Apple expands iPad distribution to third-party US retail channel



  • Reply 21 of 23
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    A guy was doing iPad demos at the exit door when my wife and i were in a Micro Center on the 19th. He had it in a case dangling from a lanyard around his neck. Said he expected they would have product in the store for sale by the end of this week.

    The good times keep on rolling on.
  • Reply 22 of 23
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    A guy was doing iPad demos at the exit door when my wife and i were in a Micro Center on the 19th. He had it in a case dangling from a lanyard around his neck. Said he expected they would have product in the store for sale by the end of this week.

    I was there today to pick up some printer supplies and they had them in stock already. Also have a great deal on the current 13" MBP which is an instant 200.00 off.
  • Reply 23 of 23
    First: Steve Jobs being let go by Apple was in truth a good thing. How you might ask?

    Todays Apple would not exist without a more thoughtful S. Jobs

    gathered his smarts and got to work on Next. He probably got most of his young guns there. (It sure helped that he got a little thing called Pixar going. The sale of that to Disney made a very im-

    portant and commanding figure in the Movie content world, that is

    more important than a lot of people recognize.)

    I would say that this new Apple would really be the ONLY real competition to the old Apple.

    (Also if I remember right, the World Wide Web as we know it was

    helped along by NEXT.)

    Second Thing: Apple is opening up this Distribution avenue, in or-

    der to have all these first Gen. IPads move quick. The new (camera)

    iPads will come in at the same price. The new 7" iPad will probably

    sell for $100.00 less. Ebay will have a very busy Jan.

    Apple will discount $100.00 for anyone with proof of prior purchase. Everyone will be happy. Especially with the WiFi on Ste-

    roids being available and also Apple putting a CDMA-GSM chip on there, maybe even WiMax also.

    They should also (maybe) have that new ARM chip on there.

    Apple knows that they will butt heads with all the competitors that

    will be releasing their stuff at that time too.
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