Security experts release software to attack Android phones



  • Reply 41 of 56
    I submit that this case of a malicious android app (that was removed) is not nearly as bad as Apple release ver 4 of IOS for the 3GS without proper testing. I have fiends unfortunate enough to have 3GS iphones that were upgraded to ver 4 and now they run slower than mud, have random lockups, photo galleries with blank pics, SMS not working etc.... and are trying to figure out how to un upgrade them. I dont know why this huge screw up from apple is not getting more press.
  • Reply 42 of 56
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by davestall View Post

    I submit that this case of a malicious android app (that was removed) is not nearly as bad as Apple release ver 4 of IOS for the 3GS without proper testing. I have fiends unfortunate enough to have 3GS iphones that were upgraded to ver 4 and now they run slower than mud, have random lockups, photo galleries with blank pics, SMS not working etc.... and are trying to figure out how to un upgrade them. I dont know why this huge screw up from apple is not getting more press.

    Maybe because it's only an isolated problem - and does not involve release of private customer information?

    I upgraded my 3G without difficulty - as did most 3G and 3GS users.

    Originally Posted by davestall View Post

    There is a simple reason for that. There are not enough MACs in use to warrant malicious virus attacks. Who would notice?

    Funny how you're managing to ignore the very issue of this thread.

    If it's all about installed base, why is it that there's much more malware affecting AndroidOS than iOS when iOS probably has 4-5 times the installed base?
  • Reply 43 of 56
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Oh really? You mean that my android phone, without interaction from myself, is somehow less secure than an iphone in the same situation?

    The weak point in any security is the user. Apple assumes you're an idiot, so they wall the garden to limit your choices (eliminating security threats, but also a lot of useful things as well). Google assumes that as a whole people are at least a bit intelligent, so they don't wall off the market. Yes, this means some additional danger with those added benefits, but EVERY app has these nice orange tags that tell you exactly what that app does. If you're too stupid/lazy to take the warning, that is YOUR fault.

    Unless the exploit comes from something other than user error, it's not an issue with the OS.

    Android is insecure for the same reason Windows is insecure.

    Android = Windows of mobile.
  • Reply 44 of 56
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Windroid mobile.
  • Reply 45 of 56
    vspvsp Posts: 32member
    Why does Google even bother to pull out the offending apps? Android celebrates the freedom to do whatever one wants to do. They should be happy about their religious faith and if Google is to behave like a curator, then this religion is a fake one. If you want to have total freedom, then don't discriminate those who wants to attack you. According to Google's religion everyone has the absolute right to do what one believe. Or is it some Android faithful are beginning to backslide on Google?
  • Reply 46 of 56
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Android fans should be happy. If FUD is being created about Android, it means they are being recognized as significant. Welcome to the bigtime (unless you can't stand the taste of your own medicine).

    Oh come on. There are more Android phones being sold than iPhone now. It's the biggest selling smartphone platform. (if you exclude Blackberry, which is arguably not a smartphone)
  • Reply 47 of 56
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by davestall View Post

    I submit that this case of a malicious android app (that was removed) is not nearly as bad as Apple release ver 4 of IOS for the 3GS without proper testing. I have fiends unfortunate enough to have 3GS iphones that were upgraded to ver 4 and now they run slower than mud, have random lockups, photo galleries with blank pics, SMS not working etc.... and are trying to figure out how to un upgrade them. I dont know why this huge screw up from apple is not getting more press.

    There is a fix for iOS destroying old iPhones (as it did my old 3G), - just buy an iPhone 4. It's what Steve would say, you know it.

    Worked for me, as long as I hold it right.
  • Reply 48 of 56
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Oh come on. There are more Android phones being sold than iPhone now. It's the biggest selling smartphone platform. (if you exclude Blackberry, which is arguably not a smartphone)

  • Reply 49 of 56
    LOL Android sux!
  • Reply 50 of 56
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member
    Originally Posted by Tsadler View Post

    LOL Android sux!

    Most intelligent comment so far! Cheers
  • Reply 51 of 56
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    Android is insecure for the same reason Windows is insecure.

    Android = Windows of mobile.

    No, windows in insecure because their coding is poorly written so that even if a user doesn't actively install something, it can still infect their computer (keyloggers from ads, etc). Yes, there are other user aided viruses, but the reason Windows and IE specifically are considered insecure is because of all the ways your computer can mess up even if you're careful.

    This is ENTIRELY different from android, where a user still has to manually approve each install and each update (the update all in Froyo will fail for any apps that have increased permissions) so the security issue comes down to the USER, not a failure in the coding. Even out of market apps (side loading) need to post their permissions before installing.

    If you can't see the difference there... I don't know what to tell you. There is no comparison.
  • Reply 52 of 56
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by vsp View Post

    Why does Google even bother to pull out the offending apps? Android celebrates the freedom to do whatever one wants to do. They should be happy about their religious faith and if Google is to behave like a curator, then this religion is a fake one. If you want to have total freedom, then don't discriminate those who wants to attack you. According to Google's religion everyone has the absolute right to do what one believe. Or is it some Android faithful are beginning to backslide on Google?

    Because the apps still have to be legal. The two that they "killed" were pulled by the developer voluntarily.
  • Reply 53 of 56
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Oh come on. There are more Android phones being sold than iPhone now. It's the biggest selling smartphone platform. (if you exclude Blackberry, which is arguably not a smartphone)

    Wrong, as others have pointed out, And even DroidLife has confirmed that the numbers where a big blown out of context numbers lie.

    FACT: Android has only 9% Apple 28% of market Share.

    Here read it for yourself, Link:

    PHP Code:

    <!-- php buffer start --><code><span style="color: #000000">
    <span style="color: #0000BB">http</span><span style="color: #007700">:</span><span style="color: #FF8000">//;
    <br /></span><span style="color: #0000BB"></span>

    Quote: From Droid Life Dated 6-07-2010

    After some new numbers from Nielsen (you know, the marketing guys who monitor cable and radio ratings), that wave has come crashing down. As illustrated by the graph below, Android only holds a 9% market share in US smartphones; though it has grown 2% in the last quarter, it still remains fourth overall. RIM’s Blackberry holds a 35% share (down 2%), while the iPhone comes in a close second with 28%. Even the much-maligned Windows Mobile platform holds a 10% lead on Android.

    Things won’t be getting any better, either: RIM is releasing a new version of their Blackberry OS in the coming months, keeping the platform attractive to the massive corporate market that it caters to. Windows Phone 7 remains on the horizon, and Apple will be launching their newest iPhone hardware this week. Coupled with iPhone OS 4.0, this new tech will take away much of fanboys’ ammunition: the iPhone will finally be able to run multiple applications at once, store icons in folders and customize aspects of its look

    So understand, It was a Numbers game released by a Android Supported Firm & not independent like the Real Nielsen Numbers have shown, And now even though all the press was Android outsells iPhone truth now shows it was all FUD, and even Android sites Now have reported the true numbers.

    But it seems the Numbers that are not true still come up as truth but its all FUD. Number don't lie Android has only 9% Apple 28% of market Share.

    Android Has a Very Long way to go to even catch up with the iPhone in sales and user base. FACT
  • Reply 54 of 56
    Waiting for the next series of advertisements:

    Hello, I'm an iPhone...

    ... and I'm a Droid. AAACHOOOO!!!

    You ok Droid?

    No, I have that virus that's going around...

  • Reply 55 of 56
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    As I thought, nothing more than FUD
  • Reply 56 of 56
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post

    As I thought, nothing more than FUD

    Thanks for the article. Seems like the vast majority of these supposed malware intrusions into the Market end up being nothing more than just scare stories because of the ridiculous requirements needed for them to work in the first place.

    The last one I heard about was Tapsnake having a program that could track GPS movements. But it required the attacker to create a user name and keycode on his/her device and also physically enter the same information on the device they want to track to get it to work. At most, this is a jealous wife/husband thing and because of the requirements to work, could never cause the mass havoc on Android as some would try to make the world believe.

    As it's been said, all apps being installed on Android devices have to show you a screen where it tells you what functions of the phone its going to access. All it takes is a general level of intelligence to figure out whether or not an app really should need a certain function to work. If something looks suspicious, then be on the safe side and don't install it.
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