as they pull out of their driveway...thats probably because they are driving away from their wifi spot.

    Basically, with wifi turned on, I connect to my in car BT. As soon as I drive away (and lose wifi signal), the connection hiccups, and disconnects. The iPhone does not attempt to reconnect with the BT device, and thus no connection is established. If I go to Settings->Bluetooth, I still see my in car kit as a device, but it is simply "Not Connected"......

    If that's correct, many of the bluetooth headsets will force a re-connect simply by tapping the call control button, aka "answer" button (assumption is that you walked out of range). Does that get you reconnected?
  • Reply 68 of 71
    I have yet to find a bluetooth accessory which works well.

    I used my iPhone 3GS with an after-market Kenwood car unit and the connection frequently required manual intervention.. Even then, those on the other end constantly complained about the distortion on their end and I figured it was the Kenwood mic.

    Now I've blown $300 on a iPhone 4 & $100 on a new Motorola Bluetooth HD headset and while pairing isn't as much of an issue the connection itself is horrible. Even if I make sure everything is fully charged and hold my iPhone right next to the headset, streaming music & game audio is frequently choppy. Calls are the same, and again I'm not sure if it is my headset mic or the iPhone but the outbound audio stream results in complaints.

  • Reply 69 of 71
    I have the same issue dating back to the 3.1.3 release. I have two Bluetooth headsets (iSkin Cerulean F1 and Sony DR-BT140Q) that often go into the stuttering mode. It does seem related to a weak signal on either the wireless or WiFi interface. I filed a ticket with Apple on my iPhone 3Gs, but they wanted me to try restoring oder firmware versions and dumping applications. I can reproduce the problem easily after a few days of use.

    I now have the same problem with my iPhone4 and 4.0.2 software. Hopefully 4.1 will fix it.
  • Reply 70 of 71
    My iPhone 3G with OS 3 paired and worked fairly well with my 2010 Hyundai Tucson BUT now that I have upgraded to OS4.0.1 my iPhone will not pair with the car. It recognizes the car during the "discoverable" mode and lets me select it to input the PassKey. Unfortunately the application gives me an error saying "Tucson has timed out" before I get a chance to even enter the PassKey. I am able to get in only 3 digits of the 4 required before the application "times out". Apple said they have no issues like that reported and that I probably need a firmware upgrade on the car. This is not a car problem! This OS clearly has numerous BT defects and so far Apple is quiet about addressing them. They are acting more and more like Microsoft...
  • Reply 71 of 71
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    My bluetooth headset worked fine the first time I tried it, and after the 4.0.1 update. However, after the 4.0.2 update, I had some really muddy sound and drop out. I'd put the iPhone in my pocket, and depending how I moved my leg, the sound would cut out.

    I "forgot" the Bluetooth settings, but I could get it to pair again. So I "Forgot" the bluetooth and the Network settings, and very quickly, it paired, it could see my headset, and the sound was perfect again. Maybe this might help?
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