My Statement to Nations That Hate the US

in General Discussion edited January 2014
We all know there nations on earth, entire populations that hate the US. We can speculate that this is due to American dominance in economics, military, and culture to a certain extent. (I assume we can mostly agree on those reasons). We also know that some claim to hate us due to differences in religion. Having said that:

Dear nations that hate us:

If you resent us, I understand why. We have the best economy and overall standard of living in the whole world. You may say it's because we are imperalists. I think you are wrong. I think it is because we were the first modern democracy. We took a risk 225 years ago and, for the most part, it worked. We decided to let the people run our government, not the military. We decided to allow free speech. We decided to allow freedom of the press. We decided to allow government transparency. We tried out a new system of government, and as a result, we became the richest, most powerful nation in the world. Sure, we **** up too. We have corruption and crime just like you do, but we're working on it. Take our presedential election two years ago for example. Over 50 million people DID NOT get who they wanted for president. In fact, that happens almost every four years. We had controversy and debate. But did we have tanks rolling down the street? No. Did we have states leaving the union and forming their own tribal militias? No. You want to know why? Because with all its flaws, OUR SYSTEM OBVIOUSLY WORKS.

And now, after all we have been through, after we have defended nation after nation, intervened time and time again, literally saved the civilized world from evil facists, and defeated an oppressive superpower, you decide to hate us because we have what we have. You decide we are decadent, fat and lazy. You decide that we must be destroyed because we have abused our power and become an evil empire ourselves. You resent that we have troops on your soil and you have vowed to kill them, eventually. Never mind we saved your collective asses 11 years ago, from another mad man. Never mind that at all.

So I say this: If you hate that we have money, and power and might, and hate even more that you don't, why don't you try things our way for a while? Why not try modeling a constitution after ours? Why not hold free elections? I mean, ****, even YOU have to admit that what you are doing isn't working, right? You have people starving, dying in the streets. You have shitty, little pathetic militaries, the largest of which we could take out with a few 1980's era fighter/bombers.

Isn't it time to try something new? Isn't it worth a shot? It can't get worse than it is now, right? Just think, in the process you could even win world wide approval and aid for embracing civilized democracy. The way things are now you won't have any of those things. You'll just keep killing each other.

Why not try it out guys? How about laying off the US and trying what we did? You know what? We'll even help you set the whole thing up!!! All you have to do is come out say that you won't murder anymore civilian women and children, and that you want to to "try something new".

So, whadya think? Wanna try things OUR way...maybe just for few years to see what happens? No? Well....that's what I thought.


[ 06-01-2002: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]

[ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 511
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    Here's mine:

    Dear nations that hate us:


    Thank you.
  • Reply 2 of 511
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    This is the most embarrassing kind of jingoistic idiocy.

    you think everybody is against the gallant hero who stands with nobility in the foggy haze of an uncertain world, lonely and heroic, staring into the steely distance (bring up the sound track of horns and fanfare) the rising sun glints off of his worn but still shiny metal armour......(key in backdrop of OL GLORY) and a matte shot of a soarring Bald Eagle......

    With this kind of self important back patting I just want to hate America even though I love America.

    Thank a god (who's existence/non-existence is not subject to such a word) that America is made up of many people with many different ways of thinking . . . not just flag waving pick-up truck driving, good ol boys lookin for a fight.
  • Reply 3 of 511
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    [quote]Originally posted by glurx:

    <strong>Here's mine:

    Dear nations that hate us:


    Thank you.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Indubitably (always wanted to use that word)!

    I still believe that this is the greatest established democracy of the 21st century. 50 years later though...I (we) could be wrong. But hell, at least you don't get shot in the head (blown up, decapitated, raped, stoned, etc.) for speaking your ideas, thoughts and feelings.

    "America: Love it or Leave It!" John Walker Linde (sp?) did...and look where that got him...

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    There is so much room for improvement. But things like that take a long time. So far, so good...well sorta... <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 4 of 511
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    "Remember who has the Smallpox..."
  • Reply 5 of 511
    spaceman_spiffspaceman_spiff Posts: 1,242member
    [quote]Originally posted by pfflam:

    <strong>This is the most embarrassing kind of jingoistic idiocy.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And yet it didn't prevent you from gilding the lilly. I didn't hear any music when I read SDW2001's post.
  • Reply 6 of 511
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    I'm with Glurx ................FOAD

    Americans bust their asses just like anyone else. I've been to Saudi Arabia...wouldn't trade a damn thing with'em.
  • Reply 7 of 511
    spindlerspindler Posts: 713member
    "We tried out a new system of government, and as a result, we became the richest, most powerful nation in the world"

    You make it sound so simple. From 1776 to 1941 the U.S. was NOT the richest country in the world. It was third or fourth behind England, France, and Germany. It's not that hard to pull ahead when Europe was being destroyed in WWII. For years after the war Europe was rebuilding itself While Americans were investing money in companies like IBM. The U.S. has been lucky to avoid the wars that plague Europe because we only have two neighbors. Mexico is too poor and Canada is too cold to want anyway. When you have 30 countries packed together like that it naturally leads to less stability because there are more motives to go to war.
  • Reply 8 of 511
    spindlerspindler Posts: 713member
    "It can't get worse than it is now, right? Just think, in the process you could even win world wide approval and aid for embracing civilized democracy."

    This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever hear. Civilized? The U.S. is civilized? I went into a Blimpies the other day to have lunch and Jerry Springer is on TV. There are people screaming at each other. This is little better than a cock fight. Then I go into the laundromat and there's Divorce Court. People are yelling at each other and right in front of a child too. One of the things I was taught was that an adult should never argue in front of a child.

    Kids can go into a supermarket and see headlines like "Whitney Houston gets beaten up by drug dealer" or more pictures of JonBenet Ramsey. What kind of lowlife gets off on stories about a child that has been murdered and why is this in the supermarket? I'm not saying that pornography shoold be outlawed but it should only be sold in out of the way places.

    Americans make more money and that's about it. To claim that we are civilized is ridiculous.
  • Reply 9 of 511
    [quote]Originally posted by spindler:

    <strong>You make it sound so simple. From 1776 to 1941 the U.S. was NOT the richest country in the world. It was third or fourth behind England, France, and Germany. It's not that hard to pull ahead when Europe was being destroyed in WWII. For years after the war Europe was rebuilding itself While Americans were investing money in companies like IBM. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Uh..he said resulted..didn't say started out as.

    I believe we also helped rebuild countries after the war.

    I loved the first post in this thread..very well written.

    As far as the U.S. not being civilized...please...I can see you probably haven't left your beverly hills home. Try traveling around instead of watching TV or reading the pulp "mags".

    I have been to Saudi Arabia myself...and I agree..they can have it!
  • Reply 10 of 511
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Of course they resent us. Most of the countries you are refering to are still in the 19th century while we are in the 21rst. Not always by their own choice.

    And I might add we didn't get here by just being nice. Read your history books. Besides trying to build something good we've also been underhanded at times and just plain lucky. In the past we've supported leaders ( who keep those people in the past because it's easier to manage them ) just so we could get something we needed ( stratigic or material ).

    I love this country but, I also prefer to look at the truth.

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 511
    [quote]The U.S. has been lucky to avoid the wars that plague Europe because we only have two neighbors. Mexico is too poor and Canada is too cold to want anyway.<hr></blockquote>

    The US did attempt to take Canada from the British twice. Once to prevent attacks from the North after the revolution, and again in 1812. There were also more peaceful bits of expansionism. Somebody (can't remember his name) wanted to bring British Columbia into the United States, but the US government at the time thought it would be best to concentrate on the development of existing parts of the US.

    Canada does have plenty of resources that might be fought for somewhere else, but it's much easier for us to sell them to you.
  • Reply 12 of 511
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    I take back my first image (above) and see rather this:

    (close up shot...color tone of light golden browns and warm reds) A glassy eyed youth, full of goodness, clean, well cared for, who naturally knows the differences between good and evil . . .(could be played by Micky Rooney as a young man).....gestures meaningfully with his fist and utters: "geez you guys... you just don't get it do you . . .things here are so swell . . . and we did it all by being so goldarnit swell . . .can't you see" (pull back shot... camera recedes down leaf strewn country road to show earnest youth at a CrossRoads with a field beyond him, a flag in the distance and, of course, a setting sun.... roll music...credits Reading: Director: an asundry semi-invisible history of plotocrats, privateers, wealth mercantalists and manifest-destinerians, Gaphers, Grips and workers: the people of the USofA, Catering:banana republics, et al. )

    Granted much of what you say is good but your ignorance of the real history of US growth and expansion is astounding.... our history is chock full of very obviouse abuses . . . and not always the distant history (Chile, El Salvador, Guatamala etc) much of US greatness comes from our use of military force for the purposes of ensuring that we get what we want... including the native's resources . . . (such as with T Roosavelt and the Marines in South America..and more) this is a not to distant cousin from what the British did that is usually called Imperialism . . . we are not so innocent.

    And as for this so covetted thing "government transparency"? what was the whole guns for hostages? . . . who didn't remember what? how deep did it go? who's arguing for disallowing investigations? . . . this "transparency" is a truly good ideal . . .sometimes I wonder how true it is that we have it . ... and how much those who say they want it really do want it?

    and who are you talking about by the way SDW2001? by the end of your innitial post you seem to be pointing to one particular country . . . where people are starving in the streets.....where is that?
  • Reply 13 of 511
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    Heres my response to them and to the Americans here who are so reluctant or embarrassed to admit that the US rocks:

    Blow me, Bonzo.

    OK, it ain't poetry, but it'll do...........................
  • Reply 14 of 511
    digixdigix Posts: 109member
    The goverment of the United States of America, like any other ?offical? goverments in the world, are merely just puppets controlled by the same puppeter.

    This puppeter, created, divided, and ended a goverment as he wish.

    Puppets are played to fight against other puppets, and in the same time some puppets are played to make peace with other puppets.

    People who aren't in the know, thought that the puppets are acting on their own.

    Imagine a puppet beat you up regulary, at some point, you will harbor an animosity toward the puppet. But unknown to you, the puppet is merely just controlled by the puppeter. Even if you destroyed the puppet, the puppeter will just use another puppet to fool you, and even worse, you too can be played by the puppeter like a puppet.

    Folks... Our true enemy is currently hiding and using puppets so that we will fight against each other.
  • Reply 14 of 511
    hehe..should be Bozo
  • Reply 16 of 511
    [quote]Originally posted by digix:

    <strong>The goverment of the United States of America, like any other ?offical? goverments in the world, are merely just puppets controlled by the same puppeter.

    This puppeter, created, divided, and ended a goverment as he wish.

    (blah blah blah useless banter inserted here)

    Folks... Our true enemy is currently hiding and using puppets so that we will fight against each other.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Oh it the Cigarette Smoking man?!

    No wait...

    I bet it's Fred Rogers aka Mr. Rogers!!


    Now this last post that I just quoted is one heck of a made up story...I got a good laugh out of that one! LOL Thanks!
  • Reply 17 of 511
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member
    **** you, you ****ing isolationist. Wave your ****ing cowboy hat for President Bush for me.
  • Reply 18 of 511
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    [after reading digix's post]

    Is that you, naim?

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: BuonRotto ]</p>
  • Reply 19 of 511
    /Robert DeNiro voice:

    Are you talking to me? Are you ****ing talking to me??

    **** you you mother****er!

    /end Robert DeNiro voice

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: Josey Wales ]</p>
  • Reply 20 of 511
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    If you want an example of our fine history you don't even have to look beyond the confines of our boarders.

    Are you aware that we've broken every treaty we made with the American Indian?

    American history is chock full of proven examples we'd like to forget. And reason enough for others to look at us in a less than pristine light.

    Remembering them is more useful so we might heve less tendency to repeat our mistakes.

    We may be the " Big Deal " on this planet but, like I said we didn't get there by just being nice or always doing the right thing. A lot of things just fell into place at the right time.

    Assuming that some other country could just try the same thing and get the same result would depend on a lot of other factors also ( like our support ).

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</p>
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