Apple projected to ship 130M iOS devices in 2014 as Android hits 259M



  • Reply 241 of 247
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Not necessarily. History is replete with examples of where the "great" or "better" product loses. One classic example is Beta vs. VHS

    There's more to being great than being technically better. The value add of a product is determined by complete user experience, and not just technical specification. This is why engineers should never lead product development.

  • Reply 242 of 247
    Originally Posted by mikemikeb View Post

    I took a basic economics class in high school. From it, I learned that, at least under American law, a corporation has the same legal status as an average person.

    a) That's why I qualified my comment with "as opposed to a paper/legal" existence.

    b) This existence is nothing but a convenient legal fiction. A corporation, as a legal entity, has no will or intent, no desires, no capability of independent action, moral or otherwise. All the actions, goals, hopes and desires of a corporation are those of individual people, or established by individual people.

    One ought not fall into the trap of thinking that, since the law treats a corporation as a person, a corporation has all the attributes of a person.

    For example, one of the problems with this particular legal fiction is the idea of criminal prosecution of a corporation. A corporation does not have, is incapable of having, moral intentions. If a corporation "commits" illegal acts, the moral agents committing those acts are the individuals who carry them out, not the fictional legal entity. By prosecuting the corporation, rather than the individuals, the law essentially absolves those individuals of legal responsibility. In fact, any illegal acts where committed by individual persons, possibly engaged in a conspiracy, and it's a perversion of our legal system that there is any option but to hold those individuals responsible for their acts.
  • Reply 243 of 247
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Not necessarily. History is replete with examples of where the "great" or "better" product loses. One classic example is Beta vs. VHS

    Another is PC vs. Mac.
  • Reply 244 of 247
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Another is PC vs. Mac.

    You say that... But by my reckoning, Apple is now the most profitable single PC manufacturer. Especially if iPad revenues are included.

  • Reply 245 of 247
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    You say that... But by my reckoning, Apple is now the most profitable single PC manufacturer. Especially if iPad revenues are included.


    No need to recon. It is a fact.
  • Reply 246 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    No need to recon. It is a fact.

    We'll see what happens in the long run. Apple sales increases are running about 30% a year vs. PC increases of about 10% a year, on average. Of course, the recession distorted that for a while, but Apple's sales still outpaced that of the PC which shrunk a good deal during that time.
  • Reply 247 of 247
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I will give you one simple example, i have android phone, I upgrade the OS from 1.5 to 2.1 which erase everything on the phone all the apps i down loaded, no way to back it up to my computer and it took me weeks to remember all the apps i had and go out and locate them again and re-install them. Every time we updates the wife's iphone it was 30 minute deal and the phone was right back to where it was before the upgrade.

    What phone have you upgraded from 1.5 to 2.1 that erased everything you had and lost all the apps that you then had to remember and locate and re-install? I have OTA upgraded the G1 from 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.5 to 1.6. After that I rooted the phone and started using custom ROMs. And in all of these, I have yet to lose my apps in the Market. The one time that *I* did a upgrade and a wipe, I had backed up all my apps and just re-installed them from one location. I actually used adb to copy them over to the system directory so I didn't even have to re-install them. But someone who doesn't have adb, would have just done a restore using something like AppBrain or Titanium Backup. And if you are not rooted, it's simplicity itself as the phone just gets updated OTA with your permission and you have to change squat!
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