Apple rechargeable batteries are likely rebranded Sanyo Eneloops

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Though Apple's new rechargeable batteries do not offer any indication of who manufactured them, a new analysis and disassembly has found evidence that they are rebranded Sanyo Eneloops.

Czech website SuperApple (via Engadget) did extensive testing of Apple's new batteries, and found that they have many of the same characteristics as the Sanyo Eneloop model HR-3UTG batteries. In addition to having identical performance, the Sanyo rechargeables also have the same minimum capacity of 1900 mAh.

The website also took apart one of the AA batteries from Apple, but did not find any evidence on the inside that they are manufactured by Sanyo. The Apple-branded charger, which re-powers two batteries at a time,was also taken apart and found to have a "startling" amount of unused space inside.

As noted in AppleInsider's first look at the new Apple Battery Charger and AAs, the batteries do not have an Apple logo on them. Instead, they feature a plain silver design that simply reads "Rechargeable."

In fact, the only mention of Apple on the battery is in the fine print: "Charge only with Apple specified charger. Made in Japan." Sanyo's corporate headquarters is in Osaka, Japan, and its Eneloop batteries are said to be manufactured in both Japan and China.

Apple has not commented on who manufactures its batteries, but the included charger does carry the traditional "Designed by Apple in California" fine print.

In all, users get 6 AA batteries and a charger for $29. For comparison, a Sanyo Eneloop four-pack of batteries with a charger that can recharge four batteries at a time retails for $21.99.



  • Reply 1 of 60
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    I think disassembling apple products has now gone a step too far.

    But interesting to see the inside of a rechargeable battery, I guess.
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  • Reply 2 of 60
    Seems like an OK deal to me. Others do this all the time.
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  • Reply 3 of 60
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Though Apple's new rechargeable batteries do not offer any indication of who manufactured them, a new analysis and disassembly has found evidence that they are rebranded Sanyo Eneloops.

    Eneloops are the very, very best batteries. That is why Apple uses them.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 60
    who disassembles batteries and why the hell should i care what brand it is on the inside. OBVIOUSLY they're not making their own batteries. It's a branding mechanism.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 60
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    Eneloops are the very, very best batteries. That is why Apple uses them.

    jesus christ, this again?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 60
    bobrkbobrk Posts: 36member

    a "startling" amount of unused space inside.

    How much is startling? Are all devices expected to be packed full of stuff now?
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  • Reply 7 of 60
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In all, users get 6 AA batteries and a charger for $29. For comparison, a Sanyo Eneloop four-pack of batteries with a charger that can recharge four batteries at a time retails for $21.99.

    Does the charger that comes with the Sanyo Eneloop four-pack have low vampire-power draw when charging is complete? That's what's unique about the Apple batteries and charger.

    Originally Posted by bobrk View Post

    How much is startling? Are all devices expected to be packed full of stuff now?

    The "startling" quote is from the review at the Czech website in the link; it's not AI making that judgment (at least not this time).
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 60
    Originally Posted by bobrk View Post

    How much is startling? Are all devices expected to be packed full of stuff now?

    My thoughts exactly - maybe the should fill the whole damn thing with epoxy. Then there wouldn't be all that space and we wouldn't have to endure 'teardowns' of chargers and AA cells.

    BTW: These are not batteries they are AA cells - multiple cells wired together equals a battery.
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  • Reply 9 of 60
    Good for Apple. I've been using Eneloops for all my flashes since 2006 and never worry about recharging just prior to an event, or about cold weather draining the life away from the batteries. Just wished Sanyo would increase capacity as it has already been 4 years, and Eneloops are still at 2 amps.
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  • Reply 10 of 60
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 926member
    If these are relabeled eneloops, that would tick me off a bit. I remember mention that they (Apple) developed the AA batteries. I thought it odd at the time that Apple would research AA battery tech. I don't see anything on the charger product page claiming the batteries are Apple's, though. Perhaps I am remembering wrong and whoever was only talking about the charger.

    - Jasen.
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  • Reply 11 of 60
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    I think disassembling apple products has now gone a step too far.

    But interesting to see the inside of a rechargeable battery, I guess.

    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    My thoughts exactly - maybe the should fill the whole damn thing with epoxy. Then there wouldn't be all that space and we wouldn't have to endure 'teardowns' of chargers and AA cells.

    Geez people, it's not like they dissected a live hamster or anything like that.

    I must admit though, seeing a beautiful Apple AA battery torn inside out is somehow unsettling.

    We are getting very attached to technology and inanimate objects...
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  • Reply 12 of 60
    Well, I currently have a battery charging system for my Apple BT keyboard, MagicPad & Magic Mouse and I know it's a 'vampire.' Albeit, pretty minuscule in the greater scheme of things. But come payday, I will be ordering the Apple charger...I've made a commitment to buy only Apple Tech because everything else is so poorly designed in comparison. And I'm not just talking about batteries here. If Apple doesn't make it, I will do without!

    I bought the new Aluminum Apple Remote and it is so superior over the white plastic one. Worth every penny ($20)

    I'm selling my iMac 20," my desk, chair, file cabinet, 46" HDTV/stand/DVD player, my AppleTV and will buy a 27" iMac and use it for the odd time I watch a RedBox rid of my cable, too.Too expensive, too many commercials, too many wires, too many remotes and too clunky an interface.

    I will wait for Apple to make a TV, which by the sound of things will be a long time!

    iPhone 4 (Sold 3Gs for $200 at

    Second gen iPad 3Gs (Sell MacBook)

    Airport Express 'N,' (Sell Airport Extreme, 'g')

    27" iMac (EyeTV, for the odd NFL game I may want to watch, or Tiger) Get Fareed Zakaria's GPS video podcast on iTunes.

    Only down side is can't get Formula One and also my GF thinks I'm an idiot!

    Maybe a new MBA, so I can work sitting by the lake having a beer!

    No Cable, no wires, no remotes, no excessive fees.

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  • Reply 13 of 60
    mj webmj web Posts: 918member
    I posted this weeks ago. Sanyo Eneloops cost $1 less per cell than Apple. I bought Eneloops.
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  • Reply 14 of 60
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Well, I currently have a battery charging system for my Apple BT keyboard, MagicPad & Magic Mouse and I know it's a 'vampire.' Albeit, pretty minuscule in the greater scheme of things. But come payday, I will be ordering the Apple charger...I've made a commitment to buy only Apple Tech because everything else is so poorly designed in comparison. And I'm not just talking about batteries here. If Apple doesn't make it, I will do without!

    I bought the new Aluminum Apple Remote and it is so superior over the white plastic one.

    I'm selling my iMac 20," my desk, chair, file cabinet, HDTV/stand/DVD player, my AppleTV and will buy a 27" iMac and use it for the odd time I watch a RedBox rid of my cable, too.Too expensive, too many commercials, too many wires, too many remotes and too clunky an interface.

    I will wait for Apple to make a TV, which by the sound of things will be a long time!

    iPhone 4

    Second gen iPad 3Gs (Sell MacBook)

    Airport Express

    27" iMac (EyeTV, for the odd NFL game I may want to watch, or Tiger) Get Fareed Zakaria's GPS video podcast on iTunes.

    Only down side is can't get Formula One and my GF thinks I'm obsessed with Apple!

    Maybe a new MBA, so I can work sitting by the lake having a beer!

    No Cable, no wires, no remotes, no excessive fees.


    Heck, I don't really need a battery charger but I might get it just to get those Apple batteries. Best looking batteries I've ever seen.
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  • Reply 15 of 60
    Eneloops rock. Keep a charge up to a year (not that you'll wait that long with all of the rechargeable devices around the house).

    Maybe these batteries will be included with future keyboard/mouse purchases? (Won't hold my breath).
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 60
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    If these are relabeled eneloops, that would tick me off a bit. I remember mention that they (Apple) developed the AA batteries. I thought it odd at the time that Apple would research AA battery tech. I don't see anything on the charger product page claiming the batteries are Apple's, though. Perhaps I am remembering wrong and whoever was only talking about the charger.

    - Jasen.

    Errrr, no, they only said they developed a CHARGER that has the smallest vampire draw on the market. The only thing they say about the batteries is that they are "high-performance"
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 60
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Heck, I don't really need a battery charger but I might get it just to get those Apple batteries. Best looking batteries I've ever seen.

    Yep, when I put my current rechargeable batteries in my Apple BT keyboard, MagicPad and Magic Mouse, they only show 72% charged...and they've been charging a month! Will be interesting to see how Apple's work.

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  • Reply 18 of 60
    Eneloop batteries are the best. All sophisticated professional photographers use them.
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  • Reply 19 of 60
    Like who cares! It's just a battery!

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  • Reply 20 of 60
    Originally Posted by modufour View Post

    Like who cares! It's just a battery!

    A bit short sighted!

    I wish I knew how to include a photo in this post of any landfill!



    In the United States, Americans purchase nearly three billion batteries annually, and about 179,000 tons of those end up in landfills across the country. 10 billion batteries are purchased worldwide...
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