Apple sends out invitations for Sept. 1 'special event'



  • Reply 41 of 103
    Originally Posted by UltimateFlank View Post

    YES PLEASE. I would adore multitasking on my iPad soon. Oh, and Garage Band/ iLife would be fantastic also. Maybe Jam Packs will come included?... Wow I just realized that paying for college is harder when also paying for Apple products. Time to find a job! (at an Apple store hopefully)

    Good luck with your job at the apple store. I just hope you don't end up like those people who loved chocolate so much, that twey decided to get a job in a chocolate factory, and after a couple of months surrounded by all this sweet stuff, they couldn't even look at chocolate any more. But anyway I have to agree with you, applications like in iLife would certainly make sense on an iPad. Would buy it instantly without hesitation. With iWorks they did such a fantastic job.... Well it would be great.
  • Reply 42 of 103
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by Multimedia View Post

    You Can Delete Posts You Know.

    Only moderators can delete posts. His double-post has been sorted.
  • Reply 43 of 103
    rhyderhyde Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by UltimateFlank View Post

    YES PLEASE. I would adore multitasking on my iPad soon. Oh, and Garage Band/ iLife would be fantastic also. Maybe Jam Packs will come included?... Wow I just realized that paying for college is harder when also paying for Apple products. Time to find a job! (at an Apple store hopefully)

    Am I the only one that wishes he could turn off multitasking on his iPhone?

    It runs slower, the battery life is about 3/4 what it used to be.

    And applications behave slightly different upon startup.

    And now, I have to go in an kill apps all the time (especially GPS apps).

    For the once or twice I've run Pandora while using a GPS app (talk about killing battery life!), I could easily get by without the multitasking. I'd rather have my battery life back and not have to recharge my phone in the middle of the day.
  • Reply 44 of 103
    Originally Posted by themus View Post

    and the stock goes on up...

    It's about time.
  • Reply 45 of 103
    Originally Posted by jocastro View Post

    i want to see there new device they might show, i hope its not a new iphone because that would be messed up

    Don't be afraid there is no such a thing as a new iPhone to be expected anytime sonn. The current one just rocks. No improovement needed.
  • Reply 46 of 103
    cmon, if Apple TV is $99. with App Store apps like StreamTome and Air video...who WONT buy it?
  • Reply 47 of 103
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by ihxo;

    somehow I doubt apple TV or iTV (or whatever name it might be) will be there.

    I have my doubts about this, too. Untill the new datacenter is up and running (if the rumors of a new iTunes cloud service are indeed true) I woul little sense to launch a new product which will rely on this service. Besides, the itv / atv is not a music product. I know the iPod touch is about much more than music but it seems a new itv and streaming service would require it's own launch.
  • Reply 48 of 103
    Originally Posted by techapocalypse View Post

    cmon, if Apple TV is $99. with App Store apps like StreamTome and Air video...who WONT buy it?

    Hmm.. there are still Apple TV - blind spots on earth. So apple should push licencing in other countries. Still I'm not shure wether a new apple TV concept would seduce me into buying such a gadget. Never was too much in to TV. So my expectations are not all to high. But I am open for surprises.
  • Reply 49 of 103
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by rhyde;

    Am I the only one that wishes he could turn off multitasking on his iPhone?

    It runs slower, the battery life is about 3/4 what it used to be.

    And applications behave slightly different upon startup.

    And now, I have to go in an kill apps all the time (especially GPS apps).

    For the once or twice I've run Pandora while using a GPS app (talk about killing battery life!), I could easily get by without the multitasking. I'd rather have my battery life back and not have to recharge my phone in the middle of the day.

    I don't know about battery life but I don't know anybody who 'uses' multitasking actively. Most people I know are oblivious to the fact they are running tons of apps in the bg (or keeping state of said apps, to be precise) most people are surprised when I show them how many apps they have 'open'. Multitasking is an example of how lots of loud geeks can create a meaningless fuss. I am not against multitasking but on the iPod or iPhone it is overrated. There should be an option to switch it on / off and the default should be off.
  • Reply 50 of 103
    Originally Posted by Bagman View Post

    Is that like the old Burn the Bra BBQ they used to have...Come one and all, and burn your Android, freeing yourself to use that phone you wanted in the first place (cue the Candied Apple).

    eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die?
  • Reply 51 of 103
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    The Gibson guitar, to me, seems like GarageBand is coming to the iPhone, iPod or iPad (OS 4.0 with multitasking).

    Nope 1965 Martin D-35
  • Reply 52 of 103
    I don't care about anything but the iPad os update! Come on!!!
  • Reply 53 of 103
    resnycresnyc Posts: 90member
    Apple's marketing is nothing if not deliberate and focused. Nothing having to do with something as important as the unveiling of iTV would be publicized with a... guitar. Hello people - MUSIC.
  • Reply 54 of 103
    Originally Posted by resnyc View Post

    Apple's marketing is nothing if not deliberate and focused. Nothing having to do with something as important as the unveiling of iTV would be publicized with a... guitar. Hello people - MUSIC.

    guitars? people still use those things?

    maybe its the beatles catalog ? oh my god! if only!

    NOT. like who cares?
  • Reply 55 of 103
    Just what I was
  • Reply 56 of 103
    joe hsjoe hs Posts: 488member
    Can't belive no one asked earlier, did gizmodo get an invite?
  • Reply 57 of 103
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,989member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    Can't belive no one asked earlier, did gizmodo get an invite?

    Had the same thought. I bet not.

    Now the leaks begin in earnest. I expect that we'll have a pretty good idea what's coming within the next few days.
  • Reply 58 of 103
    They probably moved the date so Apple's news rides over the weekend, to block some of the Samsung Galaxy Tab (Android Tablet) news coming on the 3rd.

    Mass media is a large free marketplace for super companies, and Apple knows how to use it to their advantage.
  • Reply 59 of 103
    Wellllllll doggy... I don't have any guesses as to what it can be " think everyone has pretty much filled the wish box up" ohhh man I just wanna see ... Can't wait :?)
  • Reply 60 of 103
    With a Music emphasis, how come no one has mentioned

    iTunes in the cloud?

    Also I see Jobs briefly playing to the crowd that said the iPad is not a creation device, but consumption, then he'll introduce iLife for iOS with a killer Garageband App.

    the iPad as creation device will then take hold.
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