Nintendo delays 3D portable gaming device, lowers forecast



  • Reply 41 of 54
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    So yeah it seems you are completely dependent on physical controls to enjoy your games. Not everyone is, and a best selling games on any platform is not something to dismiss entirely simply because you "don't get it".

    I, on the other hand find games system controllers to be a PITA, non-intuitive arbitrary clusters of key and joy-stick controls that have to be decoded to be used properly by the average consumer. Ardent gamers of course love the controllers because they can use them well based on hours of intensive gaming/OCD. The average consumer is not interested in having to learn key mapping and key combos to use a device - hence the popularity of the touch interface and the games that are on them. It is the right, for this group of users, combination of gameplay and control with a low learning curve. So those who are ardent game system gamers - yeah the problem is obvious and understandable - but it isn't the majority of the consumers who are using the iOS platforms - and that's where the money is.

    The problem right now with using a touch interface is the iPhone only has a 3.5 inch screen and some games require you to touch the screen two finders at least which takes up a good portion of the screen. I find that annoying.

    Nintendo still has the lions share of the market when it comes to handheld gaming for anyone here to dispute that is a joke.

    However the market is saturated with Nintendo products which is causing the drop not iOS. The games available in the apps store aren't even close to the games available on the DS or PSP.

    Apple and SJ have never been serious about gaming and if they want to get serious about handheld gaming then they need to bring higher end games to the iPad so you aren't taking up half the screen using a touch interface.
  • Reply 42 of 54
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,388moderator

    The device will retail for 25,000 yen ($299)

    Note to Japan: change your currency notation. Why not just rename it yin or something and say that 1 yin = 100 yen? That way 250 yin = $299. Obviously they have to reprint the notes but they can at least start to do something about it. It's about time we move to digital-only transactions.

    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Nintendo won't have any issues selling millions of 3DSs at that price...

    That's what Sony said when the PS3 came in at such a high price. They were wrong. If the 3DS comes in at $300, that's almost double what it currently sells for and it looks exactly the same as the old one. Reggie showed it off 3 months ago (and also said it wouldn't come out until next year):

    The 3D part will probably be impressive as it's without glasses but some people reported it hurting their eyes after a while. I imagine they will improve the spec a fair bit but it won't match the spec of the next iPod and the Nintendo franchises are getting really long in the tooth.

    Apple need better and more regular good games in the App Store but Nintendo and Sony are going to have a tough time ahead in the portable games market.
  • Reply 43 of 54
    So now Apple serious contender against Nintendo/Sony in handheld video gaming? Nah, this is one of the most deluded fanboy articles/threads I've ever seen on this site in the 7 years I've been here. Very few people who game at all would choose an iPod as a main console. Everyone I know who has an iPod Touch has a couple cheap-o games on it solely to kill a few minutes here and there, which is pretty much all most iPod games are good for. However, no one who "games" at any level would even consider having just an iPod, because all of the biggest/most popular not to mention best and original games are elsewhere. The iPod is good for really cheap/free games, it's somewhat above your average cell phone but nowhere NEAR the DS/PSP.

    The iPod is doing well, but I doubt gaming has much of anything to do with it on its own. It's because the iPod gives a whole package kind of deal where it does music, video, online, phone if you have an iPhone, apps and then maybe gaming. It also has brand power and it looks nice and shiny. This whole article is fanboyism at its worst, no one outside of this little niche here on this type of site could possibly think iPod=gaming monster.
  • Reply 44 of 54
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    The next 3DS or whatever is going to be a total flop.

    Incredible, you can predict the future.

    Tell me when the Apple TV will stop being a flop, too.
  • Reply 45 of 54
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Genesis version is much better...

    Only because it has physical controls; otherwise is a fine port. I agree that most games in iOS are low content casual games and there is a lot of "amateur hour", but his point was "no game keeps him stuck for hours".

    I play Sonic 2 for 5 minute intervals many times a day every day during work breaks, sometimes longer in my spare time. It is a very rich game with a lot of replay value for 6 dollars. It might be a rare case on the iOS platform, but I think it proves there is room for more commited games.

    How much does a 2D Sonic game cost on DS/Advance?
  • Reply 46 of 54
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Note to Japan: change your currency notation. Why not just rename it yin or something and say that 1 yin = 100 yen? That way 250 yin = $299. Obviously they have to reprint the notes but they can at least start to do something about it. It's about time we move to digital-only transactions.

    Note to America: Stop acting like you own the world. It might be true, but douchebaggery is a seldom appreciated virtue.
  • Reply 47 of 54
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,388moderator
    Originally Posted by ranReloaded View Post

    Note to America: Stop acting like you own the world. It might be true, but douchebaggery is a seldom appreciated virtue.

    Yeah, America should stop doing that (I'm not American). Anyway, it's not like I'm suggesting something that benefits me over them, it's for their benefit. Always having to use such high numbers to refer to any and every product must be such a pain.

    Personally, I'd like a global currency with no exchange rates. We have a global economy so there's no reason not to have a global currency. If only co-ordintaing the spending of 6 billion people were simple enough that it could actually be feasible but sadly it may never happen.

    Originally Posted by zodiac

    veryone I know who has an iPod Touch has a couple cheap-o games on it solely to kill a few minutes here and there, which is pretty much all most iPod games are good for.

    I think that's the real issue though. The way people are playing games is different. It's like the rise in popularity of fast food, disposable TV etc. People still enjoy immersive games but look at the games making money on the App Store - just silly repetitive games like you'd get on an Atari/Commodore system. When those games make money, developers build more of them. The users have themselves to blame.
  • Reply 48 of 54
    This reminds me of the whole iPad vs. Kindle debate. The Kindle is a dedicated e-book reader. iPad can "do it all", including serve as an e-book reader in a pinch. But there's no substitute for the Kindle's e-ink, both in battery life, and in eye strain.

    I consider the iPod touch's gaming abilities to be as good as an iPad's e-book capabilities. They both try to be a

    "jack-of-all-trades", and therefore don't excel at any one thing, including games.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Personally, I'd like a global currency with no exchange rates. We have a global economy so there's no reason not to have a global currency. If only co-ordintaing the spending of 6 billion people were simple enough that it could actually be feasible but sadly it may never happen.

    It's not the spending habits of individual people you need to worry about. It's the spending habits of the governments. What basically hurt the Euro's value was the overwrought spending in a few of the Eurozone countries -- yet it affects the responsible ones. If there was a global currency, then inflation in Venezuela and Zimbabwe could deeply affect the buying power of stuff in the US and Japan. Not good.
  • Reply 49 of 54
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    That's what Sony said when the PS3 came in at such a high price. They were wrong. If the 3DS comes in at $300, that's almost double what it currently sells for and it looks exactly the same as the old one. Reggie showed it off 3 months ago (and also said it wouldn't come out until next year)

    Sony thought consumers wanted BluRay. They didn't. I am not so sure if they even want it now. Plus the initial PS3 games sucked.

    Nintendo usually isn't that stupid. They know great games sell systems. There will be tons of great DS titles from day one. Probably some really great new 3D games.

    I am betting the 3DS comes in at a $249 sticker price and not a $300... Hopefully, there will be a bundled title to boot.

    Originally Posted by mikemikeb View Post

    I consider the iPod touch's gaming abilities to be as good as an iPad's e-book capabilities. They both try to be a

    "jack-of-all-trades", and therefore don't excel at any one thing, including games.

    Great point. At the end of the day in almost every consumer product group, most people don't want jack-of-all-trade products... It will be interesting to see if Apple can buck this trend....
  • Reply 50 of 54
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,388moderator
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Sony thought consumers wanted BluRay. They didn't. I am not so sure if they even want it now.

    I think Sony used Blu-Ray mainly for two things - to win against HD DVD and subsequently make profits on the players and licensing and to ensure copy protection. Now that there is a jailbreak allowing PS3 games to run from the HDD, the latter may change but up until now, the games have been protected quite well. The sheer download size of some games will put people off.

    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    There will be tons of great DS titles from day one. Probably some really great new 3D games.

    The lineup doesn't look that impressive. The launch titles are here:

    Nintendogs again

    Street Fighter 4 like on the iPhone

    Biohazard graphics look nice

    Dead or Alive and MGS look ok but old franchises

    Mario again

    Monkey Ball like the iPhone

    Low quality driving game

    Zelda again

    Some good games but overall nothing that makes it stand out beyond the previous model and this one might be nearly double the price. The design of the DS console is horrible.

    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Great point. At the end of the day in almost every consumer product group, most people don't want jack-of-all-trade products.

    That might have been true when products were a mix of poor quality features but when it concerns modern gadgets, the more things they can do the better so that you can have it all in your pocket. I replaced my PSP with an iPhone years ago because it does GPS, internet, games, phone calls, photos, videos, music and all in my pocket all the time.
  • Reply 51 of 54
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Great point. At the end of the day in almost every consumer product group, most people don't want jack-of-all-trade products... It will be interesting to see if Apple can buck this trend....

    Apple's concept of a "one screen at a time" touch device completely changes the definition of "jack-of-all-trades", however.

    Consumers don't like do everything devices because that has typically meant a confusing mash-up of features, functionality and control. More buttons, more screens, usually poorly integrated so that different areas seem to have been designed by different people and with it not always being clear what controls what as you move from function to function.

    iOS devices, on the other hand, are like serial single purpose devices. Once you've entered an app, the entire device simply becomes the interface to that app. The hardware doesn't have any extraneous buttons trying to do double or triple or quadruple duty, depending on what you're trying to do-- there's just the home button, power and volume, which are common to every app.

    A device that is all touch screen is simply a blank slate waiting to take on whatever characteristics are needed for the task at hand. When an iPad is being a synth, or an ebook reader, or an email client, etc., it might as well be a single purpose device built for that functionality alone.
  • Reply 52 of 54
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Nintendo had better up their game (pun intended) in the industrial design department.

    If you see plastic, they blew it.

    Great advice. Let's give children a bunch of fragile glass and ceramic to bang around with. The design subtleties will teach them that gaming is a very mature, serious pastime.

    P.S. Thanks for pointing out your pun.
  • Reply 53 of 54
    Most people here seem to be out of touch with the gaming world. Most gaming sites the comments arre full of people saying they can't wait to buy the DS.

    So typical of an apple site. OMG apple wil lKILL nintendo (you say gaming sites say different? The fact nintendo has come back from the grave? before? Who cares facts dont matter apple will kill nintendo).

    Nintendo knows its business. They were predicted to go under with the failure of the gamecube. Then they released the wii and the ds and made tons of cash. Same thing will happen here.

    PS they are making content distribution deals with japanese studios for streaming 3d tv and movies and stuff for the 3ds. This will set them appart from apple because apple doesnt have a 3d device to stream to.
  • Reply 54 of 54
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    Read the article. The writing is on the wall.

    This year's results still appear bleak, as sales of the Wii and DS have dropped off. Nintendo's profit warning Wednesday lowered the company's profit forecast for the fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2011, from 200 billion yen ($2.39 billion) to 90 billion yen ($1.07 billion), the report. Nintendo stock fell in response to the news.

    The whole reason for the 3DS' existence is to answer Apple's offerings.

    Missing the holidays is a big deal, since 40 percent of sales in the game industry occur in the fourth quarter.

    We did read the article, Nintendo's profits are down primarily because of a weak global economy and rising/stronger yen. The Wii still outsells its competitors for example.

    Most likely the reason for the 3DS is because of the fact that other media such as movie and soon to be TV(some world cup games broadcasted by espn were in 3d) going 3d it only makes sense you would have a gaming machine be 3d, not because of apple buddy.

    Apple's game app offerings are lower quality and don't bring in as much revenue as Nintendo hand held games do even for the third party games.
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