iPhone 4 to launch in China on Sept. 25, 2 new stores to open



  • Reply 41 of 48
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    From the serious responses to your sarcasm, it's clear that most of the responders don't get it or lack any sense of humor. The dumbass quotient appears to be running greater than normal on this thread.

    In their defense my comment could have been too dry, or just not as funny as I wanted it to be. Plus, if they don’t know me as a poster it could be easy to miss, I know I’ve misunderstood a few comments over the years. I keep hoping the Ethiopian irony mark will catch on, but it doesn’t.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    Originally Posted by longfang View Post

    And yet there's a 3 week wait for an iPhone 4 while Android phones are readily available. Really wish you fandroids would be more effective in getting people on your platform of choice so I don't have to go through this wait every year.

    Originally Posted by quamb View Post

    How about Apple steady the demand and supply in the countries they've already launched in before rolling out elsewhere?? I mean, the iphone has been out for 2months here in australia and people are still on 4-6 week waiting lists...

    Originally Posted by feeley View Post

    I agree.

    The situation sounds worse in Canada. No one is even maintaining wait lists. The phone is simply, basically unavailable. There is a line up every morning outside of the Apple stores in Vancouver waiting to see if they get a few. The ONLY people getting iphones in Canada today, two months after it was introduced, are people willing to wait in lines with no guarantee of success, people willing to buy the unlocked phone online, or people willing to buy a 3GS.

    Yup, I sure as heck wished more Android fans and common folk (whom apparently are moving to Android in droves and droves and droves) actually did buy more Android phones rather than just talk about how great they are so that there'll actually be iPhone 4s and iPads available!

    It's launching this Sunday, here in Malaysia... If I don't get in on the first batch I know it's going to be hell waiting for the next stock refresh.

    Instead of getting mad waiting for the iPhone 4 I'm tempted to just give up now and start my wait for the iPhone 5, I think. Just another, oh, year to go, by the time the iPhone 5 launches here. Hopefully my 3GS will stay healthy till then.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I keeping hoping the Ethiopian irony mark will catch on, but it doesn’t.

  • Reply 43 of 48
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I?ll eat apples and oranges, but I probably won?t eat my words.

    Apples and oranges? Om nom nom nom nom nom
  • Reply 44 of 48
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    While true, the only thing that Android is not as good at is the App store. Sure they may have a lot of the same apps but some aren't really the same. Take the Facebook app for example, its not the same as the iphone app. The iphone's facebook is way better according to some android users that used to iphones version.

    I decided to give Android a try this summer by getting an Evo which I like. But I do like the iPhone and iOS better. I use a MBP and iPad daily along with an iPod so I felt an iPhone might be a bit much..lol. So I figured I would give Android a try.

    I don't use facebook to be honest so I can't really comment on the App. Most of the apps that I had on my previous iPhone and have on my iPad I can get on Android which I believe now has 80,000 Apps. I can't say I really find a difference.

    The Android Market does make it a bit of a PITA to buy apps compared to using ITunes which I feel is a bit bloated now but I still like using iTunes to manage my content.

    Would I buy another Android phone again? Not if things remain the same I will go back to the iPhone after my year contract is up. If Google can get their shit together when it comes to the software and how they upgrade and improve how you can buy Apps I would consider it but alot has to change.
  • Reply 45 of 48
    I'm not that sure if WSJ really understands Chinese. Let me tell you how the price is in China.

    Actually the 2-years contracts price is $874 including 2 years monthly fee.

    The two-years contract needs you spend at least 42.5 USD per month. Once you pay $874, China Unicom will deposit 35.7 USD per month to your account. That means you actually need to pay only extra 6.8 USD for your monthly fee. Then the actually iPhone 4 price is 874-35.7*24=17.2 USD. Yes, you have to spend at least 42.5 USD per month. But how much should we pay for AT&T every month? It's over 80 and sometimes 100 as well as the iPhone4 is 199 USD before tax!(The price in China is after tax!)

    Don't whine that Chinese is too poor to use up 42.5 USD cell phone fee per month. Most of apple target users pay much more than that every month. Remember, Shanghai,Beijing and even Guangzhou are better than any big city in US regarding the buildings and constructions.

    From my point of view, if AT&T is willing to move forward that aggressively, iPhone will be the only smart phone in US.

    I predict iPhone4 will be a big bomb in China. I've already facetime with my buddies in China using iPhone4 although they bought iPhone4 from Hongkong

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple announced Sunday that the iPhone 4 will be available in China starting Saturday, September 25 at 8 a.m. The launch will coincide with the openings of the Hong Kong Plaza Apple Store in Shanghai and the Xidan Joy City Apple Store in Beijing.

    Apple issued the press release Sunday, announcing that it would effectively double its brick-and-mortar presence in China on Sept. 25.

    The Cupertino, Calif., company announced earlier this year that it plans to build 25 retail stores in China in the next two years.

    At Apple's retail stores, the iPhone 4 will start at CNY4,999 (about $743) for the 16 GB model and will not require a contract. A two-year contract is required for customers who purchase the handset through China Unicom.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, users who buy through China Unicom will have to pay CNY5,880 (about $874) for the iPhone 4 and a deposit for the two-year contract.

    Apple's press release did not mention whether iPhone 4 purchasers will receive a free case, as previously rumored.

    Next week's iPhone 4 launch comes just a week after the successful launch of the iPad in China. Apple fans lined up outside the Shanghai and Beijing Apple stores, with some waiting as long as 60 hours for the tablet device.

  • Reply 46 of 48
    If Apple can't meet demand then they shouldn't expand.

    Apple in China: Welcome to the iPhone 4 launch.

    China: What do you mean there's only 10 iPhone 4 being sold at the launch? There's over 1000 people standing in line for the iPhone 4. Didn't you expect this when there's over a billion Chinese people living here?

    Apple in China: I apologize but that's all the iPhone 4 stock that was shipped by Apple. We may get more in a few months. Please check back later.

    China: Can you tell me when you would expect to get shipments for the iPhone 4?

    Apple in China: Sorry, we're not allowed to disclose that information. Apple would prefer you line up for hours before we open to be told that we're out of stock so as to build hype over the product.

    Canada, UK, etc: Welcome to our world
  • Reply 47 of 48
    Originally Posted by Imagine Engine;

    If Apple can't meet demand then they shouldn't expand.

    Apple in China: Welcome to the iPhone 4 launch.

    China: What do you mean there's only 10 iPhone 4 being sold at the launch? There's over 1000 people standing in line for the iPhone 4. Didn't you expect this when there's over a billion Chinese people living here?

    Apple in China: I apologize but that's all the iPhone 4 stock that was shipped by Apple. We may get more in a few months. Please check back later.

    China: Can you tell me when you would expect to get shipments for the iPhone 4?

    Apple in China: Sorry, we're not allowed to disclose that information. Apple would prefer you line up for hours before we open to be told that we're out of stock so as to build hype over the product.

    Canada, UK, etc: Welcome to our world

    Testify, brother...!

    Originally Posted by popeyelin;

    I'm not that sure if WSJ really understands Chinese. Let me tell you how the price is in China.

    Actually the 2-years contracts price is $874 including 2 years monthly fee.

    The two-years contract needs you spend at least 42.5 USD per month. Once you pay $874, China Unicom will deposit 35.7 USD per month to your account. That means you actually need to pay only extra 6.8 USD for your monthly fee. Then the actually iPhone 4 price is 874-35.7*24=17.2 USD. Yes, you have to spend at least 42.5 USD per month. But how much should we pay for AT&T every month? It's over 80 and sometimes 100 as well as the iPhone4 is 199 USD before tax!(The price in China is after tax!)

    Don't whine that Chinese is too poor to use up 42.5 USD cell phone fee per month. Most of apple target users pay much more than that every month. Remember, Shanghai,Beijing and even Guangzhou are better than any big city in US regarding the buildings and constructions.

    From my point of view, if AT&T is willing to move forward that aggressively, iPhone will be the only smart phone in US.

    I predict iPhone4 will be a big bomb in China. I've already facetime with my buddies in China using iPhone4 although they bought iPhone4 from Hongkong

    Thanks for clarifying the terms of the contract. It's a monthly postpaid commitment, with the $874 as the advance payment.

    Can you confirm though, what is the price for no-contract purchase of iPhone 4 at the Apple Store? Is the iPhone 4 fully factory unlocked in China?

    On a side note, yes China has had a lot of construction and development compared to many other big cities in the world, but there are other things also important for a better and happier standard of living, in my opinion.
  • Reply 48 of 48
    The unlocked price for 16G(after tax) is 746.0508 USD. Since China Unicom has the largest WCDMA network in China(maybe in the world), it would be wise to choose a contracted iPhone if you're in China. It's unlocked just like the iPhone4 in Hongkong. In Hongkong it's even a little bit less expensive.

    Hmm, when it comes to others things in China, it's totally not focus for Apple. They can just earn as much money as they can and China market should be the next bomb for Apple if Chinese is getting richer and richer just like Japanese in last century... That's all.

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Testify, brother...!

    Thanks for clarifying the terms of the contract. It's a monthly postpaid commitment, with the $874 as the advance payment.

    Can you confirm though, what is the price for no-contract purchase of iPhone 4 at the Apple Store? Is the iPhone 4 fully factory unlocked in China?

    On a side note, yes China has had a lot of construction and development compared to many other big cities in the world, but there are other things also important for a better and happier standard of living, in my opinion.

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