Epic to release Unreal Development Kit for Apple's iOS



  • Reply 21 of 23
    Looks fantastic, but I'm one of those still not convinced about the touch controls or gestures for action games. Even with great games like Doom and GTA the controls just frustrate me.

    I've got most of the consoles this generation and buttons are still very welcome. The games I feel my iPhone is good at are the ones were precise input isn't required such as adventure games and puzzles.

    However, perhaps in the future if touch screen feed back is introduced (i.e. like some Blackberry phones) I might change my opinion.
  • Reply 22 of 23
    With so many great games coming out for iOS now I would love to see an iPod with a larger screen (say 4 or 5 inches). Still much lighter and more portable than an iPad but with a better gaming experience than the current 3.5 inch screen.
  • Reply 23 of 23
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Let's not get too excited until see how it runs with full ai, non-playable characters and a busy environment. Even this tech demo slowed down a little on some of the bigger scenes.

    you can't really expect something along the lines of a full blown dynamic ai and multiple high polygon characters on screen. It simply would choke the device out, but I do think a simple adventure/shooter would work well or something story driven like an RPG.

    While I'm intrigued by this I already know this will hit Windows Phone 7 who is pushing gaming incredibly hard. Here's hoping devs bring out some good titles
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